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Over the next few months, we're going to be releasing the Beastmen and the Saurians, but after that, we're going to be releasing a new army, and you get to choose which!

This next fantasy army we'll release is going to be a "classic" army (stuff like orcs, ratmen, etc.), but with an OPR twist to it, so that it fits into our own universe.

To make things easier, we are providing you with overview concepts for each army, which were made to convey the overall theme we're going for. These are not final concepts, nor do they cover every unit in the army, so more will come once we make them.

We highly recommend that you download the army images, so that you can view them in full, because there are TONS of details on them you don't want to miss.

Here's the 6 fantasy armies for you to choose from:

1. Goblins

The Goblins are divided into 3 clans, each with its own theme, and if they get picked we will make ALL 3 of them, so that we can complete the full faction roster.

The Wolf Clan goblins are the most civilized, using conventional weapons made of steel, using wolves as mounts, and building artillery (to hurl themselves into battle, of course).

The Cave Clan goblins live in dark caves, using candles and glowing fungus to light their path. They tame the powerful cave-beasts, which are used in a variety of roles.

The Forest Clan goblins are the wild bunch, using improvised weapons made from foraged materials, and riding atop bark-protected tree spiders.

2. Ghostly Undead

The ghostly undead are an interesting faction, where we wanted to explore the contrast of light and ethereal beings, wielding massive heavy weapons. Crows are a big part of their theme, following them around everywhere.

All of the ghostly undead use masks to cover their non-existent faces, which come in a variety of stiles. They use the coins left in their caskets by the living as ornaments, to cover their eyes, or even to patch up holes in skull masks.

3. Ratmen

The Ratmen in the AoF universe are not filthy backstabbing monsters, but civilized beings that live in a society on the brink of collapse. Their mainline troops use weathered armor and capes to reflect that. The Ratmen are divided into different guilds, so you can expect a variety of styles depending on the units, plus monks from the cult of the great mother.

We thought that it would be cool to explore some more ideas for hero mounts, and came up with this great ferret mount, which is adorable but deadly.

4. Orcs

In the AoF universe, Orcs are a faction of slavers, which we wanted to reflect by using lots of chains, locks, cages, and more. We have been exploring different ideas for boar-like creatures for them, as well as a great wolf mount for a hero. This army also includes the Savage Orcs, which use skulls and bones as weapons and armor.

5. Vampiric Undead

For the Vampiric Undead, we wanted to stick with a slightly more classic look, but really lean into a noble slavic/magyar aesthetic. Their armor and shields are adorned with ancient scripts, and they are accompanied by hunting wolf-dogs. Their creature aesthetic is informed by bat designs, with fashionable falcon hoods. Something we wanted to try for their zombies is to go for a blood-drained villager look, rather than the more classic style.

6. Daemons

The Daemons are divided into 4 havoc gods, each with its own theme, and if they get picked we will make ALL 4 of them, so that we can complete the full faction roster.

Note that since this army is both present in fantasy and sci-fi, we're giving you the chance to vote for them in both polls. If they get picked, we will do a special joint release, where we only release daemons for a few months, trying to get through the full roster quickly.

War Daemons are the most brutal of all, with their theme being centered around horns and devils. They love to collect skulls, so they carry fancy baskets to store them.

Change Daemons  are wise and magical, and we wanted to go with the classic bird theme, with triple eyes. They also carry lots of scrolls, and relics, plus use disk shaped weapons.

Plague Daemons are not exactly rotten, but more infested. Their bodies are twisted and disproportional, with fungus growing all over them.

Lust Daemons are an all-female mix of sirens, snakes and insects. As they grow up in ranks they grow more tails and claws, until they reach their ultimate form.


The voting will be open until 25th of January, after which we'll be revealing the winners, and then start working on the armies. Please note that we're really excited about all of these concepts, and they will all be brought to life in the long run.

