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The poll results are in, and all we can say is, wow, what a ride!

Saying that this has been an overwhelming experience is an understatement, with over 300 messages and more than 4300 votes, we have never seen such a response before.

We are very happy to see how excited everyone is for all of the designs we've come up with, but alas, we have to make a choice. Let's see the results!

Poll Results

The fantasy poll vote was mainly split between Daemons and Ratmen at 23%, then Goblins at 17%, both undead at 13%, and finally Orcs at 10%.

The sci-fi poll had a huge 75% Yes result on doing Battle Sisters, and for the rest we had the Dwarf Guilds at 28%, Daemons and Machine Cult at 23%, then Infected Colonies at 13%, and finally Soul Snatcher Cults at 11%.

Winners: Daemons, Ratmen & Battle Sisters

The results show that both for fantasy and sci-fi, the Daemons are fan favorites, probably because they're usable in both settings. Right behind them however, we have the Ratmen and the Battle Sisters, which are too awesome not to make.

This has thrown a huge wrench in our projections for 2022, but we have a plan!

Since the Daemons are both usable in fantasy and sci-fi, and they will take at up around 8 release slots, we don't think it's fair for either fanbase to have to take the hit of 8 months of continuous Daemon releases, whilst the other gets both those and their own release.

So what we're going to do instead, is that once the currently planned factions for the first half of the year are completed, we'll speedrun our way through the Daemons. We'll be releasing only Daemons for around 4 months, to get all of 4 of them done ASAP.

Then, once the Daemons are done, we will be releasing Ratmen for fantasy, and Battle Sisters for sci-fi. Basically, in 2 polls, you got yourselves 6 armies, congrats!

New Roadmap for 2022

With all of that in mind, here's the updated roadmap for this year:

  • Jan - Beastmen + Dynasty
  • Feb - Beastmen + Dynasty
  • Mar - Beastmen + Dynasty
  • Apr - Saurians + Dynasty
  • May - Saurians + Jackals
  • Jun - Saurians + Jackals
  • Jul - War Daemons + Jackals
  • Aug - War Daemons + Change Daemons
  • Sep - Plague Daemons + Change Daemons
  • Oct - Plague Daemons + Lust Daemons
  • Nov - Ratmen + Lust Daemons
  • Dec - Ratmen + Battle Sisters

What about the rest?

We know a lot of you are excited about all of the other army concepts we've shown, and we will absolutely get to all of them at some point in the future.

At some point later this year we'll be making a new poll for either classic or original factions (still to be decided), which will include more concepts for additional armies, making the choice even harder for everyone. :)

With that in mind however, we're not very happy with the fact that due to how polling works, some of the less voted factions might be left behind for a long time, even though there's a lot of people that want them (10% of our audience is still 650+ people). Here, we have two ideas on how to move forward, and would like to hear your opinions in the comments.

The first idea is to have each poll feature 5 factions, but randomize which factions are available to choose from. As we've seen from the poll comments, people are excited about ALL factions anyways, so no matter what, there will be something for everyone.

The second idea is to hire additional help to work on some of the lesser voted factions separately, and release those outside of the Patreon. This could be done via crowdfunding, and would ensure that they don't clog up our release pipeline.

Anyways, that's it for today, 2022 is gonna be a great year. :)

Happy wargaming everyone!

- Gaetano

P.S.: For those of you that have been around for a while, you may recall that we were originally planning on releasing the sci-fi Saurian Starhost this year, but with this plan, they would only be coming out after the Battle Sisters in mid-2023.

Since we know a lot of people are excited about them, we're currently looking into the possibility of releasing them via crowdfunding instead (matching the Patreon price so you're not getting screwed), but nothing is confirmed yet.



We got a ton of messages since we revealed the poll results, we've heard your concerns, and we're going to try to find a solution that is realistic for us to achieve.

In order to not leave Saurian Starhost fans hanging, as well as give you something more to chew on than just Daemons for 4 months, we're going to try and see if MAYBE we can release the Saurian Starhost as a third army alongside the rest, starting in July.

