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Hey everyone! So, I've been working on a little side project lately that I'm excited to share with you all. As you know, updates for BLC might be a bit more spread out since it's getting animated, so I wanted to have something that I could put out more regularly. That's where The TacoVerse Tales comes in!

It's basically a collection of ideas that I have that aren't necessarily suitable for a game or any of my current projects. But I still think they're pretty cool and I don't want them to go to waste. Plus, a lot of people seem to really like the anime characters I've created, so I figured it would be a good opportunity to use them in a new project.

I'm open to hearing new and crazy ideas that you guys might have and would like to see in the game. The four tales that you can preview are just a small sample of the ideas I've come up with, but I actually have a whole list of them. So, if you have any ideas that you think might be a good fit, feel free to share them with me!

Also, let me know if you guys are more interested in seeing a particular tale be worked on next. I have a bunch of ideas that I'm excited to explore, but I want to make sure that I'm creating content that you guys will enjoy. So, if there's a particular tale that catches your eye, let me know and I'll try to prioritize it in my next update.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know what I've been up to and give you a heads up that there will be some regular content coming your way. Thanks for all your support and I hope you enjoy The TacoVerse Tales.



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