Vote here: https://forms.gle/myujf1WyNfS22pGS7

Next week we'll have a poll for the next Sci-Fi army as well, so you can look forward to more amazing concept art, and pick your favorite there as well.

May the best army concept win!

- Gaetano




Man having to pick just one is brutal.

Brandon Ryan

Such a hard choice! I️ don’t know which one I️ like most 😵‍💫


Ratmen had me at ferret mounts


They're all so good. Can we just vote on the order y'all do them lol?


Ugh… you guys have such cool designs! Maybe just make them all at once? You can do that right? A totally easy and cost effective task right? 😅


These are all really good, definitely hoping for the goblins but happy with any!


So hard to vote. Goblins or Vampire, such a hard choice.

Scott Woods

Ghostly Undead Lets Go!


Goblins yeah


Voted for ghost undead because I love the mask idea but I think they all sound awesome.


I said Demons, but I'd really like orca as well.


Demons for the win!!


Would be fun to have ranked voting in the next polls. Definitely hard to just pick one!


This was a tough vote. I love all the ideas.


Bloody hell, it's a hard choice...all the concepts are beautiful! I've a sweet spot for the "clean" rat, but the possible double release of the demons tempts me...


I love looking at the concept art! This is all amazing!


vampires FTW


I would never have guessed that I'd pick ratmen, but your take is too cool


Those undead heads are really amazing but I love the creativity of the rat clans.


Ghosts or Rats for me but I gave my vote for rats as It is my little brothers favorite and it's his birthday soon


I hope to see "Knightly Orders" worshipping a "Pond Woman" in the future.


Never thought of myself as the Goblin type but I LOVE those concepts!

Agent Dex

I would love to see a redwall themed army so rat men for me.


All please!


This poll might be the first toughest decision I've made for 2022.


Well...I managed to pick a top preference. Now the challenge becomes finding enough patience :)


I have to vote Ratmen, because your approach with the more "civilized" theme reminded me of Redwall. An I love me some great Ratmen Minis.


Clean rats are a close second! But had to go with the ghosties!


Had to vote for the ratmen. Might be my ticket to getting my wife to try and play with me if she can lead an army of fuzzy killers instead of lizards or skeletons!


Wow that's tough haha, great stuff!


Tough decission, MAKE THEM ALL 😅. After me deliberating with my wife...we voted, hard to choose between goblins and ratmen...


Goblins > orcs > rats :D

We Are Not Home Today

They all Look Awesome! Favorites in order are Ghosts, Orcs, goblins, Lust Daemons,


These concepts are awesome!

Uncle Buck

Love the gobbos.

Erik Waring

On the one hand its a REALLY tough call. On the other, Im going to be happy with any of these.


Dammit these armies are really awesome and tbh all of them! 🤩 It's a really though choice! You guys did a lot of great work here!


he da biggest orc i choose him


Oh dear ! Those vampires ! <3 *Finger crossed*

Vladimir Herzog

Put me in the email screenshot :p These demons look SIIIIICK


All awesome options but I gotta throw down for the Ratmen!


Rats > Goblins > Demons

Asteroids Fred

I'm tired of rats and small animal armies. I want swarms of demons, ghosts, and vampires!


Please God mercy, i hate the sillyness of gw orcs. Please make that serious dangerous looking orks 😅❤️


Gotta go with Vampires! BUT whenever you get to them please add in werewolves. Especially after printing up amazing beastmen!

Ron Purvis

Had to go with the Vampires

Tarnoc Doino

I’d love a green skin army. I chose orcs, but could be happy with Gobbo’s. Anything. BUT. Demons.


This is hard, they are all amazing. Great work on the concept art!


I think it’s the effort you’ve gone to create and share these concepts is great 👍

Barokai Rein

I'm voting Ratmen even if I don't have use for them right now because there are so many options for vampires,demons,goblins and orcs from a lot of different creators but skaven are really niche, high quality ones even more so.


Really like the Ratmen. Love the collapsing civilization spin.

