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There were numerous problems with Day 1, which ultimately culminated in making Ehrlynn's visual introduction less attractive than I envisioned. Below is one of the original test renders I did back in July during preproduction. Unlike the other pictures in this post, it has not been modified in any way.

Attractive right? However, if you compare and contrast this image with what you see ingame on Day 1, the discrepancy in appearance will no doubt be obvious. The most notable difference is the hair color. It looks gray colored, some would say "wig like" and they wouldn't be incorrect. The silver/platinum color didn't translate as I intended once under more realistic room lighting.

My initial test on Ehrlynn's new hair coloring drops the silver entirely. I think I've fairly well established her main colors are purple, green, and pink. I haven't yet fully decided if I will darken her hair color further like the eyebrows and eyelashes.

The next aesthetic feature I wanted to change was her ears. The original version has a harsh angular bend that doesn't really fit my design goal of being different but not unattractive. Highly subjective, I know. But this new ear shape fits my own criteria better.

Another test shot. Note that her wings, tail, hooves, and horns remain unchanged. If it looks different to you then it is only because of the better lighting.

Of course, Ehrlynn is also supposed to look intimidating in her succubus form when the situation arises. The main change of note here is the reduction of her forehead horn connections. The overblown expressions from Day 1 are a result of me not understanding how her model's eyebrows were being blocked from moving. I didn't know how to independently adjust her eyebrows separate from the premade expressions. I may have to eliminate the horn connections entirely if I notice any problems once I finally start creating scenes with the new version. After all, a little ridge around her horns isn't worth it if the tradeoff is a limited range of expressions.

The last alteration I made was to Ehrlynn's teeth. The steep angles were reduced while still retaining a sharper and more predator like shape compared to her regular human teeth.

One last pic that would make a great desktop wallpaper if I do say so myself.

Overall, I think the succubus form rework is a better fit for Ehrlynn's dual roles of soft and hard. As always, I want players to be pulled in by the visuals and I believe the rework better accomplishes that objective. Whether dominantly sneering at MC or being spanked by her like a naughty little girl, Ehrlynn should meet the requirements equally in both dialogue and visuals.

I know I'm in the middle of production on the first date, but the redesign has been bugging me since the first release. I hope you all are onboard with the changes I made and understand the reasons why.

As for when the Day 1 remaster comes out? I honestly don't know yet. It is only 60 images, but I won't simply be swapping out Ehrlynn's model. I will be redoing the lighting, posing, expressions, and more. I will say that I plan to have the remaster come out before the next time in the story you see Ehrlynn in her succubus form.



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