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Aiba frowned to himself, calmly walking down the almost empty streets of Akihabara, the dark sky ominously glaring down at everything as he wondered how things had come to this. Only a few months ago, he had been a normal high school student enjoying his free time online with some friends, the brief moment of normalcy taken away in an instant.

His life was already bizarre; the fact that his current body was both physical and digital proof enough, even without him becoming a detective overnight right after that, and that wasn't even counting the government conspiracies and hacker attacks he had dealt with. But what had happened now was undoubtedly the most serious, villains almost forcing open a portal to the Digital World itself in order to rain justice on those it blamed for its current situation.

They had barely managed to stop it, but the damage was already done, the portal transporting hundreds of Digimon into Japan and leaving the nation in chaos. It had given him a lot more work to do, tons of jobs rushing in every day as Aiba did his best to clear up the mess the barely avoided collision had left behind.

Luckily he had his own Digimon, the portal's brief appearance somehow making it so they could enter the real world alongside him, his trusted partners more than capable of countering anything he came across. There was only one problem. His Digimon.

"Heh... oh what a wonderful night. So silent. Yet you can still feel the excitement of the virus types in the air... it reminds me of home."

"Do be quiet, Devimon. I would rather not hear about whatever sinful pit you crawled out of. We have more important things to take care of. The order between the digital and real worlds must be-"

"Sigh... I had enough of your speeches on divine justice months ago, Angewomon. I must say, the real world does look wonderful does it not? I think us Digimon have improved the place."

"Just what are you imply-"

"Guys! Guys! Give it a rest already! We have a job to do!"

Takumi sighed as he turned towards his companions, Lillymon glaring at the other two Digimon in annoyance as they reluctantly went silent, the fairy Digimon more than used to putting an end to any disagreements between the two by now. Thankfully, they had just reached their destination, an old building buried in the city's back alleys that had been specified in the case's instructions.

Some teenagers had been using the back alleys to travel to and from essential areas while avoiding the influx of Digimon that had flooded the busier areas of the city, where they had apparently heard some kind of groaning noise from the building. In the current state of panic, it was no wonder they came to him, the boy calmly looking up and down the structure as Lillymon flew next to him.

"I'm not doubting you Takumi... but do you really think it's the best idea to keep pairing up Angewomon and Devimon together? You know how much they hate each other! Couldn't you have brought MetalGreymon or Paildramon instead or something?"

"It's kind of impossible not to notice... but I don't really have much of a choice. Things are pretty volatile here right now, so I don't think going out with a giant cyborg lizard is the best idea. You three are pretty close to humans with your appearance, and cover all the Digimon types. So you three are pretty much my only option for real-world stuff at the moment."

Lillymon pouted, the fact there was logic behind his decision causing her to get more annoyed that she couldn't argue against it, her expression making Takumi laugh as she flew back to the others before they could start arguing again. She was the Digimon he was closest to, the boy having met her only minutes before everything had gone south involving his body back when she was just a Palmon.

It was only a few months ago, but it felt like years after everything that had happened, the boy briefly losing himself to his thoughts as he checked his Digivice, blushing slightly as he saw a text of encouragement from Yuuko. Ever since the stoic girl had started to open up, Aiba found himself thinking of her more and more, everything from her looks to her determination to right the wrongs done in her father's company's name making his heart beat just a bit faster.

He wasn't sure what he felt for sure, but Aiba intended to take a hard look at what he wanted with the girl once everything had been resolved, not wanting something else to juggle in his already cramped schedule or risk any emotional pain. The sleuth had a taste of that pain just before the digital gate was opened, an eater just like the one that left his body in his current state briefly merging with the girl.

While it had been defeated after a tough fight, it left Takumi shaken at how close they had come to losing her, the boy unable to stop himself from thinking of Yuuko afterwards.

"Takumi? Is something the matter?"

Angewomon's question broke the boy from his thoughts, a nervous smile on his face as he noticed Devimon and Lillymon looking at him impatiently, the two of them almost never able to stay still for long.

"Oh, I'm fine Angewomon! There's just a lot of things going on right now... anyways let's go in and figure out what's going on here!"

