BLC it's getting closer... (Patreon)
Hey there, folks! I'm glad to be back working on BLC. I've got some exciting news to share about the future of the game, but before we get to that, let's talk about some changes that I'm making.
As you may have noticed, it's been quite some time since we've released any updates for the game. I know that can be frustrating, especially when you're eagerly waiting for new content to play. That's why I've come up with a plan to keep you all in the loop on our progress.
But first, let's talk about the changes we've made to the game.
- Graphics
While it's not groundbreaking or anything, the graphics have definitely gotten a nice upgrade with some cool new lighting and texture effects thanks to the new engine. Plus, the game is running a lot smoother now, thanks to some fresh coding that's brought it up to date. Overall, it's just a really nice step forward for the game's visuals and performance.
- Animatons
I've added multiple bones to key parts of our character's bodies, which gives them a more natural and flexible movement. Plus, I've upgraded our meshes and textures to be higher quality, making everything look sharper and more detailed.
One of the most significant changes is that we're now personalizing our animations to each character's unique personality. And, this fixed a lighting issue that used to cause clipping through the meshes.
- Overworld
I'm giving the overworld a massive overhaul. Instead of a city, I'm consolidating everything into one main complex, organized into layers by utilities. The main floor will serve as a giant mall, featuring the old shops like the restaurant, gym, clothing store, library, and general store. The next layer will be dedicated to residence services such as a hospital and other amenities. Lastly, the top floor will have the residents' apartments.
To add to the complex's appeal, I'm also including a main yard that serves as a park and includes a church.
(This is not the game yet, but most likely the assets that i'm going to use.)