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Read the first chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/meet-me-in-deep-14347249

Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/abluedeer/

 Two ships dropped out of hyperspace in almost the same moment at a few miles away from each other. Jenn lead the way as a massive structure expanded in front of them. It was a gargantuan space station the size of a planet, which was fitting because it used to be just that. The planet's own materials were harvested and used to build the tangle of looping, behemoth facilities all across and through the mega structure's bulk.   
  Known as Aurora, it was widely accepted as the capital of the galaxy, where factions of people all came to find every trinket and business the galactic market had to offer. Here there were no rules or overbearing government body that sought to oversee anything else beyond Aurora's walls. Sure there was a governing police force and a few law makers, but they were just there for peace keeping.   
  Everything from slave trading to buying housing in the more upper class resorts on Aurora, nothing was illegal and everything could be found. The one stop place for literally everything. The space around Aurora was buzzing with all manner and size of space ships, ranging from simple cruisers like Jenn's own to military frigates that were many miles long.   
  Jenn took the lead as she pushed her craft towards a particular section of Aurora that had a docking station for the Rochester corporation. When she got close enough, a signal hailed her through the radio.   
  “This is deck master Seran of the Aurora, you are entering the defensive zone. Please state your I.D for verification.” The voice was feminine but it had a metallic tinge to it, likely a cybernetic woman.   
  “I.D is 1000887TYU770LP,” she replied into the headset mic.   
  “I.D confirmed, Jenn Foley. What is your business on Aurora?”   
  “I'm here to do business with the Rochester corporation, can you please connect me to one of their representatives?” She replied with a smile, glad to see things were going smoothly.   
  “Yes, one moment.” Jenn's ship crept closer and closer to the section that she wanted to go to. The structures were going by so slowly despite the fact that she and Saul were traveling hundreds of miles an hour.   
  “Hello, this is Robert with the Rochester Corporation, how can I help you?” a voice came to her, someone that seemed to be normal.   
  “Hello, Robert, this is Jenn Foley. I'm trying to get a hold of Keith Keller, can you get me in touch with him?” She asked pleasantly.   
  “I sure can. One moment.” The wolf smirked and leaned back in her seat, relaxing as it were as she waited. The line became active almost immediately.   
  “Jenn!” a voice laughed.   
  “Hey there, Keith, how are things?”
  “Things are going great, even better now that I'm hearing from you. You are calling about the mission we had talked about a couple days ago, right?”   
  “I sure am,” she giggled.   
  “That's great, but I see that your ship is the same from the last time that I saw you, do you remember the requirements for the mission?” he asked, a bit of concern in his voice.   
  “A friend will be joining me on the mission, we're going to be using his ship,” she explained.   
  “Ah, would it be that arms transport that's on your tail?”
  “That's right,” she confirmed.
  “Very good. I see you're heading towards our dock, I'll be sure to call down to them and reserve two spaces for you then. And I'll be there to meet you personally in just a bit,” he said, quite pleased.   
  “Thanks, Keith!” she barked happily and in that moment the open dock for the Rochester Corporation came into view. She and Saul tipped towards the dock, of which was a massive rectangular opening rimmed by plasma cannons for anyone that was unauthorized trying to get inside. An electromagnetic shield kept the atmosphere within the dock from seeping into the vacuum of space while also allowing ships to slip inside without obstruction.   
  As Jenn and Saul pulled in and passed through the barrier, both vessels suddenly came under the effect of artificial gravity. At that same time, two massive claws sliding along a rail system on top of the dock came over and gently grabbed a hold of each ship. From there they were ferried to a holding area that had at least a hundred other vessels nestled into many rows, each ship a unique shape from any other one in there.   
  Once their vessels were locked into a parking space, they were free to exit. The door to Jenn's ship came open and out stepped the purple haired wolf. She wore a leather jacket that was studded with silver spikes over its shoulders, a pair of bluejeans snugly held her thighs and backside. Beneath her jacket was a fishnet shirt, though no other clothes were under it. If she had wanted she could have opened her jacket and let anyone see her tits. She didn't really mind that notion too much.   