The sleuth calmly opened the door, closely followed by the Digimon as they slowly looked around, most of the room enveloped in darkness. It wasn't an issue for long though, Angewomon forming a ball of light in her hand to find the light switch before flicking it on, revealing the full extent of the room as Devimon scoffed in annoyance.

"Did you have to? Some of us happen to prefer the darkness over this meaningless light..."

"Sometimes I can't believe that you used to be an Angemon. Surely you remember the glory of the light as much as I do, Devimon."

"Please, falling from grace was the best thing that ever-"

Aiba mentally tuned out the following argument, Lillymon doing the same as she playfully rolled her eyes, both of them surprised at how barren and empty the room was. The sleuth faintly remembered it used to be a storage room for some shut down business, likely emptied when the place went bust ages now, meaning there was very little to look at as they began to explore.

They had no idea that they were being watched, a small, white, tentacled creature looking down at them from the ceiling, its body flickering in and out of existence as it let out a small growl. It was an Eater, the very same one that had merged with Yuuko, the creature just managing to escape total destruction before fleeing to the surface.

The Eater was barely alive, its data a confused, corruptive mess that could disperse at any moment, the creature only keeping itself together with pure instinct. Even in this state, it was determined to survive and evolve, lying in wait as Aiba crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Huh, it's no good. It doesn't look like anything is here."

"Bah, as if a Digimon would be that easy to find... clearly we're missing something."

"As much as I loathe it, I have to agree with him. We simply need to figure out where it is hiding."

"Yeah! I mean how hard can it be! Us Digimon aren't exactly known to be subtle after all~."

Takumi's mind ended up wandering once more as they resumed their search, naturally returning to Yuuko as he smiled to himself, oblivious to the mistake he had just made, the Eater's eye locking onto the boy. Due to his half digital nature, the creature could faintly detect his thoughts, the image of Yuuko familiar to the Eater.

Most of its data was information copied from its previous host, the limited intelligence of the creature coming to the conclusion that only that had a chance of survival. All of the data was suddenly desperate to be released, the creature growling hungrily as it readied to pounce, only Lillymon hearing it as she turned around with a start.


The eater was too fast for her, dropping from the ceiling seconds before the beam collided with the steel, Takumi only having a second to cry out in panic. Strangely the creature never reached him, its body dissolving into code as soon as it touched him, leaving him blinking in surprise.

”Huh... well that was easier than expected...”

”Is that it? The crime against nature would rather kill itself than fight us? Pathetic. I was looking forward to beating it into code. A shame. I was hoping for some entertainment tonight.”

”How barbaric. It’s dead. That’s what matters. From the looks of it, the cursed creature was barely alive as it was.”

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, still uneasy from the near-death experience, his entire body still tingling from the fear. For now, it had escaped his notice that it was much more than that, the Eater's sudden death anything but random, instead perfectly planned out to ensure at least some kind of survival, the close proximity to him making it guaranteed that every piece of data would be transmitted directly into him.

The code didn't have a mind of its own yet, only the Eater’s instinct to guide it, instincts that drove it to consume and convert as it was let loose inside him. With its corruptive nature, it wasn't long until the effects made themselves known, Aiba jumping slightly as a jolt of energy shot through him, an odd itch starting to break out all over his body.

Confused, he idly scratched his arm while awkwardly wobbling in place, slightly shaken from the sudden jolt as he tried to satisfy the unusual need, oblivious to what was happening beneath his clothes. Every movement was stripping him of his body hair, the falling strands dissolving into code as they were consumed by the virus, the sensation oddly pleasant as the boy blushed instinctively.

His now naked flesh tingled with sensitivity, the boy not noticing that his skin was starting to pale, colour going down the drain as it began to suffer from a lack of sunlight, gaining a slight otherworldly aura in the process. Takumi knew something was off though, realising that even after the fear subsided, the feeling remained, the boy trying to figure out what as his body whitened further.

"Well, that's that I guess. Should we go back Tak- what the?"

Lillymon's eyes widened in confusion as she turned to face the boy, instantly noticing his completely pale skin, the other two Digimon just as confused as soon as they looked at him.

"What are you looking at? I-is something wrong? I-I... a-ah!"

