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  • Sellswords - Playable Mission
  • 2D Print - Models Released, Upcoming Changes
  • 3D Print - New Concept Art, Poll Results Info, New Video
  • OPR News - v2.50 Updates + Tons of Videos

Sellswords - Playable Mission

A few weeks ago we shared a new version of Sellswords, and teased that there would be a playable mission for you soon, and today is finally the day!

We've updated the Sellswords book with extended hero creation rules, now including weapons and equipment, as well as a new mission. This is the first mission we've made with the new rules, and definitely needs some more work, but it should give you a rough idea of how you can expect missions to be in the future.

Download the rules at the bottom of this post here.

2D Print - Models Released, Upcoming Changes

Today we've finally been able to deliver the Duchies of Vinci Set #3 minis, which you can download right now at the bottom of this post here.

Unfortunately our main artist is most likely not going to be able to complete the Fantasy Terrain set this month, and probably won't be able to complete the Alien Hives Set #3 at all.

We're really sorry for the situation, so please allow us to explain.

The problem with our current process is that we have a single artist working on a unique stylized version of the 3D models in his free time, but the workload is being too much to manage properly due to new responsibilities, and so that leads to delays.

After much deliberation, we've decided that the best way to move forward is to change the way we make the minis, going for a more true to life version of the models. This allows us to have a more streamlined and consistent process, that can be shared by multiple artists, whilst delivering the minis in a style that looks good.

In order to ensure that the process is going smoothly, we're going to need at least one month of lead time, so that we can create a small backlog as a safety net. This means that at least for next month, we're going to be giving out a large number of our older releases, to hold you over for a bit. We know the situation sucks, but this is for the better.

Now with that out of the way, let's take a look at some of the proof-of-concept models we've developed, so you know what's coming at you in the future.

As a start, we tested out one Beastmen Warrior and one Eternal Dynasty Warrior, and they came out looking great. Streamlining the process allows us to do more stuff too, so from now on our minis will come with fronts AND backs. On top of that, we're also gonna take the time to make some dedicated VTT assets, for those of you that like to play on Roll20.

The models will also come with all the other stuff you've come to expect, 2 color versions, b&w versions, black border versions, as well as the PSD file, which is now optimized for further customization than before. :)

In order to make the transition from old style to new style very clear, we're going to start off with the Beastmen and Eternal Dynasty armies, since there's no versions of them in the previous style. We hope that you like them!

3D Print - New Concept Art, Poll Results Info, New Video

At the top of this post you can see concept art for some of the models that will be released soon for the Beastmen and the Eternal Dynasty, plus the new Duchies of Vinci legendary, and the new terrain for the Beastmen, Mummified Undead and Robot Legions.

We got a ton of messages since we revealed the poll results, we've heard your concerns, and we're going to try to find a solution that is realistic for us to achieve.

In order to not leave Saurian Starhost fans hanging, as well as give you something more to chew on than just Daemons for 3 months, we're going to try and see if MAYBE we can release the Saurian Starhost as a third army alongside the rest, starting in July.

Regarding the Dwarf Guilds, we're going to try and fit them into our production schedule the earliest we can, but MAKE NO PROMISES right now without more time. We hear your excitement for them, and we love the concepts too, so we'll try to get to them ASAP.

That being said, this whole polling process has been quite jarring, and is making us re-think the way that we involve the community in our future plans. We still want your feedback, but without setting up wrong expectations that might not fit into our production schedule.

At the end of the day, supporting us means getting on board with our vision for our games, so we should change our feedback collection method to reflect that.

The idea is that in the future, we will provide a big pool of concepts like we did right now, and only collect feedback on what fans think of them. No results, no winners, no roadmaps, just a way for us to get a sense of what our community is leaning towards.

Then we will use that to set our own schedule and adjust concepts based on the feedback, and keep releasing awesome miniatures for you all to enjoy. :)

Also, we've got a new painting video for you: https://youtu.be/PhI9c7yuyg4

OPR News - v2.50 Updates + Tons of Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/01/21/v2-50-updates-tons-of-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




the new paper minis are hype!!

Connor C

I really dig the new style, I'm glad it's not on one person's shoulders now too.


