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Mr. Xu provides a very generous compensation package for his staff, not to mention amazing benefits...

...as long as you don't mind being turned into a girl. 😉

This was so much fun! I hope you enjoy a look into how Angela is fairing these days. 

P.S. For those who don't remember, Angela used to be Angelo, who was a guard working for Mr. Xu when Holly / Holden was being held captive. Angelo shot Jason as he was attempting to save Holly. In revenge, Holly aimed a little low while using the gun on Angelo and Mr. Xu decided he'd be better off female. 

You can find his (later her) full story in the Library HERE under "Angelo's Fall," "Alessia's Rise" and "Angela's Snapshot."



Alyson Greaves

Oh my God, I never expected this to be so SWEET. And there's so many images! And Angela and Holly both look AMAZING. This must have taken ages... I'm glad Angela's doing better but, girl, big hearts for feeling like you move like an oafish cow. Happens to all of us, even us shortarses. You just have to trust that you don't. Holly cracking wise and then immediately taking it back. ANY look inside Holly's head is fascinating. And stepping up to being defensive of her almost immediately at the idea she may have been GRS'd against her will? HOLLY ❤ "Is it... good? Having a pussy?" Babe there are so many people you could ask that, if you're curious. Aaaaand the rest of it is simply really hot 🥰 Oh, hi, Mr Xu. You're being nice and not at all creepy; almost makes me forget about the, uh, [checks notes] selling people. Just fantastic.


Love it, Emory! 😍🥰🔥🥵❤️


This vignette is amazing. Hope you keep doing this so we can keep in touch with more of your amazing characters from this universe.👍

maven poulter

This is awesome...so glad to see Angela again but what a surprise meeting!

Harley Allen

Loved this! Although I’d love to see her with a real man taking real dick!

Jack Dawson

I am so happy that Emory finally got around to shining some light on Angela. And the response seemed to be really great... Angela is one of the more beautiful girls out there. I was hoping if there is a pinup on the cards in the near future.


The renders look great, Emory. It looks like Angela has really softened up since we last saw her. Physically and mentally.

Ella Cherry

Wow Emory! Thankfully I had time to download the first three parts of the story and I only read this one after reread them. It was a fantastic journey! I love it! Thank you! ❤️


Great snapshot and Angela, love it! It kind of made wonder, is it really true that girls have better orgasms than men! I wonder...


Not only is Xu a master manipulator, at heart he’s just another dirty old man. Should have guessed it.

stacy C

Great stuff, love the expression on Angela's face in pic 5 :-) x


I really appreciate that, JS! Writing and creating the artwork was so fun. I fully intend on doing more of these in the future when I have the opportunity. Like you said, it's a great way to expand the "Xuniverse" 😜


Thanks, Maven! I had to think long and hard about how Holly and Angela's "reunion" would go. In the end, I decided they would both have (eventually) realized they were screwed over by the same man, just in different ways.


I had so much fun with her, Jack. I agree she's stunningly beautiful. Now I'm a little sad that I didn't decide on her long her for the 3D pinup. But I promise we'll have a pinup of her in the near future. 💖


Thank you so much, Cry 💖. And yes, lol, that's a great way to put it. No more hard, bulky muscles for her.


Thanks so much, Ella! I'm so glad you had a chance to read all of Angelo / Angela's story. She's one of those characters I didn't plan but evolved as the story took shape. Now she's one of my favorites. I can't wait to see where she ends up!


At least according to the ancient Greek story of Tiresias, sex is nine times better for women: 😉 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/16/opinion/greek-prophet-sex-tiresias.html


Thank you, Aly! For a long time, I thought the reunion we see would be contentious. I mean, a lot of violence happened between / around Holly and Angela. It would be natural for them to hate each other. They could easily see each other as partly (or even mostly) responsible for their problems. Angelo shot Jason, which slowed their escape and forced them to stop much closer to the city than they intended. The result? They were recaptured. As revenge for shooting Jason, Holly shot Angelo in a very -- ahem -- sensitive spot. The result? Angela. And that mistrust and hate were there, at first. But in the end I decided that after many tearful (and likely alcohol-fueled) nights, they both accepted that what happened was not their faults. Mr. Xu forced both of them into their situations. He, not Holly or Angela, is ultimately responsible for what happened. Once they realized this, their shared trauma allowed them to bond. I totally understand Angela's fear of her "big-ness," but I can't imagine anyone looking at her and thinking she's anything but a beautiful woman. But she's still wrapping her mind around this fact, especially with her recent surgery. I also love, love the moment where Holly says she'd be in a "homicidal rage" if this was all Xu's idea. I believe her! LOL. I have to admit, I'm really proud of how these renders came out. They did take a long time, but it was worth it! 💖

Ella Cherry

I said that once before, you have so many great characters that I can’t chose a favorite anymore! Angela is indeed another fantastic one!

Jessica Thence

Some VERY sexy pics in this one!