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Hi everyone,

The submissions are in, and now it's time to vote for your favourites!

Vote here: https://forms.gle/ir6pJc1ggXc7j12Q8

Good luck to all participants, may the best ones win. :D

Happy Wargaming!

- Gaetano



Tim Schönfeld

Good job albaround guys. Makes me happy to be in such a great competition with a ton of skilled and passionate painters!


There are some seriously good paint jobs this month!


lots of great entries this month... having a hard time deciding.


Quality and creativity keeps going up. Great stuff!

Mr. Honey

Wow, there are a lot of participants this month! And a lot of really well paint minis. Made it hard for a top ten pick


All great looking minis there, KSMeadows rendition of Thundercat's made me chuckle :D


Thanks! First time messing with green stuff and customizing a mini.

Barokai Rein

Man Sanches,Herzog and Killick are just on their own level


Vladimir Herzog's armor shading is phenomenal, I aspire to paint that well someday.

Steven Crawford

EIGHTY THREE?!?! There isn't ONE of those I wouldn't be proud to have painted!


The user explained that this was not their intention, and asked us to remove the picture from the poll.

Gavin David

I only just started getting into painting before Christmas. This comment made me happy 😊


Okay, if it wasn't deliberate then I withdraw the comment. I'll delete the one above.