Joey D

That is a really hard choice, all of them sound pretty damn good takes on classic armies indeed! Rats had me at Ferret mount though... something I've never seen before :P Hope they all get made eventually!


Ratman are relatively well represented imo, ghosts and havoc style demons less so for actual armies of them.


They are all amazing. I hope we get them all eventually


Holy @#$ I want more votes. Can we go back to three armies at a time? Raise the prices, I'm fine with that.


Me too...I would love to see Orcs, Goblins and Ratmen...not so un favour with undead...but hey all your stuff is cool


I'd be really happy with the daemons or either of the undead factions.

Andrew Beymer

Well I can’t wait to get them at any point in the lineup, but I see the least of the ghostly undead and- actually- Orcs. Especially orcs that aren’t just silly or cartoonish (read: I’m excited to see what you do with them). OPR you have a bad habit of taking armies I think are stupid looking and making them way cooler than they should be when compared to the place of most model inspiration (your rats, for example). Keep rocking- I’ll stay around for anything. :)


Curse you for making me choose between Goblins and Ratmen!!!! :)


Honestly, I'd be happy with any of these. You all just make such good stuff


Daemons all the way, for scifi and for fantasy, all daemons all the time!


Ratmen....y'all had me with the Killer Ball and Grass Cutters


Lets go RatBois!!


Daemons and Ghostly undead are definitely the most interesting, a lot of other companies and patreons have their own takes on Orcs and goblins yet very few have whole ghost armies, daemons also leave a LOT of room for interpretation.


Wow awesome choices! I like the ghosts and demons but i think I'll vote for the rats! been wanting a skaven army!

Sotirios Evangelou

They all look amazing but the crows won me over. My top three would be Ghostly Undead, Orcs, Vampiric Undead. I hope to see them all eventually and with some more flavor between the army rules, you guys are on the verge of being the first proper 3d printed franchise.


All of these are amazing. Goblins got my vote as that's an fantasy army ive always wanted to build but never liked others takes on it. The face design and corkyness of the diffent clans sold me. Love the Rats, is a very close 2nd.


So much good stuff ! Feels like a kid who can't decide wich christmas gift to open first... But i'll go for orcs, even if all of these choices are awesome.

Joseph Muir

These are all great option. I will be pleased either way by the looks of it.

House Hendoe

I'm only feeling the Ratmen, I just think the rest are a little oversaturated among STL catalogues nowadays. Need more of the Scratch & Bite army options imo.

Joshua Ates

Deamons just because you can use them in a ton if games including grim dark.


1 Gobos (Cave concepts look awesome) - 2 ghostly undead - 3 orcs

Rafael Rico Correa

There's no hyperlink to download the pictures of the aforementioned armies Sir. Can you please post one? Thank you, Sir.

Michael Brigham

meh not really a fan of any of them... someone try and talk me into voting for you


The concept art is amazing! But why do this to us because I can't be the only one who wants ALL of the armies lol.

Matt Fu

1. Ghostly Undead 2. Demons 3. Ratmen Everything else is pretty saturated in the STL market. Its important to not make decisions in a vacuum. :)


Open the images at the very top of the post, right-click and save (or open in new tab).

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

Normally I would be all over the ratmen but I am not sure I am feeling the cute antropomorph vibe I am getting from the concept art. I really like the concepts for the daemons though. In particular the change daemon birds won me over.

John Peacock

Damnit why can't we vote for all of them


Ghostly undead!!!


Orcs, Gobbos, Ghostly and Vampiric.


I just want all of them! I'm scared I'll have to wait a lot for that XD


Not going to lie, I voted for the Ratmen ONLY for the ferret mount! I would live to have the lust demons though.


