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 Awesome art by:  http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fuzzies4you 

 Spending time with Riina were the best moments ever. Merun continued to find that they had quite a few more similar interests than he had originally thought. Tastes in music, and movies were the first to be realized one night as they both settled on a horror film that they were both interested in. She was even happy to indulge in his odd taste in clothing, or perhaps lack there for.   
  Even as they huddled beneath a blanket on his couch, he was pleased to feel the bare fur of her thigh gently stroke against his own. They munched away at a bowl of popcorn and a bag a chips. Nearby a few beers were opened and even some soda cans laid empty and strewn about. The horror movie was getting into the real meat of the suspense and the hyena was partially hunkered beneath the blanket, though the husky wasn't too far behind her.   
  Amid all the jump scares and suspense she had managed to climb onto his lap and was doing all she could to keep herself wrapped up in his embrace. Despite how large he was, Merun wasn't exactly the most brave dog when it came to terrifying supernatural flicks. Sure he loved them, but when all the lights were out with just the TV screen illuminating the room, every creek that his apartment gave off made him tremble and bark.   
  In his anxious state, Merun had begun to pet back and forth over Riina's flat belly with both paws. The motion was nice and soothing but it came as a mixed response when watching something so scary. Neither had quite realized it but while she sat on his lap she was squirming around from side to side. His sheath had gotten caught under her tail and all the extra movement was sending the wrong signals.   
  There came more movement, and the dog's member began to slip out of its furry home. While they were both engrossed in the film, Riina became the first to realize something was happening when her backside became a bit warmer than usual. Meurn had his eyes fixed to the screen, entirely oblivious when she looked back at him.   
  She smirked when she realized what was happening and she squirmed a bit more purposely. She wondered how long it might be before he realized what's going on, she wondered if she could get it inside of her without him noticing. Her devious plans were unfortunately interrupted when he came to realize what she was doing.   
  Merun leaned back and glanced beneath the blanket as if he could see what was happening, though things were much too dark. Then he caught the hyena's eye with his own and his cheeks were quick to flush. She giggled as she made a much more exaggerated move to entice his cock, and it worked perfectly.   
  “This movie is going to lose a lot of its suspense if we start fucking in the middle of it,” he said and reached a paw under the blanket to give her butt a light pat.   
  “Or it could make things more exciting,” she retorted. Riina's bare cheeks pushed up and around his shaft, grinding him between them as she worked herself back. A low murr emanated from the canine's barreled chest and his paws went to her thighs, feeling over how soft her fur was. She leaned back against his chest and pushed the blanket up more so that it was around her neck.   
  The entirety of the movie was forgotten by this point, Riina was getting to be much more enthusiastic. Precum had begun to leak from the tip of his member and drip onto her backside. It was the sign that she had been looking for that said she could move on to the next stage.   
  Merun seemed hesitant to assist, which was something she didn't mind. Despite the significant size difference between them, he was a big softy that could be pushed over if the initiative was taken. It was something that he seemed to enjoy quite a bit.   
  It seemed like she was ready to push herself onto his cock when she suddenly pushed herself up from his lap and stood from the couch. The blanket fell over him and he looked up at his mate with a tilted head and a confused look.
  “One moment,” she said and darted off towards his bedroom. He followed her as she vanished and he had a good idea of what she was running off to get. His suspicions were proven correct when she came back holding a leash and collar. Merun's blush grew brighter and she trotted back and flopped onto his lap again, though she insisted on being oriented face to face this time.   
  He didn't resist or say anything to discourage her as she reached up to his neck and clasped the collar around his thick throat. She oriented it around once she had it secured and hooked the leash onto the brass ring at its front. They were both thick and very sturdy pieces, and she didn't fear giving them a good hard pull when she would want.   
  “Who's my good boy?” she demanded.   
  “I am,” he mumbled.
  “What was that?”
  “I'm your good boy!” he said louder and closed his eyes tightly. She gave a reaffirming tug on his leash as she lifted herself up.   
  “That's what I like to hear.” She angled her backside under his erect cock and lowered herself down onto it. She didn't even need to ask what he wanted, she knew that he always loved slipping his dick in her ass, so that's exactly where it went.   
