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  • Sellswords - Big Changes
  • Full Rulebooks - New Versions
  • 2D Print - Delays, New Preview
  • 3D Print - New Previews, New Army Voting
  • OPR News - New Year, New Game Version!

Sellswords - Big Changes

Whilst lately we have been quiet about Sellswords, it's not because development has stopped, but it's because we've actually been doubling down on working on it.

As mentioned before, we have not been very satisfied with the direction that the game was going, and so we decided to do the hard thing, and chop big parts of the game down, so that we can re-build them from scratch.

The core philosophy behind this new version is to give players more decision making power, reduce downtime from enemy activations, and put the emphasis of game flow on the actual missions. We hated that table setup was very long, for missions that were super short, and that the structure we had made every mission feel the same.

In order to do that, we removed the spawning/threat system from the core rules, and all of that stuff will be handled by the missions themselves. Some missions will have re-spawning hordes, some won't, some will have a threat timer, some won't, and much more. By removing these systems from the core rules, every mission can now be completely different, introduce new mechanics, do special things, etc.

This latest version is by no means complete, but it should give you an idea of the direction that the game is taking, and we'll be posting more updates soon.

This is what has changed:

  • Played on 3'x3' surface
  • Enemies now always in groups
  • Implemented a long-action / short-action system
  • Removed spawning/threat system
  • Added a ton of new special rules
  • Added new status conditions
  • Expanded the acrobatics rules
  • Re-worked how skills are used
  • Added tons of new skills
  • Added lots of new special traits

Right now we still haven't completed the new weapons, items and gold system, so they're not available yet, neither do we have a new mission that goes with this new style. We're hoping to get those done in the next few weeks, so you can play this new format.

In the meantime, check out the rules here.

Full Rulebooks - New Versions

It's been quite a while since we updated the actual Full Rulebooks, so we're happy to have something new for you. The changes have been mainly been about polish, with an overall grammar revision, as well as some minor rules changes.

If you play our games, we highly recommend that you read the news article linked at the bottom of this post, where we go in-depth about the changes and our future plans.

Grab the new versions by clicking here.

2D Print - Delays, New Preview

Unfortunately, the 2D printing delays continue, and we don't have anything new for you yet this week. If everything goes to plan however, then we should have both the new Fantasy Terrain and the new Duchies of Vinci set.

To give you a bit of an overview, right now all of our paper miniatures are being made by just 1 person, which means that whenever there are any issues, we don't have anybody else to fall back on, which is what is causing these delays.

In order to avoid this in the future, we have started the process of hiring a new illustration, who can help us make sure to release  things on time. Thanks for your patience!

We do have a preview for you however:

3D Print - New Previews, New Army Voting

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in February, with the Beastmen Beast Tamer and Cyclops, the Eternal Dynasty ONI, plus some new Mummified Undead terrain.

Later today a new post will be made for Tier 2 subscribers, giving you a chance to vote on which new Fantasy army we'll be working on next. Next week we'll make a poll for the new Sci-Fi army as well, and by the end of January, we should have the results. :)

OPR News - New Year, New Game Version!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/01/07/new-year-new-game-version/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




He looks friendly.

Kevin Derrington

The current Eternal Dynasty stuff looks very good. Not sure about the Oni. The chest and shoulders look small - looks more Orky than heroic. That Cyclops though! Amazing work!

Ian Bennett-Whetzel

I love the sculpts that cyclops is my favorite thing yall have done. Heres to hoping we can see what you do with cave beasts someday!

David Störmer

I find both the cyclops heads a bit strange, is there a chance we can get the far right one from the conceps as well? The one with the ring in it's mouth.


We tried making that head, and it just looked bad, so it was scrapped early. Sorry.


Love the ONI so far. They seem a bit more skinny than the concept art but I'm cool with both. Can you give a rough estimate of what size they are going to be?


Perfect. Is the great mace for the ONI captain going to be a tetsubo/kanabo style weapon?That would be awesome.


Onis, and the beasts next month. Really look forward to these updates!


The belt plate on the Troll[?] has a smiley face on it. LOL

Connor C

This stuff is awesome, I'm very excited to see what ranged options the beast men have!


Sellswords update sounds really good. Can't wait to try it out. 😁


Excellent sculpts


That temple terrain looks fantastic!

Brandon Ryan

Excited about the ONI and all of the options it has! It should fit right in with this month’s releases and looks like it’ll be fun to paint! Also really keen on that cyclops!


Love the oni, they look beefy and intimidating. The cyclops kinda reminds me of the hinox from breath of the wild

Joseph Fazio

Sellswords moving to a 3x3 board is a minor annoyance since I think 2x2 is best for getting right into action but I am still excited that the project moves forward.


We're also very torn about it, but with how we are changing the missions, having a slightly bigger board is going to be very helpful. That being said, you could totally play on 2'x2' and just make all distances 1/3 shorter, and call it a day. :)

Allan Rodda

I'd disagree. Starting right on top of your opponent to 'get right into action' limits your ability to maneuver prior to engaging in combat. 3x3 is large enough to allow you some options but also small enough to still fit on a kitchen table.


Purtroppo lo stile di ED non mi convince.. l'idea di base c'è. lo stile "samurai" è stupendo.. ma poi sembra scadere tutto in "venditori ambulanti di fuochi d'artificio". Non c'è la potenza badassica che hanno i "cugini" Tau.. stiamo parlando di mecha che non hanno nulla di mecha.. anche i veicoli e i droni supporto di gennaio.. scusami.. ma rispetto alla "qualità" del fantasy, sono davvero imbarazzanti..

Joseph Fazio

Not really right on top of each other, in fact 2x2 seems to be the sweet spot for paring games down to where the first turn isn't just moving to get closer to objectives/opponents but actually tactically maneuvering pieces. However, it also lends itself to speed of play and, truth be told, my table is 3x3 so a 2x2 board leaves room so accessories aren't crowding the playspace.


It'S comparable to solo/coop dungeon crawlers like gloomhaven, descent, rangers of shadow deep, etc.