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Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. As some of you may know, I recently shared a post about the characters from SC, which received a lot of positive feedback. I'm glad to hear that many of you enjoyed seeing those designs.

In that spirit, I thought it would be fun to share the main cast from BLC. I'm happy to say that all of the character designs are now complete, and I'm excited to share them with you all.


Lia is a 32-year-old painter. She is a talented artist who is deeply passionate about her craft. Lia is a very kind, caring, and mature woman who always tries to do the right thing. She is a loyal friend and family member, and she has a big heart.

Despite her talent and passion, Lia has struggled with paying rent. This has been a source of stress and difficulty for her, as she has had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Additionally, Lia has had some difficulties with her mother in the past, which has added to her stress and emotional burden.

Lia's mother had wanted her to work in her business, but Lia had other plans. She wanted to follow her passion for painting and pursue a career in the arts. Despite her mother's objections, Lia remained committed to her dream, even if it meant moving out and supporting herself.

Lia's sister, Ginny, is very different from Lia, but they both care deeply for each other. While Ginny may not understand Lia's passion for painting, she supports her sister in her pursuit of happiness and encourages her to follow her dreams.


Ginny is a 24-year-old college dropout who is known for her mean and rash behavior. Unlike her sister Lia, Ginny tends to lash out easily, especially when things don't go her way. She has been under immense pressure to succeed from a young age, and this has had a significant impact on her personality.

Ginny's mother was constantly pushing her to be successful, and this pressure eventually became too much for her to handle. She decided to move in with Lia to escape her mother's grasp and find some peace. Despite her tough exterior, Ginny is a romantic at heart, and she enjoys reading romance novels and girl-with-harem mangas.

While Ginny tends to look down on men, she is not immune to the allure of a good romantic story. In fact, she makes some money on the side by writing novels on the internet, often with romantic themes. Recently, she has been trying to become a serious writer and is working hard to hone her craft.


Erna is a 51-year-old divorcee and the mother of Ginny and Lia. She is known for her strict and stoic demeanor, which has helped her become a top player in her business. Erna is always on the move, traveling from place to place to conduct her business dealings.

Erna has always tried to push her two daughters to follow in her footsteps and take an interest in her business, but neither of them seemed interested. After Lia moved out, Erna became even more harsh on Ginny, hoping that she would be the one to take over the family business. However, as time has passed, Erna has mostly given up on that dream and is now looking for someone else to manage her business when she retires.

Despite her tough exterior, Erna is trying to rebuild her relationship with her daughters. She realizes that she was too hard on them in the past and wants to make amends. Erna is also trying to find a way to connect with her daughters on a personal level and show them that she cares.


Mimi is a 44-year-old widow and mother of 4. She is the epitome of the perfect wife, always cooking, cleaning, and taking care of everything in her family's home. Mimi is a dedicated mother who always finds a way to fulfill every request that her family asks of her, even if they are a bit outlandish.

Mimi is the kind of person who always has a calm and collected attitude. She never seems to get angry or stressed, and she always manages to put even the most veteran of people at ease. Her gentle and kind demeanor has made her a beloved member of her community, and everyone who knows her admires her for her grace and composure.

Despite the challenges that come with being a widow and a mother of four, Mimi never complains or lets her troubles get her down. She is always willing to go the extra mile for her family and friends, and she never asks for anything in return. Mimi's selflessness and devotion to her family have made her an inspiration to many, and her children and loved ones are incredibly lucky to have her in their lives.


Chloe is a 21-year-old girl who may come across as uninterested and sarcastic to some people. Despite her aloof appearance, Chloe is actually quite kind and caring, especially to those who get to know her well. She is a lover of horror stories and creepy places, and she and her two friends enjoy exploring them.

Chloe and her friends have gotten in trouble a few times for their explorations, but luckily, Mimi doesn't seem to be too bothered as long as they stay safe. Chloe is always willing to take risks and try new things, which sometimes gets her into trouble. However, her sense of adventure and bravery are some of her best qualities.

One of Chloe's hobbies is writing horror stories. She has a vivid imagination and a talent for crafting spine-tingling tales that leave her readers on the edge of their seats. She has asked Ginny to collaborate with her on a horror story, but unfortunately, Ginny is too afraid of the horror genre to join in.

Despite her love of horror and creepy places, Chloe is also very down-to-earth and practical. She understands the importance of taking care of herself and those around her, and she always tries to make smart decisions.


Suy is an 18-year-old girl who has an adorable appearance that people find lovely. She was quite popular in school and was someone that people relied on. While she seems to be a good person on the surface, Suy is more conniving than people realize. She always says the right thing to get what she wants and is able to read people like an open book. People tend to be on their guard less around her, which allows her to manipulate situations to her advantage.

If someone has come across Suy, she has most likely used them in some way. Suy has a talent for making people feel comfortable around her while simultaneously getting what she wants from them. She is a master at persuasion and has a knack for getting people to do things they might not otherwise do.

Despite her cunning nature, Suy is still a young woman who is figuring things out in life. She is still discovering who she is and what she wants out of life. While her manipulative tendencies can be concerning, there is still hope that Suy will learn to use her talents for good.


Lulu is a 26-year-old woman who, despite her age, is extremely naive and trusting. She tends to believe everything she reads online and everything she hears from others. Unfortunately, this has led her to make some poor decisions and to have terrible grades in college. In fact, she was eventually kicked out due to her poor academic performance.

Despite her academic struggles, Lulu has been fortunate enough to find a boyfriend who takes care of her. However, he doesn't seem to be around much, leaving Lulu to her own devices for much of the time.

Lulu's naivety has, in some ways, protected her from certain situations. However, it has also made her vulnerable to others who might take advantage of her trusting nature. She often struggles to see the negative side of people and situations, and she has been known to fall for scams and other fraudulent activities.


Mirna is a 69-year-old grandma who is known for her loving and affectionate nature. She has a keen sense of intuition when it comes to people, and she can tell when someone is lying or not telling the truth. Mirna is not afraid to speak her mind and tell people the truth, even if it's not what they want to hear.

Despite her straightforward nature, Mirna is incredibly kind and caring. She is always pushing people to be their best selves and to do what she knows is best for them. This can sometimes come across as pushy or overbearing, but it always comes from a place of love and concern.

Mirna is very physical in her affections and is always hugging and kissing those around her. She loves to spend time with her family and friends, and she is always willing to lend an ear or offer advice when needed.

I'm always open to feedback and suggestions, so if there's anything you think could be improved or added to these designs, please feel free to let me know.

In any case, I hope you'll enjoy seeing the characters from BLC, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them.



Dragar Blaze

I’d maybe see about giving Mimi a bigger ass seeing how she has four kids and maybe make that a insecurity of hers but MC can come around and be like no way you’re perfect and have that be a part of her story


Two suggestions, to have at least one character that is into cosplay who enjoys trying on various outfits for sexual encounters, cow outfit for milk play , dog outfit for doggy. And second to have one character be a short stack, really short with massive tits.