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Sometimes, Jamie wondered why he even bothered coming to school, the boy sighing as he idly reread the same page in his textbook for the 17th time, his motivation feeling like it had gone down the drain. Ever since he started here, he had felt alone, never feeling like he fit in talking to the other boys, and far too nervous to even try approaching the girls, leaving him in social limbo.

He had always told himself he was fine with things being like that, but he knew it was just a poorly constructed lie to make himself feel better, Jamie always doing his best not to think about it and just carry on with his day. But with the end of high school in sight, he couldn't help but think about it more and more, feeling like he had missed some important part of the experience.

He was meant to be studying right now, but he just couldn't stay focused with all of these thoughts in his mind. It meant he completely missed the clacking of heels heading towards him until a stoic, feminine voice brought him back to reality.

"Is this the one, Alex?"

"Yep. That's him. I told you he would be easy to find."

"Thank fuck... I swear Alex, if you got us to look around the entire school just for some nerdy loner... you would owe me so many favours!"

Three girls were standing in front of his desk, all of them dressed in black, subdued outfits that showed as little colour as possible, all three looking down at him. Jamie blushed as he looked back, all the girls having almost impossibly pale skin, their hair darker than night, their skirts short and paired with matching tights, apart from their leader who had daringly gone with fishnet stockings that were certainly a violation of the dress code.

There wasn't anyone in the school who didn't know the girls, the trio often dubbed the "Midnight Sisters" by the other students, despite them not being related, three girls that refused to tie themselves down in the various social groups other students had set up. Instead, they kept to themselves, indulging in their own styles and behaviour to the point that the school had basically given up trying to persuade them to follow the uniform guidelines.

Jamie was only a bit more familiar with the girls than most of the school, having been paired with Alex for an English project, surprised to find that despite her cold nature, she seemed to be much more aware of him than anyone else had been before. She'd been helpful and did more than her fair share of the task itself, but even after they had finished, he was surprised to find her occasionally asking him how he was doing, while being unable to properly meet her eyes.

He'd always stammered out he was fine, even when it wasn't usually true, but he always felt like her amber eyes could see right through him, a sensation that was only increased tenfold with Erika and Chloe's glares joining hers.

"A-Alex? Were you l-looking for me? Did you need anything? I-I'm sorry if-"

"Relax Jamie, we're not mad at you. I mean, you haven't even done anything that could annoy us, you moron."

"Pffff. And you told us to tone down the sharpness."

"Ugh, stop being such a bitch, Erika! We haven't even gotten to the point yet!"

Despite the harshness of their words, it was clear this was normal behaviour for the three. Jamie was unsure what to say as the two girls started to bicker and insult each other playfully, Chloe sighing to herself as she looked down at him.

"Ignore them. They do this a lot. Just come with us, ok? Alex told us about you a few months ago, and we've been mulling over something since then. We can explain more when we get there. Leave your things, it won't take too long."

The boy was lost for words, still blushing heavily as he nodded, causing the leader to smile to herself as she confidently walked away from the table, gesturing for him to follow. He hesitantly did so, Alex and Erika following soon after as they silently walked down the corridors.

Alex seemed to notice his nervousness, the girl turning to face him with an unimpressed expression as he flinched, his reaction only making her sigh.

"Didn't I already say to relax? Trust me Jamie, if you had done something to make us mad, you would have known far sooner. We're just going to give you something."

Before he could question the vague comment, he was pushed through a doorway, the boy blinking in surprise as he saw the large makeup table and wardrobe already set up in the corner, quickly piecing together that it must have been one of the theatre classrooms. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, the girls already hard at work setting up something near the desk, only moving when Erika shouted back.

"Are you just going to stand there like a brainless bitch or come over here? Ugh, do we have to explain everything?"

"R-right! Sorry..."

He slowly walked towards the chair, sitting down as he shivered, the sight making Alex and Chloe roll their eyes while Erika checked her black-tipped nails. He didn't know what to say at first, the girls focused on whatever they were preparing, putting down all sorts of containers and brushes onto the table.

