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Heyas everyone, it's another round of voting for sequels to my "Meet Me" series.   

All stories that you will be voting on today will follow a pattern of when they were created. Those that were created first, will be voted on first. The stories you vote on next week will be different from his week, like this week's stories are different from last week's.   

Keep in mind that the sequels to these stories will contain the same characters and the same fetishes that the first chapters hosted, their story lines will just be continued in the world that I have developed for each. For the story that wins, will determine which will get its sequel next, which story I will get art for, and which story will be put into he next novel volume.  

In this journal your vote will count as one vote. You can vote on the same thing or something different than what you vote on in the Tier 3 journal. For reference, these are the first chapters of the stories you will be voting on:
Meet Me in the Parking Lot


Meet Me in the Meadow


Meet Me on the Track


Meet Me Under the Moonlight


Meet Me in the Hot Springs


Meet Me at My Wedding



Setekh Chaos

Just figured that I'd let you know I'll be discontinuing my support at the end of this month. I mentioned my frustration with your lack of gay content before. You consistantly produce way more straight content than gay. Your last gay story was Mar 3. Almost 3 months ago. It would be nice if you would do what other writers that write both gay and straight do and alternate sexualities of the stories. I enjoy your gay stories but they dont come often enough to justify my continued support.


I'm very sorry to hear that, and while I certainly don't mean to only produce towards one demographic or have such a skewed content, I would just like to remind you that I write these stories in the order that they are voted on. The reason so many heterosexual stories have been produced is because that's what my subscriber base has wanted, and I have no control over what stories are produced next. I do very much apologize for your dissatisfaction with my stories though. :c I hope in the future that when more gay content is produced for my Patreon that you might support me again :)

Setekh Chaos

A thought to help prevent it from being skewed. alternate voting options. Have all stories from one votes choices be m/m and the next vote be only m/f choices. That way youd have at least one of each type a month out and you can still see what your followers want with voting.