Regarding the Dwarf Guilds, we're going to try and fit them into our production schedule the earliest we can, but MAKE NO PROMISES right now without more time. We hear your excitement for them, and we love the concepts too, so we'll try to get to them ASAP.

That being said, this whole polling process has been quite jarring, and is making us re-think the way that we involve the community in our future plans. We still want your feedback, but without setting up wrong expectations that might not fit into our production schedule.

At the end of the day, supporting us means getting on board with our vision for our games, so we should change our feedback collection method to reflect that better.

The idea is that in the future, we will provide a big pool of concepts like we did right now, and only collect feedback on what fans think of them. No results, no winners, no roadmaps, just a way for us to get a sense of what our community is leaning towards.

Then we will use that to set our own schedule and adjust concepts based on the feedback, and keep releasing awesome miniatures for you all to enjoy. :)



Mathaeus Silveira

Crowdfunding other factions is a great idea!


"People are excited about All the races", yeah, that's true. I voted daemons/sisters but EVERY concept you've shown was on point...can't wait to see more!

Liam Milross

Only a little bummed that half my subbed year is deamons..... 😔


I would be 100% onboard with crowdfunding


um... so... I hate space dwarves, but you are just going to ignore the fact that they won the sci-fi race pretty handily?


Very excited about all of these factions, even though battle sisters aren't the most exciting to me there is something I'm really looking forward to every month this year! As for the less voted on factions, I think crowd funding is a fantastic idea! We get so much value out of this patreon, I have no problem with throwing some extra money your way to speed up the releases. Everyone that works on these models absolutely deserves it!


Sci-Fi Saurian delayed because of battle sister is so sad. And Dwarf guild leading at 28.2% and kind of forgot about is too.


Ya I don't get why space dwarves were not mentioned despite winning the poll. Would love more clarification on this.

Ryan Paul Michel

Aww man, I've really been digging the Saurian Star Host concepts and model reveals. Will be a shame to see them get bumped that far down.


Kind of feels like you ignored the result of the Sci Fi Poll being won by space dwarves. Can we get some explanation of what's going on there?


Win win situation, anyway.


Check the roadmap carefully, only 3 months are daemons, the rest includes other factions.

Thomas Kurtz III

If you're talking crowdfunding that would mean that you have the resources to get the extra models done. So why not start a second patreon? Maybe even split the models into fantasy and Sci fi for it... I'm a Sci fi collector but I'd still support both.. Put that to a poll... See where it leads you...


Battle Sisters lead with 75% Yes, and Starhost not delayed, but released via crowdfunding instead.


Lit. What a wonderful post

Costa Gauci

I was one of those looking forward to Soul Snatcher Cult. Especially since how their look is linked in to Alien Hive. Perhaps seeing them crowd funded will even mean they get released sooner rather than later. I know there are very talented artists out there and with you guys overseeing it I am sure we will still get a good result.

Michael Peterson

I have to wait a year for battle sisters! :(


I wonder why the sister werent just part of the scifi vote like the others? It kind of feels like that helped them tremendously, bc Im sure many ppl said "yes" as in "yeah sure why not" rather than "this is my first choice for scifi". I voted no and for daemon in scifi so Im happy with the outcome, but Im just surprised at how the poll was built.

Alex Adams

I don’t know that I like idea of doing some armies outside the patreon. For one, why throw away 4 months of subscriptions for a Kickstarter. But also I would feel a little annoyed if my army choice was thrown on a crowdfunding campaign and forced me to decide I should cancel my patreon here for a couple months just so I could budget in a Kickstarter pledge. Not even considering that we have the discount codes from the patreon to incentivize not backing the Kickstarter and just buying the files with the MMF discount later.


Great idea...I would also accept to Support a SciFi and Fantasy Patreon if this would mean I xould ger even mote fractions..I collect both but currently I am more interessed in fantasy stuff.


Yes, it was meant to be skewed, as explained in the poll post. We want to make the Battle Sisters really badly, and only if people voted No on them, then we weren't going to make them.