He gasped quietly, hugging himself as the weird feelings inside him seemed to grow even stronger, every inch of him buzzing with unidentifiable sensations that were rapidly becoming more and more pleasant. The data was starving and Aiba's body was a buffet, the code eagerly spreading all over to consume everything it could find.

It started in his hair, a strange, pleasant tingling washing over his locks, the Digimon watching in shock as his messy strands were flattened, the natural spikiness straightened by an invisible hand. It was exchanged for softness, the boy's blush growing stronger as his gasps started to turn sexual, his hair starting to grow out slightly.

The strands lightly tickled the bottom of his cheeks, the faint brush feeling sensual against his sensitive flesh, sending sparks of bliss washing through his body as right before his eyes, his hair changed. The tips were darkening, the bright, vibrant red lost to the void as it gradually spread upwards, the data that made up his natural hair colour permanently corrupted to jet black.

The former colour was washed away, consumed by the virus as the sunset faded into night. Aiba's confusion and panic had gone through the roof, the boy having no clue what on earth was happening to him as the Digimon watched in confusion.

"Hmmm... well, I suppose I have to take back the lack of entertainment comment..."

"Takumi? What are you doing? Is this that hair dye thing Nokia mentioned before?"

"Whatever it is, I certainly don't approve of the noises you're making! S-stop them at once Takumi!"

"I-I don't know what's happening! T-this isn't right! I can't help it but please you have to... OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH~!"

Takumi let out a blubbering moan as the last of his fiery hair burnt to black cinders, his insides buzzing and tingling as the virus infected everything it could find. He could feel it in his neck, his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down, his cries sounding increasingly foreign, his deep voice cracking, rapidly shifting back and forth into sounds that were much higher pitched.

Whatever was happening felt good, the boy having no idea why as he gave a final girly squeak, his Adam's Apple consumed as his voice was irreversibly changed.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhh... g-guys don't just stand there you have to- h-have to... w-what?"

The boy's eyes widened, the last word only a whisper as he heard the feminine voice that had left his lips, the sound frighteningly familiar as he shakily raised a hand to his face.


It was her voice, the sound identical in every way, his brain unable to process it had come from his own lips, the soft tone even causing his cock to rise slightly. He had unknowingly doomed himself, the virus reacting to his horniness, the shared need for the girl fuelling it onwards as everything suddenly grew even more intense.

Aiba cooed in bliss, the sexual sounds from the girl of his dreams sending his arousal into overdrive, trapping him deeper into the cycle of pleasure as his cock began to tent his pants.

"T-Takumi! What on earth are you doing!? C-couldn't you have waited to do this in private!? This l-lust is not something that should be displayed in front of us!"

"Your voice... it sounds like that black-haired girl's... Yuuko I believe. How curious."

Devimon smirked, thoroughly enjoying Angewomon's increasingly embarrassed reactions to the sleuth's cries, Lillymon remaining silent as a slightly mischievous look formed on her face. The boy didn't get a chance to react to his Digimon though, his body shaking as the invading data suddenly surged up from his neck directly into his face.

His piercing squeal made the holy Digimon go red, Takumi's face itching like mad with pent up bliss, filled with code that was tugging and pulling at everything. His face was collapsing, his eyes watering as his features were forced into a tighter package, his cheekbones turning narrow as his nose and jaw became far more petite than any man could have.

He could barely stay standing, the sleuth forced to lean against a wall for support as his cock grew harder, throbbing in need to the sounds that had come straight from a recent wet dream. Aiba could faintly see his eyelashes lengthening through his frantic blinks, his lips swelling as he moaned in desperate arousal, filled with both unbearable need and utter terror.

Takumi was left gasping in panic, his body shaking as he noticed a broken piece of glass on the floor, his mouth falling open as Yuuko stared up at him.

"N-no... this isn't... I can't... t-this..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it now~."

The way Lillymon was talking instantly made him nervous, Aiba well used to her playful teasing that came through at the worst times, the Digimon smiling as his fingers twitched instinctively.

"W-wait Lillymon... why are you s-saying it like... ohhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!! A-ah please~! T-this isn't the time for-"

"This is because you have a thing for Yukko! I knew I heard you mutter her name while you were asleep the other day! So all this must be happening because of that! I guess that must mean you really love her~."

