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Davis groaned to himself as he wearily got himself ready for the day, already dreading what he would have to deal with. The last few days had been a non-stop barrage of nerves, the boy desperately waiting to hear back about all the job applications he had sent out until one had finally called back.

He was relieved to hear that they would schedule an interview, everything looking like it was going well until the day itself arrived. Somehow he had forgotten to set his alarm the night before, the boy waking hours after he was meant to, frustrating him to no end as he tried to get himself ready as fast as possible.

Luckily it was still a few hours until the interview, but it felt far too soon for Davis, the pressure starting to get to him without the necessary time he needed to mentally prepare for it. At least his roommate was out, the man certainly not in the mood to deal with him today; the two of them never getting along when he was stressed.

He needed to get ready fast, the man realising that a shower would probably be the best way to wake himself up and get him more focused. Davis lazily headed to the bathroom, slipping off his clothes before grabbing a towel and his hair product from the usual place, too tired to notice the easily preventable mistake he had just made.

It wasn’t his hair product, the container silver and red rather than the normal blue, covered with Japanese writing. It was something his roommate had bought online from a legit looking site he found while browsing the internet. The package had arrived that morning, Fred putting it to one side after looking at it for a few seconds, not noticing he had pushed his roommate's normal product to the side with it, and certainly having no idea of what it was capable of.

Davis was about to get first-hand experience of just what it could do, sighing happily as he turned on the shower, taking a moment to feel the hot water drip down his flesh before squeezing out some of the product into his hand. He shut his eyes as he massaged it into his scalp, gasping softly at how surprisingly nice it felt, the shampoo far softer than usual.

He didn’t usually spend much time rubbing it in, but today he was suddenly really into the feeling of it, unable to help himself. With his eyes shut, he was oblivious to the source of the sensations, his hair tingling faintly as everything under his fingers was stripped of its color, his hands massaging a patch of what was unmistakably silver hair.

Not only that, but the patch was growing, the water pouring on him only accelerating its spread as the product bleached every strand in seconds. The nice feeling only got better after that, Davis even letting out a moan as his hair beautifully flowed downwards alongside the water, looking like a waterfall of pure silver as it was gifted the same softness as the shampoo.

It was this that managed to break him out of his trance, Davis filled with confusion as he felt something block his back from the water, his opening eyes widening when he was met with the sight of soft, silver strands in front of him. He blinked uncomprehendingly, thinking aloud as he brushed the hair to one side before feeling his back.

“Huh? Where did... WHAT THE FUCK!?”

It didn’t take long at all for his hand to locate his fully-grown hair, Davis managing to hold back his moan this time as he went bright red, breathing heavily in a mixture of fear and arousal as his cock started to rise. He had no idea that the product had just started its influence, having infused his entire body with magical energy that would do far more to him than changing his hair.

The magic demonstrated this to him right away, the same impossibly nice feeling spreading all over his body, his moans muffled against his hand as he physically held them back. His naked body felt like it was being boiled, his flesh paling as it was roasted into an enchanting, sensual sheen.

Everything was turning impossibly sensitive, Davis’s moans growing more frequent as his body hair was washed away by the streams of water, leaving his newly pale flesh completely exposed. He felt even more naked than before as he lowered his hand, gasping and blushing in between his involuntary coos, the sensations of the water rushing down pleasuring him all over.

“Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!! W-what’s g-gohing onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~? I-I don’t...”

Davis had no idea what was happening to him, only knowing that he needed to get help fast, taking a few seconds to regain his bearings as he shivered from bliss. His hesitation was all the product needed, its magical energy seeping into his surroundings, turning them against him as he grabbed hold of the handle for the door and pulled to the side.

It didn’t budge, his eyes widening in horror as he hopelessly pulled with all his might, the door refusing to open no matter how hard he tired .


His panicked squeals didn’t change the fact he was trapped, the man shaking in panic as he desperately tried to keep his head straight through the feelings that had jolted him wide awake. He went to turn off the shower to help, unprepared for the scorching heat as he yelled in pain, pulling his hand back instantly.

The only thing that caught him off guard more was when the feelings turned to pleasure, his knees wobbling as he moaned in confusion, his hand snapping and cracking down right before his eyes. When it was done, it was unrecognisable as his own, the shape now dainty and delicate.

