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Check out the included readme/changelog and have fun:
[Download link]

Performance-heavy config for 3090/4080 class GPUs (requires ModuleManager, drop in your GameData: [Performance heavy config link]

Go to the bottom of the post for other downloads like RSS configs and recommended mods

Update contents

This new version focuses on lighting and shading improvements. I originally planned it to be a performance update but most of the optimizations I tested didn't pan out. For the next update I plan to work on better cloud shapes and variety to take full advantage of the new lighting implemented in this update.

Update 21/06/2024: Fixes for compatibility with deferred rendering, and other small fixes.

Update 09/03/2024: Restored DetailTex functionality on volumetric clouds to be used by modders.

Update 28/02/2024(2):
 Fixed black cockpit glass becoming black instead of showing droplets when rain is active. Redownload the newest version if you have the issue.

Update 28/02/2024: Fixed issues with disappearing ocean when changing in-game settings, black sky on some machines and some other issues, see the included changelog or the wiki changelog for a full list of changes.

Update 30/01/2024: Fixed Mac issues, added some AA improvements and various bugfixes, see the included changelog or the wiki changelog for a full list of changes.

New lighting model

I've been working on a new lighting model. Clouds now look fluffier and the interplay between ambient and direct lighting is highly improved.

Long-distance cloud shadows are now handled via a custom shadow solution which runs in the background and can resolve shadows over multiple frames, with minimal performance impact.

This solution is also used to generate better ambient lighting, by actually raymarching in multiple directions towards they sky. This brings out the shapes of the clouds more and makes shadowed regions look more interesting, unlike in previous versions where the ambient was totally flat.

This image shows the exact effects, on the left everything is disabled (the shading is as it appeared in previous versions), middle is with long-distance shadows only, notice the flat ambient, right is with long-distance shadows+ambient

Now clouds at sunset/sunrise and various other situations will look more realistic and have a very nice look to them.

Eve looks especially nice with the new lighting, I've added some gaps to let the occasional light ray filter down to the surface and through the thinner areas.

Physically accurate godrays

The new long-distance shadows are also raymarched separately to create godrays. Previous versions had some godrays on fog and rain, but those were generated from the 2d cloud shadows and couldn't capture the 3d shape of clouds in the same way. Additionally they couldn't cast shadows on the atmosphere itself.

This method also differs from the previous godrays implementation in scatterer because it accurately simulates the amount of single scattering in the exact shadowed areas, while the previous method just approximated it as a continuous shadowed segment at the camera or at terrain intersections.

In practice this means this method now always looks and feels "right".

By default this method is only used for clouds for performance, but it can also be enabled for terrain and objects, in which case it fixes the issues of the previous method, such as super dark godrays casting from craft, because of said physical accuracy.

Due to the new godrays and lighting model, this version has by far the prettiest sunsets and sunrises, which brings me to the next section.

Screenshot mode

Temporal upscaling and temporal anti-aliasing produce some artifacts in motion that can appear in screenshots and lower their quality, especially at lower framerates. This version disables temporal effects and renders high-quality clouds and godrays when in-game screenshots are taken (F1 button).

This comparison shows a screenshot taken through steam in flight and the same screenshot taken through in-game functionality, note the lack of motion blur and the crisp-ness of the 2nd screenshot.

Additionally, screenshots are now compatible with supersampling and will resize all the internal buffers for both Scatterer and EVE when a supersampled screenshot is taken.

Here are some massive screenshots I took while testing (right-click -> open in new tab and zoom in to check the detail)

To supersize screenshots go to the game's folder and edit the settings.cfg file, set the value you want in SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE, this value will multiply your screen width and height

Note that screenshots with F2 key are now longer/heavier to take because they render high-quality clouds. 2x supersize is generally safe and should still be fast to take in gameplay, 3x and 4x can be slow enough sometimes that KSP will hang, that also might depend on your machine and what's on screen, I recommend sticking to 2x overall.

To use this you still have to disable TUFX's TAA as it will suffer from the same issue, if you use scatterer's TAA it will work. To disable TAA in TUFX go to the TUFX profile you use and delete the AntiAliasing mode line, then check in-game, change to edit mode and it should say AntiAliasingMode None

To be able to use the Scatterer TAA also need to go inside the TUFX config in GameData\TUFX\TexturesUnlimitedFX.cfg and delete this part disabling it

Native cubemap support

Previously EVE would always load and treat cubemaps as 6 separate textures, including in the shader when they are sampled. This lead to lower performance due to sampling 6 textures at once or branching to sample a different texture (which GPUs don't like).

This new version loads cubemaps as a native hardware cubemap, as long as all textures have the same dimensions and format, increasing performance in mods/configs that use cubemaps, notably RSS

This also means in-game painting is now supported for cubemaps.

Temporal upscaling improvements

There are now more temporal upscaling settings to better tweak your quality/performance, new settings include 3x, 6x, 9x and 12x. 9x is now the default setting because it produces patterns in 3x3 blocks which are less noticeable than the 4x2 blocks produced by 8x (old default setting).

Bug fixes

These distracting artifacts on the clouds that would appear around the horizon or in movement are now fixed

As well as these scattering artifacts (the exaggerated blue edges) which appear when a cloud layer is seen through an other, typically when looking at clouds through fog or rain

This visible "barrier" between fog/rain and the background is also fixed and is now a smooth fade


Enabling terrain godrays

Terrain godrays are disabled by default because of the performance hit and the general lack of interesting terrain where they would be visible. If you want to enable them just go to the Scatterer menu in the KSC screen (blue orb button) and pick and apply the "high" or  "very high" quality preset as seen here, they also use the new godray method outlined above.

TUFX profile

My (very subtle) TUFX profile is included in the StockVolumetricClouds folder, just enable it from the TUFX menu in-game.

TU/TURD patch

Check the previous post (release 3) for a TU/TURD patch that makes all parts look a bit more like plane parts by default.

Recommended mods

Parallax (Better terrain, trees, foliage and rocks/scatter) is highly recommended with volumetric clouds for views like this (this screenshot was taken with just clouds, parallax and my tufx profile)

RSS and KSRSS configs

BallisticFox's RSS config

Go to BallisticFox's Patreon and open the latest post, you'll find instructions inside on how to install it.

I'll update this post when other RSS and KSRSS configs are updated for this version.

AtmosphericBeats' KSRSS config

(above pics are of Titan)

Go to AtmosphericBeats' Github releases page and follow instructions on the latest post

Outer Planets Mod configs by onesaltypringle

You can get it from spacedock

JNSQ configs by rbeap

You can get it from spacedock, github or the forum thread



Awesome work! Thanks!


This Update seems like one of the best and i just turned 18 so this Update it's like a gift à bit for me😛



Harvey Thompson

The second to last screenshot is amazing. In fact they're all amazing. Excellent stuff!


It was so shocking that the last image I thought was a real-life photo rather than a screenshot of the game at first


That's really impressive work, congrats and bravo on the release < 3

Harry Deane

how do you do this


Amazing work as always! Looking forward to your KSP2 Magic aswell!

Tom Magallon

Thank you so much for you work, It's amazing !! Where do we put the StockScaterrerConfigs ?

Harry Deane

how you make the mod and also will this work with the kcalbeloh system mod


Once again great work here.


Kcalbeloh has volumetric configs (check their discord). As for the mod I've been learning to write shaders since 2015 and constantly reading up on new techniques

Maddox Andrawis

woohoo! i am so exctied to test this out in game


I've only been on this patreon for 2 days and an update has already been released, what a good service XD


Couple of questions: 1. Latest Scaterrer release (0.0838) has planet specific configs which are missing in this distro - safe to delete these? 2. Does /ScattererAtmosphericCache folder in GameData need to be deleted?


Oh nvm about the planet configs - I see they have been moved to /StockScattererConfigs


Pretty much. The cache folder can be deleted and will be regenerated as needed.


Getting 2 issues with the new version, perhaps related, one I saw a few other posts of which is the disappearing of light at ksc after a scene switch, I have done 2 fresh DLs/installs of volumetrics and am sure the versions of eve, scatterer etc in my gamedata folder are from this newest version of volumetric, the other is extreme shadow/lighting flickering of surface of mun at low altitudes, everything was good to go with last version idk what is causing my issue with this one


I'd like to see some screenshots/videos of what you're getting exactly, then if I can reproduce it I can work on a fix. I'll try to reproduce the flickering issue.


I'm getting the dark KSC on return from Mun but not getting any flickering shadows on Mun


The flickering seems to be related to the day night transition, kinda the ksc lighting one too. Like if I come back to ksc from a vehicle and its just barely morning but the sun hasn't broken the horizon yet its in dark mode until i go into a building and come out or fast forward while its dark till full daytime and it eventually rights itself once the sun is high enough... as far as the mun flickering it was happening at between 10k and 30k (worse at lower altitudes) also at the sunrise day/night transition on the mun


uploading the vid to my google drive, gimme like 10 mins


Is there a specific timestamp I should look at in the video you posted? Anyway can you test replacing your EnvironmentalVisualEnahcnements/Plugins folder with the one from this zip? It should fix the black KSC when returning from Mun https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hzLt1WuSIX-ey1aX_8nKMT-vqOmYylNN/view?usp=sharing


i just uploaded a higher quality short one that should show it and sent you link it is still processing by google so may be a few minutes to preview it


That fix appears to be working for the dark ksc

Bryan Olaya Garcia

Ty!! Nice hollydays update!! Any chacnes to implement city lights and auroras in the future? at least being optional feautres? i implemented KSPRC city lights in your mod and looks nice! but i dont like its too dense in the dark side. ill upload a pic to show you. ty for the update ill test it right now!