Also I would add: rather than just selecting one, giving out scores to each might have painted a more nuanced picture: rate every option from 1 to 5, along the line of: 1 not interested at all 2 not really my thing 3 they're OK 4 I like them 5 I absolutely want them


Everything will be priced in such a way that grabbing the models via the crowdfunding would never be the worse deal for supporters.


Would love to see my beloved orcs coming this year...Willingen to crowdfund them


I'm one of the people that voted daemons and I'm happy to see I'll be getting what I want but I can't deny that dwarves won the sci-fi poll and rats lost (narrowly). I think in future you'll probably want to roll the battle sisters in with the new army vote because I voted for yes on that too. Or if you're going to exclude an individual army from a general poll like this make it a crowdfunding thing like you're planning with the starhost. Hopefully will lead to less confusion in future and dismay as you can see from the comments so far.


who is Jackals?


Admittedly I was a bit ....reluctant...about crowdfunding at first glance. Why pay extra for something I would get here eventually? BUT: There are lot of really nice lesser voted factions and since I am like "No-Patience Man".....Let's try it! We can still go back to the randomized polls, if crowdfunding proves to be "meh".


Of course Battle Sisters won. They got their own yes/no pull. Very easy to get high score, and can't really be compared to the other factions scores.

Nicholas McCurdy

Cool, thanks for the update. Seems like next time you should keep the numbers to yourselves because once ppl latch on to percentages they get upset ha. Not super stoked on Deamons but that’s only because I don’t really understand how to play them. That being said I wasn’t stoked for DV until I saw what you guys did. Now I love them so there’s that ha.


who faction is Jackals?


Will any of the fantasy Ratmen be usable for the scifi version? I have one daughter who plays Battle Sisters and another who plays Ratmen, so the end of the year has the potential to be very exciting ....

Mikah Kriyjkes

Honestly I voted yes on battle sisters and for the soul snatchers 😂, however untill those come out I have worlds of things I haven't printed or painted untill then. I don't think any of us are short on things to occupy and keep us busy. A year goes fast sadly. Do what you think is best for your time and product. I like elements of all of the armies. Looking at this month's models I've seen growth in the concept and modelers skills, vs when I initially found this patreon, that's all I ask. We all will still be here. 👍


Originally, we were going to make TAO + Jackals, but then TAO turned into ED. In any case, we decided to keep the Jackals. More info on them later today.


Originally, we were going to make TAO + Jackals, but then TAO turned into ED. In any case, we decided to keep the Jackals. More info on them later today.

Samuel Durfee

What I’d really like to see is a complete re design of earlier Alien Hives Models specifically the Grunts, Warriors, Hive Lord, and carnivore Rex. These designs are more birdlike in appearance which is off putting because everything else is solidly Reptilian Dinosaur Aliens. A side note on the Soul Snatchers, I love the design.


Unless you do some heavy conversions, I don't think that the fantasy ratmen will be suitable for sci-fi, sorry.


Polls always generate bad reactions, other patreons removed them for this reason. For sci-fi dwarf it is better to wait, specially for those who wants them for WH40k because if some rumors are true, squats should come back and Sororitas is a nice alternative army to them. If crowfounding speeds up the releases of sone armies, it's ok for me.


Since I'm one of the few not stoked abut the Deamons I'm glad to see that the next few months look like this: Feb - Beastmen + Dynasty Mar - Beastmen + Dynasty Apr - Saurians + Dynasty May - Saurians + Jackals Jun - Saurians + Jackals Now I just need to check out the concept work for those, since I haven't see those. :-D


I find this very acceptable. I assume the Jackels resemble but are legally distinct from the lollipop guild...I mean the Kroot, but will they look like jackals or spiky chickens? On a side note, I just wanted to thank you guys for what you do. Not only do you give the best value for your patreon, but your mmf is easier to navigate and better grouped than any other store I have seen.

David Störmer

I feel like saying "Battle Sisters won with 75%" is a bit of a cop out when the question was just if they should be made at all. If you wanted it to actually be fair you should have just put it in the poll alongside the others

Jesse White

Shocked Space Dwarves pulled off the sci-fi poll. We just need to do it again next time! 🤘

Erik Waring

Four months of only demons? Yeah, nah. Im not staying for that. I know its a lot of peoples jam but I have 0 interest and if its only demons there's no reason to keep subbing those months. Bad plan imo.