He flexed his fingers in shock, stammering in confusion, his mind hard at work trying to figure out what was happening, or what was causing it as he frantically looked around the shower. It was hard to make out much through the steam, but his eyes widened when he noticed the unfamiliar packaging of the shampoo. He went to grab it to take a closer look, letting his guard down for a moment.

A moment was all that was needed, the boy crying out in panic when the hair product opened itself, squirting more of its corruptive fluids directly into his eyes. It burned, Davis screaming in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the feelings flooded his irises, the boy desperately rubbing them with his unchanged hand while staggering wildly.

The contact only spread the changes, his cock twitching as his other hand shrank to match its twin, the burning feeling turning quite literal as his green eyes were swallowed by a deadly, focused red. His lengthening eyelashes fluttered as he let out another conflicted cry, accidentally slamming into a wall during his intense spasming, the force sending his spine collapsing into a curved, womanly arch.

It completely changed his centre of gravity, Davis opening his eyes as the burning subsided, finding he was barely able to keep his balance, blushing in shame as he realised how much he was pushing out his ass and chest. What scared him the most though was what he couldn't see, the boy shaking in fear as he noticed his surroundings seemed oddly blurry and unfocused, his perfect eyesight robbed in an instant.

He had never felt more vulnerable, the man sounding like he might hyperventilate from how heavy and fast his breathing was, the fact that even his eyesight had been changed showing just how malleable he was to whatever was happening. Ironically, his despair only left him more open to the changes, the boy not noticing what was happening behind him until it was too late.

The shower head was coming to life, the long metal tube unbuckling itself from its holder before preparing to pounce like a metallic snake. It lunged towards him, Davis screaming in terror as the tube wrapped around his waist several times over, his struggles all but useless as he waved his arms around manically.

He couldn't stop the pressure from building, the magic making removing the tube all but impossible as he felt squeezed like a tube of toothpaste, the feeling of constriction mixing with ecstasy in a horrifically torturous combination.


His protests were being drowned out by his moans, Davis realising he was fighting a losing battle, the magic almost sadistically toying with him, the door handle just out of reach, just to prove how helpless he really was. At the thought, the tube squeezed tighter, his waist unable to take any more as it was forced inwards with a deafening crack.

The collapse sent violent bursts of pleasure blasting through his body, the man having no choice but to cum, the orgasm the most intense in his life as he painted the walls with thick ropes of his seed. The feelings in his waist didn't stop after that though, the mass within his stomach filled with an intense burning that was too much for his mind to cope with.


His description of the feelings wasn't far off from what was actually happening, any trace of fat that was seen as unnecessary breaking down over and over until it couldn't even keep a solid form. It evaporated like water, only adding to the growing amount of steam that was filling the cubicle, his stomach condensed into a slender, firm feminine core.

There was more to it than met the eye, Davis’s cock blowing another load as he felt his muscles tighten, pulsating slightly as they were gifted with incredible strength, bringing him to the peak of human condition. The man was too occupied to really notice this, his red eyes looking unfocused as he was left dazed from the intense pleasure, the steam that used to be part of him gently rising as it slipped through his mouth and nostrils.

It gathered around his brain, his memories starting to gain a steamy filter, the details turning fuzzy as they twisted and morphed into training and servitude that were increasingly unfamiliar. He struggled weakly, his increased strength still ineffective against the magic that was trapping him, his attempts at escape halted when the showerhead pointed itself directly at his face.

He gurgled and squealed when he could, his raised hands doing very little to defend himself as the showerhead power washed away the masculinity. The force alone all but destroyed his nose, jaw, and cheekbones, eroding it all away into smaller, girlier shapes that were not only appealing to the eye, but had an aura of danger around them.

Davis was drenched with femininity, his lips swelling as he accidentally swallowed some mouthfuls of water, choking as it slid down his throat, washing away something else along with it. He was left gasping as the showerhead finally pointed away from him, uncoiling itself from his new sexy core and returning to the holder, his panicked breaths much higher in pitch as he attempted to regain focus through the mental fog.

"S-shit... what the hell... is... is... WHAT THE FUCK!?"