Kudos for being responsive. I don’t envy you trying to act on the survey results - it’s impossible to keep everyone happy. I do respect you for trying! It’s great to hear about the Dwarves possibly being fitted in.


I am going to like everything, so...


New paper mini style is great. Looks like the 3d models a lot. I agree with your outlook for the release schedule. You won't be able to please everyone.


Love your stuff and understand your way how to deal with Feedback from us...but when we will see orcs ;-)


survey's and poll often lead to unrealistic speculation. It is very good you listen to feedback and seek the community input but everyone must be clear that it is impossible to full satisfy each individuals unique wish list. Keep making really good models and be creative and open on where you are going and you will have the support of the majority if not all of us.

Andrew Martin

I really appreciate your transparency. I've only been subbed for a few months but I've felt up to date every step of the way. Keep up the great work!


No matter what you do, you're going to be upsetting or disappointing someone. At the end of the day, what truly matters is whether or not you are delivering value for our money. That's going to be different for every person but I believe most people on this Patreon would agree that has been the case so far. Please try not to get too caught up in pleasing everyone. I think the idea of showing more concept art without concrete dates is a good idea. As long as you continue to bring good value for money, you will have no complaints from me.

Derek Hoferichter

you guys are doing amzing job and know this alot o use relly relly like your mins alot keep it up you all ways deliver oh fyi i love to see some blood blow sty team for use that play those typs of games lol


I have to say I really appreciate your rational and realistic approach to all of this and more so than any of that, your openness. THIS kind of update is exactly what I love, as you're taking the time to explain to us the "what" and the "why" and that's no small feat, given how many projects you have on the go.


I think you are making the right call about doing your thing, collect feedback but make no promises on acting on poll results or whatever form your feedback takes. Keeping in mind the vocal minority doesn’t actually reflect the silent majority of your supporters. At the end of the day if people like your stuff and agree that it is value for money they will stay subbed, if not they will unsub. As long as your subs are steady or growing you know people are happy enough with the direction you guys are going.


Oh wow! That there are People who are outraged about the Pollresult and pinned you to the wall that you have to explain how and why you can´t do everything at the same time makes me sad. Take your time. Space Dwarfs will be cool as F**k next Year too.

Jonnyballday .

All sounds great and the new 2D look awesome. When all it figured out would you be touching up order sets li ks to 3D as well?


Props for the polling plans. I really like your plans and am willing to give creators a lot of leeway to do what they love. I'd rather be told what will come next than be asked and then partially disregarded. Go Battlesisters!


I'm not sure I fully understood the question, but let me try to answer. In the long run, we will make 2D minis for all sets that we have 3D minis for, replacing older sets.

Nicholas McCurdy

Also, remember that the majority of people who are upset are speaking there minds where as the majority of ppl who aren’t upset are keeping to themselves. If 100 ppl made unrealistic, angry comments that’s only 1 out of 60 members.

Erik Waring

So a couple of thoughts. First is that polls should never be used to pick sets, only gage inteest. Give people a pick 3 poll and use it strictly internally. Second, on road maps, dont throw the baby out with the bath water. I very much appreciate them. My suggestion would be to keep them short at 2-3 months, not the rest of the year. Finally, from my perspective not offering 2 distinct armies each month (even temporarily) seems like a mistake that could needlessly slow patreon growth. Each month there is usually one army Im wild about and one I never plan on using but it keeps me subbed every month. Im one of those who isnt planning to stick around for 3-4 months of demons. I would be really salty and probably leave for good if I didn't find out till month 2. Even if thats the route the patreon goes Ill be back for battle sisters and others so again that road map is important.


Sorry if we weren't clear enough, but the monthly roadmaps we post are NOT going away, so you'll still have the overview of the next month + 3 months after as usual. Regarding the Daemons, we're still going to be offering 2 distinct sets per month, but they'll both be Daemons related. So if you don't like one of the Daemon armies, you might at least like the other. Plus, we're going to see if we can give out Saurian Starhost on top of that. If you don't want to stick around that's absolutely ok, just want to make sure that all of the information is clear for everyone that's reading this. :)


With so many new subs alot of people won't have older stuff. If your wanting to break up the monotony and saurian doesn't happen maybe add a figure/unit from an older release to the mix. Something from 18 months ago for example. Personally I'm not too keen on any of the demons but I'll happily stay subbed and maybe they will come in handy at some point in future.