  Saul was already outside and walking along her ship as she came out and he gave her a friendly smile. He wore a similar jacket, though it was a bit bulkier and intended to be resistant to bullets and lasers. It also likely concealed a handgun or two.   
  “You ready for this?” she asked pleasantly. Saul smirked, his eyes trained on hers but then movement from across the room made him look up to see a large bull with two armed soldiers on either side of him approaching.   
  “I don't think I have a choice,” he mumbled and nodded for the oncoming group. Jenn turned in time to see what he meant and a smile spread over her face. She raised her arm and waved.   
  “Once again, I can't tell you how happy I am that you are taking on this mission. We're in a real pinch and time is of the essence. If we weren't in such a bind I'd offer to buy you guys dinner,” Keith said as he stopped a couple feet away.   
  “That's fine, the sooner we can get this thing underway the better,” Jenn replied.   
  The bull nodded his head and then he turned his eyes up to the red deer. “So who's this?”   
  “Oh, this is my...” Jenn paused and glanced back at the buck, but Saul was smirking as he gazed at the bovine.   
  “I'm Jenn's mate. The name's Saul,” the red deer introduced himself and held out his hand. Keith simply looked down at the gesture and then back up to the buck. Then his eyes fell back to the wolf.   
  “I didn't know you had a mate, Jenn. Never seemed to be the time to settle down,” he rumbled, a bit displeased.   
  “We were separated for a while,” she explained and cleared her throat.   
  “Hm,” Keith grunted and nodded. “Well I trust in your professionalism that having a partner in this mission wont complicate things.” The bull snapped his fingers and reached behind himself. One of his guards produced a tablet and handed it over to his boss.   
  “Per our agreement, you get half now and half when you return,” he explained and tapped across the tablet's surface. He then turned it over to the wolf, who accepted it and hen handed back to the deer. Saul looked over the tablet's surface and saw that it was account information that depicted a request to send three million loylls. Jenn must have wanted him to enter his own personal info for his own account, and that thought made his heart swell with a bit more affection. She must have really trusted him.   
  “I promise, there's no one better that I'd like to have with me than Saul,” she explained.   
  The bull nodded his head and accepted the tablet back after the red deer was finished with entering his info. With the first leg of payment finalized the bull handed back the tablet to one of his guards and was then given a different, smaller device that he held out to Jenn. Once she had accepted it,  Keith signaled to a far off team and gestured towards Zeus. The group began to move a large metal vault on a hovering sled towards the back cargo hatch of Saul's ship.   
  “I have other business to attend to, so I'll trust that you two will cooperate with my people with getting things all squared away. In the mean time, Jenn, we can keep your ship in holding until you return,” Keith said and then began to turn away but Saul stopped him.
  “What's the cargo that we'll be transporting?” the buck asked as he stared over at the the sled. The vault was huge and he had never seen anything like it before. It was rectangular in shape with it's length spread out over the sled and it had very few features. Given it's size it could be any number of things, Saul would know since it had been his job to do exactly this sort of thing in the past.   
  “I'm not at liberty to discuss what the cargo actually is,” the bull said, bitterness tinting his words. “You aren't meant to know, nor do you have the capacity to open the vault on your own.” Keith paused for a moment and fixed Jenn with a hard stare. “I probably don't need to tell you this, but if either of you double cross the Rochester Corporation nothing in this galaxy will save you. Mr. Rochester takes his pride very seriously.” and with that the bull fully turned and began walking away, his guards still staying a couple feet behind him.    
  The wolf and buck shared a silent look at each other and then turned back for Zeus as Keith's loading team stopped just short of the vessel's back. “Seems like a nice guy,” Saul said sarcastically.   
  “Sorry about that. I think he has a thing for me. Probably hates you now,” she confirmed.   
  “That's great, haven't even started the mission yet and I'm already making friends,” he chuckled.
    Saul opened the door to the cargo bay of his ship and he and Jenn did what they could to help get the vault inside and secured. The massive thing stayed suspended in the air by way of magnetic tethers once it was all the way inside of Zeus's docking bay. It hovered right at the center and as stable as if it were held down by the strongest steel cables on the market.   
