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For rest of this year, we're going to be releasing the Eternal Dynasty, Jackals and the Saurian Starhost, but after that, we're going to be releasing a new army, and you get to choose which!

This next sci-fi army we'll release is going to be a "classic" army (stuff like battle sisters, machine cult, etc.), but with an OPR twist to it, so that it fits into our own universe.

To make things easier, we are providing you with overview concepts for each army, which were made to convey the overall theme we're going for. These are not final concepts, nor do they cover every unit in the army, so more will come once we make them.

We highly recommend that you download the army images, so that you can view them in full, because there are TONS of details on them you don't want to miss.

Battle Sisters Highlight

Before we get into this, we have to make a confession: we love the new look for the Battle Sisters. The whole team is extremely excited about it, and it has filled us with a passion beyond what we usually have for the rest of our work. The fact that we also have a current line of Battle Sisters models, which we frankly don't believe is any good, has further inspired us to give this army our best shot.

With this in mind, the voting for the next sci-fi army is going to be different than the one for the fantasy army. First, we ask you to pick if you want us to make Battle Sisters or not, and then vote for the rest. If the majority of you pick the Battle Sisters, then we will go for them, but else we'll go with whatever else got the most votes.

Now, let us explain why we are so excited about the Battle Sisters.

From a theme perspective, we love the idea of an all-female army, with a highly religious theme. In order to stand out for other similar themed armies, we are leaning heavily into the more baroque look of the "semana santa", which is near and dear to our hearts.

From a sculpting perspective, this will allow us to flex our muscles, and how what we can bring to the table. Each unit is layered with different materials and details, which are both a challenge and a delight to work on, and which should make for a stunning result.

It's important to note that despite the complex look of the army, we will make sure to stay within our signature modelling style of accessible miniatures, which are high quality but still easy to paint. The Eternal Dynasty Warriors are a good example of a sculpt with many different materials, but that still remains easy and fun to paint.

Without further ado, here's the rest of the army. Enjoy!

Here's the other 5 sci-fi armies for you to choose from:

1. Dwarf Guilds

For the Dwarf Guilds, we wanted to go with a different theme that doesn't have the typical Norse mythology look. The Dwarf Guilds are deep galactic miners, who arm themselves to the teeth to fight whatever they find at the deep core of the planets they dig into. Their themes include heavy mining material, as well as gas masks that are connected with tubes to their chest, resembling mighty beards.

2. Infected Colonies

The Infected Colonies are interesting, because it's an army where you are essentially playing as a parasite. The parasite takes over the nervous system starting from the spine, and working its way up to the brain, where it consumes it. Then it starts to grow, breaking the skull apart, and becoming a mass of flesh with pieces of skeleton lodged into it. Each stage of this transformation is a different unit, and there's also infected animals in the mix.

3. Soul-Snatcher Cults

When soul-snatchers are sick of being advisors to alien hive tyrants, they go off to find less advanced planets, where they are revered as gods, forming a Soul-Snatcher Cult. The style of the army reflects this cult obsession, with all units having armor shapes reminiscent of the soul-snatchers, as well as their slightly more low-tech roots.

4. Machine Cult

In the GF universe, the Machine Cult are a faction of technologically obsessed fanatics, that are still waiting for the singularity to happen. Despite this, they are actually not that advanced, which is why they have a weird, 21st century / boston-dynamics theme. To reflect their weirdness, the style of the army is based on a mix of cyborg bodies and weird vehicles, that bridge the gap between organic life and machines.

5. Daemons

The Daemons are divided into 4 havoc gods, each with its own theme, and if they get picked we will make ALL 4 of them, so that we can complete the full faction roster.

Note that since this army is both present in fantasy and sci-fi, we're giving you the chance to vote for them in both polls. If they get picked, we will do a special joint release, where we only release daemons for a few months, trying to get through the full roster quickly.

War Daemons are the most brutal of all, with their theme being centered around horns and devils. They love to collect skulls, so they carry fancy baskets to store them.

Change Daemons  are wise and magical, and we wanted to go with the classic bird theme, with triple eyes. They also carry lots of scrolls, and relics, plus use disk shaped weapons.

