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Kinktober prompt:

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 28 - Tourist

When the first time Quinn came to Aldovia, she was blown away by how beautiful the local women were. Dressed in a variety of styles straight out of a renn faire, every Aldovian woman had clear skin, bright eyes, shining hair in various hues, and breasts ranging from large to enormous. And they knew how to eat. As an American, Quinn was well-accustomed to generous portions, but the meals served in Aldovia put the US to shame.

Quinn’s first visit was only for a week, and it wasn’t until the last night before she flew home that she worked up the nerve—and inebriation level—to finally ask what the proverbial deal was.

Greta was the head bartender and shift manager at the Whistle Pig tavern, the spot just next door to Quinn’s hotel. Quinn had eaten there three times that week and gone down for a late-night drink four times.

“Greta, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, dear one! Ask away.”

(For some reason, every Aldovian spoke in posh British accents.)

“I’ve noticed most Aldovian women are pretty stacked…”

“Stacked… ah yes, you mean we all have rather large bosoms?”

Quinn nodded. “I want to know… what’s the secret? Is there something in the water over here?”

It was a question Greta had heard often and usually played it off with a joke. But, like many people who live and work in touristy places, Greta wasn’t above having a bit of fun at an American’s expense. “Now, now, my dear. I can’t just blather national secrets…”

“Please!” Quinn begged, “I won’t tell a soul.”

“Cross your heart?”

Quinn nodded.

Greta shrugged, “Well, it’s not so great a secret. Some of it’s the water, to be sure. You’ll have heard all about the artesian springs. But it’s also the food. Recipes passed down through generations to make the most of our singular water supply.”

Quinn’s eyes widened. “That explains why you all eat so much!”

Greta knew perfectly well that Aldovian women gained most of their weight in the chest and, therefore, were not afraid of a little over-indulgence, but she nodded sagely.

“Is the kitchen closed?” Quinn asked. “Can I get one of those big pretzels?”

Over the next year, Quinn burned all her vacation days and most of her savings, making four more trips to Aldovia. After convincing her boss to let her go remote, Quinn sold her condo and all her furniture. She spent a few months at a time in various short-term leases while navigating the murky waters of travel visas.

Whenever she was in the remote mountain country, Quinn made it her mission to eat as much of the local food as she could afford. It helped that for the price of a fast food combo back home, she could get enough food for at least three American adults.

And so, when Quinn finally returned to the town she’d first visited nearly two years ago, she was a very different woman from the one Greta remembered. Once a stereotypically heavyset woman of 170 pounds or so, Quinn was now pushing 350. Plump pale flesh bulged out of the rips in her jeans; her belly rolled outward and downward in several rolls; her upper arms were like Christmas hams wrapped in too-small sleeves; and her breasts had grown from B-cups to C-cups.

“Hi, Greta! Remember me?”


“That’s right!” Quinn heaved herself onto a bar stool, which disappeared in her overflowing ass cheeks. “I took your advice. I’ve been eating tons of Aldovian food, and my boobs are finally getting bigger!”

Greta nearly choked. Had this woman really taken her little joke so seriously that she’d doubled in size in just two years? She was about to come clean, to confess to Quinn that it was just a bit of a prank. The secret of Aldovian women’s voluptuousness was down to genetics, naturally. The only thing the food did was help them grow those assets; there was nothing magical about it.

“Can I get a stout, two pretzels, and a fish and chips?” Quinn asked.

Greta looked the fat woman over. If she was so oblivious as to gain nearly 200 pounds and be excited over a single cup size, who was Greta to disabuse her? It was her body, and her money. Why should Greta discourage her from supporting the Aldovian economy?


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