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Hi everyone,

It feels like we're basically making this post every month, as we've just hit a full 6-month streak of 70% discounts, thanks to your generous support!

Since we just hit 6000 patrons, all of our Tier 2 subscribers will be getting a special 30-Day Discount Code of 70% during the month of February.

The discount code will be shared here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60635779

Our next stretch goal and special discount code will be provided once we hit 6500 patrons, and since the year has just started, we have plenty of time to get to it. :D



Note: It's normal that patron numbers fluctuate up and down during the month, but don't worry, even if we dip below 6000 patrons at some point the 70% discount will stay!




Absolutely love your work! Onward and upwards! Thank you! Also... Super Heavy tank rules for HDF! Please!


It's good to see so many 40k refugees.

Kris Grant

Congratulations OPR

Mark Cornell

Thank you for Being what 40k could not be.


Only recently joined, but wish I had signed up ages ago! So much amazing cool stuff!!


A well deserved goal! Thank you for your work! rules and sculpts are great 👌


Congratulations on your success, you deserve it. Simple math, 6,000 patrons at $10 each, that's $60,000 a month, minus Patreon fees, which shouldn't be more than 10%, means you have good funding, to develop more models, release more often.

Simon Crouch

Ok, I cannot see the post that should contain the code.