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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

February New Releases

Next month is going to see the continued release of the Beastmen and Eternal Dynasty, plus we've got a brand new FTL fleet for you with the Alliance. Then we've also go the Alien Hives Winged Titan legendary creature, as well as some new terrain for the Beastmen, Robot Legions, and the Mummified Undead.

For 2D printing, we've been running into some issues, which are forcing us to re-think the way that we make paper models. Because of this, we're going to have to delay the release of new paper models, and instead will offer you a ton of previously released models , plus the Alliance Fleet for FTL.

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 47 models + 9 terrain + 88 bases + 18 game aids):

  • Legendary - Winged Hive Titan x1
  • Beastmen - Shaman x1
  • Beastmen - Raid Master x2
  • Beastmen - Beast Tamer x2
  • Beastmen - Raiders x5
  • Beastmen - Cyclops x1
  • Beastmen - Brute Giant x2
  • Beastmen - Light Chariot x4
  • Beastmen - Themed Bases x44
  • Beastmen - Game Aids x9
  • Eternal Dynasty - ONI Captain x6
  • Eternal Dynasty - ONIs x12
  • Eternal Dynasty - ONI Walker x2
  • Eternal Dynasty - Pack Master x2
  • Eternal Dynasty - Cyber Birds x3
  • Eternal Dynasty - Cyber Lizards x3
  • Eternal Dynasty - Cyber Beasts x2
  • Eternal Dynasty - Themed Bases x44
  • Eternal Dynasty - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Alliance Fleet x4
  • Beastmen - Medium Terrain x3
  • Mummified Undead - Large Terrain x1
  • Robot Legions - Area Terrain x3 + Scatter x10

2D Print Rewards:

  • Sci-Fi Ratmen Clans (2 Colors)
  • Sci-Fi TAO Coalition (2 Colors)
  • Sci-Fi Dark Elf Raiders (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Havoc Dwarves (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Sky-City Dwarves (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Ratmen (2 Colors)
  • FTL Alliance Fleet (2 Colors)
  • FTL Space Terrain (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • 4 New Missions
  • Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 70% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

The next few months are going to be very exciting, because we've got a ton of changes coming, from new welcome packs, to brand new armies!

We kick off in March with a new Welcome Pack, featuring the Duchies of Vinci and the Alien hives, however the loyalty rewards have been delayed to April. In any case, they will be awesome, and you can expect models for the Eternal Dynasty and Robot Legions.

Since the last wave of Beastmen is going to be released in March, we're going to go into April with an old favorite, the Saurians. People have been asking us for more Saurian models for a whole year now, and we're happy to say that the full roster is going to be released, including command group for previously released models, as well as themed bases and game aids. It's gonna be great!

April is going to see the final release for the Eternal Dynasty, which is going to bring us right into the next sci-fi army, with the Jackals. Originally, we were going to make TAO Coalition + Jackals, but then TAO Coalition turned into Eternal Dynasty. In any case, we decided to keep the Jackals (and will make TAO Coalition at some point down the road).

The Jackals were originally part of the TAO Coalition army, but are going to be split off into their own separate army, so that we can make a bunch of cool models for them. We don't wanna reveal too much about them yet, but here is a teaser of what you can expect in terms of design. The army is going to have a lot more models than are currently on the list, so get hype for a bunch of awesome stuff!

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • March - Beastmen & Eternal Dynasty + Welcome Pack
  • April - Saurians & Eternal Dynasty + Loyalty Rewards
  • May - Saurians & Jackals

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Agent Dex

A winged hive Titan! That made my day since I'm trying to build an all flying alien hive army.


The jackals already look awesome so I cant wait to see what we will get from you and the team!


Very cool concept for the jackals. I dig it. I'm really curious if I like the ONIs more when I print them. Looking forward to the results


It might be a bit nit-picky, but I feel like something is off about the Hunter Chariot models. The models themselves look great, like the details are fine, but the posing just feels wrong. The guys in the chariot are in dynamic poses that look like they're shooting/stabbing at enemies, but the boars are just in a static pose.


I really liked the eternal dynasty soldiers but I'm not sure how I feel about the ONIs they are kind of awkward looking.

Tristan Ranchon

Really like the beastmen, but the eternal dynasty exo armor look very childish


I really enjoy the design of the packmaster. Hopefully you make more like him. An actual unit of Kenshi-esque sci-fi Samurai would be awesome.


Very nice aß always! Are there going to be any new rules for the new beastmen Models ? :')


Beastmen.. Jackals.. Ratmen.. You are killing me! Order for an 2nd an 3rd Printer ist out. … oh i forgot the Demons.. :D


Hmm. I'm personally disappointed with the Eternal Dynasty miniatures this month. The basic troops were really promising, but all of this month's larger models look really clunky and lacking any futuristic flair. They look more like fantasy ogres to me at a glance.