  As she pushed her tight tailhole over his girth, he wrapped her back up in the confines of the large blanket. She snuggled closer and pressed herself to his chest as more of his member eased into her tight depths. A low moan escaped both of their mouths at the same time, and Riina forcefully pulled on the leash to bring his head closer to hers.   
  Their lips met and lingered as she felt the last of his throbbing erection ease into her bowels. His balls settled against her ass and she wiggled her butt a little to add some extra pleasure to her mate. He gave a soft grunt against her mouth and he shifted himself in response.   
  With a knee on either side of his lap and his will bent to her need, she began to finally move. She pulled up to the point of almost slipping him out of hr stretched pucker before dropping all the way back down. All the while she never broke stride with her kissing. Their heads were tilted in opposite directions, deepening the passionate embrace.   
  Riina had delved her tongue into the canine's maw and she played with his as she began to increase the pace of her movements. His cock throbbed inside of her belly and as time went on the amount of precum that he expelled made for a very well lubricated ride. Their eyes closed and their minds concentrating, the movie continued to play out though it was entirely ignored at this point.   
  The pleasure built rapidly within the woman's body and she was finding it hard to concentrate on kissing her beloved. She abruptly pulled away and groaned in ecstasy. “Oooh fuck...” she hissed and arched her back. Merun dipped his mouth and traced his lips against the side of her neck. He lapped sensually at her fur and crossed over the front of her throat.   
  Her hold slackened on the leash but she never let up enough that it would slip from her grasp. In fact, the leather leash had been wrapped around her paw a few times for just such an instance. She felt so full when he would go all the way inside. Her belly even swelled a bit when she would drop down and the pressure that was put on her insides sent shivers up her spine.   
  He began to meet her movements after enough time had passed. The muscles of his belly flexed as she felt his hips move up to meet her own. The clap was satisfying and solid, it made her butt bounce and her body shake every time they would meet.   
  A deep groan and growl began to build from the dog's chest and he was breathing harder and harder as time went on. Riina was similarly letting her voice be heard as a series of heated moans that were like music to the dog's ears. He found that if he pushed up and ground against her ass in just the right way he could make her cry out even louder. She was loving his sensual treatment, even when he was pounding away at her tight ring she could tell that he wasn't just ramming at her like some animal. Even if she might have wanted that to happen.   
  “Mmmh...are you gunna cum with your ass?” he asked and playfully nipped at her ear. She whimpered and tried to pull away from the sensation.   
  “I'm...uhh...the one in...control here,” she demanded weakly and gave another tug at his leash, making him yip and crane his head towards her own. She forced another kiss onto his lips and he complied happily.   
  The motion of her hips caused his cock to stir her insides. She felt so full and complete, she never wanted him to pull out. Amid her paused reverie she felt her mate's tongue slip into her mouth. She slackened her jaw once she felt him play at her own and then locked her lips around his appendage and suckled. A low murr rumbled within the husky's chest and his paws drew up from her thighs to pull around her back.   
  The bucking grew faster and more intense as the sensations within the dog grew. Riina was no longer riding on him, instead she was staying still and letting him do what he wanted. Each drive upward into her confines she could feel his thick knot trying to fit inside of her. She relaxed herself as best she could and whimpered when she realized that he was going to get stuck.   
  With her free paw, Riina dipped it low and began to frantically stroke her fingers against her clit. She rubbed in a frantic circle and on occasion pushed them lower to slip inside of her cunt. She was coming closer and closer to the edge, right along side the canine that was now moving in a blur.   
  Merun's tongue fell from her mouth when he turned his head and bumped his forehead against hers. They were both breathing hard and he was hugging her tightly. It was amid a particularly hard push that she felt his knot suddenly force its way into her ass. She let out a jaw gritting grunt when it happened but sighed in bliss when it was finally in. It swelled dramatically and locked them together, but Merun wasn't done thrusting.
  The movements of his hips were reduced to rapid, short bucking and the sensation of being so full made the Hyena coo. “Are you gunna cum in me?” she moaned and begged. Merun's ears were laid back and he only managed a short nod before his body released.   
  The inside of Riina's bowels become flooded with a surprisingly hard gush of his cum. The abrupt expulsion was jarring to the Hyena and she gasped as the warming sensation spread through her belly.   