  Once everything was squared away, Jenn bid farewell to her own ship and climbed inside Zeus as she followed Saul in. Unlike the wolf, Saul was a very neat and tidy person. No trash was out in the open, in fact there was hardly a speck of dust on anything. He wasn't anal about the fact, but he held the philosophy that everything had its place in his living space.   
  The large, spacious living room and kitchen area lead off to a second floor that was the crew quarters and cockpit. It was easily three times the size of what Jenn was used to, and while the entire vessel could be maintained and flown by a single person it was able to house four. In truth she greatly missed being inside, back when she and Saul were much more close she had spent months upon months with him trying to have sex in every single room before they exhausted themselves to sleep.   
  She really hoped they could get back to do that.   
  “You ready to take off?” the red deer asked as he settled into the captain's seat at the center of control console.   
  “Sure am,” Jenn said as she dropped two duffle bags full of hand held weapons nearby, garnered from her ship just in case they ran into trouble.   
  “You have the coordinates?” he asked as his ship woke up, power from its anti-matter reactor coming online and surging through every circuit in Zeus.   
  “Right here,” Jenn giggled and walked up behind Saul's seat. She withdrew the small device that Keith had given her and handed it over to the cervine. He accepted it and plugged it into a port on the console. After a second of loading, course coordinates became displayed on a holographic map of a section of galaxy known as Parliament territory. The path laid out looked like a garbled mess of contradictory lines, but each way was meant to skirt the edge of well known gang and mafia sectors.   
  The docking claw that held his ship began to move, ushering Zeus over to the bay entrance. The vessel's engines gave a growl and when the claw released them, it hovered in place for a moment before slipping past the electromagnetic barrier. From there it sped off from Aurora, waiting until it got an acceptable distance away from the massive space station before Saul threw down the throttle and sent Zeus into hyper space.   
  With the first leg of their mission underway, Saul sighed in relief and got up from his chair. Jenn smiled at him as they gazed into each other's eyes. Outside within the void of hyperspace there was a magnificent, sparkling rainbow of colors that when filtered through the cockpit window made a kaleidoscope of shapes and hues dance over both of their bodies. The sight of such a thing was always breath taking.   
  “So how long before we get to Parliament territory?” Jenn asked as the buck stepped past her and grabbed both duffle bags that she had set down.   
  “On this flight path we have a good ten hours. From there we'll begin to change course. In all it looks like we should be back in Aurora in a week's time,” he explained as he walked back towards what he had claimed as his private quarters.   
  “Ten hours eh? However could we pass the time?” she asked as they both stepped into his room. He set the bags down near the inside of the door and turned back to her.   
  “Hmm heh. Yeah, however indeed?” he said with a smirk. Jenn stepped up closer to him and reached up to drape her arms around his neck. He leaned his face closer to hers and she pushed up onto the balls of her feet to meet his. His arms fell to her hips and held her there. Their lips met for a brief moment, but Jenn continued to nudge Saul back until the backs of his knees pushed against the edge of his bed. The wolf gave him a final shove and he toppled backwards.
  Jenn hastily climbed on top of him and straddled his waist. Saul looked over her body with hungry eyes and his hands touched over her thighs and traced up her sides. The wolf tossed away her jacket, leaving her breasts to be barely covered by her fishnet shirt. As Saul's hands continued up, he drew her shirt up as well and she cooperated as it was pulled over her head. Her tits were entirely free for the red deer to admire, and he took his time with drinking in her gorgeous form.   
  The zipper and button on Saul's pants came undone as Jenn busied herself with disrobing him. She yanked his bottoms down to his knees and, leaving his large member out in the open. At the sight of his prominent manhood, she lunged her face against his lap and her mouth fell onto his cock.   
  A streak of pleasure rose within the red deer and he arched his back on reaction. While she pushed his soft length past her lips, her paws went down to her own pants and began to undo them. Precum tinted her tongue right away and she could feel his heartbeat through the side of his dick. She murmured lovingly as she heard him let out a relaxed moan.   
  Her tongue worked up and down his cock, coating it in as much saliva as she could muster. With a quick push she was free from the last of her clothing. Her paws moved along the sides of his hips and moved farther up, her fingers drawing into the fur of his belly and pushing up his shirt. His cock became harder and harder in her mouth the more she danced her wet appendage across its tip. By the time that he was at a full stand she had coated every inch of his mass in her glistening spit, enough that he was sufficiently lubed.   