He was seriously regretting skipping out on teaching his Digimon about humans, his shaking hands shrinking with every word she said, his digits turning dainty and slender, looking far more graceful than his old hands could ever hope to be. It was becoming too much, his mind overrun with pure pleasure as he fell deeper into a horny hell of his own creation, every moan and coo sending him deeper.


Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the virus moved onto the main course, the boy starting to squeal as he felt a tug on his cock, his nerves exploding with bliss as he came. He collapsed to the floor, white spraying all down his legs as his darkening eyes permanently widened from the feelings.

His body was being corrupted, his data and DNA alike shifting beyond recognition, every Y glitching into an X as his chromosomes were reprogrammed, his body forced to obey the new blueprint that was being coded into his DNA. He couldn't stop it, the virus impossible to disconnect as his three Digimon watched in confused interest, unsure what to say.

"I-is he digivolving then?"

"No... I don't think humans do that... but maybe we've just never seen it before? I mean, we really don't know much about people..."

"It does look like it though... I suppose we could interject if he's under attack... but he does seem to be enjoying himself."

Takumi couldn't believe what he was hearing, doing his best to give Devimon a furious glare through the pleasure, blushing as he attempted to regain control of the situation.


His cock was smaller, the realisation scaring him to no end as the sleuth processed just how malleable he was to the data’s influence, Yuuko's ability to make it hard for him to focus on anything else extending to the transformation. Aiba couldn't stop staring at his tiny fingers, couldn't ignore his manhood’s needy throbs, tears streaming down his face as his determination grew.

"Oh yeah, you’re right Devimon! I guess your love for her is so strong that you're evolving into her, Takumi! Ah, how romantic~."


He thrashed as the virus sent another blast of corruption right through him, his body forcefully updated to match the new specs, his spine crunching into a sensual curve that forced him to push about his chest and ass. It only added to his humiliation, the fact that he had fantasies about how curvy she was in the past making it worse, the thought making his cock twitch seconds before another chunk drove back inside him.


"Oh? Does he have feelings for that Yuuko girl? I didn't even notice. Tell me more."

"Oh, it's totallyyyyyyy obvious. He's way quieter when she's around. I even saw him blushing once! Oh, this means Omnimon owes me 100 yen too!"

"W-what!? You made a bet with one of the royal knights!? And he agreed!? Takumi please! Can't you just do the rest of this later!? Wait... did you just..."

Devimon cackled at Angewomon's distress, unfazed by her death stare as Lillymon giggled to herself, none of them realising just how serious the situation was as he spasmed uncontrollably. He had never felt so horny, his crush on Yuuko used against him as his moans alone brought him close to cumming again, his eyes glazing over as a sudden buck sent his goggles flying out of his hair.

They landed on his left arm, the strands tangling around his limb from his struggles as the feelings died down for a second, Aiba groaning softly as his shoulders rounded down with painful sounding cracks.

"P-please... helpppppppppppppppp! T-take me back to the office! Call Nokia! Do... s-something! PLEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!"

The presence of the goggles had only alerted the invading virus that the changing boy wasn't dressed in his proper outfit, something it was just starting to correct, Takumi crying out in alarm as his clothes were instantly engulfed in a flurry of black code. He hopelessly grabbed and pulled at it in a panic, desperate to tear off the glitchy mess before something else could happen.

"Weren't we meant to keep a low profile though? Unless you stop what you're doing, you're kinda going to make a scene Takumi..."

"Good point Lillymon. And if I have to put up with this high and mighty bitch, it's only fair that you have to deal with a few inconveniences."

His clothes were getting tighter, the virus reprogramming them to fit a much smaller frame, panicked little squeaks that he would have found adorable in any other situation the only sound he could make as he was squeezed tighter and tighter. Something had to give, and he knew it was going to be his body, his skeleton surrounded by pressure, the sleuth’s tugging growing even more panicked as he hopelessly tried to remove the glitched, morphing mess of fabric before it was too late.

It was when he heard the cracks that he knew he had failed, Aiba squealing as the virus pressed the ctrl, alt, delete command over and over with no regard for him. The experience was a mix of torture and masturbating, the changing boy crunched and crushed by his own clothes, slimming him down as the code was stripped away to reveal his new outfit.