I would disagree on having the Daemon Gods also as a sci-fi faction. I think both concept-wise and aesthetically they're strictly fantasy. Civilised Ratmen is great. When it comes to the Goblins, having a Wolf, Cave and Forest clan seems a bit random, or at least the Wolf clan does. Cave, Forest and then Prairie/Steppe would make more sense. Or desert vs winter/cold. Or have all clans based around animals, like Wolf, Bear (Forest), Snake (Cave). Slaver Orcs is fine and the concepts look fine too, but maybe try and keeps things more realistic in terms of weapon size etc.


My favorit army was the night goblins in the days. so please take it to the next level! im looking forward to yours take on it.


Got to say rats are my favourite...


I'm in love with the ghostly undead!


Gobbos Gobbos Gobbos!


I actually quite like this concepts take on ratmen, makes a refreshing change and also looks great. But I'll be deciding between orcs, goblins and daemons (even though only interested in a range of war daemons) I think... I'll sleep on it and vote tomorrow I think


Ghostly Undead for the sheer originality of their designs. I found it very hard to not vote for Ratmen but I simply cannot get behind the non-vicious, less edgy designs. They seem more appropriate for a children's book and don't jibe with the look & feel of OPR's WFB inspired universe.


RatMen> Gobbos > undead > Orcs!


hard choice between the 2 undead factions.... but at the end of the day the vampires won out... hope we get to see ALL the factions in the future because they all look outstanding!!!

Vlad G



Rats, rats, rats :) love them.


While I'm totally in for Undead stuff of any Kind, i do miss out some of the "good guys" so to speak. While the ducies of vincis are some kind of that, they do resemble the "default empire" somehow. I'd really like to see chivalric kingdoms or any of the elves-fractions instead. As well as everyone else i'm totally in for "grim dark", but i think we are missing some of the "shiny" ones...


My vote's for Daemons, that art looks fantastic. Follow up would be Ghostly Undead, those are some awesome designs. I hope you'll eventually make all of these into models because they all look phenomenal.

Dwayne Hinton

i've gone through all the choices three times now. none make me sad. each seem to have some unique offerings. however... the lust demon variations seem pretty unique to me. combine that with it would be four different factions of demons and that's who won my vote.

Kevin Derrington

The Rats look cool to me, but I love all of the concept art!

Renier Banninga

Well dang there is a lot of stuff. so all this in 2022 right? :)

Oni Aeon

It's a really tough decision between the forest goblins, orcs and plague daemons. Then again the concept art for everything is superb so... uh. Insert "everyone" meme from Leon / The Professional here.

Steven Crawford

So after looking over these concepts in exhausting detail, I took a poll myself, and we decided that you need to do all Six!

Kyle Bentley

I like them all, but I had to vote for the ghosts. Not only do they look awesome, but there aren't a lot of minis of that type out there that are suitable for building units. If I could make one request, it would be to make the heads modular where possible, so we could choose a mask style to equip our whole army with. All the others look great, and have some original variations on old standards. The change and lust demons in particular are very interesting. I wonder if the Skeksis from Dark Crystal could provide some change demon inspiration. The ratmen are a very different take that I don't dislike, but will certainly take some getting used to. I look forward to seeing them released.


This is so difficult, everything is hella dope...


Voting gobos, love them. Hard choice between vamps tho since I need more vamps. Runner up for me is the rat men. I think its awsome that their kinda normal since everyone else does them like warhammer

Brandon Ryan

Really hard choice, but ended up voting for Ghostly Undead. The concepts have so much potential and it would be fun to field an army of them!

Christopher Talbot

Was it just me, or does everyone want to chose at least 3 options?


A tough choice but my vote is for the ghostly undead but...I would group them in with the vampires and dump the skeletons from the vampire range.




Goblins please. They are my favorite race in all things fantasy


Please god, let it be orcs


I want all, but ghosts first


These all look well conceptualized. Personally, I can always use more ratmen.


Yeah bro, im debating like 1 hour between the Rat Knights, the Cool Demons or the Dangerously Cute Goblins

Renan Vargas de Sá

Really hard, but the Diablo vibes I got from the daemons touched deep in my nostalgia...