"W-what did you want me for? You said something about... giving me something?"

"God, you're slow... what do you think girls? Do we waste time explaining it now... or do we let the process do the talking?"

"As if you need to ask, Erika. Come on, girls. Let's have some fun with him~."

"Happily~. And just relax Jamie. This won't hurt. Just try not to worry. We haven't got the patience for you freaking out right now."

Their words put him on edge, the boy's heart beating harder as he considered making a run for it. Alex sensed his panic, sighing to herself before suddenly snatching his glasses off his face, his vision reduced to a blurry mess as he cried out in shock.

"H-hey! What are you... please I'm sorry, just don't-"

"Oh come on! Can you stop saying that? Ugh, I don't know what Alex sees in you... stop being so spineless and saying sorry all the time!"

"’Spineless’... well, I suppose that's a good place to start~."

Chloe smiled playfully, her eyes shining with something otherworldly as she kicked the chair, the force sending Jamie lurching forward. He was ready to make another plea, but something cut him off, the boy giving a confused gasp as an unusual feeling broke out in his back.

It was unlike anything else he had felt before, an unidentifiable, pleasant tingling that was only getting stronger breaking out all across his back. For a moment he thought something was pressing against it, but there was nothing there, the boy stammering in confusion as the invisible force grew stronger until it was almost unbearable.

"W-wha... my... what's... there's something on my... m-my... AH~!"

His back had started to give, the boy crying out in shock as his entire spine collapsed, bending into an s curve with an echoing crack, the impact leaving him reeling. Jamie's body buzzed as the force reverberated through him, the boy stammering in confusion as he felt his back, Erika snickering in amusement while Alex glared at her in annoyance.

"What? Don't look at me like that!"

Alex just sighed in response, turning her attention back to the shivering boy in front of her, keen to take part in this herself as she put her hands down on his shoulders. He jumped from the contact, Jamie swearing he could feel her cold, soft touch through his clothes, the wonderful feeling only getting better as she started to gently massage them.

He was blushing like crazy as he moaned, the boy unable to help himself, the massage feeling terribly good as he was filled with both delight and confusion. If he had his glasses, he would have been more alarmed, having no idea that each rub was gradually making his shoulders smaller, their broadness already a thing of the past, Alex's touch corruptive as the fabric covering them burnt away.

"How many times do I have to say it? Don't panic. We'll show you a good time~. Just relax. I'm sure you're going to love the result."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... b-but what are you... d-doing to... i-is this it?"

"It's nothing to be concerned about. And trust me. We haven't even gotten started~."

Erika smiled at her friend's words, finally gathering everything she needed in front of Jamie, thinking to herself for a moment as Alex moved her hands downwards. The moaning mess of a boy started to squeak as his arms that were already lacking in muscle began to shrink further, his limbs rapidly slenderising as any sort of strength was drained away, his sleeves slowly peeling away to reveal them in all their glory.

”Hmmmmmmmmmm, should I do the face now or later.... decisions, decisions... well, there’s no time like the present~.”

She got to work before Jamie could react, patting makeup all over his face as he cried out in confused protest, the girls smirking as his cries quickly transitioned into blubbering moans. There was no denying it now, the boy was unmistakably horny, his throbbing cock fully visible in his pants as Erika continued to messily apply the makeup, the seemingly unfocused movements sending it falling everywhere.

It got even better for him after that though, his already intense arousal soaring to new heights as a pleasant heat washed over his flesh, his body hair slaughtered in a second as everything suddenly felt far more responsive. He gasped in confusion, his squirming body feeling outstandingly good in his clothes, Erika's eyes shining in delight as his skin lost its colour, lightening to an enchanting paleness.