It wasn't his voice. Everything about it sounded wrong. The pitch was far too high, the tone much too quiet as if it had barely been used above the speaking voice. It was the voice of a sexy, young woman, the penny finally dropping in his mind as he realised what the magic was doing, stripping him of his masculinity bit by bit until only femininity remained.

The most worrying thing of all was that this new voice seemed familiar somehow, the sound of it almost seeming right coming from his lips, his cock twitching at the thought, needing something he couldn't identify. The steam around him and in his mind were both growing stronger, even Davio's name getting fuzzy, the boy relieved he was still able to hold onto it through the pleasure.

He wanted to move, wanted to get out, but he couldn't move a muscle, the man cooing in bliss as his knees wobbled together. Despite his panic, something inside him wanted to stay, wanted to let the changes have their way with him, desperate for improvement.

"N-no... please... I need to... AH~! I can't stay... OHHHHHHHHHHHH~! H-HELP ME ANYMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFF~!!!!!!!!"

Davio's body shook as another jolt of bliss shot through his body, the man barely keeping himself from falling over by grabbing hold of the small counter, widening his eyes in alarm as the sudden movement sent everything on it flying into the air. He moaned as a bar of soap landed on his shoulder, biting his lip when it began to move by itself, the gentle scrubbing putting more and more pressure on it.

He gave a girly squeak as it caved in with a pop, the entire shape collapsing into a slimmer, more compact form, the sudden feeling causing him to spasm in bliss as the soap slid down his limb. It burnt away at his strength, his muscles pulsating and twitching as they were compressed, turning his arms as slender and girly as the rest of him.

Hidden strength lay beneath his unassuming pale limb, physical ability that had been built up over countless hours of training, memories of them mixing with his childhood before gradually overwriting them altogether. It was wrong, he knew it was, but it just felt so amazing, his foggy mind confused if it was something he should be fighting or accepting.

His determination returned at the thought, the changing man gasping as he hopelessly fought the feelings, terrified at the idea of giving in. Davio’s cock seemed to think otherwise, throbbing in delight with his every slip, almost tempting him as the grime of his former identity was gradually cleaned away.

“NO~! T-that isn’t me! I’m a m-man! Not some...swordswoman... no... I’m m-more than that... I’m a b-bodyguard... for someone important? Ahhhhhhhh my headdddddddddd~.”

He whimpered in denial, unable to effectively think through the fog, his body shaking as his other shoulder snapped down to match its twin, his muscles slenderising as he finally gathered his nerves to take action. He ignored the part of him that wanted to stay, desperately pulling at the door in another attempt to escape, the magic already more than tired of his attempts of resistance.

It was only fair that he would be punished for it, the man screaming in shock as the tube slammed into his back, pinning him to the door as he squirmed wildly. His shocked screams quickly became desperate moans, his red eyes wide as euphoric bliss spiked all over his body, filling him with pleasured horror as he felt it all converge in his ass and chest.

Davo thrashed in panic, but it was pointless, the man forced to watch as he was changed further, brought deeper into the feminine ideal. It was too intense for him, the pleasure beyond anything he had ever imagined as he came all over the door, the explosive orgasm so violent that it focused some of his shaft back inside him.

The feelings were nothing compared to what was happening in his chest and ass though, battering his brain with two centres of pleasure as the poor boy was left wailing for mercy. His body needed fat to go along with his muscle, and both parts of him became hot spots for thick, juicy mass.

His chest felt like it was about to explode from how sensitive it was becoming, his nipples peeking up against the warm glass, the feeling of it making him coo happily, the sensations only getting better as fat began to flow behind it. His chest was starting to expand, and he had never felt anything this good, Davo reduced to a shrieking mess as it grew cup size by cup size.

They squished against the door, desperate, sexual pants slipping out as his breasts continued to expand, every inch of them on display, his mind drenched in womanly waters. He was losing hope of surviving this, his unassuming childhood forgotten under training, duty, and Yazuka knowledge, his brain twisting itself into knots in an attempt to think logically.

The fact that his ass felt just as good made it all the worse for him, the pleasure forcing him to grind both his cock and growing breasts against the glass while pushing out his behind. The magical water was spraying directly on it, his ass like a sponge that was unable to stop soaking it all up as it burst outwards over and over.