Plague Daemons are not exactly rotten, but more infested. Their bodies are twisted and disproportional, with fungus growing all over them.

Lust Daemons are an all-female mix of sirens, snakes and insects. As they grow up in ranks they grow more tails and claws, until they reach their ultimate form.


The voting will be open until 25th of January, after which we'll be revealing the winners, and then start working on the armies. Please note that we're really excited about all of these concepts, and they will all be brought to life in the long run.

Vote here: https://forms.gle/z7KLBwxF33bQ6xQW9

Exciting times are ahead of us, thank you so much for supporting us, and helping us make all of these amazing models a reality. :D

May the best army concept win!

- Gaetano




Love the artwork here - soo much to choose from .


Oh boy, Machine Cult? Yes, please

Quinn Shaw

I'm torn between the sisters and the machine cult they both look amazing

Marc Seeburg

Nuns with Guns? Hell yeah. Infectet Colony? Yes please!




The Dwarves look awesome.

Simon Crouch

I'm not in love with the sisters, but sure go with your passion! Or Demons. 🙃


New Sisters are WAY better! Really want them now


This one was hard too! All of the above!


Again exceptionel job with the drawings. As in the fantasy section I hope you will realise them all some day. As for now Battle Sisters sounds very good but in the end Im fine with all of them. Keep up the great work :)


Dwarf Guilds? Woohoo!

Jared Rutledge

Let's be clear. All of these are excellent options.


Oooh...... Ooooooooh my!!!! Just all of them!


Honestly I am torn between all of these but I have to go Dwarf guilds first. I want them all though!


Everything sounds great except for the demons. They are literally EXACT copies of the warhammer evil gods. War, change, plague, lust. There are four in warhammer, there are four here, and all four are the same topics. Even the change ones look like birds, just like the gw ones. If we wanted to have demons like gw, we can just buy that. I'm looking for uniquness here. I dpon't think the demons should ever be made, because, like I said, we can already get lots of those that are basically the same. Everything else looks great, though! Absolutely great!


Amazing! art work I love that style :-) You guys are insane and amazing thank you for being fans for fans :-)


Oh my those Sisters Look amazing! And everything else we can choose from Looks awesome too.


The infected colonies looking sweet!


Do it all


I can't believe you have the guts to sit here and ask me to pick ONE of these. I want them all, yesterday.


God damn, infected colony is so awesome as a stand alone set but also reminds me of one passage from the genestealer codex where a cult got infected by nurgle! So cool!




Dude... Honestly all of them all. If I have to ve really picky... hmm... In this order: Machine Cult, Soul-snatcher cult's, Dwarf guilds, Battle sisters, Infected colonies, and lastly Daemons. Let's be honest I will print them all.


Mixing and matching the Machine Cult & Dwarf Guilds will be a favorite pastime of mine, I can tell already :)


Its hard to pick one, machine cults by a hair


I'm not seeing much "semana santa" in those Sisters, which is good because the capirote that features so heavily in the costuming during that event gets a big YIKES from me.

James McDougal

I'm super hyped for the demons because they stick to the themes we know but still being a very new unique take on that (also knowing OPR they'll prolly be much better and more dynamic models)


The Sisters do look good, have to admit that... but Machine Cult? *drool* LOVE IT


Sisters then demons because you got to love them. And the cross platform is always been there strong point.

Andy Nicholson

Machine lt, Demons and Infected are my top 3. They are all amazing though lol


Dwarfs, dwarfs, dwarfs, dwarfs!


I do have a thought on the Lust demons, it feels a little odd that they would only be female aspects. I understand this fits with the typical representations and there are quite a bit of references to traditional mythical creatures like the Sirens that are female well. So, I totally see the inspirations here. It might be cool though to add in some male aspects as well though, not like hulking muscled dudes, but the more sensual, lithe, dancer presentation of male. To be perfectly clear as this can be a bit touchy with some groups, I'm just thinking it would be nice to have them in addition maybe, and I'm not saying replace, get rid of, or any of that. Not looking to start a discussion on "woke", or other culture hot button issues. Just might be nice to have options, and it just felt a little odd that Lust would be only female.


