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Kinktober prompt:
High School Reunion

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 26 - High School Reunion

I stood against the wall of the gym I’d hated in the building I’d dreaded, watching people I’d disliked mingling in their same stupid cliques. I don’t know what I expected from my high school reunion, but it should have been this. I’d avoided these people for the last four of my teen years, so why should it matter to them that I was gay? Even when I was in high school, it was starting to become normalized. Three years ago, I came out on social media, and I was somehow sure all my old classmates would have something to say on the subject. I’d braced myself for judgments and secretly hoped I’d find out one of the cuter girls from back then was interested. But these days, it seemed like every third or fourth person was at least a little bi, and no one had said a word beyond the usual nostalgic bullshit or questions about what I’d done with the last ten years of my life.

Then I saw that blonde again, grazing at the snack table. I’d spotted her before, but I didn’t recognize her. Either someone at my school had a major glow-up, or she was someone’s trophy wife. Trying to look casually around the room, I let my eyes rest on her a few times and noticed she had a bit more curve to her than I first thought. She was a little over-dressed in a layered red evening gown, but more than a few former cheerleaders and mean girls were here dressed like it was prom again.

I was about to go introduce myself to the blonde when someone stepped into my field of view. “Hey! Remember me? It’s Doug… from band?”

The last ten years hadn’t been as hard on Doug as some people here—me, for example—but he’d put on at least thirty pounds, and he definitely didn’t have that much forehead in high school. We swapped stories, and he steered me toward a whole group of band nerds. These were my people, and I was glad to have some worthwhile interactions from this stupid event. I kept looking for the blonde, though.

After talking to my former friends for almost an hour, I tried to break away from the group. Doug said, “Hey, it was great seeing you again. Would you want to maybe get together sometime—for coffee or whatever?”

I felt a nauseous ball in the pit of my stomach. “Oh, Doug, I’m sorry… I don’t… um… I don’t date guys anymore.”

Katee, one of the other former band girls, came to my rescue. “I told you, Doug. Quit pestering her, and go get us another bottle of wine.”

Doug and I both mumbled apologies, and I fled to the bathroom. I sat in the stall for three solid minutes before realizing how pathetic I was and decided to “Irish Goodbye.” Slinking down the hallway, trying to look casual, I glanced into the gym again and spotted the blonde.

She was back at the snack table, and from this angle and distance, she looked even bigger than before. That red dress couldn’t hide a big ole booty, and her tits were spilling out the top. Fuck my high school friends; I had to take a shot; see her up close, if nothing else.

I made a beeline for the snack table. The blonde was looking back and forth at all the food and touching her hands together. Her expression was concerned, but all I could see was how gorgeous she was. Like Kate Upton meets Scarlett Johansson with bigger boobs than both combined. As I approached the table, she looked up, and her bright smile made my knees weak.

“Hey! I was hoping you were coming to this.”

I blinked several times. This goddess… knew me?

“You probably don’t recognize me,” she said, eyes dropping to the table, “I’m Millie. We had AP English together.” She picked up a brownie.

I definitely would have remembered a girl half this pretty in my English class. “Oh right,” I lied, “It’s great to see you again!”

“You don’t have to pretend,” she said, “I know I’ve put on a few…”

Millie took a bite of the brownie, and I was so flustered that I spoke without thinking. “Are you kidding? You look fantastic!”

She nervously shoved another bite in her mouth, and I could swear I saw that dress get a little tighter. “Really?”

I nodded, “For sure. I only didn’t recognize you because there’s no way someone as gorgeous as you was in AP English. What happened?”

Millie shrugged, and I had to fight the urge to stare at her jiggling cleavage. She stuffed the last of the brownie between her lips, and her chest seemed to rise even higher out of her low neckline.

“I really shouldn’t be eating so much. I’ve gained so much weight since high school…”

I was pretty sure she’d gained weight since the last time I saw her. I pointed to a plate of peanut butter bars. “Did you try these? They’re really good.”

Millie touched her stomach, which I could see was bulging out a little but completely overshadowed by her massive tits. I picked up one of the bars and held it out to her. “Here, try one.”

She smiled nervously and asked, “Are you… here with anyone?”

I shook my head, returning her smile. She ate the peanut butter bar in one bite, and the result was undeniable. Her red dress got even tighter as her breasts swelled further into it. Over the table, I could see her hips inch a tiny bit wider as well.

I was so distracted by her body that it took me a moment to process her question. She was flirting with me! I knew it was cliche, but I said, “Hey… you wanna get out of here?”

Her gorgeous face lit up, and I thought I might collapse from my shaking knees. She said, “Let me grab my coat.”

I piled a plate with desserts before following Millie out of the gym.


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