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Update 26/08/2023: Fixed an issue with clouds not loading when using steam launch options, and low fps in main menu.

This new version focuses on fixes and incremental improvements to existing features. Next version is (planned) to be a performance update.

Cockpit droplets and rain improvements

Droplets are now visible from IVA on cockpits and windows when it rains, at higher speeds they change direction and form into streaks, at supersonic speeds they dissipate/evaporate. Droplets will also appear when flying through a regular cloud.

A different sound will play in IVA to emulate droplets hitting the canopy. Rain has also been made more frequent, it is now always raining somewhere on Kerbin so if you want to chase rain/storms you can just fly in a random direction.

Load on demand

Load on demand is now implemented, textures are only loaded when needed and textures are compressed, lowering RAM+VRAM usage and load times (if you don't have KSP community fixes).

BC4 compression is also now supported (and recommended) for cloud maps.

HDR compatibility

In previous versions, using TAA in Scatterer would break HDR completely, and not using it would still break it on opaque objects. This is now fixed, if you have shiny/reflective parts (with TU) and you have TUFX bloom and HDR enabled you can see this kind of highlight:

Before/After comparison:

If you don't have a TUFX config you can try mine which I use in the above shots (scroll down to the end of the post) or try one of the popular ones.

If you're going to be repainting crafts like this you need TU (TexturesUnlimited), TURD (Recolor depot) but I also recommend LazyPainter, it allows to repaint multiple parts at once.

Better cloud shadows

When using volumetric clouds, cloud shadows will now match the volumetric shape instead of using the 2d texture

Before/After comparison:

Temporal upscaling improvements

Temporal upscaling has been improved to handle movement better (less blurring and trails) and to handle orbit view better (eliminates flickering and jittering that previous versions had from orbit).

Ozone layer support

Ozone is now added to Scatterer, and if used with the right settings it can make sunsets more realistic and less green.

It is somewhat subtle on Kerbin but turned up much higher on Laythe for dreamier sunsets:

Other fixes

There's been a few fixes (full list in changelog) but the most noticeable visually are these stair artifacts on cloud/terrain intersections:

Shading artifacts for some light angles:

And this visible line which appears when thick mie scattering is used:

Install instructions:
 Remove any existing config packs for EVE  (BoulderCo, AVP, SVE, Spectra, 64k clouds, KSRSSVE, etc) then overwrite  your GameData folder with the one included (you need to overwrite your  EVE and Scatterer plugins with the new ones as well).


Check out the included readme/changelog and have fun:


Performance-heavy config for 3090/4080 class GPUs (requires ModuleManager, drop in your GameData): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M1jU0thYYt89okCZySFL-f9lnZW22oN0/view?usp=sharing


If you want my (subtle) TUFX profile which I use in the above images you can get it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kxz5q6nvA7TKddxc2rGgPujyrEgIEBTi/view?usp=sharing

I'll check which RSS/KSRSS configs are still compatible and link them here.

TURD patch:

You can also try my patch for TURD which makes all the parts look a bit more like real plane parts by default.

Note this just one-off thing and may not apply correctly or may look weird on some parts. I just needed something to make planes look better by default, as a plane and atmospheric flight lover.

To install, download TU, TURD, ModuleManager and place this patch anywhere in GameData: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LJZimi8eqXP9IbtfffMXlC-1PRO1Ot-5/view?usp=sharing

RSS and KSRSS configs:

BallisticFox's RSS config (has weather):

Go to BallisticFox's Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ballisticfox and open the latest post about RSS-Reborn, you'll find instructions inside on how to install it, you can download just the atmosphere/cloud configs or the full version with improved celestial body textures.

JRodgriv's RSS config (only has earth configs):

1- Install RSS normally

2- Install EVO but use only the EVO folder from inside (don't copy the old included EVE and Scatterer versions): https://github.com/Its-Just-Luci/EVO/releases

3- Install JRs_RSSEVO, replace the existing EVO folder https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=919faaedb82e592c&id=919FAAEDB82E592C%2143845&authkey=%21AGvQK73M7Re6iv4

AtmosphericBeats' KSRSS config:

1- Install KSRSS normally

2- Install KSRSS reborn from BallisticFox. Go to BallisticFox's Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ballisticfox/about and click KSRSS, click the download button next to clone. Extract the KSRSS and KSRSS-64k folders and drop them in your GameData, overwrite existing.

3- Install AtmosphericBeats config https://github.com/atmosphericbeats/atmosphericbeats_eveconfig_ksrss/releases/

4- Download this patch which fixes it for release 3 and drop it anywhere in GameData, make sure you have ModuleManager: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WrRviwfhFvzF-sEy8s5yHuG_ZvNXk1fg/view?usp=sharing



Blackrack is the gift that keeps on giving!


Dang, I wish I was as good a programmer as you

Mr SkW3rL

This is awesome, great job!! I love to see what you’re putting out.




Wow, the cloud shadows add so much


My programming skills are overrated (you heard it here first), I'm just passionate and stubborn.


Do you plan on touching reentry effects?


Absolute wizardry, as per usual!


This is honestly just awesome dude! You always exceed my expectations.


Thanks for all your work!


are the droplets visible on modded command modules and cockpits?


Maybe it'll have some trouble with clipped cockpits/parts though. Edited: It has been tested and it works fine


Just want to say keep up the great work man. Sometime in the future you should make hurricanes more realistic in the sense that they have actual wind shear, have really loud audio clips of wind, and rain like you wouldnt believe. That's just a suggestion though. Love the mod!


thanks again keep up the great work


how does your game even look like that? the parts are all shiny? (the HDR comparison images)


Not sure what you mean, parts need to be recolored in the editor. But I can upload my config tomorrow which applies TURD to everything by default, although it's not perfect.


The one in the cockpit is insane honestly could've been a real photo with the ksp dash overlayed.


Damn, hombre, that's good stuff!


Thank you for this amazing stuff Blackrack! Looking forward to what comes next!


I don't know why but it seems to mess up the Antialiasing? Could that be the case? The edges from my spacecrafts are very harsh now.


I don’t know if the new update might conflict with something but before I got a locked 144 fps and now I only get 30?


Just the stock one. It works in the hangar and outside of it. But as soon as I get to the launch pad it stops working. Stays like that also during the whole flight. Didn't happen with the previous version from May.


The stock AA doesn't work with scatterer and hasn't in years (apart from in hangar). For this reason scatterer comes with both TAA and SMAA. In the KSC screen click the blue icon and make sure TAA is enabled, if it's enabled and you still see edges send me screenshots of what you're seeing.


With regards to color of sunsets, I've always wondered if the position of the terminator line was a little too far back into the dark side of the planet. See here: https://imgur.com/a/jIllVBQ In the first image, the most of the orange part starts after the pole and then the shadowed part even further back. In reality when I look at a sunset, the clouds are orange when looking towards the sun and darker towards night blue when looking away from it, but in KSP with with Scatterer, most of the orange is seen when looking away from the sun when on the ground. I do understand that due to scattering, the planet won't be in full shadow right at the midline, but compared to real photos of Earth and planets, it's always felt like that gradient going from light to orange to dark to full shadow with Scatterer is not centered enough, and that the orange should really be on the sun side of the midline. Just a thought.


It's correct, Kerbin is much smaller than earth and the atmosphere is made thicker to compensate. There are some differences in how light scatters, where the clouds sit and which part of the light they receive. Those who play RSS get to enjoy real sunsets but this is just a different planet.


Interesting, thanks. If I thicken the MIE by a factor of 2-4, I do get a redder sunset. But I also tried the auto rescale by 0.01, and still end up with a terminator past the center of the planet. Is this also correct? https://imgur.com/a/LdtgjQ3


If I look at your image above, the atmosphere seems to end at the center line. The clouds are still receiving light because they are at a higher altitude. Does that make sense? Put the clouds at sea level and you'll see the same thing where it ends at the centerline. Like I said it's about where light passes through.


Yup you are right. I was mistaking the clouds at altitude for the shaded ground level. Thanks!


I added my TURD patch to the bottom of the post, it applies to everything so may not look good for many things, I mostly wanted something for planes. It will make planes look like the bottom screenshots which is the closest I could get to a realistic plane look, you can adjust it or use LazyPainter on top if you want to finetune the look.


One more thing. I've always thought the Scatterer ocean looked a little too velvety and blown out. In older versions I was able to modify the shader to make the water look a bit more wet, but as it seems we will no longer be able to compile the main shader bundle ourselves, and I'm not sure how to get just the older ocean with the newer clouds, I thought I'd post the change I made and some comparison images in case you agree about the look and want to make that change as well or add an option for the specular shininess. Images below: https://imgur.com/a/yHbPj4Q


Sorry but the original looks right to me (and physically correct), when I look at the sea it looks like that. I think you can get a similar effect by modifying the size of the waves though.


Well, physically correct would be basically a mirror reflection, but I understand there is a tradeoff needed to make it look good both at a distance where the specular roughness simulates the disturbance from the waves and close up where the specular should be very smooth. If I look at photos though, the highlight even at a distance rarely gets so much wider than the sun itself. https://www.google.com/search?q=sun+reflected+in+ocean&tbm=isch


Don't know but I think yours doesn't look right at all during the day, I still think it depends on the size of the waves and I'd rather you try to change wind speed and wave amplitude and see how it changes. It's not a mirror reflection because it's not flat, at every point the average reflectance of all the small waves/wavelets at that point is calculated.


If you convince me to add it I will add it but I'm against adding parameters everywhere that aren't physically correct because people misconfigure them and I don't want to maintain them.


