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Hey gang, how's it going?

This week's class is really great for relieving back pain-- especially lower back. And the sequence is a little bit different! Instead of continuing forward with the same style of Warrior Vinyasa, we are taking a stand... a Power Stand... and entering the Warrior Vinyasa sequence from wide legged position.

This will help create more depth and alignment in your positions. And it gives us a better opportunity to identify challenges, make adjustments, and refine our position.

I am also changing things up in this video by using a wall to target deeper action in the core psoas and hip rotators! It's going to be a lot of fun. Grab a couple of blocks (or substitute cushions/pillows) and clear the wall. We're getting into it  this week with Power Yoga.

The collection is up at Yogacurrent:

Power Yoga Series --> https://www.yogacurrent.com/power-yoga-series/

And two more weeks to go! 

(There is an extra 5th week in August, so we will get to have even more fun with this series!)

Power Yoga Week Three

Begin with a couple rounds of simple sun salutations.

Link Utkatasana + Uttanasna x3 to warm up the hips, back, and hamstrings, and then:

  • Step back into lunge, exhaling
  • Step back into plank, inhaling
  • Descend into Chaturanga, exhaling
  • Rise into Upward Dog, inhaling
  • Pull back into Downward Dog, exhaling
  • Step forward into Lunge, inhaling
  • Step forward into Fold, exhaling
  • Lift arms to stand, inhaling

Take a Power Stand in wide legged stance.

  • Position for Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana)
  • Enter Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
  • Enter Side Angle (Parsvakonasana) stage 1
  • Enter Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
  • Enter Side Angle (Parsvakonasana) stage 2
  • Enter Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
  • Enter Side Angle (Parsvakonasana) stage 3
  • Return to Warrior Two (Virabhadrasana)

Repeat on the second side.

After you've completed both sides, check in with your body. Was one side more challenging than the other?

If so, follow along with my steps to open hips with strong alignment and then repeat the sequence once again.

Now, we go to the wall with a block!

Practice this core exercise, pinning the block to the wall with your foot. 

If this is not possible for you, then I suggest using a strap to practice the Reclined Foot in Strap pose that we do so often.

It makes a huge difference to relax in between sets, in Reclined Cobbler (Supta Baddha Konasana). I use two blocks under my knees, and after ~ 3 min I return to the core exercise pinning the block to the wall using steady pressure from my foot. This targets the hip flexors and develops depth and control.

Have fun with it. Be sure you don't let the block fall on your face! :)

Using the power of your psoas and hip flexors that you just connected to in the core exercise, practice these Handstand Kick Ups. With control-- strength and flexibility -- feel the resistance of connection between your legs. The lifting leg, is going to act as a "magnet of attraction" for the floor foot to reach towards.

After your handstands, stay at the wall for Warrior Three.

Of course if you're standing balance poses are much better than mine, you'll want to practice in middle of the room!

Either way, work on lowering your lifted hip to be in balance with your standing hip. In order to do this and stay standing, you really have to have strength and flexibility aligning your hips, core, shoulders, and arms. I demonstrate a few ways to play with this at the wall, taking one hand off of the wall at a time. Similar to the superhero stretch on the ground (aka Locust pose).

Finally, we will do some awesome leg stretching in Viparita Karani, Legs up the Wall. I recommend using a block or cushion to elevate your hips.

Scooch your butt all the way up to the wall (as best as you can) and then lift your hips to slide your block under. Follow along with the leg stretches and be mindful that you are not over stretching. You want to keep a connection from hips to feet, and feel a slight resistance in your legs.

Rest in Shavasana with blocks under your thighs to allow gravity to continue relaxing your muscles and supporting your joints.

And have a sit to center your thoughts, focus on your intentions, and bask in the bliss that often follows a good yoga session.

I hope you enjoy the video this week!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and I'll see you in another session soon.


Power Yoga Week Three


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