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Chris "collaborates" with a colleague...

The first season of Homecoming concludes with a whole 22 new pages. 💖

I'm having such fun with this story, and it's definitely not over yet. Chris has a lot more to go through before he escapes Bella's clutches! My plan is for Homecoming to return when Half Sisters takes a break later on this year.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this episode!




Great episode Emory! Like I told you the other day, every time I read one of the 3 stories, I make it my favorite hehehehe. In this story, the conflict is very deep, as Chris has to feminize himself and perform the most degrading acts possible to get his prize: freedom and not lose his soul, his personality... it's a great challenge ahead for Chris... and you with the story! I hope his won freedom has not implied the total breakup of Crish and he and his wife can resume their recently interrupted marriage in spite of or THANKS to Chris' new "acquired" body, feelings and personality). But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, I expect this story like the other two to "simmer" and we still have many episodes left to discover. And completely agree with Aly, I love Cindy. Hopefully we will see her later in the story... Maybe she'll help Chris with revenge on Bella? Once again, great job Emory! Looking forward to every chapter of every story!

Larry Talbot

It'll break my heart if they don't get back together after all this - love needs a win.

Ella Cherry

Can’t wait for the next season, Emory! Fantastic work! ❤️


Oh... it gets better exponentially with every update... 😍 Cindy is hot... and somehow familiar to me... I mean... There is another star of Emory creations with same temper like her and still fighting, right? Cindy must return later on... I mean I wish our leader will bring her back later in this story... And if we're talking about Chris here... maybe he doesn't want this all what sadistic Bella did to him... but on page 20 I see that tongue is sticking out... hmmm

Kirsten Roberts

What a great episode! I cannot wait for the next one!! Love this story

France Day

Another excellent chapter in Chris' life, the facial expressions are really well adapted to the evolution of the character. The balance of gestures is remarkable. This could be a great project for a drawing student. I love this story. Excellent and seductive E. Thank you.

stacy C

Another classic Emory cliffhanger hehe. Although considering the last few frames I've got a pretty good idea in which direction Chris's story is going....and that is down! LoL x

Emily Morgan

I love how Cindy is pleased with Chris's progress and seems a bit shocked that he hasn't accepted further feminization and already this beautiful. She implies they are both girls and there really isn't a trace of rebellion but total acceptance to the whole ordeal. My favorite part is the fist dialog between the two as every word Cindy says is a thinly veiled encouragement to Chris to just do it and be done with it. Of course I wish I could have seen Cindy's face during her last blow job.

Emily Morgan

I love the expression on Chris's face in that one where she is holding hands with that one client


Sorry to be so late to the conversation on this one. What I found really disturbing is that Chris’s first blowjob is depicted as almost trivial and yet the psychological effect is both profound and soul shattering. You handle these things so well, Emory.


Sorry to be late to reply, Robert! Thank you so, so much. You're so right! Chris's first blowjob isn't treated with any fanfare -- because of course this will (likely) be the first of many. And yet, there is a clear demarcation between the "before" and "after" of this act. How will he come to see himself in the future?


Awww, thank you, Horn. I was going for "Serene." She really does like Al on some level. 💖


Wonderfully said, Horn! Yes, Cindy has given up all hope of ever returning to manhood. She had her chance to be freed (supposedly) and fouled it up. Now she just wants to except the gender reassignment surgery and "get it over with," so to speak. For her, the battle was lost a long time ago and she wants to encourage Chris to just bite the bullet and be freed as soon as possible. But did Bella really let her go? What do you think?


LOL, well-said, Stacy! I did leave this one as a cliffhanger, but I promise we'll get back to Chris's story fairly soon. She still has a long road ahead... although, as you've implied, it will be a bumpy one!


Thank you so much, Kristen! You won't have to wait too, too long -- I promise! I'm also eager to get back to Chris's story.


Thank you, thank you, France! The eloquence of your comments never ceases to bring a smile to my face. I would love to see an art class take on this story. I'm sure it would be quite an education to them -- in more ways than one! LOL. I'm really, really enjoying this story, as well. I'm looking forward to resuming Chris's tale soon.


Thank you so much, Maggie! I love Cindy. She's another character that sort of appeared out of nowhere. After her initial appearance in the first episode, I wasn't sure she was going to come back. But it just felt so right to bring her back for this episode and show how she had chanced and what her new outlook had become. Will she come back? We'll see! The question is whether Bella actually freed her. What are your thoughts? LOL - His little tongue IS sticking out... Mayve just a natural reaction? 😉


Thank you so much, ckarya. What a wonderful comment! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. Poor Chris has a lot to lose, and there's no easy way out for him. He either loses his manhood or his freedom. Is that really a choice? And the worst part is that Bella seems to be doing this simply for her own sadistic enjoyment. There is no "greater purpose" at work here! The ultimate fate of Chris and Kayla's marriage is also what's at stake. After all, we know that he eventually gets free. So, the real mystery in the story is HOW he was freed -- and whether they will stay together. Stay tuned and THANK YOU!

Jessica Thence

I really like this new character. Shows what can happen to someone who is "in the system" for too long or tries to beat the system. I hope she made it out alive!