Katie Shortis

If I’m mod requires volumetric cloud, release three to work, will it still work with four


Blackrack cooking the best mod part 1983109732

Matt P

@blackrack Tried a fresh install of RP-1/RO/RSS with volumetric clouds and ballisticfox textures for the first time. Getting quite a bit of grainy textures in the clouds. Take a look at this video in the upper right. https://youtu.be/WW7ZeaCyNL8

Matt P

OK, I take it back. I just saw ballisticfox had an update late last night that updated his RSSVE for your v4 release. Much better now!


It will work but might need adjustments, clouds might look a little bright


Thank you. Actual 3d aurora are planned. I'm not a fan of city lights though personally especially since we don't have actual cities. I think you might have to edit the texture for those.


only one or is the volumetrics like really pixlated for me or smth

Jayden Montes

Im not a member of ballistic fox's patreon so i cant comment there. but from a clean pure vanilla ksp save, how do i install his rss, i tried following the steps on the google doc but it didnt seem to work for me


I followed his instructions one by one from the doc and it worked. Make sure you do everything including his custom kopernicus and parallax. Also he has a public discord linked in the first post, consider asking for help there. Let me know if you struggle with a particular step also and I can help you but following the steps worked for me.


You can reduce temporal upscaling to reduce that at the cost of performance https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling


you are awsome!



Matthew Lysenko

Cant wait to download this. I was going to make a solar atmospheric probe, and I was wondering if there were any plans to put volumetrics on Kerbol, to imitate solar flares, the photosphere, etc. This may be a bit much since these features will be larger than planets, but maybe worth asking nonetheless.


is it only me, but may I ask why laythe's atmosphere is overlapped by jool? it makes it look like laythe is "eating" jool? im pretty sure it comes from this mod because it didn't happen when i removed this mod. image that shows what I mean: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UNaT0UlvLU85R8wt16JCOEdNAfc1J-sU/view?usp=sharing my apologies if this is an already-known bug or if this is not caused by the volumetric clouds mod great mod tho! makes ksp look so much more realistic without needing to spend money on newer, more expensive hardware


I had an idea in mind but the cloud system is not really adapted for it. Anyway, this is one of those things I'd like to do at one point but no guarantees

Moods Moodd

Hello blackrack thx for your release. i have a prob with the last release and kerbalvr . the horizon is black . thx for help

Luis Fernando

Nice one. I also have the "black horizon" bug on my game and looks like this release makes my RX 6900 XT heat up more.


Try disabling tufx profile and re enabling it. I saw this happen with rss and will fix it.


Try disabling tufx profile and re enabling it. I saw this happen with rss and will fix it. There's more features in this version so it's a bit heavier but not too much, make sure your cooling is on point.

Mr. sarcasm

Hello, just got your mod and it looks amazing! I had some troubles installing it since apparently it was conflicting with sigma dimensions (i usually like to play with 5.6x scale and a 0.8 scale on the atmo) any workaround?


What kind of trouble? Usually it "just works" for rescales but it doesn't look right as you need a config and textures made specifically for that scale.


Try disabling scatterer godrays, go to ksc menu, blue orb button, customize settings and uncheck "raymarched godrays" then exit and restart the game. If that works I'll have a fix out shortly

Luis Fernando

Thanks for replying. Sorry how I disable this TUFX profile? Also cooling is ok, but given this is still being worked on is kinda expected.


Assuming you are using TUFX, once you get in-game there is a TUFX button at the right of the screen, press it, select default-empty then go back to your profile. This is not expected because it's being worked on or anything, it just means the mod is using your GPU, which is exactly what the goal is. Let me know if disabling TUFX doesn't work or you don't use it, I'm testing a fix for this and could send you a version to test.


Hello! I am having an issue that when I apply settings in game the visuals break.


How exactly do they break? Some screenshots and your KSP.log file would help


Before apply: https://imgur.com/a/U9vyiLi After apply: https://imgur.com/a/qFqgPhK Ksp log (trimmed due to file size): https://pastebin.com/2TNfWkgX Basically as you see the water goes away.


Which settings did you change? The log doesn't have much, you can upload the full log on google drive or somewhere else.


Well I first discovered this when I lowered my volume, but this time all I did to reproduce was to open the in-game settings and hit apply which resulted in image 2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rAOyt6aTGlwZpxcUzDW9OHYqu05YO7W5/view?usp=sharing


Alright I will try to reproduce it by applying many times and see if I get it. Btw this is probably unrelated but I saw the following error in your log "[Scatterer][Error] Multiple planetsList files detected, check your install". I assume you didn't delete the old scatterer when you installed the new version?


It was a brand new install. Basically what I did: 1. Copy KSP files from steam to other location 2. Copy files from latest volumetric clouds download file 3. Run 4. Find issue


Okay it was duplicate, maybe it was there but I don't think that's what's causing this. This issue only happens with the latest version btw.


Yep that's definitely not what's causing the issue but I wanted to make sure. I'll try to reproduce the issue and fix it.

Luis Fernando

Got it. Did a search on TUFX and I'm not using it at all, never installed it or any TUFX profile (I use CKAN for mod management)


Alright, I will send you a test version in the next day, sorry about that.


Could you try replacing your scatterer folder with the one from this zip and seeing if it works? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yol8SWgXci0jYYXrPhWx7l2bGNlqMVsY/view?usp=sharing


Do you mind testing if this fixes your issue? Replace your scatterer folder with the one included in this zip https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yol8SWgXci0jYYXrPhWx7l2bGNlqMVsY/view?usp=sharing

Martin Dlabaja

Hi. I am probably just stupid, but do configs for KRSS exist? I paid patreons for both of you guys and I just found RSS configs, no KRSS yet? Thanks and really great job on mod! Awesome <3 KSP2 is miles away.


Check release 3, there are some KSRSS configs linked for it. I have not updated them for release 4 and no one did to my knowledge, so they will either not directly work with release 4 or look weird, feel free to try them with release 4, otherwise just use them with release 3.

Piotr Kozłowski

During the acceleration of time very often spoils my orbit. from 180x180 to, for example, -300x700. Other than that, everything works. ;(


You mean the mod changes your orbit? I don't see how that would happen, the mod is only visual

Moods Moodd

hello blackrack , i have tried the fix. same issue. other question do you know why the horizon is so pixelized ? thx for works always better


Can you send me screenshots of both the black horizon and the pixelated horizon issue? I might have misunderstood the issue. You can upload them on imgur.com


You seriously need to be a developer for KSP with this talent. Your work is absolutely incredible!


Thank you, I joined KSP 2 in august if you weren't aware :) Check out this post about some of my work that is already released: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/221145-developer-insights-22-skys-the-limit/

Martin Dlabaja

Thank you kindly for your response. I tried KSRSS install with V3 vol clouds + patch + atmosphericBeat and could not make clouds show up, but works with V2 vol clouds just fine. Thank you for your outstanding work Blackrack!


Do you mind testing this one? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oyDd8VT3BPlDF0_93PTMB-g9Bhxk87wA/view?usp=sharing also can I get your KSP.log file after you run this?

Luis Fernando

Happy 2024! Replaced the files, bug still happens. Sky is totally black on loading.


Thank you and happy 2024! Could you try to go in the scatterer settings (press the blue orb button in ksc screen) then customize settings, then disable "raymarched cloud godrays". If that doesn't work could you also try to start the game without EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements (just remove it from GameData). Thanks

Moods Moodd

hi, have try the last fixe always wrong https://imgur.com/a/5UKZnSo . how can i give you the ksp log ? imgur don't accept this file

Moods Moodd

as you can see when i go back to an eva ... I sit higher on the seat.The cockpit resolution is also no longer the same


Can you upload it on google drive or somewhere and share the link? Make sure to make it public if you use google drive

Moods Moodd



Ok that's really strange. Is it possible to test this without any other mods installed? (If you can just backup your mods). If it still doesn't work could you try to go in the scatterer settings (press the blue orb button in ksc screen) then customize settings, then disable "raymarched cloud godrays". Sorry for the inconvenience.

Marcianito Martien

hello, reciently i was testing the rss configs, but i got a kopernicus error, why am i wriing this here? beacause ballisticfox doesnt answers any coment, plus i didnt subscribed to ballisticfox sorry, well, basicly i get a kopernicus error even following all the steps, can i please get some help from you, thanks for reading

Moods Moodd

already try just with the necessary mod for vr only. same probleme. Ye i play only in vr. i see if i can disable the mod $JSIAdvTransparentPods


And without vr this still happens or not? As I don't have vr so would need to find a way to test it.


Can you post the error? As for ballisticfox's RSS, I installed it 2 days ago by following all the instructions step by step and got it to work that way, just make sure you don't skip or do a step incorrectly. Errors with Kopernicus are probably related to the RealSolarSystem folder.

Marcianito Martien

i can post it for you, but not for ballisticfox, due im not suscribed to him and i cant write him, and where do i post it also?


Ok and does the issue happen with one eye or both eyes? Also can you try the setting to disable raymarched godrays I talked about earlier?

Imaan Nodem

The volumetrics are great. I thought you had a Github wiki up at some point, has that been taken down? I can't find it anwhere.