Gobbos! <3


The question which is buzzing around my brain is - whatever is chosen is chosen but what's next? Will it be one of the others in the above or a faction which hasn't been mentioned? Are we going to see Elves - be it wood or High... or Dark Second to this will the chosen faction also come out in Mini-Size when you launch that sub-line?


I wish this was a ranked voting system. I really wanted to vote daemons, orcs, and skaven


I love your models, love your games, love how transparent you are with your communication, and enjoy being a supporter. But I have to say it. Please DON'T do the "all female lust demon army" thing. It's lazy, it's been done to death, and it's kind of sexist. If you're absolutely set on making a "sexy" lust demon army, please at least do an even 50/50 split of male and female models. I love hips and tits, and naked women as much as anyone else, and I bet those models would look amazing. I'm a huge fan of Slaanesh and the demonettes. But it's problematic when the "sexy" demon faction is the only one with female models, while the others are all masculine or gender neutral. Again, the lust demon concept sketches look amazing, and they'd make amazing models, but please rethink the "all female" angle.


I love the demons, especially the diablo esque theme. My vote goes to the vampiric undead though, love the aesthetic and especially the coffin lids on the skeletons.

Nicholas McCurdy

I love them all but my absolute favorite part is actually the artists notes.


All of them sound fantastic and look better! I think the coins on the revenant undead are a *real* cool/nice touch. They make it to the top in my book followed extremely closely by demons and gobbos - although the orcs/vamparic/ratmen are really cool too. In particular ITT the idea of the polar opposite ratkin is cool, esp that ferret bro. All that said getting Demons "out of the way" would be nice too and be real cool to have available for both systems.


All but starting with ratmen :D


same! love the masks and the designs! I love everything, but it feels like they are the most needed


yes! I am a huge rodent lover, and while scaven are fun in their own way, I really want a more "rat like" faction. irl, rats are extremely social. family is one of their highest priorities, and the way they socialize as babies enforces both a social hierarchy while making the dominant rats learn they need to be "fair" to the subordinate ones. not back stabby at all. they are also extremely clean (they are only "dirty" in the ways all small animals are), and rarely spread disease under natural circumstances.


We have plans for adding opposite gender models, not just to the lust daemons, but also to other factions. There's actually lots of players in our community asking for all-female factions, so we thought it would make sense to take the opportunity and start with the all-female angle wherever we can, and then add in the opposite gender models later. Since making opposite gender models requires a re-sculpt from scratch, there's only so many things we can do at once, but we're on it. :)


We're going to keep working on more faction concept overviews, so that by the next time we're doing a vote, there will be even more factions to pick from (and thus, it's gonna get even harder to choose). Yes, any faction we make in regular scale, will also get a small-scale version as well. :)


Oh... Civilized Ratmen. I'd love some of that to add some original miniatures to my Mice&Mystics board game :D Maybe consider some other rodents for some specialized units in the army? Like capybara titan, hamster quatermaster, mouse scouts etc?


It was a tough choice. They are all looking very interesting and Im hoping they are all coming some day. Would be a shame if not so. Great work from the artists to give us an Impression. As mentioned before I hope the "good" guys will also get some love in the near future. And If you would do a Dragonborn oder Dragon Knight Army I would send you some digital kisses or a nice thank you card :)

Connor C

This was so hard, I voted for goblins just because I love the idea of having three clans in one faction, but honestly I wish I could have voted for the rat men too


Like Connor I was torn between the rats and the goblins - can we have a 1/2/3 vote next time?


