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I don't think Chris will have any trouble landing as many "clients" as she wants... 💖



Alyson Greaves

Um. UM. ...I'm going to need a minute.

France Day

"I don't think Chris will have any trouble landing as many "clients" as she wants..." but getting rid of them will be another story. Chris est superbe - merci Emory.


She’ll be receiving undying declarations of love in her inbox in no time. 😉 Thank you, France!


Emory I was worried you were going to be a 1 hit wonder artist with delicious sexy erotic Jill . You now have made stunning beautiful Chris . I bet you can make Chris more beautiful too just like you did with Jill .


Thanks, Sky. I'm glad you like Chris! And she's still only about half-way to her "final form." 💖

Kirsten Roberts

That’s incredible!! Yea can’t wait to see if the next episode goes where I think/hope it does. Dying to read it


she will soon become a dominatrix haha

Larry Talbot

If she (he?) had a lit cigarette in a long holder posed like Audrey Hepburn... I'd lose it.


Thank you so much, Kristen. I'm really looking forward to getting back to Chris's story, as well. 😀

stacy C

Perfect outfit for 'entertaining' hehe x


Something tells me that Chris's wife will become a lesbian or at least bi very, VERY soon...


Maybe so, Maggie! Although I imagine she would probably still consider herself heterosexual and just very in love with her husband... even if he has been changed beyond recognition!