  Jenn drew her mouth back from his cock when she felt Saul suddenly sit up. She looked to see him pulling away his jacket and shirt before tossing them both over the side of the bed. He shifted back to be closer to the middle of the bed, and the wolf followed with a hungry grin on her face. When he stopped she didn't end at his lap like before, instead she crawled on top of him and straddled his waist.   
  His rock hard member rested against her pussy, her lips folding over its rigid sides. She cooed as she rubbed against it, the heat that it gave off sent shivers up her body. She leaned forward and set the tip to her entrance. From there she relaxed back and felt him enter her.   
  Saul let out a soft moan under his breath as he traced his hands up her sides, not stopping until he was gently cradling each of her breasts. His eyes slid shut and his head turned up as her tight, wet confines sent pleasure cascading through his length.   
  Jenn paused for a moment when she felt him all the way inside, her hips flush with his. She began to move and her own moans began to slip from her mouth. Gentle whimpers and heavy breathing came with the movements as they started out slow and deliberate but began to become faster and more vigorous. Her breasts bounced each time she would grind her hips down, kept under control by the buck's hands that squeezed and played with them to his pleasure.   
  Their moans grew louder as the wolf splayed her legs wider and began to arch her back as she picked up the pace. The sharp clap of their bodies striking and the wet slurp as Saul's cock would pull free from his lover's pussy also resounded within the room. Jenn arched her back and tilted her head up as she began to drop down onto his lap with more force. She loved the feeling of how he felt inside of her, the way he stretched her and filled her to the brim.   
  The red deer's hips began to thrust up to meet her downward strokes and the added power made her cry out in bliss. Saul gave a grunt and pulled his hands from her chest and settled them on her hips. The woman began to roll her body in a way that would grind down on his cock and milk him at the same time. Precum was flowing freely from his tip and she could feel the warm liquid spreading through her insides.   
  The creaking of the bed grew loud, the springs whining under the relentless riding that Jenn was subjecting her lover to. Neither cared to be quiet, and as the tendrils of pleasure crawled through their bodies, they would often scream or let out guttural cries. The wolf had leaned forward and was swinging her hips back and forth as the buck's own hips became a blur of motion. Her pussy juices were seeping into his fur and coating him in her essence.   
  Jenn's mind was delving into the pool of ecstasy that her body was feeling. Most of what was happening beyond melted away to the point that she didn't realize that Saul was so close to cumming until he was grunting and gushing inside of her.   
  The thick ropes of his jizz painted her cunt and she gasped as the surge of warmth pushed her over the edge as well. Her body trembled and she screamed as more globs made their way inside of her body. She haltered in her motions but she didn't stop riding him, instead grinding down and shifting her body from side to side. She was clenching fervently on his length, trying as hard as she could to get every drop that he had to offer.   
  Jenn slowed her movements and stopped, despite the red deer still rutting his hips. As the pleasure and initial high of climax ebbed away, Saul was left panting just as hard as his lover. When she looked down at him, she smiled as the sight of him so warn out brought back some fond memories. She let her body lean forward and she collapsed her weight on top of him, something that he didn't seem to mind.   
  He wrapped his arms around her and he held her close as her cheek came to rest on his chest. They were breathing heavily, and the thunder of Saul's heart soothed the wolf's mind as they began to calm down. Silent minutes ticked by and neither said anything, but when a particular thought became too much for Jenn to keep quiet about, she finally spoke.   
  “Saul?” she mumbled.   
  “Yeah?” he replied.   
  “When Keith asked who you were, you said you were my mate...did you mean that?” she asked as she closed her eyes.   
  “Well, how else might you describe who we are?” he said with a smile in his voice. He gingerly strokes his hands up and over her back and shoulders. Jenn thought for a moment and she gave a slight nod. She wanted to be more excited about this particular development, but in reality she was just too tired. The two settled in to sleep as the colors of hyperspace continued to paint the ship. Still nine hours to go, but until then they were content with being there for each other.   



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