No matter how much he begged, the water wouldn’t stop, leaving him only able to accept his own helplessness as his assets were filled with increasing amounts of thick, jiggly fat. He’d abandoned his attempts of escape now, too focused on the grinding to care, his breasts reaching large D cups as his memories were consumed by a new, greater purpose.


It was a purpose that was coated with lust, his flattened cock twitching in need at the thought of the boy, memories and instincts to serve and protect overwriting everything else. He wanted to fight it, but it felt like he was resisting his deepest desires, something he needed to do, the thoughts causing his breasts to surge out one more time.

Somewhere along the way, his cum had evaporated, his cock spurting out fumes instead, only adding to the steam that was clouding his mind, his mind a mess of thoughts and wants. There was a clear victor, Dako squealing as his most recent memories eroded away, his body tingling as years of his life melted into nothing.

Everything was slipping away, the tube's pressure loosening as he staggered back in a daze, his body almost completely unrecognisable. He was afraid. He was afraid and he had no idea why. His features shined with newfound youth as he regressed to his teens, Dako feeling like he was forgetting something but unable to recall just what.

The magic made such thoughts impossible to focus on though, the boy shrieking as steam gathered around his ass, the feeling eerily similar to a pair of hands grabbing it. His horny mind couldn't help from imagining them as his master’s, the thought making him buck and wail as his ass surged out further to please him, the sheer size of it instantly forcing his hips apart with a loud crack.


His resistance in the face of such feelings had never been more half-hearted, what little remained of the man he was before finding itself rapidly outnumbered, each change threatening to add more power to the new identity until he was completely overwhelmed. Everything was against him, shower products flying upwards and unloading their contents onto his legs, the magic supercharging them with energy.

They slowly slid down his legs, his muscle literally turning to jelly as his legs grew slender and lithe, his muscle compressing itself into much more efficient forms. He could feel the power, moaning as the fat in his calves faded away, the corruptive fluids pooling near his wriggling, shrinking toes.

He barely registered the change, his mind already accepting the new appearance of his lower body as normal, his new, improved self almost free from the shackles of his old mind. Deko loved the feeling of his body, his instincts sharpened to perfection as power and pleasure filled every muscle, moaning happily as another bottle emptied its contents on his chest.

The clear fluid began to darken in response to the water, solidifying and tightening against his nipples, cupping his breasts with latex as rising straps climbed up his shoulders. The presence of the swimsuit top was unfamiliar, the purpose of him wearing one in the shower unclear to his steam-filled mind, but he couldn't bring himself to care, the feeling of it nothing less than amazing as his eyes glazed over.

His mind was clearing, his resistance parting as everything started to become clear, his mind almost scrubbed clean of his former identity and bleached with newfound purpose. Deko blinked in a daze as the water on his face started to act irregularly, twisting and solidifying into new shapes, a pair of glasses forming on his face as he gasped in shock.

The clear vision only reflected his new mental state, his resistance sliced down without hesitation as he was filled with nothing but acceptance, the feeling guiding the magic to what was left to be corrected. Pleasured moans and coos spewed from his lips as his thighs burnt with delight, sensually inflating outwards as steam leaked from his shaft.

Deko's weaknesses were being lost in the steam, the changing boy almost ready for her duties, her thickening thighs instinctively rubbing against her hard cock.


The water running down her body made the pleasure all the sweeter for her, her thighs soaking up the magically charged liquid to increase their growth as they rippled with mass. Her cock couldn't take much more of it, already half of its size and twitching pathetically between the thighs that were crushing it.

She didn't know what it was, but Deko didn't need to look at something to know it was trash that threatened her duties, the almost girl's eyes narrowing in anger when it simply refused to go away, still needing a final push to make her mind and body perfect. The magic was more than happy to provide her with the means to do so, a bottle of shower gel popping open by itself as silver fluid poured out.

The liquid was different, the appearance almost metallic as it began to harden and solidify, the plastic container darkening and shifting as it morphed into a blade of the highest caliber. She only spotted it once it was finished, too horny to question where it had come from as she gripped the hilt, knowing what she needed to do.

She gently pressed the hilt against her cock, squealing at the cold touch of the metal, prompting her cock to start withdrawing back into her body, making it a struggle for her to stand. Clear fluid coated her blade as her cock expelled all it had, Peko finally starting to feel like herself again as she continued to push, determined to get rid of the pathetic little thing.

