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Kinktober prompt:

Contains: Breast Expansion, Giantess


Kinktober 27 - Dream

Sally’s roommate was on the phone when the pizza delivery came. Unable to resist the smell of steaming meats and cheese, she dug in. Approximately seven minutes later, Jessie emerged from her room. “Sally!”

“What?” Sally asked, licking grease off her fingers.

“Did you leave any for me?”

“Sure I did.”

Jessie opened the box and found a single slice remaining, less than two inches wide at the crust. She sighed. “Well, I shouldn’t really eat so much pizza anyway. And neither should you!”

Sally shrugged. “It all goes to my boobs anyway.”

Jessie eyed her roommate’s chunky thighs in her skin-tight leggings and bit off a retort. She watched with hungry annoyance as Sally scratched her bloated tummy. “Well… the indigestion’s gonna give you nightmares one of these days.”

Sally scoffed. The idea of getting bad dreams from eating too much was laughable. As they watched old 80’s cartoons on YouTube, Sally felt her eyelids grow heavy.


In Sally’s dream, she eats while Jessie sings a weird song over some kind of polka melody.

Eat, Sally, eat.

Eat with all your might.

Eat that pasta, eat it fasta, till your bra’s too tight.

(Till your bra’s too tight.)

Sally inhales an entire plate of spaghetti as if it were a single noodle, breasts bouncing as she slurps it down, then rubs her full belly.

Munch, Sally, munch

Come on, let’s do lunch.

Such a glutton; watch those buttons.

Pop, pop, pop.

(Pop, pop, pop.)

Jessie stands on the beach with a stack of pizzas, throwing them like frisbees. Sally catches each one in her mouth, her butt jiggling and her breasts wobbling as she jumps and dives.

Cheese, salami, ham and swiss, whole wheat, rye and white, sliced tomatoes, tons of mayo.

Love at first bite.

Sally shuffles together a stack of bread and a stack of meat. The resulting sandwich goes down her throat in one gulp, straining the buttons of her XL blouse.

Sally, you’re an awesome eater.

Yes, you are the top.

Button stretching, bra strap snapping.

You don’t have to stop!

Jessie flips burgers to Sally, who catches them in her mouth.

Double stack it; you can hack it.

Grow, Sally, grow.

Gobble up that dough.

With hips nearly as wide as the door and breasts twice as big as her head, Sally waddles into a famous fast-food restaurant. The sign declaring millions of burgers sold clicks up several times.

Gulping, chugging, chomping, drinking.

Don’t you pause, or they’ll start shrinking.

Jessie spreads icing on cakes and places them on a conveyor belt. At the other end, Sally lounges on thick legs with lap-filling breasts, scooping the cakes between her lips.

More, Sally, more ’till you can’t fit through the door!

Eat, Sally, eat!

Cha cha cha!

Jessie narrates as Sally poses in bikinis.

“You have to stop eating so much, Sally!”

Sally twists to the left as she grows from 5’1 with H-cup breasts to 5’6 with M-cups.

“You’re getting bigger…”

Sally bends at the waist while she swells to T-cup and rises to 6’2 tall.

“And bigger…”

Sally puts one hand on her hip, breasts bouncing as they swell seven more cup sizes, and she adds six more inches of height.

“And bigger… and, oh no!!”

Sally throws her arms above her head as her body expands upward and outward, crashing through the ceiling of the house. Her hips and ass are the size of the living room, wedged in the roof. Her bikini-clad breasts cast a shadow over their entire front yard.

“I knew this would happen,” Jessie accuses, “You’re just getting larger and larger!”

“More food!” Sally demands, yanking a tree from its roots and munching on the leaves. She steps out of the house and waddles down the street toward downtown, where stores and restaurants await.

Jessie travels from business to business, looking for more food for her friend. Every grocery store and restaurant is either closed or completely bare. Some have had their roofs torn off, and their shelves and coolers overturned.

“Sorry, miss,” a store manager says, “We’re all out of food. Some giant girl with huge boobs came and ate it all!”

Finally, Jessie finds a blockade of soldiers watching as Sally approaches between the highrises. She stands over fifty feet tall, her hips knocking down traffic poles. With each step, Sally’s parade float breasts swing from one side to the other, crashing into buildings and sending sprays of dust and broken glass to the sidewalk.

“Please,” Jessie begs, “Don’t shoot! That’s my friend!”

“Stay back, ma’am,” a woman in uniform says, “We’ve no choice. She’s a threat to public safety.”

As the tank guns trained on Sally, a beam of green light fell from the sky, lifting the giant woman into the air.

Sally stands in a massive chamber, hands and arms bound by some kind of force field. Green-skinned figures observe her from a catwalk. They are bigger than humans, about ten feet tall.

“What is this?” Sally demands, “Let me go!”

“Greetings, Sally,” one of the aliens says, “We’re taking you to our planet, where you will save our people.”


“We’ve had a terrible famine, and we need you to provide milk for our young.” The alien prods one gargantuan breast with a green finger. “I see our hunger ray worked even better than expected. Once we’ve collected your milk, you will make a fine Thanksgiving feast. We’ll even have plenty of leftovers.”

Sally lets out a scream, “Nooooooooooo!!!”


Sally’s entire body spasmed as she jolted awake with a gasp.

“Jesus!” Jessie said. “Don’t scare me like that.” Her eyes narrowed. “Were you having a nightmare?”

“No!” Sally lied. “I think I will go on a diet, though.”

“Good, more pizza for me.”

Sally glanced down at the table, where a fresh pizza sat with two slices missing. She reached for a piece.

“I’ll start my diet tomorrow…”