My choise are the little sweet Ratmen. I realy like the concept of the civilized and heroic looking Standard-Troops with their little Swords and Shields. They look like they have something to protect at home in the Villages they live, like a lovely Woman or a bunch of little Ratlings who waits hopefully for the Father to come Home after the Battle is over. Of course i would love a female looking unit like Shieldmaiden or some crazy homedefending Mother-Rats with frying-pans or a broom with which they punish their foes or sometimes the lazy Men. ;D In addition to this i would love a set of terrain like some palisades or little houses to build a village for the Rats to live in. There is only one thing i don´t like so much in the concept art for the Ratmen. Please don´t make the Shields with heraldic on it. It will cage the possibilities for creating an individual Clan to much if there are only thee or four different Shields with fixed heraldic on it. Two good alternate options are to make some modular heraldic bits for the Shields or create some Transfer Decals to print at home or to buy them in your Store. thats from me




Yeah, who’s ever heard of Space Daemons!?ridiculous concept.


Rats with weasel mounts makes my redwall heart melt.


OMG! I love them all!!!!!!!


The rats have a look and feel to them that I really appreciate. I want them bad :D


Spooky ghosts and vampies all the way!


I will admit like most i was torn between the Gobbos and the Ratmen. i chose the Ratmen because i liked them better, but will more than likely get bothhof them any way because you can never have too many minis lol.

Chris Haselnuss

I love the idea of an undead army full of skeletons but i like the design idea for your ghostly undead more so my vote for ethereal non living !


Hey Team, Next poll - why not use the Patreon platform? There will be supporters who don't want to have to use a gmail account to use the Google polling features. It would be like using Facebook - locking it behind a wall Anyway - please review this page for how to generate a poll via Patreon : https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028159232-How-do-I-poll-my-patrons-


Wow I honestly do not know ha they all look great news to think deeply on this one


Too hard to narrow down! Would love to see them all, eventually. Need a ranked choice option! Went with vampiric undead as my vote, simply because I love myself some undead; but ghostly undead look amazing too! "Nêbâbîtham Magânanê Nêtabdam dâur-ad Nêpâm nêd abârat-aglar îdô Nidir nênâkham Bârî’n Katharâd"


I love all concepts...do them all :).

Woe Riegler

Orcs, Goblins, Daemons... come on... we want them all :)


I picked gobbos but wouldn't be sad if the daemons got picked instead 🙂

Lukas Eisenring

I really like the witty silly look of the goblins. The forrest goblins are my favorites!

Matt Ewig

I really like them all. I chose Vampiric Undead. I think those will will be the best suited for duel use for wargaming and D&D/Heroquest, but I hope that you eventually make all of them.


Thats some hard choices the art behind them all looks so good. Hope to see them all in the future.


It was so hard to pick one! I'd be fine with any of then honestly. All of the armies released so far look stellar!


The quality of the art and sculpts are just getting better and better

Alastair Smith

Wish I had two votes. I chose the goblins, but also love the rat men.

Jarra Joseph-McGrath

Ah ma gawd so harrrrd!!!!! I read Goblins and was like hands down. But then I kept reading... Jeez! I would love to see you guys do Goblins. But Demons sounds like it would be awesome. And 4 armies in 1. But there are so many demons out there... HOW TO DECIDE!!!

Jarra Joseph-McGrath

Maybe go do Daemons as the sci fi army? With alternate weapons? Then you're freed up to do another fantasy army. I mean GOBLINS.

Alastair Smith

BTW, I know that this is not on the list, but if you guys could do a halfling army that would be a dream come true.


Ratman! And then rework them for scifi weapons and redo the GD rules to finally give us the space ratman we want and deserve! Please!

Eric Steele

I really wanted to pick gobos, but I pick daemons, so I can play with for 40k, aos/fantasy.


Ghostly Undead with skeleton heads

Christopher Talbot

Is anyone else eager to find out the winner???? As has been mentioned so many times "We really don't care who wins,as OPR kicks ass, and in the end WE win"


Ratmen or Orcs... Don't do this to me, please! XD

Mark Stone

Ghostly Undead for me. I love the idea of an undead army but that Egyptian business is just too flashy for my taste.


Considering the nightmare of trying to print skeletons... maybe orcs?