Ok, I'll make my case about the physically correct part: The ocean shader has to look good both at a distance and close up, right? At a distance, the waves are too small to be rendered accurately, so a wide specular reflection makes sense to compensate for what is essentially a rough surface. Close up, the water surface is very smooth, so the sun should be a distorted yet still very sharp reflection on each wave where the surface points towards it. Of course this is difficult to do accurately with a single specular value. To actually be physically accurate, that roughness value would need to vary based on distance, and the actual wave settings. At a distance, if I make a very calm ocean using the wave settings, the water's shader should be super smooth, and if I make very big waves, it should be rough. The issue I have with the current setup is that a value was chosen that not only doesn't apply to all possible wave settings, but even as a compromise, is still a bit too rough based on looking at photos.


I'll retest calm and rough oceans and compare to real references. The roughness does vary based on distance and wave settings like you say.


That "roughness" value comes from the variance btw if you're wondering about the code.

N y x i l o

Hey ! I tried to use both Volumetrics and Singularity at the same time, but it seems not to work. In order to make Singularity's blackholes on screen I have to remove the sunflare and sunspike PNGs from Scatterer's folder, which instantly broke Volumetrics. As the latter is way more used than Singularity, I understand that's not a priority to make them work together, but still, do you have an idea of a quick fix I could use ?


Just remove the sunflare config from scatterer, don't remove just the PNGs

N y x i l o

I've removed Sun.cfg but it broke again ^^' https://i.imgur.com/BXj0P9j.png https://i.imgur.com/vXTbcT2.png That's what i'm seeing with it removed

N y x i l o

Well, I've removed the old one to allow the game to create a new one and now everything works... https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtylFJmePVdBh-04Mztom9-sBe7C4g?e=JRrpzq Here's the last KSP.log Edit : i've relaunched the game right after, Volumetrics broke again.

N y x i l o

Yay, it works ! I've made a clean install, then re-dowloaded everything I can trough CKAN, Volumetrics and Singularity are no longer fighting eachoter. Honestly as a dev one day said "if it works, don't touch it". The only little issue left is the sun's crown I guess, inside the blackhole. Is there an easy fix for that ? If not, I'll let it as it is now. Again, Volumetrics is a stunning mod. I've flew trough rain and thunder, that's amazing.


Singularity has an option to hide the celestialbody it's applied to, just check the singularity wiki

N y x i l o

It's set on true, that's the issue :/ But i guess it's the wrong place for it now, if that's only singularity-related


hey, I am having some issues with this new release, it is saying that it does not have a config for EVE. Any ideas?


sorry for the second comment but in the eve config editor multiple file lines are red and it is saying the name is invalid.


I've noticed since installing the new update that there is extreme lag on the start screen (down to ~7 fps). It doesn't lag at all anywhere else, so it's not that big of a deal, but it would be nice if it were fixed. I am playing with KSRSS and Community Fixes texture caching.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P8OGdRBbGf0GCgSc0MpkouUDG4ty9X0R/view?usp=sharing Here's my log file, I looked through it and I don't think there's any clouds-related errors? not sure


I'll be honest, I'm a graphics guy and decent C# coder, but shader code hurts my head. It looks like there is supposed to be an ideal "Seamless Transitions from Geometry to BRDF" which sounds good and I appreciate that there may be some consideration for distance, but it still seems like they over compensated with the roughness to me. Side note, I hope you don't think I'm being overly critical. I love the work you're doing, and I'm really just trying to help in any way I can.


I've already fixed it last night, I will release it probably tonight or tomorrow night (investigating another issue)


Some people seem to be having issues loading the compressed textures in the new release. I'm still investigating this. For now can you try replacing your StockVolumetricClouds folder with the one contained in this (uncompressed textures, will probably run slower)? drive.google.com/file/d/1MzGwAEjqUhcy8WOv0IWIla51PtrMXo2J/view?usp=sharing


Actually can you test it as well in the meantime? Thanks. Replace the Plugins folder inside of EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345282910926143498/1143629369122770954/Plugins.zip


This is a super minor thing, and may also be beyond the scope of this mod, but it might be cool if you could update the texture of the cockpit windows and window effects in the first person view - specifically that of the mk1 inline cockpit. The rain and clouds are so incredibly immersive and awesome, but the pixelated and unconvincing scratches, especially next to the high-quality rain drops on the windshield kinda take away from the moment. Again, this is a super minor thing and would bring the experience from a 99% to a 100%, but I thought it might be worth thinking about if it was an easy enough addition. Thanks for this mod, best 5 dollars I've ever spent lmao.


Hey, thank you. I don't do parts or textures, you could probably see if restock or other part mods change this.


Thanks for the reply! And for those interested, DE IVA Extension and its numerous dependencies do the job.


When is the next update? I have an RX 570 and at 1440p it is about 20-25fps without rain (First Early Access Release). My full PC specs are : - Ryzen 7 5700X @3.9Ghz - 48GB RAM @3600Mhz - M/B Gigabyte B550M DS3H - Radeon RX 570 (4GB Model)


I'm not sure if its possible but do you ever plan to add volumetric launch plumes?


Yes I plan to, don't know when or how well it will turn out but I have an idea in mind and plan to try it.


I find it funny how you’ve made better visuals than an entire dev team on ksp 2


Amazing!! Good job man


Awesome! Looking forward to playing :)


I'm getting some weird graphics stuff happening after installing the new update. The clouds all look very blurry and not defined and if I move around the camera I get this. https://imgur.com/a/miq6lfO Didn't happen after the last update so its possible I did something wrong with the install so planned to reinstall everything but wanted to stop here first to see if anyone has better ideas.


Can you post your KSP.log file and maybe some videos to get some more general context? Also test if disabling orbit mode fixes it (but at lower orbits you'll still have the artifacts from the previous version). To do that press ctrl+alt+0 in-game, navigate to RaymarchedCloudsQualityManager using the top arrows and then set orbitMode to false, apply and save.


I'm getting problems where the path for text file for this is red and there are no clouds at all. And the name for the profiles has "invalid name." This error is in the cloud manager.


I'm investigating this now. For now you can use the old StockVolumetricClouds folder from the previous release


Thank you, I'll keep updating the original comment in case you need more information.


I was wondering if you use any steam arguments to launch it? Like the arguments to avoid the launcher?


I've confirmed on my system that this is due to the steam launch option, fix incoming.


OK hopefully these are helpful. I can do an in-atmosphere video as well if that would be helpful. I was unable to locate orbitMode in the settings, which has me wondering if I did something weird with the install https://www.dropbox.com/t/8kcISI7vzqVd16FV


Hello! I just upgraded to the latest version (skipped the last update due to the low FPS on title screen bug) and am encountering bright graphical glitches in dark areas when used with RSS-Reborn configs. It seems to only happen when a TUFX profile with HDR enabled is active. Disabling HDR on the profile eliminates the issue. I'm wondering if this is a known thing or if there are any suggested fixes to try? https://1drv.ms/v/s!AmAxSBcQL19WrYAJquO0ZDOacczfdA?e=gPIhwW Let me know if there's any other info I can provide that would be helpful. Thanks!


Not sure, I've fixed hdr compatibility but it also means that shaders that don't properly cap what they output will be messed up. Is this only with rss reborn?


Thanks for the reply! I can't speak for other RSS configs right now, it might take me a few days to put together an instance with some other configs to test out. However, I did just create a new clean 1.12.3 install with just this latest release of volumetrics, along with TUFX and its dependencies (Shabby, ModuleManager, and Harmony 2) and I do not see the issue whereas before it was immediately noticeable in the tracking station, map view, and from orbit. So it does seem localized to RSS/RSS-Reborn interacting with this latest build and TUFX in some odd way.


Awesome, thanks! One more part of the setup that I failed to mention but is likely important is I am also using the 64k RSS textures as well from here: https://github.com/ballisticfox/KSP-64k On the RO Discord Fox mentioned this may be related to the city lights from those textures reacting strangely to HDR with this latest release, so I wanted to pass that along as well.


I tested this today and didn't get the issue, I installed latest release of volumetric clouds, then RSS reborn then the 64k textures with fox's own kopernicus. Running this with my own tufx profile which has hdr and bloom. Care to provide any installation steps I might have missed?


Hello! I was trying to run this mod in acordance with RP/RO-1 but it seems that it uses regular 2d clouds instead of the volumetric ones


Does that use RSS? You'll need volumetric configs for it, search for ballisticFox RSS reborn.


Would that happen to be KSRSS? Because I can't find anything with Reborn


It's this one: https://gitlab.com/ballisticfox/RSS-Reborn/-/tree/master/RealSolarSystem/EVE?ref_type=heads Not sure about the exact install instructions, should be a drag and drop


You indeed didn't install correctly and I susoect a mix of new scatterer, and old Eve. Delete Scatterer, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, StockVolumetricClouds and start over with the ones from the download above.


I love your mod mate. Your job is amazing considering the game


Yup that was definitely it, didn't read the part properly where I needed to delete the old folders. Got a heavy thunderstorm right when I loaded it up and it looks just amazing. Thank you


Nice mod, but I would love to know on how I can add Weather effects with the painting tool in-game since I'm not able to figure it out by myself


Oh man, I just returned from orbit in a spaceplane, and found KSC in a massive thunderstorm. Had to land in poor visibility, using IVA instruments for navigation, with lightning all around and rain hitting the cockpit windows. Somehow landed on the first try - its the most epic feeling ever. Thank you for this!


Hi, I'm using this fantastic mod with "Astronomers Visual Pack" and I realized that with the latest version (Update 08/26/2023) the auroras on all planets have disappeared. I did some tests and by activating the "layerRaymarchedVolume" option, from the EVE Config Editor menu without changing any value, the auroras appear but only at the North Pole of the various planets that foresee them. It's not a serious mistake but it would be nice if it could be fixed. I'm available if you need more information.


