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Here's a little pic that I'm putting in the next PAL release, coming this month. It's a replacement for the introductory picture of Iku you get on Rio's tour. I was never quite happy with the previous one I had, even after I went back and re-rendered it before.

A reason I thought this might make for an interesting thing to post is that I've recently become a lot better and doing some custom work with d-formers to make the ladies' clothing stretch more, well, realistically around the bust-line of curvy characters like Iku. You might see that it now looks a lot more like tight clothing stretched across the bust, rather than a kind of second-skin that follows the exact shape of the breasts.

I actually got this technique down when trying to improve Nobuko's design for Pervert Action: Timelapse (I'll show you those results in due time - I think they're pretty good), but I also thought it might be worthwhile to go back and give it a go with Iku to see if I could get some nice results there too. What do you think?

I'm out of town

So additionally, right now I'm out of town with, probably, limited time and limited Internet access. (I'm writing this in advance so I'm guessing, but it's probably a good bet.) That means I may be slow to respond if you try to get in touch with me, but I'll still try to reply to comments and emails. It may take me a few days, but I'll get back to you!

Let me know what you think in the comments!




Very nice! I think I was one of those annoying people who wasn't very big on the ultra-clingy shirts actually, sort of felt like they either painted on their outfits or perhaps just super glued the cloth to their tits. I kept imagining every time they stripped for a sex scene that there would just be a loud 'POP!" as the shirt came free or something. Looks way better with that proper stretchy look going on.


Well, you know, I've always prefered to make things cling more realistically where I can :) I just haven't had the technique down until now.