Moods Moodd

in fact I have a basic problem with scatterer. in vr without other mods , this is the quality that i get, it s so pixelized . with the stock game the image is really net

Stefan Elsen

This looks truly next-gen. From below, inside, or in-between cloud layers, it looks truly game-changing. Where it does not look so hot, is from space, straight down. You can clearly see the lines of the grid. A bit of positional randomization would do wonders here I think.


It's already randomized (check detiling section in the wiki). I'm well aware the view from space is the weakest though and plan to make it better.


Are you seeing lightning and "fog" under the anvil cloud? Some anvil clouds may not be raining.

Omer Bilget

very good mod clouds look great


So I let my sub expire, and this guy is nice enough to share despite that. I'm so appreciative of what you do Blackrack. Thank you!


Does v4 work on mac?


It should in theory (it's compatible with opengl) but some users have reported getting a black sky with it, I'm still investigating why this happens.


Fantastic work! You are a pioneer setting a standard in atmospheric rendering! I was wondering if there was any update / work proposed for volumetric smoke trails?


Thank you for bringing new life to my favorite game, wish you all the best;)


Oh in that case you probably have to rescale the atmo, I can't tell you the exact values to use though, you'll have to experiment. Go in scatterer menu in flight (alt+f11), there should be some rescale values near rayleigh and mie, you'll need to rescale both, put a rescale factor like 1.5 or 2.0, press GO and repeat until satisfied or reload existing config. Press save when satisfied.


Thank you, I didn't get to volumetric smoke trails yet so no work there yet.


how do i install the performance-heavy config?


my game now seems to crash everytime i try to load it


Share it via google drive (and make it public) or any other file hosting service


sorry it took a while but here it is https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YL_sdzpMdtqYzSjrvf61xXZpElzOdkm/view?usp=sharing


I saw your log on discord https://discord.com/channels/1039959585949237268/1194756546639429773/1194758528171257958 Sadly I don't really see any issues. Does getting rid of the HQ config fix it? There is this error meaning you probably combined multiple scatterer configs but it shouldn't be causing a crash: "[ERR 21:21:36.733] [Scatterer][Error] Multiple planetsList files detected, check your install"


i sent another log on discord after reinstalling


Is there by chance a way to improve performance, I’m using ksrss and performance was a lot better with older versions of volumetric clouds, thanks


Is this with the new ksrss configs by atmosphericBeats? Performance hasn't worsened much with v4 with my stock configs but I haven't checked ksrss to say what's going on there. Anyway you'd have to do a serious tuning of the raymarching step sizes and lighting settings for every layer to get good performance, as well as compress textures, although copying my settings is a good start. There is a lot of info on the wiki but it is time consuming to understand and tweak.


I’m gonna look into it more and play around with some of the settings, thanks


Hey, beautiful mods. I really should know this after installing mods in KSP for years but I'm unclear on how to install this over a fresh RP1/RSS install? Am I safe to drop it in a replace the files or do I need to delete old folders first.


Just went to Jool. "My god. It's full of stars!"


Don't forget to dive inside it, there's a lot of hidden layers down there and you can go really deep down inside Jool


Can you please confirm that you are using AtmosphericBeats configs for release 4? Feel free to open a task on GitHub to investigate the problem


I reinstalled ksp and everything’s working as it normally does

Jack Turner

The KSRSS configs seriously suck.


Sorry to hear that but I don't make them, maybe check with AtmosphericBeats


Hi there. Feel free to explain the problems that you are experiencing opening an issue on Github.

Nick from Space

Really really amazing looking mod. wow. Is there a way for better Performance after i've got your settings, i mean it works fine but sometimes my pc becomes an airplane and takes off.


What are your specs? The easiest way is to increase temporal upscaling, disable detiling or reduce lightvolume resolution and update rate. These will reduce the quality. See how to do that here https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling and here https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Light-volume-(Release-4)


mammatus clouds when


when i get close to kerbin the atmosphere just disappears edit: nvm dont know what it was but it fixed itself


Next time you see it could you send some screenshots and your ksp.log file?


also one thing that im not sure about is that on eve and jool there is some dark spots everywhere that i THINK are shading but they just dont look right and on the map view they dont appear


https://imgur.com/8ytGI6U and https://imgur.com/iyJ1eoZ . im not sure if its just like my settings or something but they look very strangee


These are part of the shading but they look weird here because you're not using my scatterer settings. If you have avp, spectra or any other source of custom scatterer settings delete it.


its just the scatterer configs that come with the download right?


ok yeah that definitely fixed it they're alot lighter now ty

Max B.-L.

I can’t install it. I think it’s my fault, as I’m new to downloading mods. Is there a video or something? I saw the description saying to delete configs, but I really don’t understand this stuff very well. Thanks.

Dark Star

Hello! I don't know if this is a question for you or ballistic fox, but I'm playing RSS/RP-1 installed this with their RSS Reborn and i'm seeing lower elevation clouds through the upper elevation ones. It's not a world-ending bug, but if you know how I could sort this out it'd be great!


If you've never installed mods before, all you need to do is extract the provided download, take the folders inside it (Scatterer, StockScattererConfigs, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, StockVolumetricClouds) and move them to the GameData directory inside your KSP folder (typically the full path is C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData if you've instealled through steam). Let me know if this helps


Overlapping clouds aren't supported and lead to rendering issues like this, so this is an RSS reborn issue for including configs with overlapping clouds. The way to fix it is to delete overlapping layers or change their altitudes so that they no longer overlap. You may want to ask fox to tweak the config


They should look like the Jool screenshots I posted in the post (with matching time of day), if that's the case then it's all good.

Dark Star

Thanks for getting back to me, I'll be sure to follow this up with fox! <3

Max B.-L.

it worked! i appreciate your help. it is AMAZING. cant wait to see he further work done

B0aw s

Hi, I was just wandering if you need to do this enny difrently for a RSS RO install?

Peter Galowicz

dawg wdym small changes the whole lighting system was changed I love this release keep up the work 😭🙏

J -GAMER- 101 Valdes Martinez

Hey Blackrack, is there a way to change the quality of the shaders and clouds? it looks laggy and pixelated to me.

Austin Mobley

Hey im not getting any clouds i dont know if I installed it wrong but when i open the eve setting the volumetric clouds apear as red.


Can you send screenshots of what you're seeing? You can upload them on imgur.com. Also send your KSP.log file (use a file upload service or google drive)


Reduce temporal upscaling and it will take care of that, but will impact performance. See here how to do it: https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling


I don't think so, PRVE is not maintained and I don't think anyone went through the trouble of making volumetric configs with it. The best config for RSS is ballisticFox's

Trevor Currie

I'm getting the same issue but I'm running it in a mod pack so idk if it would be fixable


Hey Blackrack, I have a problem with the StockVolumetricClouds and AstronomersVisualPack. The AstronomersVisualPack mod adds auroras on Eve, Duna, Kerbin, Jool and Laythe, but they don't load once I add the StockVolumetricClouds. I remember that the Auroras worked with older versions of the StockVolumetricClouds. Currently I could not even find the problem in the EVE config. Do you have any idea?


2d layers and volumetric clouds were never meant to work together. They may have "worked" on previous versions but they didn't render correctly, they apways appeared behind volumetric layers even if they were physically in front which looks broken and weird

Eilidh Seabrook

Hi, the new update from the 30th January causes all my volumetric clouds to appear black or grey. I'm not sure what the best way to get in contact with you is, let me know and I can give further information.


Here is fine, which version where you on before that didn't give you black clouds? Are you on Mac by any chance and can you upload your KSP.log file?(google drive will do)

Eilidh Seabrook

I was on version 2.3.0. I'm on windows 10. ksp.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AD-LN6eZ2zN5vCjtuMMKwcq5yWfFt76u/view?usp=sharing images: https://imgur.com/a/VsHkniV


Your scatterer is on the wrong version (870) but you need 871 which is included in the newest download. You also have a GameData folder inside of GameData so you probably misinstalled something. Start over, delete Scatterer, StockScattererConfigs StockVolumetricClouds and EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, delete the GameData inside GameData and reinstall the mods. Make sure you don't put a GameData inside GameData but merge their contents instead, that should fix it.

Eilidh Seabrook

Hi, thanks, seems to be working now. For some reason windows REALLY doesn't like it when you copy directly from a zip folder, which is how the files all got messed up. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Adam Douglas

Love your work Blackrack! Never know how much I'd love seeing mountains pop above the cloud layer and flying around that area. I've been away from KSP for 3 yrs and jumped back in with this glorious piece of work. Looking to fly in the clouds, I took off from KSC turned out to head to K2 and initially thought the mountains were removed from the game at some point. I was a lovely surprise to find them not only above the clouds, but also the Kerbal fun of diving through the cloud to find the ground being a LOT closer than expected.!


one quick question, do volumetric clouds work with the rescale mod? like the one that makes the system 2 - 10x bigger?


They become "stretched" and look weird. It's best to use a config made for that scale from the start. For example there are ksrss configs made for 2.5x scale and rss configs made for 10x scale.


would you have a link for the 10x config? or atleast how to find it


It's ballisticFox's rss config, it's linked at the end of the post, you'll have to adapt it if you're not using it for rss, rename earth to kerbin

Anthony Alessi

Everything continues to look INCREDIBLE but I'm experiencing a small issue where my vehicles, when directly under the sun, such as at noontime, become almost black as if no light is reaching it though the rest of the world is lit normally. Have you ever encountered this and if so, any ideas for a fix?