Are there any dependencies for SVC because I have it installed and nothing else (besides the dedicated Scatt. and EVE files), and only scatterer seems to work. A detailed video: https://youtu.be/enkcRizkzI8


Mixing 2d and 3d layers isn't really supported and it renders wrong anyway (aurora will always appear behind no matter the actual viewpoint). Better to wait for 3d aurora than to use them in this broken manner imo.


Make sure you redownload the fixed version I uploaded a few days back. If you already have send KSP.log file.


will it work for realism overhaul rssve?

Jonathan Bayer

If you had to choose between TURD and ReStock, which would be better?


I've never really used restock much, from memory restock changes the models but not the shaders/shading so it looks stock-ish and doesn't catch the light as nicely, I might be wrong about that though.


You need yo use separate configs for RSS, look at the previous release for some links, I know the ballisticFox one still works.


Sorry for late reply, I missed this comment. It's a bit involved because the 2 layers for precipitation enable and disable at different times using their time settings: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Time-settings if you paint a layer that's not currently active you won't see anything. You can try to figure out which one is active or delete one and delete the time settings of the other so it will always be active. Once that's done go to the painter, pick the layer you want to paint, paint in coverage and cloudtype mode, pick a type (rain fog etc) and a high coverage value and go to town like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a96inAa04q4&ab_channel=blackrack Change to the main layer (kerbin-clouds-1) to paint clouds or cumulonimbus formations overhead. Keep in mind lightning and rain particles/droplets won't appear where you newly painted rain "fog" until you export the new textures, replace them in the config, and restart the game. You should read the wiki if you're interested in this.


How i can change weather?


The easy way is to timewarp really, for the hard way see 5 comments above.


I've been trying to make a config for a custom gas giant and I've been running in multiple issues: Missing bands, No underworld (craft exploding at -250 meters) and overall trouble with texture matching. Any tips? (I haven't found any infos on this specific topic in your wiki)


For the underworld, go in the pqs config file and add overrideKillSphere { altitude = -75000 } You can pick an altitude of your choosing, for a full example check StockVolumetricClouds/pqs.cfg for how I did it for Jool. You're right this feature is not in the wiki, I will add an entry. Not sure what you mean about missing bands and texture matching? You can maybe provide some screenshots or examples I can look at? Edit: added this page to the wiki https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Override-kill-sphere

N y x i l o

I can confirm that the dropplets works even on custom cockpits Here, a MK1 inline is buried under multiple "baguette" tanks, and your effect work as a charm ! Alongside KSA IVA, Jet Sounds Updated and Ship Effects Continued, the immersion is absolute https://i.imgur.com/dbXWKp2.png https://i.imgur.com/XsuYAp1.png https://i.imgur.com/LjRStH7.png https://i.imgur.com/fxB2icU.png


I downloaded the version 3 you uploaded 8/20/23, and it didn't work. The google drive link for the log is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gOQNq6twCLvYN3rOjCra2ypC0ZLwQOT2/view?usp=sharing


I know you don't have any involvement in configs. However, do you by chance know how I could get the atmospheric beats config to work on this release and what changed to make it no longer work? The clouds no longer load in with the release 3 version. I think the other config works for KSRSS but it's not as updated and seems to have no snow or anything on Kerbin.(The atmospheric beats guy seems a bit inactive since the last update he did so thought you might be able to help)


The paths to the textures, if you check the UI in-game (alt+0) and check the cloud layers it should display the paths in red.


im sorry, did you ever link those krss configs?


You'll find them if you look at the previous release, you'll have to fix the paths to the textures though since the folder structure changed.


im sorry, can you tell me how to fix paths? a simple drag and drop ofc gets rid of all the clouds, tested on version 2 and drag and drop works fine as you said it should. I would prefer to use version 3 though, thanks!


Go into the ksrss configs, replace any instance of "StockVolumetricClouds/Clouds/Textures" by "StockVolumetricClouds/Clouds/Textures/PluginData", normally that should do it but I haven't looked closer to see if anything else is broken.


I have edited the Atmospheric Beats config to get everything working however I am not seeing any droplets. Am I missing something? Where would this file/files or root file be located?


There's a separate config file for droplets, and then you need to reference that config in the clouds configuration. Check my cloud config file and search for droplets there for an example. There is also a per-cloudtype droplet strength variable.


An issue with this is the atmospheric beats cloud config replaces yours with a config that just says EVE_Clouds and I have no idea where that would go. Currently trying to find it, thanks for all the help btw! Edit: Ah nvm, I think I may have figured out what I am actually doing. I am gonna see if I can add some of your lines/values in a get it working.


Not sure you mean? The droplets have two components: a separate droplet condig you can copy, changes to the EVE_clouds to reference the droplets that you can add to his config.


Well, I managed to put everything into the respected area translated over to the config however after putting the "dropletsConfig = " lines it seems like storms no longer show up. I will mess with it tomorrow as its now 3 am lol.


That usually means you messed up the config format/syntax so that it no longer parses correctly. Let me know how it goes otherwise you can send me your configs later and I can look into them.


Just downloaded and installed and really loving it so far. Just one thing, land on Kerbin seems to look a little too blue and the planet looks like a waterworld almost. So too much scattering I guess? Is there a way to reduce it? Looks absolutely stunning though. Fantastic work! Playing with Kerbal VR and Parallax also installed in case that matters.


Thank you. The terrain is a bit dark and easily gets overpowered by the scattering (which doesn't happen with earth). Open up scatterer menu in flight (ctrl+alt+f11) find the first button that says thicken (it should say rayleigh on top), write 0.9 in the thicken field, press GO to make it thinner, repeat until happy with it. When you're happy press save, otherwise press load to start over.


Awesome, works perfectly. Thanks a lot. This is my first playthrough but will go for RSS soonish and then turn it up to 1.0 again cause the athmosphere does look a lot better that way. Cheers


does it also work for ksp 1.3.1?


Beautiful man, would not be suprised if intercept games tried to hire you haha


I tried getting the funny rain and thunder effects, but when I spawned in the weather (both 1 & 2) just didnt appear.


hey blackrack after I installed the update I get a huge amount of lag in the menu it would be nice if you could help thanks


If you paint them directly you'll need to save the texture then reload it (and reload the game) for lighting and rain to appear on the newly painted areas, it's explained in the wiki. This is because painting is done on the GPU directly while the texture is sampled on the CPU for those effects. Just timewarp instead


Redownload the latest updated from the link above, I fixed this on 26 August.


Hi Blackrack congratulations for the excellent work you do. A general question, I use the latest version of your volumetric bunes, currently with RSSVE... (RP-1 game) I know it is complicated for you to answer me if I use other visual mods, but should the clouds work correctly even with RSSVE? I have also seen that there is a special "BananaMan" config for your clouds with RSSVE. What do you think about this? Thank you https://github.com/BananaMan9572/RSSVEVolumetricClouds/wiki/Installation-Guide


They will work if installed correctly but to my knowledge these aren't updated for release 3 and depend on the structure and naming of some old files from release 1 or 2. For the above config you will have to fix it for release 3 or use release 1. I think BallisticFox's config should work for release 3 but to my knowledge it contains only earth (but a good config): https://gitlab.com/ballisticfox/RSS-Reborn


Thanks for responding so quickly Black. So I can install it perfectly having your clouds without fear?


I understand that you can't give me support on this question because it is not your product, but how is it installed? these two folders inside GamneDate? -RealSolarSystem -Source Those two come inside RSS-Reborn-master


I assume you just replace your RealSolarSystem inside GameData with the one included (back up your old one in case).


Correct like any other mod, my question is, as I said above, why does an extra -Source folder come


It's the source code for custom code, it's there because you downloaded the whole repo


Black, I understand that your volumetric clouds are configured ingame from EVE in CloudsManager, right? On the other hand, I have put your TUKX profile in E:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TUFX\Profiles and it does not appear in game Thanks !!!!


Good evening and thanks for the responses. How can I modify the settings to change the appearance of the clouds? They look good from the inside but from above their appearance is not "natural" what should I modify? Thank you https://imgur.com/zr8XVuV https://imgur.com/gVt3mli


Don't know about that, for me I just used it as a replacement for the default profile. I'll look into it


Yeah that looks broken, whichever config you installed it looks it didn't install correctly. Specifically here the coverageMap (the one that decides where clouds appear and don't) seems to be all white: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Raymarched-cloud-configuration#coveragemap-cloudtypemap-and-cloudcolormap Don't know where the install could have gone wrong, you'll have to see on your end.


Hello Black, with what parameter can I change the altitude at which the clouds "disappear"? that they can no longer be seen at a certain altitude? If possible, of course. Thank you (One layer of clouds disappears but not all of them disappear) with the option ScaledFadeStartAltitude and ScaledFadeEndAltitude)


Can I use the ballisticfox rss reborn config with regular rss?


That's the right option, you just have to put the same value for all layers


Good night Black. I have many doubts with the configuration of the clouds and I have already reviewed the wiki from top to bottom, if you can please help me with specific answers. 1. I have asked you how to make the clouds disappear at a certain height, I have read in your wiki that it is done from ScaledFadeStartAltitude and ScaledFadeEndAltitude, correct, it does not work and you told me that it is because you have to set it the same in all the layers... layers? where are the layers? I don't see more than one layer in the menu...and that parameter doesn't appear anywhere else. https://imgur.com/9ojZeYQ 2. In the wiki you talk about the "coverage" parameters, setting the values to 0 or 1 for overcast skies, where is that parameter? I have a name not a value... https://imgur.com/yRx6biG I'm sorry for my stupidity but it's all very confusing, the values that you tell us to modify are simply not there, you don't provide a configuration file? You will see in the images that my configuration file is from BananaMan, that is because I have RSSVE and it has been adapted to be used with this graphic mod, the only thing it does is correct the names of the planets for RP-1 and RSSVE. Thanks and regards.