Even his face was starting to shift as he shut his eyes from bliss, Alex’s gentle massages subduing his panic as he briefly lost himself to the wonderful feelings. He missed how Erika's gentle pats of makeup utterly demolished his cheekbones’ broadness, becoming beautifully angular, the impact of the change similarly reducing his jaw and nose into compact, cuter sizes.

Jamie was beyond lost at what was happening, squirming from the unusual feelings as his cock grew even harder. Whatever the girls were doing somehow felt better than any time he had masturbatied before, flooding him with lust.

"Hey! Stay still! You’ll ruin your makeup!"


“Yes. Your makeup. We’re giving you a makeover. It was Alex’s idea. By the time we’re done, you're going to be a whole new you~. And... oh damn, you're packing a lot down there! I wasn’t expecting it to be that big... if I was into guys this would be-”

”Chloe. Could you at least try and focus? We have more important things to do right now. Pass me the nail varnish.”

He was almost disappointed when Alex stopped massaging him, Jamie giving a pleasured coo as he felt her hands on his own, his body shivering in need as he felt the faint feeling of a brush on his fingers. He gasped as Erika continued her part, attacking him on two fronts as the corruption bled into him, his black topped nails twitching slightly as his hands shrunk down.

”A-a makeover? B-but this feels too gooddddddddddddddd, I don’t understandddddddddddddd... w-what are you-”

”Ugh, open your eyes already! Do you have any idea how hard it is to do your eyelashes right now?”

His eyes opened at her words, the boy surprised that the blurry surroundings seemed slightly clearer than before, biting his lip as Erika ran a brush through his eyelashes one at a time. Jamie’s long eyelashes fluttered as a look of confusion filled his features, the expression looking far cuter on his gothified features as he tried to make out the details of his reflection, something about it not seeming right.

“You don’t need to understand, Jamie. Just let us take care of it. We know you're enjoying this. Don’t you want to see more~?”

He couldn’t resist her words, nodding hesitantly as Erika leaned forward, the boy blushing at the view of her bust he was getting as she gently applied dark, ruby lipstick to him. She snickered as she watched him moan, his lips swelling outwards, his eyes starting to tingle as the boring brown was lost in an endless ocean of striking blue.

Jamie couldn’t believe his eyes, his mouth falling open as his vision started to clear, to a point when it was practically perfect. He blinked, lost for words as he stared, unable to believe his eyes as he looked at the face in front of him.

It was the face of a woman. The most stunningly beautiful woman Jamie had ever laid eyes on. Her pale skin shined in the light as she stared at him with wide eyes that he just wanted to get lost in forever, her lips open in an expression of shock just like he was...

“W-wait... but... that can’t be.. that isn’t... that can’t be... m-me?”

He lifted up his hand to confirm it was real, crying out in shock as he saw how dainty and girly it was, unable to believe what he was seeing was real. It didn’t make sense, any attempt to rationalise it failing miserably, his eyes lingering on the black covered nails the longest as the girls smiled at each other, until Erika swore under her breath.

”Shit, I forgot about his voice!”

”Goddammit Erika! Here, I'll clean up your mess..."

Alex's hands shifted focus, Jamie finding he had much more pleasurable things to focus on as his words died in his throat, his delighted moans doing all the talking as the girl remodelled what was left of his old shirt, one touch instantly turning the entire thing as black as his nails. He was only able to watch in silent horror and wonder as she began to mould it to her liking, tracing a cleavage window with her nail, the fabric parting for her, his school shirt becoming a girl’s casual spaghetti strap top.

The leftover material rushed to his neck, the boy squeaking in fear as it slowly began to tighten, flooding his neck with the same feelings that had filled his back seconds before its collapse. He wanted to try and tear it off, but Erika and Chloe were one step ahead, already holding him down before he could do anything rash, his eyes glazing over as the choker tightened further.

He knew he couldn’t take much more, his eyes glazing over as his cock twitched in arousal, the pleasure was getting too much, he couldn’t stop it, something was going to-



He squealed at the top of his lungs as the choker finally crushed his Adam’s Apple, a sexy soprano leaving his lips as he finally came. It felt like he was orgasming for the first time, cum rushing from his shaft as he stained his pants with white, Jamie's head spinning as he gasped and moaned in a voice that sounded like heaven.

