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Upcoming release

This is just a quick update to let you know that later this month the interactive Kimiko + Iku scene will be the focus of the next release of PAL. This is the scene that triggers when you go to enter their bedroom at night, once you've already unlocked their one-on-one scenes. It's a large scene, it's fully interactive and I think it's a good one, so I hope you're looking forward to it!

I think this scene has the best set of pictures I've done for an interactive scene, actually, although this picture I've included above isn't one of them. This one's actually for the bonus ending and it won't be in this month's release, but I had to find something relevant and SFW to show on this update. :)

In point of fact I don't like the above picture much. I never got it looking as good as I hoped, but it's passable, so hopefully you like it well enough. At least Kimiko looks cute in a beret, right? A patron who saw this pic mentioned that it looks like they're in Europe in this ending. What do you think? Would that be a good way to take this little ending story line?

I'm still out of town

As I've said previously, right now I'm out of town with, probably, limited time and limited Internet access. That means I may be slow to respond if you try to get in touch with me, but I'll still try to reply to comments and emails. It may take me a few days, that's all.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!




Yeah, I love this pic. As for the ending I'm thinking Kim is taking them around Paris, showing them all the sights she remembered from her last visit, including a cute little restaurant with a dark corner booth were the three of them could have some fun.