1. You have to do that for earth-clouds and earth-clouds2. Those are the two layers of that config, in the screenshot it looks like you are doing it only for earth-clouds2 2. The coverage is not a parameter it's a texture, it's called the coveragemap and it contains coverage values for every location. In your screenshot from the other day it looked like you are using the wrong texture or the wrong config for the alphamap channel of that texture, as it looked like the coverage was 1 everywhere. Maybe you have multiple conflicting configs? Eg BananaMan config + another config installed? Didn't you say you were installing BallisticFox's config? Maybe you have both BallisticFox and BananaMan configs and they break each other? I recommend you start over and install only one of them. You don't need to fiddle with the individual settings just install someone's config correctly. As for the config I provide I only provide configs for the stock system, I can't make configs for rescales and planet packs. That's too much work and I don't have the right "art vision" or the interest for every one of them, and won't be able to get them to same level of quality as stock configs.


Black is perfectly understood and thanks a lot for your patience. Now I understand the layers. On the other hand, don't have any Ballistics Fox, just the BananaMan config. Obviously I don't expect you to make a configuration for each system, that would be crazy. But my question is, how do you install a configuration? is the config installed? Your default config and for the original configuration where do I get it from? That's what I was referring to. Many thanks for everything.


No worries. Did you not download the ballisticfox config the other day? The one that takes 10gb and that you had to merge with RSS folder? My default config is already included in the download but works only for the stock system. For most configs it's a drag and drop or they have their own install instructions.


Yes, you are absolutely right, I downloaded it but I removed it because it gave me a lot of problems and I wasn't sure how to install it, whether to overwrite the existing directory or install it by deleting the one I had, and the game gave me a lot of errors. I would like to install it but I still don't know how, so I have removed it and restored the original RealSolarSystem folder. I also don't understand very well what this configuration has to do with your clouds, if there is no config file that modifies them, or at least as far as I've seen. I only have the BananaMan config and another one that he has done to modify the original, nothing more. I attach the screenshots. (Only these two configs) https://imgur.com/Yb28pO6 https://imgur.com/id22VIf https://imgur.com/RuHvyc2


It had eve configs inside rss folder. I'll install RSS tonight and try the various configs, like this I can't tell what's wrong


Thanks, but I don't understand Black. The configs that affect and change your clouds do not go inside RSS, as far as they do... they go inside RSSVE in my case. There are no confis that affect the "sky" within RSS... it makes more sense that they are within RSSVE, which is a graphical mod, right? https://imgur.com/2OJAImL


In the other one there are, not sure what's wrong with your current config


Okay. The key question then is What directory does your config go in by default? Thank you


Ok so I just tested the bananaman config, the config itself is broken for some reason and the bottom volumetrics layer will be completely flat unless you enable the 2d layer on earth-clouds layer (not sure why but I will investigate this). Go in the settings of earth-clouds and just click the layer2d checkbox in there then apply, don't forget to set the same scaledFade settings like you already did. As an aside I don't recommend you use this config, it's misconfigured, raymarching settings are unoptimized and it looks very flat for how slow it runs. I'll check the other RSS configs tonight and come back with a recommendation.


Hello Black. First of all, I want to thank you for taking the trouble to answer each question and for your patience. Even if you are a patron, you are not obliged to answer everything we ask and yet you do, thank you very much. I want to understand how the file structure of your Volumetric Clouds works to also help you test what is necessary. This is the file structure of your shaders: -EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements -Scatterer -StockVolumetricClouds We see that within Scatterer\config\Planets\ the planets are named for stock, so the only thing Banana config does is change these names for RSS names, is it correct up to here? https://imgur.com/GDpCbnJ Could this be solved so as not to have to use the Banana config, simply changing the names of your configs and the folders with the names of the stock planets to those of RSS within the Scatterer folder that you provide? On the other hand, as information I leave you the path where the Banana configs are installed so that you keep it in mind. https://github.com/BananaMan9572/RSSVEVolumetricClouds/wiki/Installation-Guide Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RSSVE\Configs\EVE_Configs\Clouds https://imgur.com/lYVl90h He provides these two files. Thanks for everything.


My maps and configs are tuned for stock, they would become stretched and blobby at RSS scale. It's not a matter of file renaming it's about making the configs look right, and making the maps is not a small endeavour.


Ok ok, now I understand you, so "supposedly" what BananaMan has done is adapt all this you say to RSS, I understand right? It would be correcting what he has already adapted...


From what I can see he used my configs but used the RSSVE texture maps as coverage. That doesn't work super well.


OK, OK thank you. Honestly, your clouds and other effects seem spectacular to me, they are on another level, and I really want to use them. But of course I'm an RP-1 and RO player who, as you know, have RSS and if I can't find a solution to make them look good, I'll have to do without them, but that's exactly what I don't want. (that's why I ask you so many questions) Thank you so much.


With this change that you told me to make, they look totally different, they have improved 1000%!!!! https://imgur.com/t7ZYEVR


I tested BallisticFox's config and Jrodriguez's config and both work. Not sure why you couldn't get it to work? Here are the install instructions which I will add to the OP: Both only have volumetric configs for earth. BallisticFox config: 1- Install RSS normally 2- Go to BallisticFox's Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ballisticfox/about and click RSS-Reborn click the download button next to clone. 3- Extract the downlaoded folder and merge RealSolarSystem with your RealSolarSystem folder. Done. JRodgriv's config: 1- Install RSS normally 2- Install EVO but use only the EVO folder from inside (don't copy the old included EVE and Scatterer versions): https://github.com/Its-Just-Luci/EVO/releases 3- Install JRs_RSSEVO, replace the existing EVO folder https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=919faaedb82e592c&id=919FAAEDB82E592C%2143845&authkey=%21AGvQK73M7Re6iv4


I understand that in the BallisticFox configuration, my RSSVE installation does not have to be touched at all.? Or is it not compatible and should I remove it?


I think you have to remove it. Or if you know what you're doing remove only the bits that touch earth.


Black, what do you recommend based on what you have seen? BallisticFox config or JRodgriv's config?


Hello Black, now it seems that yes, but I don't know how to check if they are installed correctly or not... https://imgur.com/SnUWj05


The terrain does not look good, this is the never ending story. xddd https://imgur.com/HEegwFs


BallisticFox's has weather but it's up to you. The screenshot there looks fine so it looks correct. Timewarp and see if you see any thicker clouds.


I would like to publicly thank Blackrack for the immense support and help they have given me. I have finally installed RSS-Reborn and it works perfectly with the clouds. Not only that, but I was left speechless when I saw the first storms. The work you have done Black is tremendous, thank you very much for everything!!! https://imgur.com/vZ6J9jb https://imgur.com/gZwEyXA https://imgur.com/edxdHX0


Hi Fernandoc4d, i try to install RSS reborn but when i launch the game, i stay with a blackscreen and the loading before main menu. To be sure of what I've done, i delete scatterer, eve, install blackrock files and replace real solar system files with rss reborn. Maybe an issue with my 16 gb of RAM ?


Hi Mashayekhi Sherwin, I copied exactly the installation method that Black shared: BallisticFox config: 1- Install RSS normally 2- Go to BallisticFox's Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ballisticfox/about and click RSS-Reborn click the download button next to clone. 3- Extract the downlaoded folder and merge RealSolarSystem with your RealSolarSystem folder. Done. I also tell you that, in my case, at the beginning it consumes 23GB of RAM. But even if you see that it stays black for a while, don't touch it until it finishes booting, because if not it will crash. Greetings


why does my game run better with volumetric clouds lol


What mod is the "TAA" and "TURD" mod?


Turd is the name of the mod. Taa is an option in scatterer that is enabled by default.


I know you don't make configs for rescale mods or planet packs, but I currently use a 10x rescale mod for kerbin. The clouds work amazing even on the rescale, but would I be able to use one of the RSS configs to get clearer cloud textures when in orbit?


You can, but you'll have to manually go in and change config names from Earth to Kerbin, specifically you want to edit this "body = Earth" in cloud config files


You're amazing, thank you that's all I needed. Keep up the amazing work, you'll always have my support! You're the main reason I still play KSP 1 over KSP 2 lol


I am trying to do the exact opposite and get your config to work with RSS. Is that just as easy by changing some names in the CFGs or is this not possible in such a way. I know the config is not made for RSS but I just don't like the configs that exist for RSS in comparison to yours on Kerbin.


You can do it as well by doing some renamings, but my config isn't going to look good at all on RSS


Hm, perhaps I will stay with the RSS config then. My issue I guess is with the scattering. I play in VR and clouds look fine but the scattering in the distance creates these shimmering stripes as if the dynamic range of the blue was just too low and the horizon just becomes an awful white line. Do you think there is a setting that could fix this? Using the EVO config you recommended.


I don't really know what that means so if you can include a screenshot or video that would help.


BallisticFox has updated his configs btw, if you want to try them https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-rss-reborn-89294454


Tried that, it does look a little better but performance wise it is not really viable in VR. I guess I will go with Pancake for planes and then use VR just for rocket. Or planes without clouds. Thanks anyway.


Ok so it is definitely the combination scatterer and kerbalvr. I deactivated EVE to improve performance but left scatterer on with Fox’s EVE only configs for RSS. Here is a video what it looks like filmed from the screen but looks the same through the lens. If I deactivate VR, no problem smooth blue, no stripes, no black schimmerint line on the horizon. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AgLnuYcj1xNDvl2XD1nOtPCCZwqC


In the scatterer menu in ksc screen (blue orb button) try to disable quarter res scattering, try to enable/disable TAA. If you have tufx try to disable hdr


Dont have tufx but tried the rest. No effect unfortunately. Also tried SMAA and toggled dithering, nothing. I did however manage to narrow it down a bit more and was able to make screenshots that show the issue more clearly. It seems to be related to the borders between water and land in stereoscopic rendering and creates these massive horizontal artifacts. Here is the image: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AgLnuYcj1xNDvl7lJ_gknz1KfGNE?e=lUMC7Z


Does this happen without VR? Not sure how to investigate it if it only happens with VR


No, only with VR active. In the KerbalVR mod you can turn it on and off as you please but the effect is seen also on the 2d screen. The artifacts are there with VR enabled and gone when disabled.