I've got an issue where i can't change my scatterer settings in game. Toggling TAA and SMAA does nothing. No TUFX.


Could send your KSP.log file? Does nothing happen when you try to disable the settings or do they check off and then come back on after you change scenes and come back to the options screen?


Just noticed they do change. I just had to go into tracking station (change scene) for them to save and apply. I thought i remembered switching off taa and noticing it changing in real time. Proabably some other mod i got installed. Thanks!


does this work with 2.5 times rescale?


Not very well because the included configs gets stretched out. If you use 2


Not very well because the cloud maps get stretched out and the scale is off. If you use configs specifically made for 2.5x though (like the above KSRSS configs) you'll get good results.

Joshua Higgins

Excellent work as always Blackrack! Love the work you and Fox do! :)

Torreka 1

I can only imagine if we managed to have KWP and the storms in this be compatable


This is such an impressive mod, didn't think this was even possible in KSP


For info I investigated this and kwp only has prebaked wind and cloud data at a few point locations. It doesn't have anywhere near the detail needed, but if you're just looking at wind affecting craft it doesn't matter. If you visit the forum thread you'll find a discussion between me and the author of KWP on the last pages of that thread.

Jose Torres

There's a new one in the works! CPWE, which already looks promising.

ciao ciao

I can't get my install to work. Clouds only take up half the planet and they are only partially seen while in flight. https://imgur.com/a/mgGLHz0 https://imgur.com/a/NDInLzZ https://imgur.com/a/HJw53Io Tried reinstalling the mod over and over, didn't work. I have no other EVE configs installed as this is pretty much a 'fresh' install of KSP.

ciao ciao

Sure thing! I uploaded it on WeTransfer https://we.tl/t-4juM36cFWl


I believe this is due to using KSP Is there a reason you're on that version and not the latest? 1.12.x

ciao ciao

I play on 1.11 because it has great mod compatibility, but I'll try 1.12 and see if it works as well and let you know.

ciao ciao

Upgraded to 1.12.4 and it now works! Cheers man, many thanks for helping me out!

Mona's Hanger

This mod is incredible buddy! Is there any chance you will be adding these clouds/lighting to planets/moons in the Kcabeloh mod with unique colours to each body? Ksp will be complete for me.


Thank you! If I'm not mistaken kcalbeloh made their own configs for the mod, I can't comment on the quality though because I didn't test it. Try their discord for the configs.

Mr SkW3rL

I understand if you are bound by an NDA, but I was curious if you will be able to implement any of these features into KSP2 base game. This is incredible and hope you will be able to implement all this goodness!

Mona's Hanger

Ok so I downloaded the config files from the link in discord.. Dropped it in game data as instructed and nothing.. no clouds.. Will have to tinker more or ask on discord as I am really dumb with these kind of things. Again, great mod.. Keep working on it PLS!! I want tornados and actual wind! if possible..


I of course can't tell you what I'm working on for KSP2 outside of official communications :)


Thanks for your amazing work! I was wondering if the weather effects will change dynamically or if you have to change it manually? And are those weather effects also included in your stock configs?


Absolute game changer of a mod!!!! Thanks for your work!!! It might be outside of your scope to implement, but are there any plans to account for wind currents? I was browsing the forums and saw that someone is developing a wind mod with external API. It would be sweet to have your clouds/weather affected by planet atmospheric currents. Mod in question: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/223284-112x-wip-cpwe-configurable-planetary-wind-effects-v085-alpha/


Not sure if this is what you mean but they change dynamically with time. E.g it will stop raining and start raining elsewhere, fog will form and then dissipate.


This is something I want to do but it's more complex than it looks as it has to stay coherent over time and when seen from orbit as well. It essentially has to become a fluid simulation to properly account for currents.


I'm having a problem where the clouds just don't show up. Like, ever. At all. I downloaded the mod, removed previous EVE and Scatter-related mods, took suggestions from Reddit, and it still doesn't work. I use 1.12.5. Am I doing something wrong?


Send your KSP.log file and I'll look into it. You can use any file upload/sharing service. If you use google drive make sure to give public permissions.

Noah Currier

hi blackrack, i have a question. i'm sort of slowly working my way through the config file and settings for the mod to find what i like and what works for me, but honestly even after reading through your config guide a couple times all the settings are pretty confusing to me haha. do you have more config presets available, or is there anywhere where i can find some made by other players? nonetheless, thanks for your work!


Hi, I don't really have other presets. I explained the settings to the best of my ability but you still need to play with them for a bit (and preferably play with the painter) to get a feel for what they do. Are you interested in changing something in particular? About other presets, there are some for planet packs like OPM and Kcalbeloh, some for RSS and KSRSS but no other presets exist for the stock system.


Hi Blackrack, I ran into a problem with the cockpit cam after updating to the newest version of the mod: Under rainy conditions where raindrops are supposed to be displayed on the cockpit, the class of the cockpit becomes all-black. Is there a way to fix this, or are there any issues that might happen during the mod updating process which can cause this? Thank you!


I'll check it out, was this working until todays bugfix update? Can you send your KSP.log file?


Ok I reproduced the issue, I'll have a fix out shortly. Thanks a lot for reporting this.


It's fixed now, if you redownload the file from the above download link you'll get the fixed version. The link is the same but the contents have been updated.

Pigeon Pigeon

hello blackrack, i was wondering if you plan to port this mod to the game Juno: New Origins? ive played it for a while now and graphics already are fairly charming but there are no cloud mods, volumetric or otherwise, and i think you being the king of ksp clouds would be the perfect person to pull it off, thanks for reading and hopefully taking your time to read this. have a good day!


Is it compatible with RSS default, or do I have to download RSS Reborn?


You need a config, so either RSS reborn (the best one) or some of the older configs linked in previous posts (outdated and not recommended).

Adam Douglas

These views make my soul relax and just fly around in the game. Love your work as always!


Thank you and so sorry to ask another question but the log file is 2000+ pages long, that seems too long to share, which bit do you need?


Just upload the whole thing on drive so that we don't have to keep going back and forth it if I need something. If it's too big zip it up, text files compress well.


Is there a way to turn on weather at my current location without flying around to find it?


Timewarp. Otherwise not really, it's kinda linked to certain cloud formations and times.


Hey there! I've just attempted to install the mod and it would seem it no changes have been made and everything effectively look stock, is there a fix for this?


Hey, could you upload your KSP.log file and I'll look at it? Also make sure you didn't put GameData in GameData, there should be a single GameData folder.


So I see this error "Multiple planetsList files detected, check your install", can you search for "planetsList.cfg" in your GameData folder and see how many instances you find?


Yep, I've located two instances. One located in GameData\Scatterer\config and another in GameData\StockScattererConfigs


I've attempted to launch the game once again and still all planets have no clouds or weather effects, here's the log https://www.mediafire.com/file/x39vbuwbz2hxtoo/KSP.log/file


Delete the entire scatterer folder and install only the one from the latest version. If it doesn't work then please send me a new ksp.log file

Dawid Dziedziak

Hey! Have you considered combining volumetric clouds with BDArmory/North Kerbin Dynamics to produce realistic looking explosions and mushroom clouds? I think it's a neat idea, not sure if its feasible though.


Hi, volumetric effects could be possible for these but it's not as simple as combining them with volumetric clouds. It's definitely something that I'm interested in but very low priority compared to other features, so it may be a long time before/if I actually work on this.


This is absolutely amazing! You are a legend!


I should probably mention that when using this method, the game loads and it is incredibly laggy and kerbin had no atmosphere.


You have multiple issues, Scatterer is generating atmospheres in a loop but they still can't be loaded, can you make sure the GameData folder is not set to read only and that KSP has write permissions? Scatterer should be generating a "ScattererAtmosphereCache" folder in GameData but it looks like that fails silently. Another issue could be that the path KSP is installed in is too long, "C:\Video Games\KSP...\KSP...\KSP..." is too long, I'd suggest moving your KSP install closer to C:\games and reducing the name of the folders and that would probably fix it. EVE is also unable to load textures "StockVolumetricClouds/Clouds/Textures/PluginData/Kerbin/KerbinHighAltCoverage" which may be related to the path being too long or the textures may actually be missing.

Wheel Jack

This is awesome, I never thought I would see the light of day when KSP 1 gets awe seeing weather and clouds. Hoping for OPM Version Soon.


Thank you. Someone already made OPM configs, I think you might find them on the forums somewhere.

Wheel Jack

Thank you for letting me know, I'll be sure to look around for it. If I find it, Thank you.


Hello, thank you for all this awesomeness! Is there a way to have Spectra and this combined (I tried but the sky just ends up black)? I just uninstalled Spectra and it works fine but, just wondering if there's a way.


Hi, combining them in which way? You can use Spectra's scatterer configs with the volumetrics but things won't look right because the configs aren't made for each other, Jool especially the inner layers wil look broken.


I meant to have them both installed (Spectra and this mod or maybe AVP & this mod) without it messing with or breaking this mod making something not look right. If not, no biggie, just wondering if possible.


Hi sorry it took a while to get the log file... here you go. Thank you so much, the mod looks incredible, we are keen to try it! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FN3c4zXHKJjvzNJ-dWntDALNk4DBGL4a/view?usp=sharing


So I don't know which version of GU you are using but it might be overriding my configs somehow, also I don't know if that version of GU has any volumetric configs. Other than that you have a GameData in GameData and that doesn't work and can cause issues, make sure you merge GameDatas instead.