As far as the poll goes, I prefer the first idea. You guys put out such great content that I'm willing to wait a little longer for quality. I definitely am among the individuals who are happy with any of the choices! Keep up the great work!

Scott Woods

I'm onboard for anything you guys make, my only gripe with this particular poll is that you split the undead category into 2 armies - vampires and ghost. If you combined their results you get 26% as a clear first place for "undead". As a big undead fan I do find that mildly annoying.




crowdfunding some of the armies sounds like a wonderful way to find more people. I totally support going that route. Sounds like a great idea.

Kevin Derrington

You'd probably attract more patreons if you kept slightly more in line with GW's latest releases. I subscribed to Ghamak about 4 months ago to print off his Russian Sisters files. I'll be interested to see what you do with them, but I don't think i'm very likely to go back and reprint another version of the same army. Any word on the 10mm files? Appreciating the current Dynasties range though!


Any news about "epic", mini scale minis/armies?


I like the release schedule :). I thought it was going to be a clog in the middle but it seems good to me!


I'd be all for you guys picking your favorite less popular faction and experimenting with the crowdfunding. (particularly if that less funded faction was, say, machine cult, or ghostly undead, lol.)


Love the results and looking forward to the releases. But next time maybe don't number the legend... thought first Goblins won =)

Michael Zabkar

Well...this is disappointing. Instead of original content and sculpts, we're going to get what numerous other Patreons and sculpting houses are producing... Knock-off 40K miniatures for disenfranchised 40K players...and the same re-hashed factions over and over, at that. Skaven, Beastmen, Battle Sisters, and Chaos. At least the Saurians are included for this year. The rest of it is a waste of tired GW tropes. I'll still support you, of course. But this year's roll-out is underwhelming.

Kyle Bentley

I'm not surprised that Sisters and Daemons are coming up next, but I was surprised to see the Ratmen and Dwarves as the other winners. I wonder some people are thinking the dwarves could be used as alternate models for the Kharadron Overlords. I'm not the most excited for the Daemons or Sisters, but my wife is really excited for the battle ladies, and the Daemons do look good. I've got the new Saurians and Jackals to look forward to though, so I'm happy. Very curious to see what the Jackals look like. For the Daemons, since we're getting them for fantasy and sci-fi it might be a cool idea to get some variants with high-tech bits to add some variety. As far as crowd-funding, I wouldn't mind some armies going to Kickstarter, as long as the price remains roughly equivalent and neither the Patreon nor the Kickstarter suffer from less quality or model count. I can understand why some people would be against the idea, though.

Daniel Hanson

I would love to see Ratmen done as both sci-fi and fantasy. I think a lot of Ratmen models could be used in either with just some weapon swaps then have a couple fantasy specific beasts and scifi specific machines or battle armor and voila, Ratmen for both systems.


We have no intention to be in line with GW's releases, after all, we are trying to do our own thing here. Small-scale stuff is still being worked on, current estimate is release mid-2022.


The fun part about the OPR system is that you could play Ramen in either setting. If you really want them to be Sci-Fi you can paint weapons like "Power" weapons from 40k; Power Sword, Power Bow, Power Sling, etc!


Honestly didn't care what won, everything looks fantastic, very excited to see the infected colonies/ Vampires whenever we end up there. Damn fine work overall.


What are the Jackals army?

Jonas Fox

I'm looking forward to all releases. I like the idea of getting something from Age of Fantasy, and something from Grim Dark Future. I'm more in favor of having completed armies ASAP because then I can plan consistent painting schemes and use the army sooner. The more the patron gets split up the more frustrating it gets. I'd rather just get an army done, even if it's one I'm not particularly excited for like Sisters. A working and complete army checks off a happy box in my head. It's been painful to wait for Saurians to finish. I don't want to go through that kind of delay again. Let's check off completed armies. Armies are options. I'll learn to love them once I can use them in their completeness. :0)


Originally, we were going to make TAO + Jackals, but then TAO turned into ED. In any case, we decided to keep the Jackals. More info on them later today.