Can I use KerbalVR without a vr headset then? In that case I'll look into it


You can’t unfortunately. I mean ut will run but you won’t see the artifacts. But thanks in any case for all the support. Will check with JonnyOThan on the VR mod, maybe he can find/release a fix.


You can probably adjust the AdaptiveStepSizeFactor to be a bit higher for much better on orbit performance with RSS-Reborn at the cost of a bit of extra noise around the edges of the clouds


Hi Blackrack, i have an "issue", i guess, with my scatterer but i didn't find other poeple with the same probleme. During the flight, between certain atlitude ( 90km to 145 / 150 ) the ground disapear in a" big blue fog" and the ground reappears over 150 Km. I use True Volumetric Clouds release 2 and JRodgriv's RSS config. I don't know if it a conflict, wrong settings from my install... If you have any idea thank you :)


I think that's just an issue with how the transition to scaled space is configured in RSS. I don't know how to fix it but asking in the kopernicus or rss threads someone should know.


Some might have mentioned this before but the volumetric rendering, sunflare, and a few other effects dont adjust for zooming in IVA view.


Hi Blackrack, I'm a huge fan on how you manage to make Kerbin, Duna, Eve (this one looks absolutely stunning). However, I've recently moved to RSS (RP-1) and even though the ballisticfox mods do something... it isn't the same. Any chance you will get first-class support on RSS/RP-1 or are you fully focused on stock bodies? Appreciated.


My Eve clouds appear to be colorless. I removed AVP, not sure if I've missed anything. I deleted the old eve folder https://i.imgur.com/cB7boCs.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KfGIWnfHBxPZrGGq4JwNjLHhEeLuWS5y/view?usp=sharing


I love how Jool is done. Will there ever be an Outer Planets Mod patch? I would love to explore Sarnus, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon with the clouds this mod adds!


I couldn't reproduce this consistently and still not sure what causes it. It doesn't seem to happen all the time, only with certain mods.


That looks like the wrong or no scatterer configs are used, scrolling through your logs there's quite a lot of mod so not sure which one might be overriding or deleting them. I can see configs being loaded for OPM but none for the stock bodies. Your best bet is to try and remove OPM then slowly remove other mods until you find the culprit. Make sure you also didn't delete the stock configs inside the Scatterer folder.


Thank you. Honestly making good configs requires significant time and inspiration, and I'm just not inspired by RSS. I prefer to keep working on new features and improvements.


Thank you, I'm really happy with Jool and spent a lot of time trying to get that update right. The additional gas giants in OPM are really tempting, but making good configs takes a long time and a lot of tweaking, and for now I want to keep working on technical improvements and new features.


Decided to work backwards with the planets mods, Strange New Worlds somehow messes with some Kerbol planets, not sure how. OPM(and OPMVO) don't seem to mess with vanilla planets. I removed SNW and everything seems to work so far. It's not what you showed in the last image for Eve, but it is what I had expected before https://i.imgur.com/QntWiO8.png


That looks correct, not sure what you mean "It's not what you showed in the last image for Eve", if you mean the green color that's towards sunset. Btw you don't ahve to remove SNW completely, just poke inside and there should be scatterer config files somewhere, just remove the stock planets.


Ah I see, I didn't think to look at Sunset Eve. I was referring to the Jan 13 update pic. I tried to poke around in SNW and could only find configs for the new planets, nothing for any Kerbol planets. https://i.imgur.com/cX5iPUQ.png I figured instead of troubleshooting it further or bothering you about someone else's mod I would just leave it out for now to play with the clouds.


It might just be something about how it patches the configs then, not sure. In general you should try to explore the planets at different times of day, the lighting can change dramatically :)


Thank you Blackrack! The raindrops look amazing. Though, is there any way we can add auroras from AVP or Spectra? I tried adding just the aurora configs and they seem to be broken...


Mixing of 2d and 3d layers doesn't really work, they will sometimes show up but they will render wrong, they will always be behind/in front and look wrong in general. Since the auroras are 2d this won't work. Just wait for when I'll add 3d auroras I guess.

Monkey Wrench

So I know you have no intentions of using this for rings, even though it is basically the perfect tool for this, so will there be functionality left exposed to other mods to implement it themselves?

universe dog

how do download it?


How do I add auroras? Great mod btw!


Quick question, not sure whether to ask here or in sigma dimensions, but are these two mods compatible? What it seems to do is rescale planets in every possibility, which is primarily why I'm wondering, and I can't find anything on whether this or any regular EVE config works with it.


3d auroras aren't implemented yet, purely 2d auroras and clouds aren't compatible with 3d ones so you can only use them on bodies with no volumetrics


Pretty sure they aren't "compatible", rescaling volumetric configs doesn't really work and results in them looking stretched and weird. New higher resolution maps are needed to have enough detail on larger scale planets.


Wait so for the rss configs do I have to download the 3rd release of EVE as well as do the steps for the config or 1 or the other?


How possible do you think it would be to integrate your clouds and weather into the Kerbal Weather Project? Could the data provided from KWP be used as a texture for the placement of clouds, rain and snow?


If you check the KWP forum thread there's a lengthy discussion between me and the author. Long story short: there's not enough data in KWP, it's baked only around launchsites and the resolution isn't vey high.


Damn, just downloaded the mod, that is really good work, and to have it optimised like that, is an artwork, worth the $5.


This is amazing work, I have been messing around with this mod for a while now, although I have a question with the Duna dust storms, are they naturally occurring, or do I have to manually use the editor to cause them?


fantastic work! so glad to be able to contribute...Noticed 3090 was recommended for the perf heavy release. Thoughts on viability with a high memory 3080 12gb?


Thank you. I've heard it doesn't run as well but you can give it a try and if you need more perf modify the file and set upscaling to 4x instead of 2x. Those settings are overkill anyway.

Peter Galowicz

I know it is really hard to do this because water in ksp is mainly used as a reference point for the surface but you should add huge tsunami waves that are rare to laythe.


Great Mod you builded there. 100% Worth it! And btw can i use the High Revo pack with my RTX 3050Ti? Or will it Crash?


Do you have a gallery or somewhere to submit screenshots? I've got my ksp tweaked pretty well and your mod is certainly shining.


Thank you. I wouldn't recommend it, it won't crash it will just run very slow. Btw this patch is sort of a "diminishing returns" patch, it just cleans up noise at a high performance cost, it's more to give the higher end users something for their hardware. Next update is going to better improve the visuals/lighting for everyone without a significant performance cost. Here's a preview of the improved lighting model I'm working on: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160169362490130512/Desktop_2023.10.07_-_12.20.22.01-1.mp4


Thank you. I don't really have a gallery, usually people share their screenshots on the r/ksp discord (ksp1-pics section): https://discord.com/invite/Y7rw6h9 Or on the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/ I browse both :)


Hi! Great mod, everything looks fantastic. Is it currently compatible with JNSQ, or would I need a config file like the ones for RSS/KSRSS? I'm having an issue with JNSQ where clouds on Kerbin and Laythe are working fine, but Eve/Duna have black clouds and the gaseous planets are completely black. Thanks for the help!


Not compatible with jnsq and it is very outdated. For eve/duna just delete their configs from jnsq and use the ones I provided, don't know about the gas giants though.


Can you, if you can, simply explain in a bit of detail how to install this and the RSS version for an RSS/RO Install? I've been working on it for one weekend day (Saturday) and this is my last weekend day to work on this for the next two weeks. Help would be appreciated!


Which one are you trying to install? BallisticFox's? And is there a particular step you're having trouble with? I followed the above steps for every one of those configs and they worked correctly.


Ah, gotcha. Is there a way that I could only copy some files over from the scatterer/eve files you provided so that the volumetric clouds only show up on Kerbin?


Not sure if intended, bug, or mod interaction. at night my clouds are very black. https://imgur.com/a/15v7wee


It's "normal", there's no lighting or ambient for the clouds currently at night. That will change in the future.


It’s the BallisticFox version. Just want to know if I have to put the two downloaded files directly into the RSS folder. This is because every time I load up RSS, earth/KSC skies are just filled with clouds, I skip a couple years to test it and it’s just an endless overhung sky


Same happens to me, probably intended edit: didnt notice the reply by the man himself, ignore this


blackrack do you plan on adding tornadoes or hurricanes?


It says to do this: "Open your RealSolarSystem folder, place EVE and Scatterer in that folder". Therefore once you download "RealSolarSystem-EVEONLY" extract it, take the Eve and Scatterer folders from inside and put them inside RSS folder. If you're getting that issue make sure you have deleted any previous installs of RSSVE or other visual configs for RSS. Maybe start with a clean install if you can't find the offending files.


Probably, I haven't looked at how JNSQ is structured though so can't tell you what to do exactly.


i know it might be hard to answer this but do you know when the next update is gonna release?


I'm working on some deep changes so I don't know yet, sorry. What I can do is give you a preview of the new lighting model I'm working on: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160169362490130512/Desktop_2023.10.07_-_12.20.22.01-1.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160648260634030120/Desktop_2023.10.08_-_20.21.43.03.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160648288152846478/Desktop_2023.10.08_-_20.12.22.02-1.mp4


are you planning to add auroras, cities lights etc?