Ever find 'em? (EDIT: Found 'em! https://spacedock.info/mod/3498/Outer%20Planets%20Mod%20-%20Volumetric%20Clouds)


Okay, I understand. Do you know if I'm able to install anything with city lights feature?

Stone Angier

Hey Blackrack! I tried getting this to work with AVP’s auroras, and Spectra’s. No dice. Naturally I’d much rather have the volumetric clouds over the auroras, so it was an easy choice on which to delete. With that being said, are you planning at all to add auroras in the future? Or possibly a compatibility update for people who want auroras since this mod doesn’t currently have them?


Hi, I'm indeed planning to add truly volumetric aurorae. The old 2d ones faked with 2d cloud layers aren't compatible though.

Stone Angier

Awesome! And they look weird too. Having 2d aurorae and volumetric clouds just doesn’t look right. Thanks for the speedy reply!


Cool mod! Does it have linux support? Idk why but for me its a bit broken ;( am i doing something wrong? i reinstalled all mods and the game itself and time to time something breaks


Linux is 100% supported, although for better performance you should run it through proton (otherwise it runs in OpenGL and is slower). Which issues are you seeing?


i didnt run it in proton im gonna try later, this is the major issue that has been bugging me, i think this could be a bad config since i was using a custom kcalbeloh volumetrics config and only appears in the kcalbeloh planets: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/224860633525518347/1219692502777466880/9GKRbNS.png?ex=660c3a29&is=65f9c529&hm=ec93ec5adcb864bac73f5696ab0c958aad79cfff70241ea4567e0dc0259e2092&


For the next update, or a later update, I'd love to see thin dust-clouds on airless moons, such as the mun/minmus. Similar to how the moon irl has a very thin atmosphere composed of dust.


is it possible to make custom jupiter volumetrics for the consumer?


You can make anything you want but it requires work. The wiki explains all the functionality


Hey, the download link seems to only go to VolumetricsEarlyAccess28_02_24 Is this V4 or did I do something wrong?


@Aaron only the included ones, follow the install instructions. If you have an issue or it's not working upload your KSP.log file and I'll investigate why.

Aaron Corbett

I cant seem to find a KSP.log file, theres only logs for 4 mods I have and some random nonesense looking ones

Aaron Corbett

if this conversation could be had somewhere else, id appreciate it. there seems to be a few problems that I cant figure out without some help


Thank you! It was that GameData folder that had snuck in. Now it works beautifully. Excellent mod and thank you for the patient help too!

Furious Frenzy

what game version did you run this in?

Claudio Ruiz

where do i find the KRSS version and how far in development is it? like does it have all planets now covered by this mod


It's linked above at the end of the post, last I checked it covered all the atmospheric planets.

George Surridge

Hi Blackrack im getting a strange effect with the skybox bluring when moving the camera? Wondering if there is a way to prevent this?


By skybox do you mean only the stars in space or do you mean the clouds and sky when in atmosphere?

George Surridge

Apologies for not specifying, I mean the stars in the skybox. Also blurs planet and craft trajectory lines making them difficult to see.


No worries, try disabling temporal anti-aliasing in scatterer. In KSC menu press the blue orb button in the bottom right corner, press the button that lets you modify individual settings not presets, and you will have a button to disable TAA there.

Furious Frenzy

Is there any rss configs or just rss reborn to much for my PC lol and wanna play it with rp1


For me it looks like the lightrays underwater are broken, is it also broken on your end? It also seems like caustics are broken as well for me. :(

Ariel Darío

Hi Blackrack, new suporter here! Could you (or somebody else) explain me how the screenshot mode works? english is not my 1st lenguage, but i did everything according the instructions and the mod works fine, except my screenshots suck now lol. I deleted the AA settings from my actual TUFX profile, and tweak the settings file in my GameData folder, but i still getting hard-edges images. Any help would be much apreciated.


You're supposed to take screenshots with the ingame screenshot feature (F1), are you doing that? Did you change the config file to enable the supersize setting?


The other ones aren't updated but you'll find them linked in the older versions

Ariel Darío

Hi! yes (F1) like always, but checking the settings file again i think maybe i figured out: is the "screenshot supersample" number a multiplier? it was set in 1 wich can explain why the screenshots are the same size my monitor resolution, changed to 2 now and see if the problem persist

凌峰 喻

I found a very strange bug, which is If taking off from the ground, the rocket or aircraft will abnormally darken when reaching over approximately 5000m, even if there is no obstruction above. And then it became increasingly dark, until it suddenly returned to normal brightness after about 60000 meters. Strangely, if I directly use debug to move the aircraft to these heights, the brightness of the aircraft is normal. I only used volumetric clouds and no other mods. May I ask what may have caused this? (Sorry, I am using automatic translation) (Sorry, I am using automatic translation)


Can you show some screenshots or a video? You can put screenshots on imgur.com


Can you go to the KSC screen, access scatterer settings (blue orb icon in bottom right), press "customize settings", press "lighting", disable "sunlight extinction" and let me know if that fixes it? Note this will disable sunset lighting on crafts, but if that works then I will know how to fix this bug.

凌峰 喻

Thank you! However, without changing anything, this bug seemed to disappear on its own and I couldn't make it appear again. Thank you again for your concern!

凌峰 喻

Oh, the bug has returned. It seems that at different times of the day or when the clouds in the sky are different, the degree of this problem varies. Sometimes it completely turns black, and sometimes it cannot be seen. Now I have followed what you said disable "sunlight extinction", and indeed the problem no longer arises, but the sunset light is also gone


Could you replace your Scatterer.dll file (in GameData/Scatterer) with this one and see if that fixes your issue? https://drive.google.com/file/d/18B4dGstzRQlP_ntZLYKmuZXEogQQkN04/view?usp=sharing Don't forget to reenable "sunlight extinction"


Hi Blackrack! I'm wondering if you still plan on revamping reentry effects?


Yes, I don't know when however, it's a complex topic and I have several complex topics already

凌峰 喻

Thank you. After replacing this file and allowing "sunlight extraction", I tested it and found that the bug no longer appeared. I tested it several times and confirmed that the lighting changes during takeoff from the ground and entering high altitude were normal without any abnormal dimming issues. And, it will also darken normally in the shadows of low clouds, and there will be light in the gaps. However, I discovered another issue, that in the shadows of thunderstorms, airplanes still maintain brightness and do not darken when flying into thunderstorms as well. Here are a few screenshots https://imgur.com/a/DQAZ77d


Thank you for testing, I'll update the main download soon with that fix, you can just keep using the file I sent you though, you won't have to redownload the entire thing.


Concerning the shadows you reported, that's normal at the moment, the shadows on craft/objects still use the 2d cloud shadows which don't include the full 3d shadow, like for cloud self-shadowing. This is not a bug, more of a limitation of the current system. This will be implemented in the future.

Marke doodle

Hey Blackrack, this mod is amazing and I got it all working, but I see these awesome videos of volumetric duna dust storms, and I was wondering how to get them, cause I don't seem to get them.


They appear intermittently, and there are two variations, small diffuse ones and large ones. Just go in high timewarp in map view and wait until you see a big continuous storm sweeping over the planet, might take an ingame week or two.

Marke doodle

Okay so I found the dust storms. but they're not the same as the ones in say this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blpCH-DyN0E or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4em3XhJsw&pp=ygUNa3NwIGR1c3QgdG9ybQ%3D%3D

Leonardo Bonanno

Hey Blackrack, I really like your latest update but I was wondering if you will add aurora effects for the planets, similar to those found on Spectra because I think that it would be the cherry on the cake.


I've been having an issue where, if I hit escape (to enter a menu) or launch the game using the VR mod, a lot of the visual effects break, the sky goes black, the ocean disappears, and all engine and explosion affects also disappear. Any known fix? Also, if there is a more appropriate place to bring up issues like this please let me know, I'm tired rn and my brain ain't workin.


Have you redownloaded one of the fixed versions since v4 came out? There have been quite a few fixes to similar issues although nothing VR specific. When that happens try to open the EVE menu (alt+0 or the EVE icon in the sidebar thing) and press apply, that usually fixes similar issues. I don't have VR but I will see if I can emulate it to try and reproduce the issue.


3d auroras are indeed planned soon-ish, themaster (creator of AVP) previewed them a while back (although without the right emission/lighting) and here's what they might look like: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/717082994657067090/1067935998887071785/image.png?ex=66298967&is=662837e7&hm=1d5de32a27db063d9e762a98b6ebd246a55a86de6c1b74d2d61dfd7670a1640e&


I redownloaded the latest version yesterday during my troubleshoot. I actually fixed the issue by going back a few versions to the original release. I'll try the EVE fix as well.

Lewis West

Hi Blackrack, I visited Jool for the first time and I have to say the clouds are a masterpiece! I'm just wondering if there's any plans to integrate with the Outer Planets mod in the future, near or distant? You have ruined all non-volumetric cloud planets for me from now on!


For OPM I have no plans to make my own configs for them at the moment (although I admit those ice giants are enticing), someone already made their own volumetric OPM configs though, I can't say how good the quality is but if you google it you should be able to find them.

V Bro

when will the next release come? how close are you to being finished?