The alliance ships look really good :) you can really see that they are fragile with all those exposed parts :D

David Störmer

Still not a fan of the Sabretooth Guy... just looks like one of the brutes got upscaled with longer fangs, he had much more interessting proportions in the concept

James McDougal

im so excited to print out the oni suits! i love how heavy they look. it lends to how threatening the feel


I think the Oni Suits are not sci fi enough... they almost look steam punk-ish. While I like the Japanese influence/esthetic, I would like to see more hi-tech like models for them. The army as a whole has a fantasy element to it versus the sci-fi features they could have.


I have second the opinion that the onus are not a big hit. Now that I read here that they look like fantasy ogers in samurai Armour I can not unsee it. Most of all the hats, like the ones on the drones, are just to silly to my eyes.


I'll chime in and say that I don't like the ONI very much. The infantry last month was futuristic with a nice Japanese touch, these ogres look more like dumb fantasy ogres in Japanese armor. Which would be fine, in a fantasy game.


I actually like how chunky the Oni are. Reminds me alot of the older Japanese depictions of Oni in art.


For some clarification, When you say that full line of Saurians is going to be released do you mean the ones that are already in your MMF store?

Jarra Joseph-McGrath

OMG where am I going to steal enough resin for this legendary?!?! 🔥🔥🔥


Hmm the models are fantastic but I subscribed for the Tao coalition. I guess I didn't quite understand there was a change of plans and this was a different army. Oh well... I'll wait


We are going to release new models, which fill out the units in the army roster that currently don't have models for them.


As always, everything released this month is top notch and fantastic in design! Keep up the good work!

Ryan Ferguson

The Oni look amazing. Really grabs that big brute look with robots


those boars still look like statues oh my god can that be fixed? hahaha all the other fantastic beastmen, and the oni neither fu nor fa, the ones from last month I liked more, and the titan I hope to print it one day because I love it but it seems that I can print three armies with that resin :´D

War Mammoth

Amazing job again! Can't wait. Thank you!

Jared Rutledge

I didn't think I would like the Jackals, but I really like the sketches that I am seeing.


Not a fan of the ONI armor. They look like killa kanz with more sophisticated weapons that don't really fit together.


hyped for the ONI, cant wait!


thank you for being so open about what is happaning


The ONI suits are a bit funky looking. Feels like a bit of a missed opportunity given how cool mechs can look.

Akihisa Futjimoto

Ok wird. I was saying: Hey ho, I have read all comments and I'm a liddle confused. Oni from the history story's are mostly top heavy/fat Oger like monsters. I personally think ogers can be pretty brutish and clonky. So I think the minis are history accurately, not only that but the "fat belly" of the mechs are a perfect place for pilots and seem even to combine logic into the design. I also can't see any steam pipes or gears and personally think rocket batteries and Mecha legs doesn't fit into steam punk theme. Maybe with some kit bash but mainly them speak Sci fi to me. Most negative comments felt to me more like "The last release fit perfectly into my 40k tau army and these mechs doesn't look a bit like the 40k tau battlesuits." I can see why a lot of 40k fans are her and I'm a fan my self. Maybe in the futur there will be some models that fit more as tau battlesuits proxis. But I think as Sci fi oni these models fit realy well and I hope you will try out new things like this in the future. Stay healthy every one and have a greater good one. 😜


I agree with others about the mech design, but HOT DAMN the jackal looks amazing, would love an entire army of dog/anubis troops.


Not a fan of the ONI design, to be honest, but I love pack master and the cyber creatures.

Machin Chose

Damn, those huge ONI, they mean business :o


I really love the sculpts especially the eternal dynasty. I was wondering, if I wanted to use these as 40K proxies what could I use the animals for?


Will the full ED roster be realized? Specifically the Scouts?

Kyle Bentley

Just saw that the big ONI suits got added. They look really cool! They remind me somewhat of the giant samurai in Sucker Punch. Would it be possible to get a minigun style weapon for them, maybe in a later month?


Really liking the grim dark factions and that they're moving away from 40k inspired, making the game come into its own. Looking forward to when you do Titan Lords and hoping they morph into something more diesel punk or Armoured-Core like.

Kyle Bentley

Just want to say that I really appreciate the Robot Legions terrain including some individual small robots. I will have a lot of fun with those!

Allan Rodda

Honestly, all the Eternal Dynasty vehicles have been a real let-down.

Psychsoulman .

Or how about a faction that uses MOBILE SUITS from GUNDAM! And all the accompanying support guys from that universe into this one?

Bartosz Badowski

WOW RL little but super cool stuff!!! Cant wait to print them and add to my necron army! Thanks!