Total hat tip to your designers and concept artists here, I am constantly amazed by how awesome the stuff they put out is!!! All of the sketches look amazing, and I really (like many of the posters here) want them all, and being honest, want them NOW! :) great work!

Nick Holt

Tricky choice, the sketches all look tempting. My choice is the infected colonies. I also kind of agree about the chaos choice. It's difficult to re-invent the wheel of course, but I think the sculpts that I've enjoyed most on other releases have been the ones where it's immediately easy to see the OPR style on them, in comparison to GW sculpts that many of us know already. There have been other releases on Patreon where the demonic sculpts either just like traditional devil / demon style or lean quite heavily into the GW tropes. Whatever you end up doing, I'm looking forward to it. I'm really enjoying supporting, and appreciate the extra effort that you guys also put into stuff like concept sketches. Not everyone does, and that extra mile is a big reason for the big growth last year, I guess. Keep up the good work!

Justin Wold

Love the idea that the dwarves "beards" are just the environmental suit for breathing! for all we know they are regular size but the bulky suite and the preceptive making them look like short guys. (i know thats not whats going on) but def inspiring!

Kyle Bentley

My wife is extremely excited for the Sisters, and I think they all look great. I like the Flood/Necromorph vibe of the Infected Colonists, and really like the mode industrial aesthetic of the dwarves. The Soul-Snatcher Cults and Demons are all cool designs as well, but my personal favourite has to be the Machine Cult. I really like the mix of near-future technologies with religious elements, and the apparent focus on drones and small vehicles has a lot of potential. I can see the Machine Cult models seeing a lot of use in near-future sci-fi and post-apocalyptic games, especially if the more overt religious elements are modular or can be easily removed.

Inacio jonathan

Maybe it's not the best place to ask but are you guys planning on doing a opr fantasy football alternative? (maybe it already exist and I missed it) I recently fell in love with bloodbowl but its a bit too much rules for a beginner and blitz bowl has never been released in my country (and many others countries actually).


Difficult choices. I hope to see all of these armies eventually.


I really like the aesthetic of the Machine Cult. That bio-mechanical but sort of lower tech look is really great and I think fairly unique. Honestly none of these options are bad though.


I can't tell you guys to wait to do something you feel passionate about so I voted yes for sisters even though I would much rather see machine cult or dwarves personally.


The sisters looks awesome ! But I have to admit that I really dig the space dwarfs !


Most of them look amazing. I hope the sisters or the infected will win.


Although, I love the aesthetic of battle sisters, Dwarf is the one that will have my vote. for Karl!!!!

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

I am liking all of these options, but my vote goes to the Colonies as options for this army are pretty slim at the moment. I was hoping for a bit of a sci-fi flair to the daemons rather than being straight up identical to the fantasy variant. That is something that always bothered me a bit about the GW models. Still, the concepts look great, especially the bird daemons.


I'll be fair your battle sisters look great, but I'm kinda sick of everyone aping them after GW did it. Dwarves Guilds though absolutely have to have my vote and the fact they are going to have a heavy industrial look rather than norse is just the icing on the cake


This girl needs her sisters :) Besides that the Dwarfs look cool.


Those Dwarves! I would love to paint those up in a Deep Rock Galactic theme! Although the Daemons look incredible too... But the Machine Cult! Oh, these are incredible!


I mean, they all look great....but I NEEEEED those DWARVES! GOT TO HAVE THEM! :D


Loving the look of the soul stealers 🤘🤘🤘


Just my 2 cents, I like the modern look of the Dwarves and the Machine Cult looks interesting too. The rest is not my thing. Not a fan of the 40K look.


I'm a simple person. I see demons, I vote demons. Won't be sad if Sisters take it, though. They do look amazing and I see why you are so passionate about them!


Dwarves in spaaaaace!

Kevin Derrington

I'd LOVE something more space elvish, but in the mean time the sould snatcher cults look like they'd be the most useful to me

Alex Hunter

I like the Battle Sisters, keep the hoods and half masks. I really like the Machine Cult and the drone designs. Something reminds me of elements of the machines from Horizon Zero Dawn.