"Hah, great job cleaning up my mess Alex~."

"Oh, be quiet Erika. I changed his voice, didn't I? You can't blame him for getting a bit excited after hearing that lovely sound~."

Jamie didn't know how long it took for the aftershocks to die down, his horny, feminine gasps all it took to bring his cock back to life as he stared at his reflection in shock. His brain felt weird, the boy having the faint feeling that something was missing, but unable to identify what, far too concerned with the reality that he was being turned into a woman.

"W-what the hell... this isn't... w-what the fuck are you doing to me!? I-is this some kind of punishment? W-whatever I did, I'm s-"

"No. You're not going to finish that. Listen. We're not mad. We're not punishing you. We're improving you. Try to get it right."

Chloe narrowed her eyes as she spoke, the leader clearly having had enough of his resistance, the changing boy putting his new voice to good use as he cooed happily, the girl gently running her hands down his legs. She was in control, there was no question about that. Even his clothes were in agreement, the material that covered his thighs dissolving into nothingness, the feeling of the air brushing against his pale, supple flesh making his whole body shiver.


Just like the choker, his pants were tightening, the cotton becoming slightly see-through under Chloe's touch, his limbs not standing a chance against them.

“Do I really need to explain? We were paired up for that English project, and I fully expected you to be some smug know it all. But you weren’t. You were nice. Helpful. But you were always distant. If I had to guess, you were held down by some desire you thought you couldn’t fulfill.”

It was with a start that he realised his pants were becoming a pantyhose, the skintight fabric squeezing his limbs into the new goth ideal the girls were guiding him towards. He bucked wildly as her hands spread her gift, his muscle giving way to fat that filled all the right places, giving him legs that anyone would drool over.

”And as much Alex hates to admit it, she’s sensitive as shit! She was torn up for ages about how to help you. It was so fun to watch her stress about it. I still can’t believe her asking if you were doing well was the best she could come up with!”

He was surprised to see a faint blush on Alex's face, the girl angrily glaring at the amused Erika, the boy unsure how to react, moaning in conflict as Chloe's hands reached his feet, her skilled hands gently massaging them.

"S-shut up Erika! You weren't meant to say that! I just didn't know what the best way to help you was. But Chloe's aunt is a witch, so we got her to set all this up. I could tell you had some confidence buried inside, you just needed the right body to bring it out."

The broadness was gently eroded away, just like his resistance as the uncertainty grew, Jamie starting to wonder if this was such a bad thing. He weakly shook his head in denial, but that was the fear talking, the boy realising that the nervousness was holding him back, preventing him from reaching his full potential.

The girls’ corruption had finally reached his mind, giving Jamie the first taste of addictive, seductive confidence, his worries fading, another confused, meek reply dying in his throat as he gave a pleased, womanly purr. The real him was being coaxed out of his shell, and it felt so good, his shrunken toes curling from bliss as they were topped with black polish.

"O-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. T-this... this feels... s-sooooooooooooooo..."

"Well, looks like he's starting to see sense~. And if he hasn't now, then what comes next certainly will~."

The confidence was a virus, spreading to and corrupting his every thought, his walls of self-doubt fading, giving way for the new him, the changes starting to feel liberating. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if he truly wanted this, Jamie wondering if it was too good to be true, his worries and anxieties trying to hold him back one last time, pathetically trying to hold onto his former existence.

They almost succeeded, but Alex made sure they didn’t, narrowing her eyes as she suddenly squeezed his thigh, his body suddenly exploding with unmatched delight.


The condensed mass from his legs was being redistributed, all of it on a collision course with his thighs, the pillows slowly starting to swell. His body shook, the feelings forcing him to cum as the masses of pale mass rubbed against his cock through his boxers, teasing him with bursts of bliss. Each one sent more addictive confidence into his brain, his old anxieties not standing a chance as his thighs bulged out from his leggings.

