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  • Age of Fantasy Lore Focus #2
  • OPR at TMX - Tabletop Minions Expo
  • 3D Print - May's Delayed Models Now Available, Comparing the Old and New Alien Hives, New Previews, and New Video

Age of Fantasy Lore Focus #2

Every week we're highlighting the lore of a few factions for each of our games, and this week we're focusing on Age of Fantasy's Elves! The Wood Elves, High Elves, Dark Elves, and Deep-Sea Elves have a long history of betrayal, civil war, and trying to restore and reclaim their ancient homes.

Read about them in this week's Lore Focus on our website.

OPR at TMX -  Tabletop Minions Expo

OPR will be exhibiting at TMX (Tabletop Minions Expo) on June 3-4 at the Gruenhagen Conference Center, UW-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Hosted by Uncle Atom and featuring guests and presenters Vince Venturella, Sam Lenz and Ninjon.

OPR will have a booth set up running demos of our games, giving away some free promotional miniatures, and showing off some of our minis.

If you're in the area or planning to attend, be sure to stop by our booth!

See the TMX Website for event info and tickets.

3D Print - May's Delayed Models Now Available, Comparing the Old and New Alien Hives, New Previews, and New Video

The delayed models from our May release are now available, including the Alien Hives Devourer Titan and the Human Empire Bases. They've already been added to the MyMiniMactory packages for our Tier 2 Patrons.

At the suggestion of our Patrons, we thought it would be a great idea to show side by side comparisons between the new Alien Hives models and the old ones. So we've got two to show you!

First up is the Carnivorex. This is a great example of one of the models where we've taken the existing sculpt, sharpened and refined the details as well as added more texture and details across the model, but the big addition to the model is that it is also available with a host of new weapon options for the body that it did not have before.

Here is the old Carnivorax:

And here are some previews of the new one:

Next, the Burrower was a complete re-sculpt. While the two models are recognizable to each other, the new model has more details, a different pose, and an entirely new body that more represents the vision we had for this terrifying alien beast. The new burrower is also quite a bit larger than the older one.

Here is the old Burrower:

And here is a preview of the new one:

Also this week we've got more previews at the top of this post of the Human Empire and Alien Hives models you can expect to get next month! For the Human Empire, we are showing off the War Wagon. This powerful mobile platform towers over the battlefield, protecting and supporting the troops inside, include the Boar mascot!

For the Alien Hives we're showing off the Assault Prime and Grunts, the melee front line for the faction, as well as the monstrous Carnivorax, featuring many of the new body options it has to represent the different upgrades this unit can take.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Finally, Paintman Journeying has a great video featuring the new Human Empire models where he paints different heraldry to represent the different elements of the Human Empire.

You can watch it on his YouTube Channel.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team




I love the pig theming.

Von Divo

That's not how Heraldrys is spelt - but it's a fantasy game. :D Grammar be damned - thanks for the tutorial (it's perfectly timed for my AoF:S project next week) Keep the content coming - loving the new look!

Mo Schlz

Very disappointed that the „new“ carnivo Rex is not standing on two legs..


The post says that the delayed April models are available, but those are actually the May models.

Erik Waring

Why am I still subbed? These revised aliens that are going to eat half a year are LAME. If there was going to be a redesign it should be substantial to be worthwhile. These are mostly ridiculous looking melee weapons that could have just been an add-on pack ore something. As for that back cannon thing... thanks for triggering my very mild Trypophobia. I will never print these. The human empire has been underwhelming and was basically covered with the Vinci army. Matter of fact... im not staying subbed.


if you want a screamer killer buy a screamer killer. you have TWO options for that now. Or one of several existing printable ones. OPR was obviously not going that direction at any point...


I don't care much about the nids, but he's not that wrong; I expected more, from seeing the Empire sketches a while ago. Apart from the knights I did indeed find it more or less underwhelming. But that's my taste. Maybe July will have some interesting designs for me...

Drew Houser

I don’t know, it’s fairly helpful to those of us who didn’t have AH previously. Just because it doesn’t interest you doesn't mean it doesn’t interest anyone.


unfounded hopes. was never any suggestion any change to any of the models would be that drastic

Temo deGaunza

Eh, I don't mind. More trying to figure out how the Burrower gets employed as anything beyond hen-peck style data entry/secretary jobs. Maybe still could do fast food front counter if it can fit in the building without burrowing part way up first... Or perhaps an acupuncturist or hedge sculpturer? I mean they're supposed to have sentience and so forth right? Unlike the space locusts in that other universe.


or.. mining. which is burrowing through rock. lol

Jordan Appleby

Makes sense, why stay subbed if youre getting most of the updates free anyway and the age of fantasy army has nothing "fantasy" about it


Loving the Burrower, and the little pig's hat :)

Captain Karnage

I'm a little disappointed with the aliens too, but my nephew loves them. There's nothing wrong with them but they really don't look like it's as big of an improvement like the Sisters were I do like humans and am hoping that there's a Grand Cathay inspired human faction in the future