  She didn't let up on fingering herself. She ground her digits deep and frantically as she was finally pushed over the edge as well. She screamed and arched her back, yanking hard on Merun's leash to the point that he was forced to bend down so that his face was nestled against her chest. Her body was tense and flexed, much like his though her voice slowly died away while he continued to grunt and groan.   
  Riina felt her weight lean forward and she flopped against his chest. Her grip on his leash slackened and eventually fell away. Once released, the husky pulled himself back and looked down at his beloved with an open mouth smile. His tongue lolled as he panted, and his eyes were bright and wide open.   
  “Holy shit...I love you!” he yipped and began assaulting her face and neck with affectionate nuzzles. She giggled and tried to hide but he was relentless.   
  “Stop!” she laughed and pushed against his chest to get away but found herself reminded that his thick knot was still buried balls deep. She gave a groan upon realization.   
  “Oh no, you're not going anywhere.” he tried to laugh evilly but it came off as fake. Riina squealed when he shifted himself around and pushed her back against the couch. With the blanket still around them he moved his lips to hers and she murmured her approval. Together, they kissed and cuddled there until time came that his knot slipped free. The movie had been over long since then, but neither of them cared. All that mattered was what was happening on that couch, and then later his bed. Their affection for one another stopped only when it became interrupted by sleep.   
  The next day Merun was back in the bar and completing his duties as usual. The only difference being that he wore a constant grin and smile on his face when talking to anyone or interacting with guests. The other staff members were quick to notice it and didn't pull any punches when pointing it out.   
  “Well it looks like someone's finally getting laid again. Not by me unfortunately,” Jasmine pointed out after a lull in activity occurred.   
  “I bet it's a non stop fuck fest in his apartment,” Jacob chimed in at her side. The two looked at each other and laughed.   
  “Oh that poor Hyena.” Jasmine shook her head. “I've been on the receiving end of a Merun fueled dry streak, you can't sit down for a few days afterword.” More laughs came from them and Rey trotted over to join in the fun.   
  “Gotta say, we haven't seen your dick in a while, starting to miss the big guy already,” she giggled.   
  “All right, that's enough,” Merun half laughed and looked at them.   
  “I bet that's what she said after the first couple of hours,” Jasmine quickly shot. The husky gave a growl and grabbed the wet bar towel, wringed it into a rat tail and then snapped her butt. She gave a squeal and ran off, but that didn't stop her from giving him a knowing grin.   
  It was a Thursday night so things weren't nearly as crazy as they would be on the weekends, but that didn't stop people from coming in and enjoying the bar atmosphere. As time went on the establishment began to empty and the clock grew steadily closer to two in the morning. About a half hour to close and a familiar face came trotting in through the front door.   
  Merun was busy with filling an order for another guest and didn't quite notice her until she was sliding onto a bar chair right in front of the husky. “Hello there, what can I-” He broke off mid sentence as he saw Riina's face beaming at him.   
  “I heard your drinks 'on the gentlemen' were good?” the hyena asked with a laugh. “What would you recommend?”
  Merun was instantly overjoyed by the sight of her and he trotted around the bar to practically pounce and knock her from the seat. She held her own though, and instead withstood him hugging her. “What brings you around here?” he asked happily.   
  “I thought I might give this whole bottomless thing a try while I came out to see you for my last night here,” she explained and nuzzled against his chest.   
  “Bottomless?” Merun tilted his head and leaned back enough that he could see that his mate was wearing nothing below the waist. He gave an excited yip that she was starting to give the less clothing state of being a try, it made him more proud to be her's. It also sparked a sudden feeling of arousal. Not since earlier that morning had they had sex, so it wasn't like he was starving but at the same time what harm could come of having a snack between meals?   
  “So have you come to just tease me?” he asked as he returned to being behind the bar.    “Probably,” she retorted. “But also I do actually enjoying being here. You run a tight ship, it's nice to see another manager's handiwork.”
  “Some tighter than others,” Jasmine said after suddenly appearing beside Merun. The two looked over at the black rabbit who was bent over and leaning on her elbows on the counter, her paws folded under her chin. She was grinning and staring at Riina. “You know, I don't think we've properly met! I'm Jasmine.” She held out her ebony paw.   
  “Oh! I'm Riina!” The hyena replied and gave a firm shake.   
  “Oh I know your name. You're the famous source of Merun's sexual frustrations when you're not here,” she teased and gave a smug glance back at her boss. He quirked an eyebrow in response.   