Sebastian Baumruker

They have Death Ball. I assume it's Bloodbowl like but it could be football/soccer based. Haven't properly looked into it. Here's the link anyways in case you want to check it out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hzjr8Sspac0sNEgENR7DC-5w6ycVGo6W/view No models for it directly from OPR afaik.


You're making it really hard to choose! I admit the aesthetic for the sisters is cool, and the others are all really exciting (and sufficiently distinctive from most other available armies), but I LOVE those Dwarf Guild chaps...would be perfect for our 5e Scifi setting!

Mikah Kriyjkes

The revision to the sister's is SUPER nice 👌 glad I resubscribed to hear this news! (If it gets done) that sister on the motorcycle with wide wheels? The sword pose? All of the others?! *chef's kiss*

Sebastian Baumruker

To add to your point there are mythological inspirations for male represenntations of lust and seduction. Incubus and satyrs jump to mind but I'm sure the list gets much longer when digging in. Also in classic literature Vampires are usually depicted in this direction.


Once again an awfully hard choice to make


The Daemons will be wildly useful not just as a table top army but will be a big draw for RPGs and people who want to paint demonic looking things.


Would love some sci-fi space lizard men. 🙏🦎

Scott Spalding

Please consider allowing multiple choice in future votes! For example, I don't want to see sisters, machine cult, or demons. (no offense, I've just seen 3+ versions of each of these and own multiple, I don't need more) But dwarf guilds, infected colonies, and soul-snatcher cult? I haven't seen anything like any of these! If I could at least see the current results, I'd vote for whichever of these was doing the best in hopes of *something* I want getting made.

Allan Rodda

I want to preface this by saying I love the concept art for the Dwarf Guilds and voted for them in the pole. However the lack of self-awareness when saying "We don't want to do typical dwarves so we made them space miners with cable beards" is astounding when both the Mantic Forgefathers and the GW Kharadron Overlords are pretty much exactly the same thing.

Alchemist Models

I've actually been building up a small Sisters army for my first games of Grim Dark Future so dedicated models couldn't come at a better time!

Thomas Surey-Gent

I love the look of the infected colonies concepts, Like the Flood but with that OPR twist, the Dwarf Guilds would be my second choice, love the bulky yet functional look of their armour and gear, perfect fit

Allan Rodda

Those will be the "Saurian Starhost", which are getting made before any of these guys.

Allan Rodda

I mean you could literally make that argument for any of OPR lines of miniatures. The demons look like demons and aren't EXACT copies of GW's lines, just clearly inspired by. Also if your complaint is that the game / miniatures too closely echoes GW's properties then I think, maybe, you've missed the entire point of this exercise.


all of thrm look great! seriously hype!


OOF good lord all of these look fantastic! Having a second set of sisters would be great, but good gravy the concepts all look excellent! Personally after demons IMO machine cult and then soul snatchers would be great - but the others are awesome too! All of the concepts are pretty fantastic imo


difficult choice!


Sisters, Dwarves, Machine Cult in that order. Shut up and take my money, 😂


fantastic designs - but I do like the old sisters; more armour and less cloth :)


Same, the streamlined look was a nice change from the cloth heavy look that often comes with warrior nun type things.

Andrew Enns

I know my vote isn't going to count as there are way more people excited about sisters, but I HAVE to vote for dwarves. There is a massive lack of SciFi dwarves out there and I definitely want some to print up an army

Joseph Fazio

I love the concept art of the sister on the bike, I'm pretty excited to see the new line


I really hope sisters wins. Those are some fantastic looking concepts.


I think you should make what you are most excited about, so hells yeah battle sisters! They look awesome! After that the new spin on Machine cults looks excellent!


Lust Daemons! For the Dark Prince!

Geoffrey McDonald

The infected colonies looks amazing. What would be really cool is infected colonies and corresponding unifected colonist and planetary defence forces. That would be so amazingly cool

Liam Milross

Still waiting on space elves 😭 only ArtelW making fresh new space elf scultps.

Liam Milross

Really digging that Boston dynamics vibe on the machine cults though! Picturing a battle warn safety yellow just like spot 💛


Wow. I have been waiting for you guys to redo the sisters for a while now. I'm really excited to see what you guys can do with them. As far as the other, I'm up for anything whether I have a version of them or not.


