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Next up, we have Mr. POWUH himself, Mirio.

Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)

  • Mirio is a hard working, good-natured lad, but he's also a joker, inspired by Sir Nighteye's influence.  Most of that tends to revolve around joking at inopportune times.  He does anything to make people smile or laugh, and in spite of how hard he works to be the best hero he can, Mirio is all too eager to make a mockery of himself to get people laughing.  On more than one occasion, that's involved succumbing to toilet humor, but being spontaneous about it.
  • For example, if asked what he thinks about being in U.A., one of the most prestigious hero training academies in the world, Mirio might intentionally force a burp out, then pat his stomach and happily say, "Well, the food's not half bad!"
  • Or just as a joke, if he's asked a question he doesn't have an immediate answer for, he may just burp in response, grin merrily and say, "Does that count as an answer?"
  • if he's volunteering to play the citizen in need of rescuing during a training exercise, instead of playing a civilian in crisis, Mirio will hold his stomach, and shout, "HELP!" before forcing a decent burp out and adding, "I ate way too much and if you don't get me to the nearest bathroom, it'll be devastation!"
  • With Mirio, nearly every time he burps out loud, it's for the sake of humor.
  • In general, Mirio finds burps hilarious and is always encouraging Tamaki to let them rip long and loud, which poor, anxious-bundled Tamaki does with increasing frequency, thanks to Mirio.
  • Mirio has a healthy appetite, but he almost never actually overeats, instead, leaving that to Tamaki who has stuffed himself more times that Tamaki can count.
  • But that said, he DOES have a tendency to eat a hefty meal rather quickly, and when he does, a pretty sizable burp can erupt out of Mirio, which leaves him sighing happily as he pats his stomach and complements the meal and the chef.
  • He's not crass though, so if he knows somebody is easily grossed out or prudish, he'll never burp around them, and if he feels one building up, he'll use his Quirk to casually dip out of earshot, let it out, and come right back as if nothing happened.
  • He actually isn't the BEST burper.  They can get pretty big if he's really full, but otherwise, his burps are short and natural sounding.
  • That said, those around him who CAN burp like monsters will get Mirio splitting his sides.
  • In fact, as a joke, if Midoriya or Tamaki let out a huge burp, Mirio will stand proud, puff out his chest and declare, "Oh yeah?!  WELL BEAT THIS!!!"  ...before intentionally letting out the most pathetic burp you've ever heard with an unshakeable confidence that will make even Tamaki giggle to himself.
  • Even though he can't burp all that loudly, he CAN 1000% burp on command and is pretty good at working them up whenever he needs to for a punchline or if he feels a bit of pressure in his gut that he wants to relieve.

To request characters that you'd like to see potential burp reaction HC's for, leave a comment in this thread here.


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