”Oh wow, he’s thick as hell. Hah, and that’s just your type isn’t it Alex~?”

Erika smiled to herself, Alex glaring at her in annoyance, taking out her frustration by squeezing Jamie’s thigh even tighter, causing him to buck violently. The sudden movement sent his hips breaking apart, his thighs’ girth too much for them as the male shapes shifted into wide, feminine forms.

The girls didn’t stop for a second, smiles on their faces as they saw an excited gleam forming in his eyes, another pleased purr leaving his lips. The mental chains holding him back were breaking into nothing under the corruption, Jamie started to get really into it as Chloe massaged hair product into his scalp, pleased that the boy had finally stopped complaining.


“We’re happy to, Jamie. I’m so glad you're starting to see this for what it is~. Now, let all that confidence in~. And let it wash your worries away~. Become what you were always meant to be~.”

Even the feeling of her hands on his scalp was arousing to him, the changing boy almost crying from bliss as the brown was bleached a dark, midnight blue, his strands turning as soft as silk. The magical product did more than improve the colour though, his locks beautifully lengthening, the process speeding up with each rub.

Alex blushed faintly as she watched him, the almost girl cooing as the growing strands lightly tickled his exposed shoulders, heat building between her legs as his hair flowed down to his lower back. Erika noticed right away, giving her a knowing stare, Chloe giving a small smile of her own, Alex giving them both a death glare in response as Erika rolled her eyes, lightly poking his stomach with a disinterested sigh.

It only took a touch, the fat already knowing where it needed to go as it rushed into his chest and ass all at once, Jamie shrieking in joy as they expanded against his clothes. The feeling of the fabric pressing against them was nothing less than wonderful, something he couldn't get enough of, his fears and worries finally learning to live in the moment and enjoy himself as he pushed out his chest, only emphasising the growing mounds even more.

He grinded his expanding ass into the seat as it inflated outwards, the lust spurring him onwards as Alex ran a hand across what was left of his pants, floofing them out into a black miniskirt that did nothing to hide her legs. The feeling of the new outfit was incredible, Jamie almost overwhelmed by how right it all felt, a confident smirk filling his face as he eagerly soaked up the corruption.

His twitching manhood was all that remained of his old life now, the almost girl more than happy to see it go, clutching her new skirt with her tiny fists as the Midnight Sisters looked down at their work.

"So... who wants to bite the bullet and take care of that part?"

"Well, since you're enjoying this so much... how about you take care of the rest Alex? Both of us will wait outside. Besides, we all know you enjoy it the most."

Chloe and Erika walked off before Alex could react, the girl blinking in surprise as they shut the door behind them before sighing to herself. The goth wasn’t too annoyed though, more than ready to finish the transformation herself as she grabbed some lipstick from the table as she kneeled in front of the radiant beauty she had helped to create.

"I-I'm happy you're enjoying this so much. Are you ready to be free now? Are you ready to be your true self?"


She didn’t hesitate, smiling mysteriously as she toyed with her cock, the changing girl making all sorts of pleasured noises while Alex stroked it with a finger, Jamie feeling like her mind was about to shatter as her boxers began to tighten, the fabric softening to perfection. The girl pulled down her new lacy panties right as they finished forming, exposing her desperately throbbing cock, Jamie gasping in need as Alex applied another layer of pure black lipstick.

“Heh. It’s cute how your cock doesn’t want to go. Shame I don’t give a fuck. How about I give it a good night kiss to make it feel better~?”

The girl brought her into a whole new world of ecstasy, her mind short circuiting as Alex's mouth wrapped around her cock, the sensation of her soft, gentle lips on something so sensitive sending her flying over the edge. She came instantly, the girl grunting as she swallowed most of his salty discharge, her mouth remaining clamped on her shaft as her expert hands gave it the pleasuring of a lifetime.

