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Sandy and Nikki transition into a new phase of their journey...

Phew! Twenty-two new pages plus two bonus pinups. I so, so, so enjoyed writing and creating the art for this episode. My goal was to wrap up a few plot threads while leaving plenty to tug on for next season.

Because, yes, this is the season one finale of Half Sisters. After a year+ and 410 pages (!) of updates, it's time to take a break. But Nikki and Sandy's story is very far from over. I can't wait to show you what I have planned! I expect the comic will be on hiatus for about three months. Just enough time to catch our breath. 😀

In the meanwhile, we'll be switching back to Homecoming—which is also super exciting!

Anyway, I really can't wait to hear what you thought about this episode! 😁



Jessica Thence

This isn't just some dirty fun, this is a legit story. Well done.

Alyson Greaves

Oh my god, this was incredible. You made me cry 😛 More thoughts when I'm not immensely sleep-deprived.


And the art was outstanding too. To see Mrs Ferris broken like that was genuinely moving. Brilliantly done.

stacy C

Wow Mrs Ferris has a soft side.....and regrets and guilt! Sandy should hate her by now but there's some strange logic going on between the two, that's kindda sweet. Nice ending :-) x


WOOOW... reading first 15 pages was hard to me because it is hard to read when your eyes are so wet... but then terrifying news about Sandy's bad luck...... oh...... and then Nikki going with bad decision to stay with Dad... imho it is bad idea and she'll regret this later...

Ella Cherry

Wasn’t expect this turn! Very emotional chapter, Emory! It was a great season finale, you left the table perfectly ready for the next phase!


Great closing of the season EM! Very interesting talk by Mrs. Ferris and Sandy. Interesting, endearing and enlightening...until we see Josh! It's clear that either she hasn't been truthful at all or we'll meet her scumbag husband soon (I don't remember if you mentioned if he was dead or not), or we'll see what ace you pull out of your sleeve next season from your wonderful Machiavellian mind, those documents... hahaha I love it! 😍 As for my dear Nikki, it's clear he's stepping into the lion's den... but it's very understandable what he's doing, he's still in the denial phase and he's trying to fight as much as he can against his feminization, although I think he just took the wrong direction. He is walking away from a loving mother (with her traumas) and is going straight into the arms of the selfish bastard who caused his feminization. For now he is still very unintelligent, but as I said before, I understand his behavior perfectly, he is in a very very stressful situation, and he still lacks the maturity to stop, listen and meditate what are the right steps to take to improve his expectations and overcome his problems.... Both Sandy and his mother, and I hope Madison (although this one will give him/her a little bit of a hard time I guess), will be very important for him/her when he/she finally starts to overcome the denial phase and he/she stops to listen to them during the next season... I hope he/she will mature little by little, although I guess it will be more with sticks than with candies... 😉 PS: Josh... Mortimer... Second Dawn... ¿¿??


I find it funny that Nikki insists on wearing his old boxer shorts... even though they barely stay on!


Ohh nikki i think they Will give her a huge pair of boobs to be proud of and show em to the worid


Emory, How do you do it? I am once again WOWED by the story & the artwork. You are a master of your craft, for sure. Is there a guild for artistes with your talent? 💖

France Day

This sets up the second chapter of our two "warriors". On Sandy's side, a greater casualness is shaping up to be the event towards a conscious release and full acceptance and the sudden friendship of Mrs. Fergis will be part of this magic of becoming. With Nikki, there are a lot of gray areas and her fight to find an ease of contentment will I believe be full of fights between being and not being. No matter the paths to be traveled, they will be filled with as many thrilling landscapes day and night. Thank you EA

Alyson Greaves

Okay so you already know I'm a sucker for characters generations apart slowly growing together and developing solidarity so I think my reaction to this was predictable but OH MY GOD. Now we just need to get Mrs Ferris a hot milf gf and she'll start feeling a lot better. (Does Xu do milfs? I feel he could supply a custom milf.) Um. Anyway. Scattershot thoughts: SO many of Sandy's lines only make sense if she's starting to think of herself as a woman. Like, of course she can like girls! It *is* the 21st century! And how, with the best intentions in the world — or Mrs Ferris' version of the best intentions in the world — Mrs Ferris keeps deadnaming her until finally she takes her hand and says, call me Sandy, like, GIRL. God, the outdoor *and* indoor shots are gorgeous here. Sandy looking in through the window and seeing Mrs Ferris perfectly framed (the same way the photo she's holding of her first daughter is framed, no less) is just *chef's kiss*. Mrs Ferris' astonishment that Sandy didn't go to the cops is sweet and hilarious. Like, *we* know that Sandy is remarkably dense for such a smart girl, but this might be Mrs Ferris' first encounter with just how dumb she can be. (Orrrrr, maybe Sandy's subconscious kept her from even thinking about it because turning Mrs Ferris in would be admitting everything that's happened to her and subsequently being pressured to go back to being a man and she's just not ready for that...) Also, good to have confirmation Mrs Ferris knows what consent is. Once again, the shot with Sandy in the foreground and Mrs Ferris, expressing interest in concern in her new daughter, is small, vulnerable and out of focus in the background. Even the contrast with their poses! YES. Got to admit, I didn't guess that Mrs Ferris started the petticoat punishment thing to provide cover for her daughter to dress in affirming clothes. Like, she miscalculated, sure, but my heart just grew ten sizes. (And I'm also wondering if Mrs Ferris ever read *those* stories. You know; *those* ones.) Mrs Ferris is in a self-hatred spiral and Sandy, because she is the world's sweetest idiot, is comforting and supporting the woman who didn't ask before she cut off her balls. 🥰 (And I love that the thing she comes across as most outraged by is the hair colour. Maybe when you're blonde again you'll feel more yourself, babe.) "The whole being turned into a girl without my consent thing." Love how Sandy's always harped on the consent aspect as least as much as the whole forced fem deal. OG Sofia's thoughts around her womanhood are really recogniseable, from some trans women I've known, wow. "I'm not burglarising houses any more." "Thank goodness. You would've gotten yourself killed." God how close are they growing?? I adore these baby steps towards reconciliation SO much. Circling back to the hand touch the hand touch the h a n d t o u c h . Sandy goes there a lot, for comfort and for connections, and it's a lovely detail. Then, to sum up my reaction to the rest of the episode: NO NIKKI DON'T GO LIVE WITH YOUR ARSEHOLE DAD HE'S AN ARSEHOLE you look good in the tank tho OH GOD MORTIMER AND JOSH OH NO I'M SURE HE'S A SENSITIVE SOUL AND ALL BUT RUN JOSH RUN


I think the way Sandy deals with things is so refreshing. Nikki (understandably, cause they’re not trans) needs to just get over it! (God I wish dysphoria was that easy to get rid of). To me Sandy’s always been gender fluid at least while Nikki is clearly not/needs a lot of encouragement. Looking forward to the next season and great job!!!! (Also, Sofia’s dad needs to be thoroughly punished, like big time)


Nina, I'm so sorry I didn't see your comment until a month later! Thank you so much for your kind words. Sandy is definitely more of a "go with the flow" kind of person, while Nikki is still trying to grapple with everything that's happened to them. It will take some time for Nikki to truly accept their new reality, but Sandy will be there to support them every step of the way--hopefully. Sofia's dad is already dead, we've been told... 😊