Peko was so close, she could feel it, every thought and instinct desperate for completion, the almost girl not fully understanding the thoughts as she was fucked raw by her own cock. As the Ultimate Swordswoman, she knew which blades were beyond using, the one between her legs the most pointless of them all as she shoved with all her might over and over again.

She didn't stop for a second, even after it had been reduced to a tiny nub, rhythmically pushing the hilt against her dying manhood until it was gone, her ecstatic squeals rising in pitch with every push.




The final push was all she needed, Peko's eyes rolling into her skull as she came for the first time as a woman, her cock fully withdrawn into her needy pussy, never to return. She immediately set about satisfying her horniness, moaning out her master's name as she thrust the makeshift dildo deeper into her new opening.

Peko pleasured herself for what felt like hours, only stopping when her body couldn't take anymore, the girl gasping for breath as her shaky hands dropped the blade to the floor, the entire thing soaked and stained with clear fluids. It was a pleasant change to the red that commonly marked her weapons, Peko turning off the shower while blushing to herself in shame.

While the girl knew it was necessary for her to be at her best, she still couldn't help but be ashamed every time she relieved herself so lustfully, always feeling like she had stepped out of line somehow. It was more than worth it if she could protect her master though, her blush fading as she opened up the shower and stepped out, holding her head in her hand as she looked around for a towel.

"Wait... what is this place? This isn’t my.. and why am I wearing my glasses and a bikini top in the shower?"

She narrowed her eyes as she dried herself, the daze over her mind lifting as she suddenly noticed everything that was off, her body tensing as she grabbed her sword and exited into an unfamiliar bedroom.

"What the... where am I? Where is the young master? How did I-"

The sound of a ringing phone broke the girl from her thoughts, Peko blinking in surprise as she noticed someone's mobile to one side. For a moment, she considered her options before uncertainly answering, seeing that the caller was an unknown number.

"H-hello? Who is this?"

"Oh hello there Peko~. Glad to see you're finished on schedule~."

The caller was a woman, one whose every word was laced with unearthly confidence, the sound instantly putting Peko on edge as her instincts froze up. Every part of her was screaming that this woman was dangerous, someone she needed to be incredibly careful around as she grit her teeth.

"What are you talking about? Did you bring me here? W-where's the young master!?"

"Don't worry Peko. I haven't done a thing to your precious young master. And excellent, it sounds like everything went off without a hitch~! I'm so sorry I couldn't be here to meet you in person, but I am a very busy woman~. My assistant barely had the time to deliver my gift to you too! And she's very skilled when it comes to time management~. Shows how much business is booming these days, I suppose~."

The woman chuckled to herself as Peko looked around, spotting a small bag on the floor, the girl opening it to find her outfit neatly folded up inside. Nothing made sense, the swordswoman finding herself growing more frustrated.

"I thought it would be rude of me to leave a girl in nothing but a bikini top, so I got this ready for you. Hope you enjoy~. Anyways, that should be everything~! If you need help adapting, look out for a loud, enthusiastic woman who hangs around with a redhead and a blonde~."

"Wait! You haven't explained anything! Where is the young master!? If you don't answer I'll-"

"You’ll what? Track me down? Threaten me? Haha... those little tricks may have worked wonders in your world, Miss Pekoyama... but right now, you're in a very different ball park. And let me tell you, worse things than you have tried and failed to take care of me. So if I were you, I would go and look for those girls now and appreciate my generosity~. Wouldn't you say?"

The emotionally cold girl shivered at the mysterious woman's words, her instincts panicking as she did her best to regain her composure, determined to ask one more thing before she hung up, choosing her words carefully.

"Yes. Thank you. Just... if you get the chance... tell me where the young master is."

"Hmmmmmmm, I'll consider it. Who knows, maybe I'll bring them over here one day. They would be a bit different to how you remember them if I did though~. Anyways, I really must be going. Ciao~!"

The line went dead after that, Peko throwing the phone to one side as she quickly unpacked the bag of her clothes, her eyes narrowed in determination as she prepared herself for the tasks ahead.

"Ok... first I'll track down those three women she mentioned... then I can make plans to find the young master. I only hope it doesn't take too long..."



Now where can I buy a bottle of this shampoo?