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Kicking things off, we have our arrogant avian from Breath of the Wild:

Revali (LoZ: Breath of the Wild)

  • Revali is insanely smug, regarding himself as prim and proper, so anytime he feels a burp coming on, he'll do his best to subdue it; covering his beak with his winged hand, turning his head or clearing his throat immediately after muffling a burp in his beak so people think he was just clearing his throat.
  • He gets on Link's case all the time for burping loud and proud, constantly calling him a pig, so he'd never be caught dead burping in public.
  • Revali finds burps revolting and thinks very poorly of anyone who burps in public, (except Link, who he'll stil berate)...and yet, when he does it, it's no big deal.
  • He doesn't have a huge appetite, but he's quite fond of exotic foods.  And certain spices have been known to be really rough on his stomach.
  • If Revali eats something that didn't agree with him, his stomach is going to be gurgling and bubbling rather noisily.
  • When his stomach is bothering him, he'll struggle to muffle his burps, and when he tries to hold them in, the muffled eruptions become considerably louder in his beak.
  • If he's around anyone who isn't Link, he'll blush and clear his throat, trying to act like he didn't just burp.
  • If he's around Link and the two are alone, from time to time, he just won't be able to hold it in and ultimately let loose a really sharp, throaty belch.
  • When that happens, Revali will cover his mouth, blush, but mumble in annoyance that he sounds almost as repulsive as Link.
  • Half the times, Link will either praise Revali's burp or let out a bigger one to try and egg him on.  It will never work.
  • Revali isn't keen on excusing himself, since he's already so prim and proper and utterly full of himself, but if he ever once lets loose around another living creature who isn't Link, he'll become mortified, go wide-eyed and clamp his beak shut with his winged hand.  
  • Even still, he won't simply say "excuse me."  Instead, he'll blame whatever he ate for not being cooked correctly.
  • If he's completely alone and feels pressure, he'll still muffle his eruptions behind his beak, muffling his burps, and not acknowledge them at all, unless they're especially deeper ones.
  • If a raunchier burp gets worked up, Revali will huff and idly palm his chest, but still just resort to complaining, either about the food or flying too hard was making his stomach churn.

To request characters that you'd like to see potential burp reaction HC's for, leave a comment in this thread here.


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