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Kinktober prompt:
Wish Upon

Contains: Weight Gain


Kinktober 25 - Wish Upon

Riya came home from work to find her roommate hunched over the desk they’d dumpster-dived. She wondered why Molly stayed in this overpriced shithole of an apartment now that she worked from home, but she never asked. It took both of their paychecks to cover rent and utilities, and Riya would never find a place this close to her work that didn’t cost 2–3 times more.

“Hey,” Riya said, kicking off her shoes.

Molly pushed back the creaky thrift store dining chair and knuckled her lower back. “Hey. Did you bring food?”

Riya dropped one of the two paper bags she carried onto the coffee table. Neither of the women ever learned to cook, so they subsisted on the cheapest food they could get. Instant ramen, mac and cheese, and, most nights, fast food.

The roommates sat together on a couch that had lost a fight with several cats in the past and watched YouTube on Molly’s laptop. Riya watched her friend struggle to take small bites to savor the sack full of tiny value menu burgers, but most didn’t last more than four or five bites. Far from fat, Molly carried a bit of pudge in her belly and had some serious hips. Riya’s figure could be delicately described as “twiggy.”

Mmpf, how was your day?” Molly asked.

“Shit, as always.”


Eyeing the way Molly wolfed down burgers, Riya suspected that the only reason her friend wasn’t obese was the fact that they couldn’t afford to buy more food. Not that Riya herself wasn’t still hungry after eating both of her small burgers.

“Oh hey,” Molly said, probing the bottom of her empty bag, “One of my coworkers said there’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. Want to go on the roof and check it out?”

Riya didn’t expect something as boring as a meteor shower to distract her from her grumbling stomach, but she nodded. “Sure, why not?”

Someone had left two cracked plastic deck chairs on the leaky roof of the building, and the girls shook the rain off of them but still got their pants a little wet. They sat in the fall chill for half an hour, and just when Riya was about to suggest they go back inside, Molly said, “Look, there’s one! Make a wish, Riya!”

I wish we had more food. Riya thought.

A second later, she realized she should have just wished they had more money—or at least had jobs that paid a livable wage. Not that it mattered; wishes weren’t real, just stupid shit for kids.

Riya asked, “What did you wish for?”

Molly winked. “Can’t tell, or it won’t come true!”

Riya rolled her eyes. “Come on, let’s go watch a movie or something.”

Back inside, they propped their feet on a coffee table that had a stack of books where its fourth leg should be. Riya watched the studio logos run by and wished they had some popcorn. She could almost smell the buttery steam. Then, there was a bowl in her lap, mounded high with white kernels drizzled in butter.

“Where did you get that?” Molly gasped.

“I… I don’t know… I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have popcorn, though…”

“Lemme try!”

Molly closed her eyes, scrunching her face up like a little kid. Riya watched closely, but the bowl appeared as fast as an eyeblink. Molly’s eyes popped open. “Yay!”

Riya wasn’t as enthused. “How is this happening?”

Molly shrugged, stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

“What did you wish for?”

“More food,” Molly said, “five of those tiny burgers were nice, but I wanted something salty.”

Riya had a strong impulse to question their sudden good fortune, but she pushed it down. What was it her grandma said about gift horses? She thought about a big cup of soda, and there was one in her hand.


One Year Later

Riya huffed as she climbed the stairs to the apartment. When was the damn super going to get the elevator fixed? Her plump arms were heavy, her shirt barely covered her drooping belly past her huge tits, and her thighs chaffed from rubbing together the whole walk home. She’d tried to exercise some self-control, but it was nearly impossible to resist the munchies when just thinking about a snack made it appear. Riya felt her hips brush the sides of the doorway and found a king-size candy bar in her hand as she swung the door closed.

“Hey, I’m home!” She said through a mouthful of chocolate.

Molly was where she almost always was, on the couch. The legs of the decrepit piece of furniture had broken months ago, and her roommate’s love handles reached both armrests. When they watched videos together, Riya had to sit on another old chair they’d found to replace the one Molly broke. Her roommate had the laptop perched on her belly and was typing with one hand while popping donuts into her mouth with the other. Her upper arms were bigger around than Riya’s hips had been a year ago. Her belly rolled over he knees and hid most of Molly’s legs. Her boobs were like beanbag chairs, each bigger than pre-wish Riya curled in a ball.

“Sweet, I’m –munch– just clocking out –nom– is it dinner time already?”

Molly closed the laptop lid without waiting for a reply and summoned an enormous burger with bacon and all the trimmings. “–Chomp– move the laptop –ulp– so we can watch something.”

Riya stepped up to her gargantuan roommate and leaned across for the computer. Her big belly mushed into Molly’s enormous one, and she suppressed a grimace. This was still less work than trying to get Molly to move if she didn’t absolutely have to. Riya reached the laptop and set it up on the desk, far enough away that Molly could see it over her acres of rolls. She sat on the hard chair, feeling her cheeks hang off the sides as the cheap wood groaned.

Be careful what you wish for, she thought as she summoned a burger of her own and took a bite.


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