She was sucking out her insecurities, her worries fading from her mind until she could hardly recall them, the almost girl far more concerned with the amazing sensations that were running wild inside her. She could feel Alex’s love for her, her lust for her perfect body, her gentle nature that she hid behind a cold, seductive exterior, her personality completely remodelled into her ideal.

Jamie squealed as she emptied herself of her burdens, gasping and shaking as her cock started to slide back inside her, eagerly reducing itself into nothing as Alex swallowed everything she could give. Her mouth was covering more of it by the second, but she wasn't moving closer, there was just less of her cock for her to suck on as it continued to shrink.

She couldn’t stop herself from thrashing or shaking, even the newfound confidence not complaining, finding it was easy to let down all her stoic walls for Alex. Jamie decided then and there she was one of the only people she would be this open to, the changing girl letting out a delighted squeal as more of her manhood slipped into the abyss at the thought.

It was so close now, the corruption almost complete as her cock strained, ready to expel the last of her seed into her lover's mouth, Jamie begging and pleading under her breath. She wanted the stupid thing to just fuck off and die already, she wanted it gone, she needed to be perfect, needed to become her ideal self, needed to stop thinking of herself as a spineless nerd and start thinking like the badass woman she-



She screamed out her desires as her cock was finally taken care of, the entire thing bursting back inside her as she came for the first time as a woman. The pleasure didn’t stop though, the new goth bucking wildly as Alex immediately began to devour her new pussy, her lover giving her true self the best entrance possible.

She hadn’t forgotten her old life, but she had already decided Jamie was the old her, now that she was who she was meant to be, she didn’t intend to think back on that life often. She was someone better now; now she was Jasmine.

The two of them fucked like there was no tomorrow, Jasmine feeling quite smug to discover that her new body was something torn from Alex’s fantasies, only making her kiss her new girlfriend harder as she set about thanking her for her new perfect body.


They were only halfway done when a knock on the door interrupted them, both of them scowling as Erika shouted in.

”Ugh, get a move on guys! We get it, you’re horny as shit! I enjoy hearing you two going at it as much as the next girl, but some of us have shit they want to do today!”

“Fuck. Sorry about her babe. They agreed to use the magic to help me with this in exchange for me helping them with something. B-but we can always...”

Alex blushed as Jasmine stroked her face while she was talking, her breath caught in her throat as the new girl looked at her, smiling faintly with a seductive grint in her eye.

“Let them wait~. I’m not finished with you yet, Alex~. I haven’t properly... thanked you for setting me free~. I hope you have no objections, love~.”

Alex shivered in desire as Jasmine kissed down her neck, the goth still overwhelmed at the dominant goth beauty that was buried under that worry driven boy. She still had that same kindness she admired though, Jasmine’s touch somehow the perfect balance between forceful and gentle, Alex squealing as she felt her hands run over every inch of her, both girls never happier.

“Now… let me hear your needy squeals, my darling~.”


”Something tells me they're not going to come out.”

Chloe smiled at Erika's unimpressed expression as the moans started again even louder than before, Jasmine making sure the two girls could hear what she thought about stopping.

”No shit. Well, fuck them. We can do this ourselves! If you're fine with that, Chloe.”

”Of course~. Why should we let them be the only ones who have the fun? I say we let Alex properly initiate our little group's new member while we take care of other things~.”

Erika smirked at her leader's words, the clacking of heels echoing through the hallway as they headed elsewhere, both of their bags filled to the brim with magical items.

You made sure to send all the invites, right Erika~?”

”Damn right I did~. Every little shit that’s crossed us got a letter to attend our little Halloween party we’re holding in the school~. I’m sure they think it will just be a fun little get together after the day ends~.”

“Oh, they will be right about that~. It’s certainly going to be fun for us~. Whether it’s fun for them depends on how quickly they give in~. Now, let’s get everything ready for them~. We need to make this a night to remember after all~.”


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