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You distract and (cutely) annoy your girlfriend while she's busy studying 💕

I attempted improv for the second time ever! It's so much less time consuming to not write scripts so maybe I'll try doing improv more often






For making up jokes under the *pressure* of improve I award a gold star and a 2 day extension on your paper Glow


That was really sweet, and for improv, it was really well done! Tbh I thought it was scripted.

Simon R.

While this was a cute audio, I couldn’t help feel a little mad at the listeners character 😅 Especially when someone is important to you, you should support them right? I mean helping them not lose it over the tight timeline is one thing, but then making it worse instead of helping… Idk. Made it hard for me to feel sympathetic for the role I guess sorry 😖

Chris d em

Mmmm….🤔. Glow+script=10-ish minutes of awesome AR…. Glow-script+Improv=17 minutes of awesome AR! I think we have a winner…!👍 But scripted or not ..everything u do is a gift you bless us with ….FYI..I would listen to you just reading a matchbox….! So thank you glow. I hope all is well…and you are being blessed with the same love & happiness in your life that you bless us with in ours…. much love Chris …❤️🙏👍🥰x

Chris d em

In the world of AR ‘asmr’ there are many…but all pale into comparison to the one… glow…the natural flow of your improv shows one thing…you ARE the script…which is why it sounds so natural…it’s you…because there’s things in there that I don’t think you’d have written… the feeling that You just thought it up on the spot and said it cos that’s what would have been said in that situation…free from the constraints of pen and paper..and believing more in yourself and in your god given gift that u choose to share with us and Do the thing that I humbly think you were put on this earth to do…bring happiness to people..and for that..we are blessed…sorry it’s so long …but once I started it just fell out my brain..! Basically what im trying to say is …your awesome..!👍😂. Thank you glow..much love..Chris ❤️🙏x…ps…I hope things are going well for you in all the other day to day aspects of your life …like college…living in yr beautiful apartment …and of corse yr family ..whom I hope are all well…🙏❤️


Great as always!


wildin out here fr fr

Chris d em

Your playful interrupted kisses in this are absolutely divine…🥰