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This month our friends at Tablehammer were so kind to provide all of our Tier 2 patrons with the following free gift: A spiritual leader of “Xaiax”.

Here's a word from Tablehammer:

"Join Tablehammer today for the finest 3D-printable models! Join a growing universe of 3D-printable miniatures including mighty human heroes, undead aliens, space dwarfs, sinister demons and more with monthly releases of new models.

Our gift to the OnePageRules community: A spiritual leader of our new faction “Xaiax” that will also include brave warriors and mighty combat suits included in this month's Patreon + tribes."

Make sure to check out these links:




Never heard of these guys before, but I like their style!


Will probably buy their stuff after I see a whole army out. Lots of creators make cool but partial armies. I'm looking for a good full Tau proxy


AWESOME suggestion!! Any other ones you suggest for other armies?

Nick Holt

I'd recommend StationForge for Guard / Death Korps / Ad Mech stuff, really nice and not too overloaded with detail


according to the content of the files themselves, this model is called 'Gui’do – The Puppeteer' and not 'A spiritual leader of "Xaiax" '.


I love that my patrons do guest highlights of eachother 😃 I can highly recommend the table hammer stls, the ones I've printed have come out great for me. I would also recommend puppetswar miniatures (I only really print the bushi orcs), though they seem to be my one subscription that doesn't do guest highlights.


As Steven said I suggest Pipermakes if you want Tau proxy models. I had supported them for over a year and have tons of awesome models from them that I'd highly recommend.

Emma Marx

The lil floaty robots or whatever they are just kinda fell off the model. Tried again and was extra careful and one of them still broke off 😭