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tl;dr - I discuss making this pic a bit. Plus I'm on holiday!

This week's image

I tend, as you're probably aware, since I've mentioned it before, not to be especially genital-focused in image design. This one, however, seemed like a strong pose. In past this kind of a shot would have been a hard one to pull off, but I've been able to revise and subtly improve the character models over time. In Kimiko's case I've redone her textures a bit to get rid of some odd seams around her butt when she's rolled up like this, improving the way the light shines and reflects off her skin, as well as over time adding and improving her naughty bits. 

The final step of making this really pop is just rendering it to 15,000 samples, which is the sharpest I can possibly get it in the software I use. This does make it take a lot longer, but I've made that the new standard I observe because I feel it gives the best quality. Luckily, I got a tip about using a form of optimising recently which has sped up my rendering a bit; I'll still need a hardware upgrade, but it's cut back on the amount of rendering time I need to do quite a bit.

There's a follow-up to this shot that I also think is good. Naturally, this image is from the Kimiko + Iku interactive threesome sex scene coming up in the next update. That update will happen when I get back from my trip, which will be this month. Hopefully this pic will help get you interested!

I'm on holiday!

As I will have mentioned, no doubt, right now I'm travelling through South East Asia on one of my breaks! I wrote this update in advance, of course, because my time and Internet access are a little bit more limited when I'm travelling. Actually, I wrote it way in advance, but I still want to hear your feedback! I'm just making sure I meet my obligations because I respect you guys for supporting me. :)

SE Asia's great for me to go to because it's cheap (very important) and it's always interesting. Hopefully future me is having fun right now. I don't take weekends at home so the last time I got a real break was in October last year! (Christmas doesn't count - I had to spend that with awkward family members.)

I still want to hear from you, even if I might be a little slow to respond at the moment! Do you like the pic? Are you looking forward to the next release? Let me know in the comments!



Hank Rillek

I love how smug Kim looks, whilst Iku is looking a bit sad in the background. XD


There's a follow-up where Iku looks a bit more angry. :)