Do rain droplets work with restock parts if not will they work in future?


would it be possible to instead of just using greyscale texture maps for where clouds are maybe use rgb so the height (of like part of the cloud, so the middle can be thicker and higher than the edges), and height (cloud height, like where the actual cloud is in the air), and then whatever you currently use can be added? sorry if you already do this and i'm being dumb


The cloud maps don't map directly to height, they map to cloud types which are configurable and can be any height you want. So you can already do this. Read the wiki for more info.


I've installed your wonderful mod, gotta say it feels really nice but for some reason my clouds are a bit patchy (as in they feel a bit low-res), and if I look at them my performance goes down (not unplayable but everything slows down noticably so that the game speed becomes lower and the mission time indicator goes yellow). I also have Parallax 2.0 installed but at orbit that shouldn't matter, yet I still get perf. drops looking at Kerbin from orbit. My specs are 1050ti / Ryzen 3 1200 / 16GB DDR4. My settings are not maxed out, 1-2 steps behind max, especially for reflections (only counting the GUI settings of KSP, no idea on config ones). Is this something expected and I should upgrade my hardware? Or maybe a "lite" config with not so dense clouds is possible / performance will be improved in future?


Which framerate do you get and which resolution are you running? The 1050 ti is definitely showing its age here and I'd say this is to be expected for a 1050 ti unless you get like 10 fps.


You can try to remove the top layer on Kerbin to make it run better. Go to clouds.cfg and delete Kerbin-clouds-2. Alternatively you can increase temporal upscaling but the clouds will be more pixelated https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling


I am not actually sure, is there any built-in FPS meter or do I have to roll some overlay? I've also found that for some reason instead of tanking my FPS KSP does what it feels like slow-mo, especially was able to notice that impact from Parallax, where one ingame second is like 4 real seconds, yet frames are not noticably bad, more like everything is slooooow but looks ok.


Slow motion like that is a cpu bottleneck, and is usually due to high part counts or some kind of error spam. Ksp has a built in fps display but it's crapy, I think it's in the debug menu somewhere (alt-f12 or ctrl-f12 don't remember). Send me your KSP.log file (it will be in the KSP directory) and I'll try to look for anything suspicious.


Not at my main PC atm, will do tomorrow when I get to it again, thanks in advance! Yeah it felt weird, it also happens only when I look at clouds or scatters from Parallax. I haven't ever launched big crafts yet, it was small crafts from first 5-10 career mode flights haha, but I do have a lot of mods installed. P.S. Keep forgetting that reply button, apologies for notification spam lol


Having an issue with the game being blurry after installing the mod, it's very noticeable around the menu text and in the ship builder. I've played around with the settings in TUFX but none of them seem to be related to the issue. https://imgur.com/a/Lh7cjnd


Yes, deleting TUFX fixed it, although I had TAA disabled in the TUFX config and scatterer config.


Also, Scatterer doesn't appear to be working. Changing the presets or messing with the config doesn't appear to have any change. There's no atmospheric scattering or high quality water. EDIT: I fixed this by deleting Kopernicus and Parallax, and then installing the most recent versions of them.

Joshua Higgins

Hoping to be spending some excellent time at the weekend to test this out! All installed and ready, I'm just curious... Can the rain/snow/etc particles from atmosphericbeats be available without the RSS mod? -I hope to continue flying around kerbin and its planets a little more before moving onto the real solar system mod. Or maybe I'm mistaken and it can be used as well without it affecting the system? Honestly, remarkable work! I created my patreon for you dude! Gave BallisticFox a sub to check out his stuff. I'm not sure if I'll be able to use it as mentioned however. Keep it up! :D


Thank you, I'm not sure what you mean though, AtmosphericBeats is for KSRSS not RSS. And if you want to enjoy stock, it has rain/snow/storms/lightning which are made by me, so just fly in a random direction until you see a storm.

Joshua Higgins

Thanks for the prompt response! :D ahh understood, did think I was mistaken! I'll have a look tonight. Cheers bud!


So here's the log: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684162218765451337/1164295635080597684/KSP.log The cfg: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684162218765451337/1164295698586538054/settings.cfg And an album (idk what's wrong with Parallax, think I've read something about Scatterer setting causing broken visuals) https://imgur.com/a/Cn15pKH


just got this mod, absolutely love it!


I don't see any broken visuals in your images, everything looks fine, all I can see is that the lights are on, you should know that lights are slow with grass. In your log there is quite a few Parallax errors but I'm not sure that explains the slowdown. Try the following: 1. Try running the game without Parallax and see if that fixes it 2. Try running the game without your other mods, just EVE, Scatterer and StockVolumetricClouds Let me know if any of these result in an improvement


I was referring to the weird shading on the grass, I think it only started after I lowered my graphics. Will check.


Hi i have an issue , with the mod installed my game loads and crashes every time , what should i do to fix it ?


Hi, send your KSP.log file, and monitor your ram and vram usage when the crash happens, I'm guessing you are running out of memory.


Yup that was it , i actually had just 200mb left in my drive :D , i deleted some trash and it works fine now , thanks for the help .


Congrats if true, certainly well deserved and hoping you can work your magic on KSP2 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/17d23hn/blackrack_has_been_hired_by_ig_for_ksp2/


Massive Congratulations sir! Very well deserved. Do you still plan to update this now?


Thank you. I love my new job and it's great that I get to work on the KSP franchise, I will also continue modding and working on this project outside of work hours, like I have done with my previous job, as it's still my hobby and my personal project. I'm still working on next update and it includes a big rework/improvement of the lighting model which you can see in action here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1162091375991464026/Desktop_2023.10.12_-_20.05.22.01-1.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1162091929492791467/Desktop_2023.10.12_-_20.05.22.01-2.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160648288152846478/Desktop_2023.10.08_-_20.12.22.02-1.mp4 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1160169362490130512/Desktop_2023.10.07_-_12.20.22.01-1.mp4 I have started at intercept since beginning of August btw.


That is one drunk sun. It looks fantastic. I'm glad Intercept picked you up, I'm still holding out a faint hope that KSP2 becomes what we all want it to be.


Hi, wanted to say congrats on your integration into the KSP2 team !! It's amazing!! Can't wait to see your magic put into the game!

Bryan Olaya Garcia

Congrats!! Hope you keep treating well ksp1... Those droplets looks amazing


does it works without scatterer?


Heya, are there any configs around for this to work with JNSQ? If not, do you have any pointers on where to look for starting on learning how to create my own?


I don't think there is for JNSQ. You can read the wiki and check/reverse-engineer my included configs. Wiki link: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki


Considering this mod doesn't support OPM, is there a way to use the AVP presets for OPM alongside this mod for the inner planets?


Worked perfectly, thank you so much, and thank you for making this incredible mod!


hello, im having some trouble with eve redux & volumetric clouds, my game cannot boot up at all with them installed. When i do a fresh install and re install all my mods, my game will work fine with them installed for an hour or so, ill close and reopen and it goes back to crashing. Anything i could do to fix it?


Hey, what are your specs and how much ram+vram do you have? Send me your ksp.log file after you get a crash, and also monitor your ram usage when the game crashes


its currently working atm, so i'll send the crash log when it does happen. as for my specs, im using a ryzen 5 3600x & rtx 3050 w/ 8gb of vram & 16gb of ram, i was monitoring ram usage during a crash earlier & it climbed until about 4.5gb then the game crashed. If i reduced ram usage elsewhere (closing tabs etc) i could get further into the loading screen, but it would still crash. i suspect its something to do with memory usage.


Can you try to increase your pagefile size and see if it helps? See here: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10,36929.html

Maddox Andrawis

hello, i am having some problems with the clouds looking weird, and iwas wondering if you could help me. the clouds look pixelated and a bit blurry? could you help me try and fix that?


That's a limitation of temporal upscaling, you can reduce it and get a sharper image but the performance requirements will increase. See here how to do it: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling If it persists send me a screenshot of what you're seeing.

Maddox Andrawis

okay so i just tried that and it seemed to work preety well but one other thing is that there will be outlines of the far away clouds when moving the cameraand i would also know if there is a way to fix those. i will send you a screenshot but you just need to tell me how to do that.


I also am experiencing this issue with the outlines. I’m using BallisticFox’s complete rss reborn and he thinks it may be a scatterer issue but wasn’t sure on a fix. Have you got any ideas @blackrack? P.s. you’re an absolute wizard this work is phenomenal


Hey just dowloaded this guy. First off awesome stuff so fun to see this mod continue to grow! Truly awesome work which I'm more than happy to support! I'm on Mac and ran into two problems. The first being the pixelated clouds problem, but was able to fix by adjusting the temporal upscaling. The second being that the my game appears to be vibrating. It is most apparent while in the space center view. When on the ground in flight view only stuff in the distance appears to do this and when in flight it seems to go away. haven't been able to find a fix or anyone else having a similar problem. Any idea why this might be happening? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much in advance!


Hey, go in scatterer settings from ksc menu (blue orb icon in lower right), go to customize settings, disable temporal antialiasing and enable the other antialiasing from the same screen.


Hey! Love the mod, it looks amazing. I think i found one bug, not sure if theres a better place to report it. When landed on either The Mun or Minmus and clicking "Return to Space Center" the KSC is completely dark. There is zero visibility at night. Entering any of the buildings and exiting fixes the issue on that particular instance, but it consistently returns every time. I've been playing with the configs and found that this issue goes away if you remove the following snippet from GameData\StockVolumetricClouds\shadows.cfg: OBJECT { body = Mun caster = Kerbin caster = Minmus } OBJECT { body = Minmus caster = Kerbin caster = Mun } it only seems to affect the two moons of Kerbin, any other body works fine. Again, thanks for the beautiful mod, hope this helps!