House Hendoe

Well I have negative interest in Demons in either genre, once their done though I'll be there for the Rats


Will you create all units listed in your datasheets for these armys this time? Or will some of them not get flying units for instance, like the Robot Legion and thus make the whole army printing thing -at least consistency wise- a waste of time? (Yes i'm still very dissapointed after reading this.)

morgan light

Supercool roadmap for the year, and thanks for putting that out there - even though we want every single possible faction in the polls to be made, it's good to know what the year ahead holds so we can plan accordingly for our printing and not get other STLs of those since they're coming.

Joshua Ates

As much as I hate to say it, since I love the tau. I think staying away from them is for the best. Hard to top piper makes and you already have some unique armies. I would just leave them as a just a datasheet for those of us who love them. While I am not a fan of daemons I voted for them just because one army can work in two games so I will most likely print some out just as an extra army.


yeah, second this. I'm not really interested in the demon stuff and would rather spend money on machine cult or faster dwarves-release or soul snatchers or whatever.


I see your point, but I think that people come here because OPR is doing things they recognize. I came for Alien Hive and others will come for Chaos and Battle Sisters. So they kind got to do some recognizable factions and since everything is decided by voting anyways, it seems like people want to have these. Would've been hyped for 40k Saurians as well, or 40k ratfolk


Are you speaking specifically about aircraft, or some other units? We still haven't gotten into making aircraft yet, because that's a whole other level of engineering that we're not currently ready for.


So if we didn't like Deamons we are just screwed for 3 month. Grwat :(


Personally I support the idea of the crowdunding system. Really hope that we can get the other armies faster that way :). Big fan of the demons so I dont complain about the schedule but I see a lot of comments here against the demons. So they should probably be released over crowdfunding. Just a thought. I dont mind and will be a supporter either way


Just like any other army we make. If you didn't like Beastmen and Eternal Dynasty, you'd also be "screwed" for a few months. The only difference here is that you got to vote.


Sadly nothing here that will interest me for the next 12 months, so i'll tap out for a while and hope to see y'all in 2023. Keep up the great work :)

Robert McRae

Battle Sisters, Lust Deamons, and Lust Sisters

Ted Soper

With the quality level coming out I would support an additional crowd funding project for additional armies faster.


Not really bothered about the Deamons tbh but I'll take the Ratmen and hope for my preferred Goblins and Dwarfs in a future set

George Martinez

Not excited about the demons since I have so many but at least with the roadmap I know which months to unsub for. I don' t mean that in a bad way, your transparency is one of the reasons I enjoy your content but not everything has to be for everyone.


Well, everything you release looks great, so I just hope that you just keep releasing them. Maybe within many many years we'll have all of them :D


I really like that you have such a transparent release mode going. Congrats on + thx for that! I would love to see Dwarfs at some point, since they scored so high and I like them :)


This sucks about Saurian Starhost I didn't see them even on the list to be voted for are they would have been my number 1 vote for sure.


Even though i dont play any of the factions released this year. Im happy to continue. This way i can have friends that dont have armiers have thier pick. I am not a fan of crowd funding. Im happy to wait and see. I might change my mind when announced. Depending on cost. Keep up the good work.

Machin Chose

Maybe a silly question but: how many new patreons are needed to hire enough new ressources to release one extra set per month so that you could add all these new armies in the monthly sets? Like one Fantasy set, one SciFi set and one extra set that will be half the time Fantasy and the other half SciFi. Increasing the throughput then. (as an alternate way to the kickstarting solution)

Matt Ramos

Dang, Orcs lost out. Oh well, every single other option also looks awesome, so I don’t mind the wait!

