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  • 2D Print - Still Delayed
  • 3D Print - New Previews, New Army Voting, New Video
  • OPR News - GFF v2.50 (beta) Live + Lots of Videos!

2D Print - Still Delayed

We're really sorry to say that our resident paper minis maker is still going through some issues, which is why the minis are delayed. We are working on getting this fixed ASAP.

Thank you for your patience, and apologies for the inconvenience.

3D Print - New Previews, New Army Voting, New Video

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in February, with the Beastmen Raid Master, Light Chariot and Brute Giant, the Eternal Dynasty ONI Captain and ONI Walker, the new Alien Hives Winged Titan, plus some new Beastmen terrain.

Later today a new post will be made for Tier 2 subscribers, giving you a chance to vote on which new Sci-Fi army we'll be working on next. Next week we'll be revealing which armies we'll be working on in the second half of the year, exciting stuff!

Also, we've got a new painting video for you: https://youtu.be/QlvU8W3tcuA

Here's an overview of all the clan markings, so you can follow along:

OPR News - GFF v2.50 (beta) Live + Lots of Videos!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/01/14/gff-v2-50-beta-live-lots-of-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Brady Inman

That archer is sick. Will there be a pose or two without the tactical base?


Woohoo sci-fi vote soon !


Fantastic 👍

Joey D

That Alien Dragon is jaw dropping, epic work! One little bit of feedback on it though... it's got these really nice chonky muscular arms and legs, but the 'shoulder/arm' joint of the wing doesn't entirely match (like someone accidentally skipped wing-day at the gym a few too many times :P ). Any chance that could be beefed up a little to match? (would also support the wings better on the model as a physical object, as they're probably quite heavy, and rightly so :D ) An alternate head to give it 3 (or even 4) pairs of eyes would be sick too, for that really alien feel. (and heck... another alt head giving it a 'normal' 1 pair of eyes, and this becomes a sweet normal dragon too).

Aaron Emerson

Hmmphhh! That Hive Titan! Oh my god! That is going on the printer as soon as I get it.

Aaron Emerson

I love the Gnoll Ranger/Assasin, gives me so many ideas for the campaign I'm making for D&D. Heavy on Gnoll and Githyanki love

Aaron Emerson

I agree, a few alt heads would be incredible, it will make you want to print more of them


Awesome work and I'm loving the progress on the alien monster and the Beastmen! Out of interest will the boars get some charging posing for them not just standing still? (I know its wip so not finished)


Could've gone a little closer to the original inspiration for the battlesuits. These look kind of silly. The exposed joint is a bad design for survivability and the cloth padding on the shoulder is just plain silly. Shame really, the ED warriors are amazing.


Same here. The whole reason for most to run T is being able to bring Gundam to WH lol


Wooooaaarr!!! I hope the wings of the Titan will fit on the Plate.


Alien hive titan is just awesome, whatever u do to it would be great. Beastmen are as awesome as i was not interested at all by that army...SINCE I SAW THEM, and now i want them sooo bad. Eternal dynasty.. for now is correct, troops are ok ( just ok ) but those oni walkers can be a lot better...they need a bit more of work imho. Samurai/EDO japan theme is an awesome idea, and i think it can be worked on a bit more to fit a sci-fi army, there are many examples around. Good job anyway, keep it on!


I really like the tree branch the beast-man archer is standing on. But I'm a Hive player and that Titan looks amazing!


Gundams to WH...i think we can wait until TAO Coalition army ^^, already waiting for them.


The Light Chariot will be a little more static, whilst the Heavy Chariot will be a little more dynamic.


The wings have been cut into many pieces, to fit even on smaller printers. There's also an optional version without the wings, for those that prefer it.


Great stuff but to be brutally honest Brute Giant looks more like an upscaled hero/high value soldier and less like a monster. With the exception of the 2 human skulls hanging off its belt there's nothing else that gives a sense of scale. The Cyclops model from the Jan 12th update looks far more convincing and monstrous.


Hmm.. I like the look of everything except those oni walkers, is there supposed to be a guy in there? If so, where are his limbs? Is he just tucked up in a ball in there? I really don't like that shoulder joint and overall they just look kinda fat and dumpy, they look less like an oni and more like a daruma doll. Not a fan.


They are supposed to be robots, there is no pilot inside. We wanted to make them fat and dumpy, that's our vision for the ONI. :)

Aaron Brown

Hyperventilating at the raid master. I must paint one. Overall the beasts have been my favorite OPA sculpts thus far

Erik Waring

Man I can wait to print those Oni! Im digging the Eternal Dynasty! They are Imperial Japanese Deiselpunk aliens and I dig em.


Sorry if I sounded rude, just a first impression. If they're supposed to be fat dumpy robots that's one thing, it's just that with the dragon themed weaponry I guess I was expecting something a little more slick looking. You know what they do look like though? Turtles. And I do like turtles.


I'm totally digging the Dynasty. I'm building my own head cannon for mine based around a Sabaton song similar to my TMC Valour Korps. So please, never stop never stopping with the Dynasty.


Best value patreon sub by a massive margin


I am loving the Beastmen and a lot of the Dynasty stuff too. Small request before the Beastmen are finished. Can one of the terrain pieces include a complete version of the stone circle that is on so many of the bases?


been loving the content! looking forward to more lizardmen though! :)

Mark Stone

There are bird people in the OPL beast man lore. I can't wait to see some of those. The tiger men are awesome and that gnoll ranger sculpt is fantastic.

David Störmer

The Sabretooth guy looks kinda off. He just doesn't look big, he looks exactly like the brutes but with longer teeth. I think it's mostly the head area, in the concept he has a smaller head with a thicker neck, that made him look much more bulky

adsPHOE inchbyinch_gaming

tengu, birdfolk, catfolk, dogtype, primate, repile. goat sheep bulls, all were used in beast men early designs. cant wait to have a selection of all.