The vibrant colours of his previous clothes were gone, exchanged for striking shades of black and white, the boy moaning in shameful bliss as he felt the soft white ruff around his neck, looking down to see a cute little dress. It was Yuuko's outfit, the one that she wore almost every time he had seen her, the sight that usually gave him nothing but joy chilling him to the core.

The only thing that was the same was how horny it made him, his face going completely red as he saw his cock pushing out the short fluttery skirt, his arousal immediately apparent from how much it was throbbing and twitching in need. He came as the clothes grew even tighter, any muscle he had built up in his arms crushed into oblivion as his mind went blank.

With no thoughts to guide him, his instincts took over, instincts that were consumed with lust and need for Yuuko, his cock needing attention as he moved down his hands without thinking. By the time he realised just what he was doing, it was far too late to stop, his cry of panic turning to a blubbering wail as he felt his soft, gentle touch wrap around his manhood.

He came instantly, whimpering as his hand was taken over by desire, jerking his hard shaft nonstop as more of it was pleasurably melted away. It was the final straw for Angewomon, a light blush on her face as she stammered in embarrassment, the sound making Devimon smirk evilly.

"W-why are you acting so l-lustful!? Stop this right now Takumi! I will not-"


His clothes weren't finished getting tighter, the sleuth screaming mindlessly as the black tights began to constrict around his lower limbs, the fabric feeling like it was made of steel compared to the muscle in his legs. He could feel the data being forced into them, gasping as they were upgraded, the mass slenderising several times over as they became long, curvy delights.

"A-and now swearing!? I thought you were better than this!"

"Well, if this is annoying Angewomon so much, I say we definitely let it happen. I'm sure LadyDevimon would agree if she was here."


Lillymon snickered in amusement, flying over to Aiba as he bucked from his intense masturbation, his eyes wide as he stared at his new limbs in shock, the slender, lithe legs perfectly outlined in the pantyhose, leaving nothing to the imagination. He'd stared at them countless times, but they had never made him afraid before, showing just how deeply he was falling into his crush, Aiba frightened at the thought that it might be a pit he would never be able to escape from.

"Giggle~. Looks like you're enjoying yourself Takumi~. I had no idea human digivolution would be so different than a Digimon’s! Sure it's a bit weird seeing you act like this, but it's still really interesting~!"


Everything came rushing out of his mouth as the virus put all of its attention on his dick, his mind bombarded with Yuuko as pleasure assaulted his manhood, cum rapidly emptying from his tip as the bulge in his skirt started to shrink. It was being pulled back inside him, the data seeing it as unneeded junk in more ways than one, Lillymon flying back in surprise at how intense his reactions had gotten.

He always knew Yuuko had an appetite, but her pussy was ravenous for his cock, one taste not enough as it eagerly slurped it up, his once-proud manhood unable to even stay hard anymore as tears streamed down his face. He felt every throb, every inch that was pulled deeper into him, his body bucking in sync with them as his shrinking toes curled from ecstasy.

Soon it was only a nub, Takumi begging and pleading in between his panicked wails, hating that his mind was being turned against him, the realisation that he was technically fucking Yuuko somehow both exciting and awful to him. The excitement won out though, his blubbering squeal showing just how much he was loving the sensation of his cock fucking itself into non-existence.

Aiba's squeal turned piercing as his cock was fully devoured, his shaft popping back inside as he came for the first time as a she, the new girl feeling only a taste of femininity's wonders as clear fluids dripped to the floor. She had never felt an orgasm like this, her entire body feeling like it was on fire from pleasure, only spurring the virus onwards.

"T-Takumi, please! T-there's a time and place for such things!"

"Hmmm do we still call him Takumi? If he's evolving, it might make more sense to call him Yuuko~! And it looks like he's more of a she now, teehee~."

No, they couldn't call her that. Takumi whimpered in denial as she felt the flatness between her legs, the fact she was a girl utterly impossible, the sleuth refusing to believe it despite the unmistakable reality. Her eyes were wet with tears as she looked down at herself, still grasping the concept that this was even her body, the new girl thankful that the pleasure had finally begun to calm down.

