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It has been brought to my attention that some people may feel uncomfortable with having their username displayed in connection with my created content. I completely understand and need no further explanation.

If anyone wishes to subscribe to a tier and have their name not in the credits, comment on a post privately, or any sort of participation in an anonymous way, then please send me a private message through Patreon. Note that I can see which patrons voted for an option in a poll, but that information is only visible in my Creator Account and is not public. If for any reason you believe Patreon itself is compromised or do not trust it, then contact me over on Discord (Alboe Interactive#2675) or F95zone.

In a measure I am taking to further this end, I will delete and rework the previous post for naming a character to include a poll to allow for anonymous participation. It will retain the freeform format, so the highest voted option won’t automatically win. I’m still interested in what your opinion is and wish to read your comments, even if you could never say it publicly.

I will schedule a similar post to appear close to the next release as a reminder and notice for prospective patrons.

Lastly, I leave you with an excerpt of a personal journal entry of mine to show my thoughts on the matter and how important maintaining anonymity is to me:

There are many things we can never say out loud. Thoughts, feelings, and ideas that are considered so unacceptable that the mere mention will put you at odds with the listeners. Most people react with their emotional brain first and their logical brain second. Even if they had similar thoughts of their own, they would dare never speak it, because to do so is to bring it into reality. A reality they are either not ready to confront or know that it simply can never be.
By this I mean the current world we live in is made up of the conformity of those around us. And the current people shape everything around them to what they consider acceptable. They don’t always consciously choose to do this, but it happens all the same.



Not a problem for me, but some may have a problem, live and let live...


I'm glad you don't have to conceal your interests. Unfortunately, that is not a luxury shared by all. All I can say is I'll try my best to accommodate those who place a high priority on privacy.