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Thanks for all your questions this month! How are you guys always coming up with such cool questions


Simon R.

You got all of the ones you made a guess for correct ☺️ The one you missed was the Rich Girl Nemesis Sees You at Masquerade Ball audio 😉 Also I‘m glad you liked the idea. I’ve prepared enough quotes for the next 2.5 years round about xD And yes I fully intend to be here that long 😋

Simon R.

As for how long I had the cutesy answer for the vampire girlfriend prepared, I actually wrote that on the spot. Not to long ago I started writing romance stories for fun and stuff like that tends to come up every once in a while. If you can’t say it, write it I guess xP


Are you Bluetooth? Because we should pair.

M. Meyer

That was a good one.


It’s so wholesome hearing you pronounce my name correctly. Thank you again for taking the time to answer our questions much love Glow ✨❤️


I was listening on my drive home, and machete was for sure not what I was expecting to hear. My eyes went so wide and then laughter when I heard that part lol. Also, I would also take the $1M. Found out a close family friend does the socks and sandals regularly around his house, he may be a 30 year vet in the military, but I'd take my chances.


I only bring up a Christmas album (repeatedly mind you) because you said you don't think you're a good singer. I will not relent until we hear you sing. I'm willing to bet you're better than you think. Most people that say they're not good are actually quit the opposite. Just very unsure of their voice


😂😂😂 I think the cheesiest line I’ve heard was “ do you know where the bakery is, cuz I need to find myself a cutie pie like you” or something along those lines. Also I agree that Pluto has always been a planet. I’ve never considered salty, but I should definitely include it as an option. As for the dead poets society quote it reminds me of Robin Williams quote. At least I think it’s R.W. This audio was hilarious and intriguing. Especially the machete answer.


So the 3rd one was Rich Girl Nemesis sees you at a ball, huh. Not gonna lie though you’re question was fun.

Simon R.

Look forward to next months quotes^^ I found quite interesting ones 😋

Gwyn Williams

OMG these responses… you’re so funny, Glow!


I feel like I came up with a good pickup: Did it hurt? When they kicked you out of heaven? You passed the ultimate Swiftie test, I was sure the 10 next favourites would be a dealbreaker. I have to admit even though she's not officially my favourite I have a very hard time imagining that I would choose my other top 3 over her. The last time I got so absorbed into a song like Would've, Should've, Could've was... another Taylor song