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Hi guys! If you feel like leaving me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month! ♥



What editing platform/software do you use to edit your recordings? I’d love to start my own audio role plays but I need a good editing platform to start off


What do you think is responsible for most of the problems between modern men and women? It feels like modern relationships don't last and they are more toxic than ever.

Simon R.

She uses Audacity. I’ve actually used it as well for a couple projects and can recommend it. There are also a ton of tutorials on YouTube if you need to figure something out 😅😊

Simon R.

In some audios (like the Ferris Wheel one for example) you have short snippets of a male voice. Do you have someone who always records those for you, or is that something you can find online?

Simon R.

Do you get something out of doing this for yourself in an emotional way? Have you ever felt down and thought about an audio you made/planned on making or something someone wrote on here or something like that and had to smile despite whatever’s going on? I wonder about that sometimes. If not, are there happy thoughts you turn to when things get gloomy?


What is your favorite movie snack?


What can you say to best close out this year and begin the new one? Be it advice, a saying, a random thought, etc.


okay so there’s a cute girl in my uni lectures who once complemented me during the first class of the semester and i felt like i was gonna melt… but we’ve never interacted since… i’d like to get to know her better because she seems warm and cheerful, but i don’t know how to approach her in a large lecture hall with like 200 people. what do you think a dude can do to ask her out without giving off weirdo vibes?😭😭(i hope this question is appropriate)

Chris d em

Hey glow… just wondering if you’ve had the chance to watch Wednesday yet on Netflix..? And if u have.. did u like it..? X


Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Please definitively settle the debate even if you haven't seen it. Are there any Christmas gifts you've given that you're really proud of? Eggnog, yay or nay? What is your least favorite Christmas song? What is an odd Christmas memory you have? I'm guessing you went home for Christmas. Does that mean we finally get to hear you read the Disney Princess camp skit script?

Simon R.

Would you ever consider doing some sort of live event over Discord, YouTube, Twitch or something?