Thank you for your reply! It worked! Thanks so much for your help and everything you do for KSP. Excited to see your contributions to 2!


I am having trouble getting the mod to work with KSRSS reborn. The terrain is city night-lights instead of grass. I have copied AtmosphericBeats KSRSS, KSRSS-64k, and StockVolumetricClouds over to my GameData folder (overriding the previously installed folders). Then I copied over your ksrss_EVE_release_2_to_3_patch into my GameData folder as well. Am I missing anything? Thanks!


I'm not sure, you can send me your KSP.log file and I can check if I see anything wrong. Other than that maybe try a clean install? I know that I got it to work following the above instructions.


Hey Blackrack, so I made some OPM Volumetric configs (to the best of my artistic abilities) for the clouds/layered flowmaps for the gas giants color-maped to PoodsOverhaul textures. Would you allow me to post my configs to SpaceDock? If not, it’s totally fine. I can also send them over if you want to take a look. I love the ancient lore-friendly mod so much and I would love to see it with your amazing clouds! Thanks, Jake


I just got the latest version, and having changed nothing else in my modlist, the clouds are suddenly extremely bright white, and also occasionally swell to 100x their normal size for a few seconds before returning to normal, they're spawning directly on the ground briefly, and in general look pretty scuffed. Any ideas on what might be going on?


Do you have some screenshots or a video? It sounds like you might be using another config (RSS or KSRSS) which maybe needs to be updated for this version.


Hey, as long as you didn't use my textures directly and didn't include any of my files you can of course post it to spacedock.


The first 2 are on Kerbin, the third is in the atmosphere of Jool https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/295199794102796288/1169908176779477003/image.png?ex=65571ce5&is=6544a7e5&hm=edd7cd25e8a020d3d5c5b6c148a9a3a333e244f2d6f27b5b16dd9b954633be3b&=&width=1168&height=730 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/132503638793912320/1169908983646126121/image.png?ex=65571da5&is=6544a8a5&hm=1cb85aa4ffbad0f3530baf9857b4f8b1f6d95e101ce290a7f6dd0a9dbe4995d6&=&width=1168&height=730 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/132503638793912320/1169909378187526175/image.png?ex=65571e03&is=6544a903&hm=a4cfa625241cc5598abc5b2c02b3d9ceccc6df22fbf525924b4694727c495524&


Yeah it doesn't look like the configs are right. Are you using any custom configs? Also send your KSP.log file


not sure how to attach a file here, but if you add me on discord at kanesoulbreaker I can send it to you there


Can you just upload it to google drive or something and share the link? I'm at work




You need to make it public or give me access, you should get an email asking for access.


You have the wrong versions of both Scatterer and EVE, you have to delete them and use the ones included in the above download.


Awesome! Thank you, I wasn't sure since the mod is still in a testing phase. The flow-maps are edited from Jool's using the patch-tool in PhotoShop. While the Layer0Type (for the underworlds) is inherited from your mods directory, because I didn't want to recreate the underworlds. I'm just waiting on a response from Poods to see if it's okay to include his overhauled textures for the SarnusColor/UrlumColor/NeidonColor files.


Can I see what the flowmap looks like? For the layer0type you can use it if you're referencing my texture path but not including it, sounds like it's what you're doing already.


Yup, I'm just referencing your path for layer0type. As far as the flowmaps go, I've removed the swirly bits and tried my best to add the large bands from Poods Overhauled Textures. Here is the flowmaps, Sarnus: https://ibb.co/k6HHCrH Urlum: https://ibb.co/6g5hhdp Neidon: https://ibb.co/c6yS5gt


Thank you so much! I'll have it posted to SpaceDock after I got a response from Poods.


Great work! just Installed it, i noticed that it changed all my waterfall engine plume to a flickering mess, and vessel edge pixelized when moving camera alined with the clouds. What can i do to fix those?

Peter Galowicz

dude im so happy you were able to help in the making of ksp 2 your work is genuinely amazing and you make a huge difference to how the graphics are in the game.


Go to ksc screen, press the blue orb icon in lower roght, go to customize settings, disable temporal anti aliasing and enable subpixel instead.


Thanks! it worked. Looking forward to see More of your masterpiece in KSP2.


hey im wondering first how do you find rainstorms on kerbin and second any way to change how much they spawn?


Just fly around and look around anvil clouds, that's it. You don't need to make them more frequent because it's always raining somewhere. If you want to make them more frequent you need to manually paint more rain areas in weather coverage map and weather cloud type textures.


quick question will you be redoing the ksp 2 volumetric clouds?


thanks i would have seen it sooner but i only got patreon for this mod so i was unsure if it would auto refresh. i found the anvil clouds and the storms are pretty sick but im a little confused on how to use the cloud painter i didn't see any way to use it in the description


You kinda have to read the whole wiki to understand everything about the painter https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki


lotta questions ill only see it in morning. how do i make the duna sandstorms flow like in the clip you sent on youtube and make them much more intense? extra thing are you planning to add wind and turbulence in the atmosphere?


There's multiple types of dust storms including thin ones and big ones like in the video, they appear at different times. Just timewarp until you see the big ones. Wind and turbulence are "maybe" once I've finished everything else.


ive played for a while and found the sandstorms and dust devils but on kerbin ive found a hurricane and it doesnt seem to spin at all


Do i uninstall eve redux as well?


I'm currently resetting my mods, but can anyone tell me if Jupiter from RSS has volumetric clouds like Jool? If it doesn't, I would like a step by step guide to make my own volumetric clouds texture.


Wow, awesome work, the views in this mod are a gamechanger. I noticed since installing I run into some fairly severe framedrops when lighting effects are present near ground level. Seems like this might be related to scatterer? (Might be a problem with my system, i'm pretty cpu bound - i7 6700k+1080)


I've only heard of this being an issue if you have a lot of lights on while it's raining around the camera, or if you are around parallax grass


Ah, maybe that's the issue, i definitely seem to notice it most around ksc


someone made an opm config: https://spacedock.info/mod/3498/Outer%20Planets%20Mod%20-%20Volumetric%20Clouds


Hey, I'm not getting any clouds in RSS-Reborn. Any ideas why?


ive found a minor bug that i don't know exactly what happened to make it but the kcs is visible from space i do know that the kcs is covered in fog though. (it makes the kcs black)


It's caused by scatterer actually as you will see it even on vanilla with just scatterer, removing it removes the bug.


Not sure what the issue is? Ksc has always been visible from space in stock


He means it goes through the clouds and atmosphere and shows like it's overlaid through everything. It has a dark grey color and once you see it then it's hard to forget lol. Looks like the LOD of the place has weird behavior and completely forgets the clouds and atmosphere


It usually only shows when you zoom out a bit while in orbit and the world will kinda flicker like its transitioning into LOD mode basically and it shows through yes. You can also see it if you're going away from the planet. So yeah probably how the 2D layers interact.


I just had a quick question, are the storms on Duna optimized because I get around 40 fps in them (when the storm disappears my fps goes back to normal). I am running parallax 2 though. Just wanted to make sure this was normal. (I have a 4080 and 5900x for my pc, if that helps)


They are optimized but 40fps is low unless you're using the overkill config for 3090s and such. What's your fps outside of them and your fps inside them without parallax?


Yeah I probably should've mentioned that, I am running the high performance config. I haven't tested without the parallax mod, but with parallax inside the storms I get 100% GPU usage and around 40 fps, and outside of the storms I get around 30% gpu usage and ~90 fps. (One thing about my pc is that I'm only running 16 gigs of ram, so that might be a bottleneck) (I would test the game without parallax but unfortunately I can't atm) (Btw if you get 2 notifications, it's mb, I accidentally posted this as a new comment instead of a reply)


Yeah that config is not meant to be optimized, it's meant to be overkill and clean up noise as much as possible. If you want things to run better, delete everything in that config apart from the temporal upscaling line. Then either keep temporal upscaling at 2x if it's running well or set it to 4x for a bit more performance (by default I have it running at 8x). You won't lose much visual quality.

Torreka 1

Been loving the work man, the clouds look amazing!


I just found an absolutley monster of a storm cloud thats like 5 times the size of the normal ones then it made me think that real storm clouds are really big. So is it possible to make huge stormclouds a bit more common (not make storms more common just larger ones replace the tiny ones) cus its cool


There's quite a few big ones already, making them all big will lessen the impact of the big ones imo, plus it will look really crowded with how small the planet is. I do plan to revisit them in the update after the next one, but I plan to mostly make them taller and make them more chaotic looking.


absolutely cannot wait for them i can already tell with the amount of detail in other parts its going to be really good. also yeah i understand that impress factor. keep up the good job!


Do I only take the EVO folder out of 'EVO v0.3 Release Candidate 2', or take everything except scatterer and environmental visual enhancements?


I think just EVO, you can try with the other stuff included which looks optional and from memory might be outdated, like the Kopernicus Expansion stuff.


will you ever consider doing rare weather events like dust devils or wather spouts?


Yeah but I'd need to be able to have layers overlap which I haven't implemented yet. For now you can find dust devils on Duna


Am I downloading the https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rwUYJVSBGQLaYbCAlVMN36pKJznoqItP/view?usp=sharing file and then 3- Install AtmosphericBeats config https://github.com/atmosphericbeats/atmosphericbeats_eveconfig_ksrss/releases/ 4- Download this patch which fixes it for release 3 and drop it anywhere in GameData, make sure you have ModuleManager: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WrRviwfhFvzF-sEy8s5yHuG_ZvNXk1fg/view?usp=sharing I am trying to make this work with KSRSS. And If possible I would like to use the full version 3 release. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks


I know I've asked before, but has anyone made JNSQ configs?


Is there a way to lower the visual fidelity/rendering requirements? I'm struggling with getting good framerates...


