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As an early Christmas present to you (not really, I was going to do this anyway, but whatever) I've tweaked the patron rewards so that some of you will be getting more. Check out the new tiers to the side! 

If you're at $10 or more there's really no big change, go about your business, sorry to bother you. :)

If you're at $5 then you're now going to get access to some game builds earlier than their public release! I'm planning to do a few extra public work-in-progress builds in future and you'll get early access to those. That's still not the kind of access $10 gets, I should note.

At $1 or $3 you're going to be hearing a lot more from me. I am shifting my weekly updates down to the $1 tier. I've been trying to make sure these updates are a good reward, but I also think that people may not be aware of that so I've decided to release them for all patrons so that I'm staying in touch with everyone.

Also, you might notice that I've added a reward at $3+ for uncensored versions of 'live game' updates. This is kind of hard to explain and won't kick in until I actually start doing this, which won't be for a little while. What it means is that I'll be playing a live AIF game with you guys making moves and me writing and illustrating the responses as we go. It's an approach that works, but you'll have to wait and see what it's like if you've never tried a live AIF before.

One last thing, I've removed the reward for zip files of pics and voice acting. The packs that are already up will stay available but I don't want to release them for future games. I think it would subvert the game experience for PAL, in particular, too much.

Anyway, I've been thinking about this for a while but I am still willing to listen to comments/suggestions/concerns about this if you have any, so if you do please leave a comment below. Or maybe you just think it's a good idea? Either way!




It is a great idea, this way the rewards are more fair than before and you'll get more patrons in the long run! From you twitter: You could introduce long-term-patreon rewards yourself. If it goes well maybe Patreon will pick it up. Of course i don't think about myself there :P


Yeah, I might do that (thanks to patron Ares for the suggestion), I just thought it would be a good idea for everyone and it might be a little easier if Patreon implemented some kind of system for it, because it would be a little hard to organise and keep track of it at my end. Thanks for the feedback, too!

Hank Rillek

Wow! That's a really nice looking image!