Hi Blackrack! I understand that you might not be able to say anything, but since you're on the KSP2 Dev team, do you know what is happening regarding the layoffs? Also, will True Volmetric Clouds development be affected at all if it is true? Thanks!


For volumetric clouds, nothing would change, this is my own project which I work on in my free time and it has been like this since the beginning.


@Lewis West Could you share the link with the rest of the class?


This should be it https://spacedock.info/mod/3498/Outer%20Planets%20Mod%20-%20Volumetric%20Clouds

Niklas Adelt

Hi Blackrack. Mind if I post these screenshots on the subreddit? They are behind the patreon paywall, so I figured I should ask.


Sorry which screenshots? The ingame ones I posted in the above post? You can post them. I also have this image linked as a "summary" in the public description of the post https://imgur.com/ffFKzUq

Aliens Guy 42

So uuuh are you still weaving your magic in ksp2 until the layoffs take effect at the end of june? Is there still a chance your clouds work could get added to ksp2... please man, i need some answers to calm my jangled nerves

Niklas Adelt

Hope everything goes well after KSP2. Your talent will never go unnoticed.

The federal republic of Erusea

I downloaded the mod but no clouds are visible. When I open the config editor it says "No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_RAYMARCHED_CLOUDS_QUALITY{}" to populate." How do I fix this? is there another thing I need to download?


I love your work for a long time now. Thanks man, keep it up


Same, upload your KSP.log file so I can look at it, most likely you have put GameData inside GameData instead of merging them?

Colin MacDonnell

Followed instructions and replaced GameData folder and now my game is completely bricked and wont open.


Upload your KSP.log file and I'll look at it (you can share it via google drive or any other file sharing service)

Colin MacDonnell

I think maybe the GameData folder you include is missing a few files. I had Steam "Verify Integrity of Game Files" and it redownloaded some things and now everything appears to be working. Looks like it might have been "Squad" and "SquadExpansion" that was missing.

Colin MacDonnell

That all being said, the mod looks incredible. I made audible noises the first time I flew into a cloud.


Thank you! Squad and SquadExpansion are stock game files, you're not supposed to delete them or use only the GameData I include, you're supposed to merge them. Drag and drop my GameData and it gets merged with the existing one and you get the files from both.

Colin MacDonnell

I think the wording in the read-me may be a little confusing, I took "overwrite" to mean replace rather than merge.


Probably, I did mean it as "drag and drop over it", I will change it now that you brought it up.

Colin MacDonnell

Thanks man! I'm sure someone more computer-literate than I would've understood what you meant, but I'm sure there are plenty of other dummies like me out there that this change would help!

john reynolds

Love this mod thank you blackrack

john reynolds

For Parallax mod do i need to down load all 3 zip files like stock ect?...


Hi, sorry for replying to such an old question, but the link doesn't work for me and I would really like to see the auroras. Has there been an update?


Love this mod! Is it compatible with the outer planets mod or do I need a separate config for it? The only one I can seem to find requires volumetric clouds release 3. Will release 4 work with that or will the clouds be bright? Can I edit these bright clouds if so? Thanks!


You can try them, in general I think configs made for v3 should work in v4, let me know if you run into any issues


No updates yet on aurora, here are the images: https://imgur.com/a/IblG3ge

Noah Ramos

Hey Blackrack, a while back I was running TVC 3. I wasn’t actively playing at the moment, but during that time my GPU did fail. It was old but, with my new GPU I would prefer a preset for lower end devices. Is this already in it?

Noah Ramos

I mean lower end devices like lower end settings. I run this on a 7900 XTX, I just prefer it to not use 360 watts..


Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your GPU dying. I don't have any lower end presets, but considering that GPU is a beast, I think if you cap framerate to 60 that should do it. Otherwise increase temporal upscaling from here https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki/Temporal-upscaling-and-noise-detiling and disable untiling. You can also consider using an underclocked profile for your GPU.


Hi Blackrack, I did the installation for RSS/RO, following ballisticfox instructions, and the clouds look amazing, but I have not been able to see the trees and rocks that characterize the terrain in Parallax. what do you recommend me to do?


Make sure you don't use "Parallax_StockTextures" or "Parallax_ScatterTextures" and that you don't have them in your GameData. Make sure you have the version of Kopernicus linked on fox's instructions. When you get ingame make sure to set your terrain settings (from the main menu settings) to ultra. If it still doesn't work I would recommend messaging fox or asking for help on his discord, these are the only instructions I'm aware of to get it working.


you have to follow the parallax install instructions to a T. you have to install kopernicus first and launch the game. then install the parallax folders as instructed in the mod's ksp forums page

Mustapha Kaafarani

whens the next update on this? its very beautiful and would love to see it in the fiture

Joseph Chanley

This is so beautiful, will totally change KSP for me, more than earned the 5 dollars a month


yes, really good job Blackrack ! A great gaming experience !

Nigil Vazquez

Amazing clouds :) I'm not sure if this is related to the version of Scatterer bundled or something else but I am sometimes having an issue where a black blob forms in ocean and slowly spreads to the surrounding pixels. I can reset this by looking away from the ocean for a moment or selecting the empty profile in TUFX. This mainly seems to happen when close to the water and using the Blackrack TUFX Profile though it does happen occasionally with other profiles.


Someone reported this before and then reported changing TUFX profile fixed it. I however was never able to reproduce it on my side and I tried multiple computers


If you find a clue like another installed mod causing it let me know but at the moment I can't reproduce it and don't have any leads.

Nigil Vazquez

I believe I was only using these mods and possibly some dependencies: Scatterer bundled version, Parallax 2.0.6, EVE, TU, TUFX, Module Manager 4.2.3 I'm using a older (relatively) GPU, a Radeon RX 580 so it's possible that's the root cause.


I've already tested with all these mods sadly and no luck. The other person who reported this had a 4070 so it may be unrelated to the gpu.


I'm having similar issues. The same guy asked the same question on fox's patreon, and got basically the same answer. I followed the guide, to a T. I am getting warning from parallax saying that the stock files are missing- nothing seems to mention that, but I ignore it, since you're told in both places NOT to "use" them, which I can only assume means not downloading them and installing them during the parallax install process.


Hello, great job! I have a doubt, when I look into EVE configuration in-game most of the "pages" are filled with tunable parameters, but some of them have these kind of messages: No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_ATMOSPHERE{}" to populate. No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_TERRAIN{}" to populate. No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_TEXTURE_CONFIG{}" to populate. Is this normal? Here is my ksp.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1teh0_u0zGV1bEUh4TD8M-__XJR9O09wj/view?usp=sharing Thanks!


It's normal, unless you see an issue ingame, those are mostly older/other features that aren't very relevant here.


I can also confirm I sometimes get a weird black blob that eats the ocean the closer I get, I have 4090 and using the provided blackrack tufx profile


That's right, I have not received any help and I have also followed Fox's guide perfectly. I know we should ignore Parallax's warnings, but I still can't load the detailed terrain. I'm wondering if it's worth the $2 a month for Fox.


Are your terrain settings on ultra in the game settings? Are you on windows? Can't think of any other reasons on my side it wouldn't be working.


I do not usually like paying for mods. But my god, this is worth every penny and more

Harry Deane

what mods do i need all the clouds are black and gray and only shows on map view


It sounds like you are using an old version of scatterer and not the one included in the download. Make sure you delete any old versions, and make sure you didn't put GameData inside GameData and merge them instead.

Harry Deane

never mined its working thanks also what month will version 5 be out i always try get it when i is out and i was very late this time


absolutely in love with this mod! totally worth the price of admission))


Hey Blackrack, love the work! Was just curious if there is any info about what the next update could entail?


Here are some of the things I'm working on now, these are all WIP so please keep that in mind in case some things don't work out as I don't want to overpromise. One thing that is closest to release is deferred rendering (which whill be a separate public mod due to its utility), by itself it won't seem to do much apart from improving the stock lighting and performance with multiple lights. It's however an important technique for more advanced effects going forward.


You can see some images of the improved lighting here: https://imgur.com/a/XYjIjID And the lights performance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn9h8GK7cY4 (continuing, the emssage submitted before I finished typing)


With deferred rendering I'll be able to have puddles and wet surfaces which you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/zakxOxb I previewed these a while back but they had some issues without deferred rendering and didn't work right, but now I'll be able to finish them. With deferred I'll also be able to finish my planetshine prototype (which applies to planet surfaces) which suffered from bad performance and lack of control over lights back then (which this solves): These images are from like 2015 https://imgur.com/a/dTxPl There's also other lighting techniques possible with deferred that I'm investigating that I can't promise anything about yet


I've also added a technical feature that allows different clouds to overlap, doesn't sound like much by itself but it will allow better cloud formations and it will fix the little gap currently between rain and clouds (you can see fixed in the last images): https://imgur.com/a/vjhnNky


I've also been experimenting more with cirrus and clouds and better cloud shapes and lighting which you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/b0QKGzx

Bejae Ingate

This mod is just incredible! I installed it just the other day and I’ve already had so much fun playing around with it and flying through clouds. Also really cool to see you’re getting compensated for some of your time by having it only available on your Patreon. Amazing work man!

Mr Exister

this mod has made my girlfriend question whether or not this game is reality or not. thanks!

Mr Exister

also serious question, would a RTX 4070 suffice for the performance heavy config?