What are your specs? For now the easiest 2 ways are to increase temporal upscaling and disable anti-tiling, see here: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling


I have a Ryzen 5 3600X w/32 gigs and RTX 2060... I think the GPU is a bottleneck for like the first time in history. It's taking a real hit in KSRSS


Which KSRSS config are you using for the clouds? In general stock scale should run fine with my settings on a 2060, I'm talking in the vicinity of 60 fps @1440p

Torreka 1

There is none, JNSQ is compatible directly from my knowledge


Blackrack, I love your mods, They are absolutely stunning and beautiful, I'm still figuring out how to install both turd and tufx, I just want to say even though i wont have access to the mods in the future, You mods are beyond from 10, I'd rate it out of a big 15, Keep up the good work man and your team, Best wishes.


Hello Blackrack, Thanks for all the efforts you put into making KSP even a better game! Can we expect some borealis effects too? :D cheers!


Hi, did you ever make these available? I'm looking to run OPM with this mod :) Thanks! [EDIT: nevermind, found them on spacedock. Thanks so much for making these!]


Thank you! Volumetric aurora are indeed planned, I just need to implement features to add emission and disable them during the day. Here's a preview which themaster made a while back (he could only test them at a specific time around sunset): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1176213118855151666/image.png?ex=656e0cd4&is=655b97d4


Thank you! You've been subbed for a while so I'll send you the next update. Do you need help with a specific step installing turd and tufx?


For TURD: - download and install TU: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/releases - download and install ModuleManager: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/163/artifact/ModuleManager-4.2.3.zip - Download and install stock recolor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PczfhPGESs433kiZotKV6W1T6Ak04F0j/view - Install any of the other packs you want from here (downloads section): https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/174188-112x-textures-unlimited-recolour-depot/ - Drop my config into GameData For TUFX: - Download TUFX: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TUFX/releases/download/ - Download ModuleManager (you should already have it) - Replace the existing profile inside TUFX with my own


Hello, love the work! I have some issues with the volumetric clouds, however. There are moments when a seemingly clear sky gives me performance issues while launching a rocket, and then another launch has perfect FPS with a heavy cloud cover. Other times, aerobraking at 50km above Kerbin works just fine, with many beautiful clouds in sight at 4x timewarp, but then orbiting Kerbin at 100km creates lag and pixely clouds on 1x warp. Cloud shades don't always follow actual cloud shapes (except when there's clouds over water), especially when flying above ~20km, and there was this weird shape on Mun, when Kerbin blocked part of the Sun. I am only using the Scatterer, EVE, and Stock Volumetric Clouds files provided in this post, with stock configs. Is it a mod issue? Is my computer not good enough? What could I do to improve stability and overall performance?


What's your GPU? All these issues are normal, the clear sky still has to be raymarched to check for clouds, while on the overcast sky the raymarching stops where you can no longer see, this will be improved in the future. For the pixelation you can reduce temporal upscaling but that will lower performance even more.


AMD Radeon RX 5500M. It usually can handle anything I play quite ok. My main concern wasn't necessarily the pixelation itself, but the inconsistency of it. Now I understand why that happens


If you want to know more about temporal upscaling and how to reduce it you can see here: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling


Worth my 5 bucks a month


It seems like the clouds have a grid pattern, it looks great but very.. patterned. Any reason why? https://imgur.com/a/jV2M3j8


That's a bad config. If you play RSS use ballisticfox's, it's the best one for RSS.


I play with KSRSS and was using AtmosphericBeats config. I thought it could be related to the release 3 patch, but when I applied that patch the clouds dissapeared.


That doesn't look like that config to me at all, unless you are using a 10x rescale which would explain why it looks weird. If you're not using a rescale I suggest starting over with the config because it doesn't look right, also maybe try JonnyOThan's update to that config since it doesn't require a separate patch https://github.com/JonnyOThan/atmosphericbeats_eveconfig_ksrss/commits/main Let me know if this works so I can update the main post with it


Absolutely best 5 bucks I've ever spent on patreon, amazing work dude!!


I followed the instructions pretty much exactly and im using the default KSRSS config (2.7x scale). Tried that seperate path and it didnt change anything, i also reinstalled all from scratch and got the same result.


Oh it looks weird in this case because you are using 2.7x scale. Sadly I don't have a good way to rescale clouds, the maps get stretched horizontally and then there's no good way to resize the noise to make it look right, totally new maps are needed.


Ah okay. Well thanks anyway. I find stock scale too unchallenging and RSS to be a bit too hard so I've been using 2.7 scale like JNSQ and KSRSS default for a bit. Oh well ;_;


How do I replicate the highlight shown with HDR and TUFX are there any incompatible mods that may confilct?


The parts are highlited but not as good looking and some parts are not affected


Maaaaan! How could the community lived without this for so long?! Amazing job. Now my Kerbal Space Program is complete! Technologically and Visually! Do you have a roadmap or any ideas on what do you plan to implement in future versions?


Thank you, I have a lot stuff planned, including: New lighting model and long distance cloud shadows + godrays on the atmo outside of fog/rain (for next update), overlapping layers and better cloud types, aurora and rainbows, multiple light sources e.g. planetshine and moonlight, then after that I will keep exploring other areas or come up with more ideas.


Cool, thats nice to hear (read? lol)... In case you're accepting external ideas: • It'd be nice to have a better model of the Kerbol lights (as a real sphere). KSP 2 kinda simulates this as far as I can see on YT videos. • Also, planets and moons casting real shadows on theirs neighbors (imagine seeing real eclipses thru those volumetric clouds). I can only think about the feeling of entering into Jools atmosphere next to a massive penumbra. Again, that 5 bucks aren't enough to thank you. Duuude, you made a MAJOR update to this game!


Real eclipses are already a thing, you can see them from map view and in flight, you can see the shadow creep up on the sky, land and clouds. Just go to Laythe, wait for it to pass beyond Jool and let the dread set it. Or just watch Jool in map view and see the shadows pass over it. It also has realistic umbra and penumbra.


What Unity Asset you are using to develop the clouds /rain ? Enviro 3 - Sky and Weather is a sky, volumetric clouds and weather system in a modular design. Easy to use, lots of customization.


It looks like Enviro 3 Weather and clouds yes... or perhaps Gaia 2023 Pro (50% off atm) Whatever you used.. love the effects, Thx


Amazing mod, without it I may have left ksp four weeks earlier! question as well, what planet adding mods is it compatible with?


Kcalbeloh, opm, ksrss and rss have configs for it. Quality varies per config.


How did you make parallax work with this mod? Haven't installed anything else and it stopped working.


There's nothing to do, they just work together. Send your KSP.log file if it stopped working


Nevermind, im stupid and didnt check the mod's validity, nothing with the mod itself (best thing since sliced bread btw)


Hi! Thank you for the amazing mod! I was wondering if it was possible to combine this with AVP? I've heard it's possible to install both, then delete the cloud cfg files from AVP, is that true?


Not a good idea at all, they will mess with each other and you won't get the intended look from either, for example the lower layers of Jool will not be dark anymore and the lighting and atmosphere will in general be off and not mesh with the volumetrics correctly.


I just recently supported this. I am so impressed this is so good this is well worth suppporting. I do wonder the release 3 supported for OSX?


Is there a config tool like Scatterer?


Scatterer no longer needs the config tool, all equivalent functionality is in-game. For EVE there is a painter tool in-game, check the wiki linked in the readme to know more.


I have followed the installation guide for downloading it to KSRSS but it's not working for some reason


Try Jonny's version which is newer, you don't have to use my patch with this one: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/atmosphericbeats_eveconfig_ksrss


As you're now on the KSP2 team, will you continue working on this?


I followed the atmosphericbeats instructions and it runs, but there is a strange issue where the sun seems to shine through earth and out the other side. I posted a thread in the ksp subreddit with a screen capture, as I cant post images here.




Hmm I don't know, that looks like an issue with normalmaps or the planet config.

Marcianito Martien

hello, im having a trouble when installing opm volumetric clouds, seems that scatterer or some planet clouds doesnt works, how can i fix it?


Which planet doesn't work? Can you show some images of what you're seeing in-game and upload your KSP.log file (you can share both via google drive)?

Marcianito Martien

any planet seems not work for now, sorry for confusion, ill send it in dm trhough patreon, if its not ok, sorry

Marcianito Martien

i solved the error, big sorry for disturb for if somone get this error, to me happend by not installing zero miniAVC


I followed the installation instructions and removed the Spectra, which was the only mod of those mentioned that had a conflict. Now the game doesn't start :/


Does it get stuck on the loading screen? Can you share your KSP.log file (upload to google drive or anywhere).


solved!! I´ve reeinstalled and now works, is beatiful but now i want a better graphic card than my 3060 :P

Badredine Raouy

Anyone knows the mod that makes the parts metallic? It looks incredible


It's TU (TexturesUnlimited) with and LazyPainter, you then use LazyPainter to apply a color/material to the whole craft.


I'm using this version with JonnyOThan's KerbalVR mod (since it's the latest one supported) and I can't get the clouds/atmosphere to look right. the game runs fine, but I can't see the clouds from below if I use the configs and shaders that come with the scatterer mod, and if I use the configs and shaders that come with this volumetric clouds mod, the entire atmosphere turns grey and I still can't see the clouds from below. Can anyone help?


Can you post screenshots of what you're seeing as well as your KSP.log file?


Hey I'm having some trouble getting the mod to work. I'm using the versions of EVE and Scatter that comes with the download. I can't see the clouds in-game but I do see the shadows they cast. I can see them in the title screen but there is a weird shadow issue with them.


Hi, can you share your KSP.log file and some screenshots of what you're seeing? You can use google drive. Also can you make sure you don't have GameData inside of GameData and that you merged them instead?


Oops, thanks!