Hey, keep on doing what you do, as a supporter, I am supporting your vision. I love your concepts and your transparency. Keep the up the work!


I want to echo others that I really appreciate the transparency you operate with. It is one of the reasons I spend my money here. I also want to be transparent with you. While I am excited to see the rest of the Beastmen and Eternal Dynasty armies and am one of those that wanted to see the Battle Sisters (and the Soul-Snatcher Cults, the Dwarves, the Infected Colonies and the Rats), I will be dropping my support once the Daemon run comes out. I have no interest in printing, painting, or playing those armies. Once you guys are done with that run, I will be back.

Tanner Christensen

As a Duchies main, I'm so stoked for this new legendary! Totally unexpected!

Asteroids Fred

I'm here to support your games. The minis are icing on the cake to me. I think your ideas are great and its more important to sustain the creativity more than the production. Its the innovation that keeps me a patron. Do whatever it takes to keep the juices flowing.

Jared Rutledge

I signed up for a full year just to support what you are doing. Generally, I find something to like and I am never disappointed. I love the games you create and your mini lines give me options not only for your games but the dozens of others I play. Each month I get something I am happy.


Will these be a part of the February release?

Joey Jar Jar Junior Shabadoo

You’re doing a phenomenal job, Gaetano. I neglected to vote in the poll before the time ran out, but I’m surprised if anyone is giving you flak over the results. Maybe they don’t understand how polls work, or can’t see the long road ahead where patience will get everyone their favorite army eventually. 😁 re: concept art photo #2, I LOVE the hammerhead beast version. Hoping that one makes the cut! 🤞 (but I won’t rage about it if it doesn’t! Lol.)


I love the work y'all are doing, keep it up Gaetano!


The concept art is for March models. You can see February models here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-preview-61423825


Thank you!


Ooo, really liking the new models for the eternal dynasty. I actually like the more abstract feudal japan inspirations for the new troops. Nice!


That Vinci legendary is epic. I'll probably never print it - at least not with my current printer - but wow. The scale of that thing!

Allan Rodda

I think what people are "outraged" about is the existing roadmap being reshuffled to wedge in 4 months of nothing but demons when they didn't actually win the Sci-Fi pole and aren't really a very Sci-Fi army. I can't speak for everyone but I'm backing the patreon pretty much only for the Sci-Fi miniatures, and to have four months where I'll get nothing but demons, which are dubiously 'sci-fi' at best, is kinda crappy.


Love the big bull art just hope it's not put on terrain like the some of the other big models.


Don't kill yourselves trying to release too much at once! As much as I'd love dwarf guilds and starhost, I could easily wait years for them while collecting your other great releases.

Christopher Talbot

Waiting.........AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH.. Shore. It is what it is. YOU create great mini's... WE print them...YOU release more....WE print them...so on forever. If I had a problem...well, I don't ever...so no real idea....Just keep the designers happy. Which keeps us happy :)

Christopher Talbot

Loved the pick of the garrison...??an example of how the terrain can be assembled?? Like some other patreons do...

isaac crofts

Wow.... the Korean turtle ship reimagined as a tank looks stunning. I am so hyped to see it!


I'm sorry planning ahead has been such a frustrating effort. But I for one think you have doing an amazing job with keeping us informed. I would love to back an additional army though crowdfunding but this patreon is such good value for money and great for the community I can't see myself unsubscribed.

Jeffrey George

I did love the art style of the 2D minis we've seen up to now, but the fact that they had no back art kept me from printing and using them. I'm sorry to see that great, distinctive look change, but the new art looks good too, and with real back art, I'm about 100 times as likely to print them and use them. So I applaud the change--it makes my Patreon subscription to OPR much more valuable!

Enrique Avalos

Your forward planning is why I hope to stick around all year. I have not actually 3d Printed anything, but I love the work you do and hope to utilize the rules. You support so many of the you tubers I like that I just had to join you.