Christopher Talbot

7500 subs to release all voted on armies????? I can wait two months :) Seriously...awesome models....awesome ideas....JUST FRIGGIN AWESOME


I am not opposed to the crowd funding idea to perhaps get some of these armies to see the light quicker. I do have concerns in regards to how those who supported the crowd funding and for those who didn't get access to those miniatures. Specifically there will be people who have the money to support a crowd fund in their budget the month(s) of the crowd fund and those who will not but still would have liked to have supported it and voted for wanted a specific army. Of course we have to discuss costs in regards to return on investment for the crowd funding project. Is there perhaps a specific leader unit that is exclusive to the Crowd funding that will not be available vie myminifactory for a period of 12 months. Or the army which might not be available for X amount of months where the backers of the Crowd fund do have access to it. Transparency over what specific benefits someone who backs a Crowd fund has. My thought process is in any crowd funded projects, the people who originally backed it get exclusivity to a specific set of models, or a better price point then those who did not. Latter down the line, those who did not get a chance to back the crowd fund also have access to the vast majority of models, but then have to purchase them through something like myminifactory. Something to perhaps throw up on a later poll and consider.

Allan Rodda

The starhost was on the schedule for this year already, they got bumped in favour of demons and sisters.

Allan Rodda

The mention that the cost of a crowdfunding pledge would be comparable to getting the army through patreon. I would imagine if you don't back the crowdfunding campaign then purchasing the army would cost the same as any other army on the MMF store. Of course you then have the frequent discounts on MMF, so who knows.

Tanner Christensen

Dwarf supporter here. Since the Battle Sisters were a Yes/No vote, wouldn't it make more sense to have that release be the crowdfunding release and then the Dwarves for the SciFi release? I'm excited that you're excited about the Battle Sisters, but if I knew I was voting for Battle Sisters OR Dwarves in terms of prioritization, I would've voted "No."

Allan Rodda

I have to add my voice to those that aren't overly pleased about several months of pure demons, doubly so that the Starhost has been bumped in order to accommodate them. I feel like maybe bumping the Jackals might have been a better choice or, given that it's such a large project, making the demons a crowdfunding campaign and concentrating the patreon on getting more armies finished, such as the Dwarf Guilds who technically beat them in the sci-fi pole.


Thats awesome. I´m very happy with this.


Was hoping Vampires would do better. Been trying to find nice ones to make an army out of. Can find dwarves, rats and orcs/gobbos by the bucket loads out there. So anyone know of a good maker to get Vampire armies, especially nice calvary models from till OPR does it?


I also am super bummed that the Dwarfs won the sci-fi vote but then somehow got left out of the release road map in favour of a faction we already have a full release of, and would only be getting a revamped version of. I also would say that they should be the crowd funded faction as opposed to the dwarfs


Arch-villain and last sword both have some good ones. IMO vampires are really readily available in the miniature space, on the same level as lizardmen.


I too was wondering what happened to the Dwarves since they were the popular vote. I would have expected them to be released before the Demons.

Lord Hamster

Jackals? Awesome! one thing which I wasn't the biggest fan of is that the Dynasty has no auxiliaries or mercs to work with them. seriously curious about what you'll come up with Jackals, Ratman and the Star Saurians.


I mean I pay around £10 per month for patreon to you guys and get soooooooo much stuff that realistically if I want a model, say from the saurian army with the tier 2 discount i'll just go buy it! The way I see it is im still saving probably £70+ on what id be buy from say GW. Amazing work on the models and the supports they are printing perfectly thanks for the hard work!


I want to start by saying this is not a complaint, I am very happy with the direction things are going and love Onepagerules as a whole, I was just wondering about the road map. You guys clearly want to make the Battle Sisters, your patreons are perfectly fine with Battle Sisters, yet you pushed them back a full year to make the demons. It seems like Sisters/Ratmen could go first then switch to demons. Keeping your subscribers happy is nice, but if you loose your passion and end up forcing yourself to spend months slogging through models you don't want to make, you'll burn out then everyone looses. Maybe I'm biased because with the Eternal Dynasty, Beastmen and Saurians I will have all I need for my Pathfinder/Starfinder games through 2024, but I would hate to see you loose your drive trying to please everyone.

Kostovick Joseph G

Is there anything I could do to help build you web army builder.


Jackals arent beastmen?

Ben uWu

Jackals are a sci fi race currently under Tao coalition ("Kroot inspired") being expanded with new unit types and becoming their own thing


there is not remotely a full release of sisters lol, you're high