Hahaha thank you. A 4070 should be enough I think, if fps is lower than you'd like consider setting the temporal upscaling setting in that file to something more reasonable but still high like 3x-4x

Ricardo Fuertes

hello! i just tried the new version and it looks amazing, I cant believe im playing KSP1. Hoping to see what you add next! I read that you plan to make a planetshine version, does that mean I need to remove the Planet shine mod that I use once that is implemented? Also, would it be possible to add contrails that are visible KM away? Like a long, thin small cloud created by a passing plane, or a capsule re-entering the atmosphere. Currently the effects are local and are not "drawn" on the world, just you local scene.


I hope all is going well on Volumetric Clouds and just in general. Just wanted to send some encouragement your way! Thanks for developing the cool mods youve worked on :3

Jordan Potts

Unsure if there is a better forum to post bugs or issues. I'm running this mod on a Steamdeck and it looks awesome! However when I fly above the cloud line the clouds start pulsating solid grey. Also I can see the clouds through the ocean. You can see the issue in this (I sincerely apologize for the quality) recording. I've also included the ksp log file as well. I've tried deleting the GameData folder and only installing just the mod but the issue persists: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iIy-1LDmaxqlw1XGWV0hwXeZuQtcVhCC

Greg (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-05 06:27:38 The clouds from this mod look incredible! Unfortunately I'm getting a small bug where shadows from my parachute go nuts over water once I'm about 100m above. I've uploaded examples to imgur here: https://imgur.com/a/CmmTeLH The first photo shows the water w/o issue, then as I approach the water becomes black. The "black" moves around as I pan the camera. Any ideas? Besides this small glitch (which could also be from a conflicting mod...) this mod rocks! Great work!
2024-06-05 04:21:18 The clouds from this mod look incredible! Unfortunately I'm getting a small bug where shadows from my parachute go nuts over water once I'm about 100m above. I've uploaded examples to imgur here: https://imgur.com/a/CmmTeLH The first photo shows the water w/o issue, then as I approach the water becomes black. The "black" moves around as I pan the camera. Any ideas? Besides this small glitch (which could also be from a conflicting mod...) this mod rocks! Great work! EDIT: Was indeed a conflicting mod. I have Astronomer's Visual Pack installed. Fixed this by deleting clouds.cfg from that mod. Parachute shadows now work w/o issue.

The clouds from this mod look incredible! Unfortunately I'm getting a small bug where shadows from my parachute go nuts over water once I'm about 100m above. I've uploaded examples to imgur here: https://imgur.com/a/CmmTeLH The first photo shows the water w/o issue, then as I approach the water becomes black. The "black" moves around as I pan the camera. Any ideas? Besides this small glitch (which could also be from a conflicting mod...) this mod rocks! Great work! EDIT: Was indeed a conflicting mod. I have Astronomer's Visual Pack installed. Fixed this by deleting clouds.cfg from that mod. Parachute shadows now work w/o issue.


Thank you! When it will be implemented it will be explained in the update post, and you will have to remove the existing planetshine mod. Contrails are something I want to do, using the same method I plan to use for volumetric plumes if that works out, it's different from how clouds are rendered and has its own challenges, so the current system can't be used as is for it. Not sure what you mean with "Currently the effects are local and are not "drawn" on the world, just you local scene."


I have never seen this issue before, does it happen when aero effects kick in or all the time? I see this is running in OpenGL so I might try to reproduce it by running OpenGL. In the log file there is a nullref in a weird location so that might be related, I'll try to send you a .dll you can test.


Hold on, you say this was caused by AVP? I've been trying to reproduce this issue for a long time. People who have it usually get it from TUFX

Matt Griffin

This mod is incredible! I almost crapped my pants when I saw the first lightning strike.

Jordan Potts (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-05 18:16:36 It only happens from the cloud line up until when the 2d cloud effects kick in up in orbit. I also had another glitch where when in orbit, randomly a square of no atmosphere will form and slowly grow until there is no orbit. It would come back if I switch to the map and switch back, but then it'll randomly happen again.
2024-06-05 17:10:02 It only happens from the cloud line up until when the 2d cloud effects kick in up in orbit. I also had another glitch where when in orbit, randomly a square of no atmosphere will form and slowly grow until there is no atmosphere . It would come back if I switch to the map and switch back, but then it'll randomly happen again.

It only happens from the cloud line up until when the 2d cloud effects kick in up in orbit. I also had another glitch where when in orbit, randomly a square of no atmosphere will form and slowly grow until there is no atmosphere . It would come back if I switch to the map and switch back, but then it'll randomly happen again.

Jordan Potts

If it helps, Steamdeck runs windows native apps through proton. I fully understand if this is a limitation of the Steamdeck/Linux


The only thing I changed between the issue resolving was deleting the two clouds.cfg files from AVP's configs folders.


Interesting, I'll have to try this and see if I get the same thing, thank you.


Hmm I can try to run the game through proton and see if I get the same issue, I never tried that. Usually this is due to some floating point quirks producing invalid values and I found the calculations that cause these to differ sometimes between Nvidia/Amd/Intel or different generations of GPUs.

Ricardo Fuertes

what I was trying to say was, for instance, if I wanted to de-orbit a satellite, the plasma plume would only be visible if I am close to the satellite. Say, if I were on the ground, looking up, I would not see a long plasma streak 50 KM above my head crossing the sky as the satelite disintegrates.

Safe Pancake

I was able to fix this by changing some of the graphics settings, i don't know though which ones fixed it since I did them all at once, but the reflections and light pixel count were one of those that i changed, among others.

Nigil Vazquez

I did make some other changes so there may be some other factors but I can toggle this by turning HDR on and off in the profile (shows up with HDR on)

Mr Exister

4x or 5x seemed to work best, but my cpu is outdated so you could probably go higher with a 4070, thanks!


Seems I spoke a little too soon. I've probably played 4-6 hours since without any issues, but I just splashed down and got the black water bug again. Oddly, this time it didn't begin going black until my command pod was already in the water.




help please: The clouds aren't rendering but the shadows for them are...


Can you send your KSP.log file and screenshots of what you are seeing? You can use google drive for both


Amazing 🤩

Dan T

Fantastic cloud effects - thanks to Matt Lowe for recommending.


It's okay, I got it to work. I'm not sure what the problem was exactly but restarting my pc and rebaking all the ksp files worked lol. Thank you so much for the amazing support though.


Fantastic mod. Absolutely worth the price!

Rob Krix

mind blown!...seen your clouds in a few ksp videos over time, finally got around to checking it out, this is way more than i expected. very happy! you are a legend for keeping the KSP dream alive! wish i could donate more (alas i am a peasant), you deserve it, keep up the awesome work :)


Despute all the efforst with getting my cash from bank to paypal it was worth it for sure rlly epic mod makes me think ksp2 was not needed at all :D


Embarrassingly, I think I caused the bug to reappear myself. I realized in my EVE config settings I had AVP's config loaded under cloud manager, not the stock volumetric config. Once I fixed that, the bug disappeared again. Apologies for wasting your time!

Adam Smith

Had to bite the bullet at get this as I come back to KSP this year, Does this have a config for JNSQ?

Ariel Darío

Hi, old ksp player here! There is some tutorial/information on how to create custom configs? I want to try this out

Michael Adams

Holy crap. I picked KSP1 back up yesterday (after a year break) and decided to shift $5/mo from another creator I really wasn't following anymore to you. I wasn't expecting the thunderstorms and weather! I kept stopping to just admire the view & take screenshots.


The wiki explains all the new features but is structured more like documentation than a tutorial https://github.com/LGhassen/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/wiki

Couldn’t think of a name Guy

Hi, Ive been loving this mod for months and its probably the best $5 dollars Ive ever spent but do have a strange bug that's existed since Ive installed the mod. When the sun is over the space center on kerbin it for some reason causes a shadow over, like there's a eclipses even though one is not happening at all as i look up and check the map. (this also happens with barely in clouds covering the space center) My only fix for this is to go to the moon and the come back which fixes the bug somehow. I do have Outer planets volumetric clouds config installed and a mod called stock realism that changes the mun orbit to be angled and removes Minmus from the kerbin system but I don't believe these should be causing any problems however I have reinstalled both to see if that made a difference but nothing changed. heres my most recent ksp log if that helps: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bgeu7p3cjf03rf920occt/KSP.log?rlkey=r7jfjh1zyuw8w8bgehrza6ypd&st=wml7cemj&dl=0


Hi, I believe I have fixed this some time in the last few months, can you try to redownload the mod from the above link and see if it fixes it?

Gustavo Czobel

Hi! I have a question... It's "Scatterer Sunflare" mod needed? Or it's superseded by this? Or need to be removed?


Can you consider adding snowy weather? I love snow.


Thank you. I just downloaded this mod and haven't visited those places yet.


Sorry to bother you.It seems to conflict with the Kopernicus mod. I can never use both at the same time, but if I remove either one, the other mod works fine.Is there any solution for this?


It's fully compatible with Kopernicus. What is your problem exactly? Maybe you have different planets setup or a rescale that isn't setup for it?


I can hear the sound of the game but the game screen keeps loading.I deleted all the other mods and left only these two, but I found that they can't work together.




This is a picture of it working.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uQzy7kes6qfrLnIEV11EMjLuYBuRgsNP/view?usp=sharing


In the log file you sent me it doesn't look like my mods are installed at all? Then there's a lot of Kopernicus errors.


I deleted some files to find out which ones have conflicts




I don't know what exactly is wrong but your Kopernicus keeps throwing errors. I would recommend a clean install then add mods one by one.


