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This will be the last part of the "Undercover" caption story, at least for now. Once again, you get to decide the direction the story will go, like a Choose Your Own Adventure!

This time, you have two choices to make. Basically, select two options to make a complete sentence. 😊

P.S. I decided to change the schedule so the story will be released on the 18th to give more people a chance to vote.

P.P.S. I've uploaded all the previous parts in case you need a refresher!



Jessica Thence

Voters!! What were you thinking? Haha!


I bit of a dark unhappy ending where he gets discovered, sold and shipped to a brothel for the rest of her life.


That is an interesting idea. Could it possibly become a sequel? 🙏🏻


Give a sistah a break for a change!!


The queen one is boring. I want her get more changes!