Super excited for this!!


Its gotta be dwarves, we can right the wrongs of not having grim future squats all this time


The Sisters art looks awfully spiky, like corrupted spiky. If you can keep it to iconographic sanctified feeling rather than corrupted feeling, it will be great. I'm quite happy for them not to be leather clad go-go dancers with shoulder pads, looking forward to what you can do with the flowing fabric and still have them look battle worthy.

James DiMatteo

Excited for Sisters and Soulstealer Cults and Daemons and Infected colonies and just.... all the things. But especially Sisters and Soulstealer Cults.


I need me some space dwarfs




Infected colonies super original! But their all great!


It's 'Hammertime' for the Dwarf Guilds ofc! These concept arts are so epic! Great work on all of these factions guys! :)

Machin Chose

I would say "Squats Squats Squats!" (I still have many minis from the 80's). And it cannot be intellectual property theft if it has been erased by the big DjeeDoub'


Was hard voting only one....


Three Words: Dwarfs! Dwarfs! Dwarfs!

ThatOne Guy7078

I'm never going to say no to Battle Nuns


They are basically analogous to the Deadzone plague faction


I’m voting for Infected colonies as they would be great additions to myPlague deadzone faction. Dwarves and new sister concepts look great though


Oh man, I want em all! Especially like those sister concepts!

Jim O'Keane

Machine Cult looks to have the most universal appeal and usefulness in other games.


I'm voting for Dwarfs!!! Because we need more space dwarves!!!!


Also, who are the Jackals? Is this a reference to the Beastmen army or something in that army, or did I miss an entire sci-fi army that has been planned??


They won't win I'm sure but those Soul-Snatcher cultists look so boss. They got my vote for sure


The infested, war, and plague armies look great.


Machine cults so the 'damaged bot doing its best' can exist in this world. XD


Machine Cult is awesome, the bipedal walkers look like the Geckos from MGS4


I AM A DWARF AND I'M DIGGING A HOLE! I love the sisters also but I NEED the Dwarves.




Dwarves! Sisters look great, but the Brothers REALLY need an update!

Mark Stone

I've never played in the grim dark world. I'm s fantasy guy, but I would love to paint either the sisters or the dwarves.


I need em all :'D

Lee Perry

Oh man!!! So many great options!!! Which it was a "click all that apply" poll :)


"Deep Galactic Miners", you say? Rock & Stone!

Christopher Barnes

Especially, with Sister Act 3 on the way!! We gotta have one that looks like Sister Mary Clarence(Whoopi Goldberg)!!!!!! Or maybe the whole classic choir?


I like the machine cult. Gotta go with that.


Had some more time to look over the art in close detail, and man, the machine cult are awesome. They look like if the Tau tried to emulate Mechanicus style with Imperial vehicles, and I really love it. Regardless of which army wins the vote, I think we all win here.


Your concepts just keep improving and becoming more unique. Although I can see the background story, the Boston-Dynamics look just makes it look silly for me, so that’s a pass. If it would be some other retro-style tech-design, I’d be completely on board. The dwarfs win the poll, although I do have one ask: please, no conical drills on the front of vehicles. It becomes too 80’s action figure toy-ish. :)

Stephan Schany

I LOVE your vehicle concepts. Especially the Dwarves and the Soul-Snatcher Cults! Then again I see that sketch of a Mega-Tank of the Battle Sisters. And their Walkers. And they also look great!


I would like an Extra Large Battle Sisters Army please with a side of Quiet Sisters and maybe some stained glass barricades/defense lines

Cody Fincher

I vote Yes for sister’s renewal. Then for the others I vote yes to all of them this year. All of them are awesome. My favorites would be infected colony takes first, I need more demons so they take second with the machine cult as a must as well in close 3rd. The dwarves are bad ass and I would love those too but have already begun the other armies so it’d be nice to complete them


arent the infected colonists and soul stealers both just 'not gsc'?


Machine cults and sisters


i would like if we could vote on more then one army.

Coty Stout

Sisters and Infected

Jonas Hans Prinzing

You guys should definetly do a yearly art book. A physical copy, maybe hardbound. You could try the waters for it with a kickstarter.