I tried this method, but it didn't seem to work.Do Copernicus have any stable versions for use


https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases the issue is probably not with kopernicus itself, but probably an issue with your configs and install of ksrss

Derrick Ferguson

Im not too good with modding and im having some struggles, by "overwrite your GameData folder with the one included" do you mean entirely erase and replace the GameData folder in Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program? when i just drop the 4 things inside of the GameData folder, it seems only Scatter works (not exactly sure, just a bit of haze and im assuming its working) but i cant see clouds in-game nor in the title screen


Actually I've been meaning to change the wording on that, I mean merge them, so if you drag and drop your GameData on top of the existing one they'll get merged. That way you should have the SQUAD folder plus your other mods (just remove any existing scatterer and EVE versions) and what i include here. Let me know if that helps.

Derrick Ferguson

Even after removing all other mods and dropping the GameData folder on the other folder, i still see no clouds on the menu and none in the game. Ive linked a google drive photo that contains a picture of my GameData folder, please tell me if anything is wrong with it and what i need to change to make it work https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrtlldsTeZROd3q3-wm5UY9X8jTurj0k/view?usp=sharing


What's inside custom? Can you send your KSP.log file and a screenshot of what you see on the KSC screen?

Derrick Ferguson

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-49Ysfy1EhilNfQRsOhTP4pgPVUAXk9B/view?usp=sharing Also heres a link to a photo of my menuscreen

Derrick Ferguson

I also note during loading it says "Loading stock volumetric clouds" and the names of other mods, but they still dont work.

Derrick Ferguson

what do you mean by ksc screen? inside the game and at the kerbin space program launch site?

Derrick Ferguson

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7hXz84GUJwvT8D1zCX_0stgUgvol3Da/view?usp=sharing my log file


You're not using the correct version of EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, delete it and use the one from the download.

Derrick Ferguson

Even after replacing my apparently bad verison of EVE with the one from "RaymarchedVolumetricsEarlyAccess08_06_24 (1).zip - ZIP archive, unpacked size 823,247,949 bytes" it still doesnt load the clouds. I will include my ksp.log file again: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7hXz84GUJwvT8D1zCX_0stgUgvol3Da/view?usp=sharing


That's not the right archive, that's the previous version. Can you install the right one then retest it and resend your KSP.log file? Redo it for all the folders not just EVE

Derrick Ferguson

Im using the download link from the post were commenting on, please link me to the right download? Once i have the correct download, ill send you the ksp.log file. (also would just like to say thank you for helping me on this and sorry to take up your time)


Sorry my mistake, I misread the date on the archive you posted, it is indeed correct. However in the newer log file you sent you are still using the wrong version of EVE. What's inside the "Custom" folder in GameData that you showed earlier? Can you search for "Atmosphere.dll" inside GameData and show the results that show up?

Derrick Ferguson

Its just "flags" (empty for some reason) in custom, and this is the 1 and only file that shows up for atmosphere.dll: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CBWNtCwTaP1Ib_GwkA4xiWvx-I0iQ9g/view?usp=sharing


Umm, that file has the correct version, but that's not the version showing up in your log file somehow. Are you sure you are sending me the correct log file or you are launching the same game instance and not a copy? When you launch the game it should say in the log file "Atmosphere v2.3.3.0"

Derrick Ferguson

the correct log file being the one in "Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program"?

Derrick Ferguson

ill send the log file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" again after launching KSP directly from the files


Alright, and when you get ingame open the EVE configuration UI and look at the version number there, it shoudl say

Derrick Ferguson

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7hXz84GUJwvT8D1zCX_0stgUgvol3Da/view?usp=sharing Heres the log file, again, again. (also please send the google drive for the correct EVE+other items file)

Derrick Ferguson

hold on, trying that now, couldnt read your comment because patreon doesnt update it live


Ok look you have this in your KSP.log "Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Internals\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\Atmosphere.dll" There appears to be a duplicated GameData inside Kerbal Space Program\Internals. The path should only be "Kerbal Space Program|GameData" not "Kerbal Space Program\Internals\GameData" Delete that and try to run the game again. If that doesn't work delete the whole thing and reinstall it via steam, there is clearly some mixed up files


you have this in your KSP.log "Loading assembly at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Internals\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\Plugins\Atmosphere.dll" There appears to be a duplicated GameData inside Kerbal Space Program\Internals. The path should only be "Kerbal Space Program|GameData" not "Kerbal Space Program\Internals\GameData" Delete that and try to run the game again. If that doesn't work delete the whole thing and reinstall it via steam, there is clearly some mixed up files


No worries it happens, I'm actually surprised that the game decided to load that over the other one though. Stock code I swear...

Derrick Ferguson

great news. The mod is indeed working. Thank you so much for all your help during this process, you were very helpful for someone who knows nothing about modding :)


Yep, just delete internals, i think it doesn't contain anything? At least on my install. In the worst case you can ask steam to recheck file integrity and it will restore any missing files.

Derrick Ferguson

Bad news, the near clouds are bugging: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-L8nqhYBDu4Jshw19g0h39JvQJcJgifk/view?usp=sharing

Derrick Ferguson

it also seems the water is having some glitches, but im unsure if thats related to your mods


Those are the old 2d clouds... So it seems you didn't clean up your install that well. I think at this point its best if you redo a clean install of the game and then you follow only the instructions on my download. Then when you want to add other mods don't add anything cloud related.


great work,thanks!


How can I utilize deferred rendering, is there a mod that I can download?


It's not yet released, I will make a public post about it in the next few days.

Adam Smith

Currently not working. EVE is working but it seems that it cannot find the actual cloud textures i think? ksp.log available here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5wEK2WsejLl0nzHf6j9CQ2tgBK5mAaS/view?usp=sharing Image here https://imgur.com/a/dVK2Hmp


Don't use that, that's a bug fix update for the public version, but all of those fixes are already in the version you download here. Like it says here only use the files in the download.

Adam Smith

thanks for the clarification and please accept my apologies Edit: Turns out when you install thing properly things work. 🤡


Will this mod work with custom sunflares? (Like Maars)

Ariel Darío

Hi Blackrack! I want starting creating some configs for JNSQ, but before jump into that, i made some testing on a 2,5x scale stock system just to figure out how this works. As a Terragen user, im very familiar with the volumetric dispersion, layers, and how it work, but of course im a newbie about Unity and KSP modding. Using the adopted version of sigma dimensions to scale up the system, leaves only the 2d layer. Also the textures for the volumetric clouds are missing/in red, in the in-game editor. I asked myself: are the clouds "below" the surface or sigma is really broking the EVE-TV configs? I know JNSQ dont use Sigma, so i can get rid of it, but for now i was just trying to figuring out how all works and assemble together, and nobody better than you to help me on that. We can talk in a more propper channel if you want.


If the textures are in red that just means the textures aren't found or have the wrong type setting. Check the full path, and check the full KSP.log file and you should find some more detailed errors about the texture.

Ariel Darío

Ckecked, seems like there is a Unity parse error with a config file related with Kcalbeloh mod, wich i deleted previously. As i was using the volumetric cfg for it, the uninstallation via CKAN didn't delete the VolumetricClouds directory for that mod. Checking again now.

Ariel Darío

Well, the error persist even after remove the unused files, and a clean EVE reinstallation. Seems that the object kerbin-clouds1 is where the Unity parsing error is happening now. This time the error is followed by this line: [LOG 18:32:34.340] EVEManager: Issue loading CloudsManager! Error: UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to parse "settings" in "OBJECT"! ---> UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to parse "_MainTex" in "settings"! at Utils.ConfigHelper.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node) [0x000f1] in <373b714ed14849eca17d47bee4ea9015>:0 at Utils.ConfigHelper.Parse (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field, System.Object& obj, System.String[] value, ConfigNode node) [0x004ca] in <373b714ed14849eca17d47bee4ea9015>:0 at Utils.ConfigHelper.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node) [0x00062] in <373b714ed14849eca17d47bee4ea9015>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Utils.ConfigHelper.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node) [0x000a8] in <373b714ed14849eca17d47bee4ea9015>:0 at Atmosphere.CloudsObject.LoadConfigNode (ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <63a4efc2e30f435ab3874d6fc6422465>:0 at Atmosphere.CloudsManager.ApplyConfigNode (ConfigNode node) [0x00030] in <63a4efc2e30f435ab3874d6fc6422465>:0 at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00032] in :0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x0005f] in :0 at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.LoadConfig () [0x00062] in :0 at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Setup () [0x00016] in :0 at EVEManager.GlobalEVEManager.Setup (System.Boolean late) [0x0005c] in :0


That means the file can't be found or there is an issue with the path. Try changing the path from the UI until it works.

Ariel Darío

There we go, change the path from the UI wasn't working, but it does now! Perhaps i update EVE to the latest CKAN version could be the issue here, bc now i uninstalled it from CKAN and after using the bundled version from here, i was able to locate the textures again from the UI. Also i little question i have after reading the docu: how you recommend break up the tiling pattern created by the Detail Texture? i noticed it was designed for stock scale, but in bigger scales, it become noticeable repetitive, specially at low orbit altitud. I think is a matter of the frequency scale in the noise, right?


Yep, you're not supposed to use the public versions, I just caught those up on some bugfixes. You'll need to change the frequency scale but also you'll need a higher resolution base texture, and you may need to change the 3d noise scale and the heights of the cloud layer. So much goes into making them look good that I don't have a formula.