She would soon discover why it had, Aiba barely even noticing the faint buzzing in the back of her head, the virus naturally moving onto dessert now that the main course had been devoured, and her mind was on the menu. The feeling started small, editing shared memories like Digipedia articles, outside contexts and viewpoints shuffled while Takumi was none the wiser.

"No... I can't... I'm a man... this can't be real... I'm not a... girl..."

The shock of losing her masculinity had almost broken the girl, her determined shouts now quiet, shocked whispers that sounded far more natural for her voice.

"Now you're just overreacting. Some of my kind can cope with evolving into LadyDevimon. Surely humans should understand the concept."

"Oh, she's probably just embarrassed since she's so close to becoming her crush now. Isn't that right Yuukoooooooooooooo~?"

Being addressed by her name made the virus work faster, a weird headache breaking out as the word echoed through her thoughts. Suddenly the fact that she was a girl didn't seem odd, Aiba curious why she was so confused as thoughts backed up her gender, the girl considering the matter settled until realising what she was thinking with a start.

"AH!? W-why did I... but... I know I'm not... w-what's happening?"

Her head hurt, her memories shifting as her identity wavered, stoicism taking hold of her mind, the girl finding it was becoming a struggle to care. The Digimon looked at her in confusion as she clutched her head, shaking it rapidly with a fearful look on her face, trying to dislodge the invading thoughts that were muddying the waters of her identity.

Aibo could feel her old life growing more distant, everything slipping through her fingers as loneliness dripped in, something that had only recently started to change once she had met Takumi and...

"N-no... that's not... p-please I'm... I'm... AH!"

She shook as the pleasure reemerged, her smaller body tingling as the dress pressed tighter against her, the sleuth gasping from bliss as her flat sides were pushed into curves, the mass in her stomach pushed upwards. The girl realised what was happening seconds before the euphoria hit, the terror washed away by the feeling of fat being forced into her chest.

It was a physical representation of what was happening to her mind, Yuuko-ness pouring into it whether she wanted it or not, Aibko moaning as her breasts grew gently outwards. They only reached b-cups but she still loved them, the fact that they were so small meaning they never got in the way, the girl thinking it was strange that she was feeling so uneasy about something she had all of her life.

"What are you going on about Yuuko? Don't be silly, you're evolving! I mean, I thought that was obvious. I’m not sure why that’s confusing..."

She squealed, the name bouncing around her thoughts as more of herself was corrupted, the sleuth feeling herself hacked out of her own mind. Everything that was unnecessary was being dragged into the recycling bin, the virus purging it forever as her panic grew.


"Anddddddddddddddddd now she's just saying her old form's name. I'm pretty much lost at this point."

"I think she wants help? I'm not sure what she wants us to do though. We can't exactly do anything. B-besides if she really wanted my help she would stop a-acting so sinful in front of me!"

"Oh don't worry so much. I don't exactly know what this is. But I can tell she's enjoying herself. Let's just see how this goes."

Devimon was right, Aibko clearly enjoying herself no matter how much she knew it was wrong, memories of cases and school life fading into hacking and her favourite meals. She was rewarded for the correct thoughts, screaming as a sudden buck sent her hips bursting apart, pushing against her skirt slightly and completing the hourglass figure her old life had dreamed of.

Aiuko wasn’t sure why she was feeling her hips so lustfully, or why she just orgasmed, but with how good it felt, she couldn’t complain, moaning quietly as she instinctively squeezed her thigh. Takumi was submerged deeper into the sea of Yuuko as fat slid into her thighs, filling them with the perfect amount of jiggle as her cries of resistance finally began to grow silent.

The virus scrubbed his brain clean of the filth of her former identity, clear Yuukoness shining beneath as she began to fully take it for herself.

”Hey, you ok Yuuko? You seem a bit quiet now...”

"Y-Yuukooooooooooooooooooooooooo~. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss~. I'm... I'm..."

Her moans were calmer now, more control behind them as her fear was deleted, Aiuuko having the faint feeling she was forgetting something as she rubbed her newly plumped thighs together. She didn't care though, her body felt so right, so wonderful, so much better, an odd thought considering she was unsure what she was comparing it to.

