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Hey all!

Currently working on rewards for January (if you haven't done so, do make sure to get your requests in before January ends, by the way), so in the meanwhile, to keep the kinky creative juices flowin', I wanted do some quickie headcanon request posts.  This time, simply "how X reacts when they burp."

The rules are simple: just shoot in the comments one character that you'd like me to do some quick headcanon reactions after they burp.  What kinds of burps they get, if they're embarrassed, relieved, prone to bloating, etc.

They need to be characters I'm actually familiar with, so safest bet is shooting for characters on the master list in the pinned post, or characters you think I'm familiar with.

And since we have several free members, I'll be making this post open to everyone, so even free members can partake in the comments!  (This will be 100% SFW to keep it simple)

Have fun!  :)


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