  “Is it really that bad when I'm not here?” Riina tilted her head and folded her paws in her lap.   
  “Oh yeah, you have no idea,” Jasmine continued. “It's a baseball bat getting lugged around with all the grace of a bulldozer!”   
  “Don't you have somewhere else to be?” The husky said with irritation flooding his voice.   
  “What, you mean like over there?” The rabbit asked and pointed across the bar. Merun and Riina followed where she was gesturing and the husky came to realize that at the far end of the bar Alice had come in and sat down. She was even staring over at the three of them, and when the canine caught her eye she got up from where she was and began to walk over.   
  Jasmine flashed her boss a wide grin of which he met with an annoyed glare. When she came close enough, Alice put on a friendly mask and spoke. “Hello, Merun.” Then she turned to the hyena. “And you must be Riina. We've heard a lot about you.”
  “Apparently Merun is very chatty about me,” Riina giggled and held out her paw. Alice didn't take it, instead turning back to the towering husky.   
  “I'm surprised you two are here, isn't this your last night together?” she asked.   
  Riina and Merun paused as they glanced at each other and the husky bit his lip. “It is. Why does it matter to you?” the husky asked. Alice gave a shallow shrug.   
  “It doesn't really. Kind of just a thing that I noticed.” The raccoon looked solemn all of a sudden and she looked off to the side.   
  “I'm kind of surprised you're here, though. You aren't set to DJ until tomorrow night.” The husky tilted his head a bit and leaned against the bar.   
  “Well, it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to come around the other nights and spend time with my favorite boss,” she said and gave a genuine smile to the dog. Merun felt his posture soften a bit as he locked eyes with the raccoon, but she was quick to avert. “Anyway, I won't bother you guys, I'm sure you wanna spend as much time together as possible.” without another word she hopped down from her chair and locked eyes with the rabbit. Sharing in a hidden series of unspoken messages, Jasmine followed Alice back to the other end of the bar.   
  “That was odd,” Riina said after a few moments of silence once she was sure that no one else was within ear shot. “Does she usually not come around while she's not working?”
  “No, not usually.” Merun shrugged and sighed before turning back to his mate. “So! What can I actually get you this time?”
  “Hmm, what would you recommend?”   
  “At the moment we have daiquiris on special. You want one?” Merun was already grabbing a shaker and some ingredients.   
  “Sure.” Riina smiled and leaned against the bar as she watched her mate prepare the drink, mixing the parts into the shaker before mixing them well. He grabbed a cocktail glass and presented it to her before straining the chilled liquid in and then garnishing with a lemon slice. She made a display of licking her lips after taking a sip. “Tasty.”
  Merun smirked and began to clean the shaker. “You know, I was thinking...” he began as he flushed the metal cup with warm water from a sink behind the counter. He paused as if he lost his voice, but in reality he was just trying to think of the best way to put his words.   
  “Yes?” she looked at him with a quirked eyebrow.   
  “Well, what if you spent another week here?” He replaced the shaker back from where he had gotten it and then pressed both paws against the counter.   
  Riina laughed after taking another sip. “I would really love to, hun, but I can't. I've got my own clients to get back to, mainly Mylo. The poor guy can barely pay his bills without me.”   
  “But I'm not ready for you to leave.” Merun's ears laid back against his head.   
  “I'll be back, I promise,” she reassured and reached out to rest her paw over his. He looked down with a solemn expression and gave a short nod.   
  “Last call!” Ray shouted from the other end of the bar, making Riina and him turn to look out at the almost completely empty bar. Save for a few stragglers that were talking among themselves, the vacant space just had the bar staff cleaning up and getting ready to close.   
  “I guess we should get ready to go, eh?” Riina offered and downed the rest of her drink.   
  “Yeah,” Merun sighed. He finished cleaning up his section and took the hyena's cocktail glass and put it into the dish washer before he wiped down the counter and tossed his towel into a hamper. He walked around to the front of the bar to join his mate. Still seeing his upset mood, Riina reached out and took his paw.   
  He looked down at the gesture and then to the smiling woman. He smiled in returned and leaned down to brush his muzzle against her ear. Maybe it wasn't the most ideal situation being in a long distance relationship, but at least he had her for the moment. He just hoped he would be strong enough to withstand her departure.   



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