The feelings in her ass soon distracted her though, Auuko moaning happily as fluid sprayed down her legs, the girl instinctively pointing her ass upwards as it began to grow. Angewomon had given up trying to persuade her to act less lustful, instead just blushing as each surge of mass buried Aiba deeper into her brain.

She didn't even want to call for help as her fully grown ass peeked out from under her skirt, her body complete with her mind not far behind, what little remained of her old self wiped clean by the virus as she let out a final squeal of delight.


Yuuko collapsed, an expression of utter bliss on her face as she went still, her only movement being her steady breathing as the Digimon looked down at her, unsure what to say for a moment.

"I must say, tonight's entertainment was much better than I imagined. This was far more enjoyable to watch than fighting some of those cursed eaters."

"Y-you're only saying that since it annoyed me so much!"

"Oh absolutely."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see this at all! We should ask other humans about how this version of digivolution works later! But anyway, are you doing ok Yuuko? Things seemed to get a bit intense near the end..."

Lillymon tilted her head curiously as the girl slowly got to her feet, her eyes foggy for a moment as she turned to face the Digimon, her brain taking a moment to catch up with the new context that had been coded into it.

"I-I... did I faint when that Eater showed up? Seriously!? Dammit... I need to be stronger than this!"

She pouted in annoyance, the Digimon's faces filled with confusion as they whispered to each other, watching as she looked around the room, checking if anything else was hiding.

"I'm lucky Aiba got you three to come along. I would have been done for if I was by myself... thanks."

"Ok, I’ll admit it, I'm lost again."

"By the sounds of it, she doesn't remember being Takumi at all. Do you think this is normal?"

"It's possible. But I doubt it, perhaps the Eater triggering it caused something to go wrong? We can't be sure without enough info. Has she ever done this before Lillymon?"

"What? Why are you asking me!?"

"Well, you and MetalGreymon have been here the longest out of the Digimon."

"What do you think!? Of course, she didn't just... do this before! Don't you think I’d have mentioned that?"

"I see... well, I suppose the best thing for us to do is to return to the office. Maybe Kyoko will be back and can explain this. If not we could try contacting Nokia and well... Yuuko."

Lillymon sighed, feeling annoyed that something so simple might end up being made more complicated than it needed to be, disappointed that she couldn't try and pester her partner about going shopping together. They had always rejected her requests but she had been all ready to give it another go tonight, the Digimon deciding to put the plan on hold so she could get serious.

"Well, I think we should try and figure out wha-"

"What are you all talking about? I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted to thank you for destroying that Eater... is there any way I can repay you while I'm looking after you and the other Digimon?"

Yuuko smiled fondly at the three surprised Digimon, all of them unsure just what to say as the girl looked at them curiously, Lillymon eventually breaking the silence.

"C-could we look around some human shops on the way back? I always wanted to try on human clothes, makeup and jewellery and stuff!"

"Of course! I was already planning to stop at this sushi place, and that has a great clothes store right across the street! Honestly, you don't need any of that stuff though, you already look really cute today!"

Lillymon's expression was like a child being told Christmas had come early, the Digimon letting out an ecstatic squeak as she turned to face her companions.

"Nevermind, we're keeping her like this."

Angewomon wasn't so amused, narrowing her eyes under her helmet as Yuuko laughed in amusement at Lillymon's reaction, the fairy already thanking her over and over while gushing at what they would do.

"Hmmmmm... I can't help but feel like leaving this would be wrong. Perhaps it is right to find a way to reverse this, it might be the pure thing to do to undo a process that was so sinful! As a holy Digimon, it is my-"

"Oh, and since I'm taking care of you, I-I was thinking I might separate you and Devimon for a bit... Takumi doesn't seem to notice you don't get along that well. I hope you don't mind!"

"Never mind, I'm fine with this."

"Oh thank Lucamon."

"Ok, so it's settled then. A-anyways let's go to that sushi place before it closes! Oh, I hope they're still making that special..."

It was one of the few times they had both agreed on something, both Digimon sighing in relief as Yuuko led them to the exit, the girl doing her best to hide how much her mouth was watering. The three of them had surprisingly few complaints about their partner's drastic transformation, pleased that her evolution had improved her attitude so much, smiling happily as they prepared to enjoy the first of many nights with her in this form...


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