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I run a hand through my snow hair as I march my way up to the double doors of some form of abandoned movie theatre.

I have changed quite a bit. I look a little taller, there's no shown eyepatch, and of course, my new robotic prosthetic appears to be nothing more than flesh.

I wear a primarily black outfit, a black overcoat with a black turtleneck underneath, dark leather boots, and coal black fingerless gloves.

Propped on my shoulders is a sheathed katana with a white grip.

Nonmagical, of course, but even with merely this I'll be able to cut steel in half.

I let out a quiet yawn as I strut up to the door and kick it open.

The slightly dry rotted wood snaps in half, as I strut inside.

My gaze snaps to the side as my sheathed blade swipes through the air.

A light bullet makes contact with the sheath as I frown lightly, letting out a low edgy grunt of acknowledgment. "It appears I'm in the right place."

"Who the hell are you supposed to be, you fucking white haired dipshit?! You are totally stealing my hair and that's pissing me off!" I hear a man curse like a sailor as I watch a figure step out of the shadows. He has stark white hair and blood red eyes, dirty looking priestly robes, the ends of his sleeves are stained a brownish color.

Dried blood.

"I'm your boss." I state with a bored frown, head held high in a manner that oozes confidence.

"I've never seen your bitch ass before; I doubt a scrawny looking little shit like you could amount to much." The red eyed man scoffs. "So, I'm gonna carve you up and hang your corpse."

"That so?" I question as I watch his body tense.

I nod once in acknowledgement as I shift in place slightly. "Very well... show me your power."

I shift my grip on the sheathed blade so I am grabbing the sheath in one hand just under the hand guard as I allow my arms to fall by my side.

He lunges forwards with a roar.

He clears the distance in between us in a surprisingly short moment.

He's fast...

For a human at least.

He wields what looks like a lightsaber in one hand, and a blocky looking gun in the other.

I lift my left hand, my thumb barely nudging the katana out of its sheath, catching the sword of light against the small portion of blade that is revealed.

The clashing blades make a quiet clattering noise as Freed strains against my strength. "Is this all of the power you have?"

I shove forwards abruptly, causing the psycho to stagger backwards, sword wielding arm knocked back behind him as he points his pistol at my face.

I tilt my head slightly, avoiding the light bullet with a bored expression.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" The man snarls once more as I take a few swift graceful steps forwards.

I sweep a leg out from under him as I dart past, pausing just beyond him as he smashes face first into the dirty carpeted floor.

"Color me unimpressed." I scoff in a gruff voice as I hold up a single finger.

The white haired exorcist barely rolls out of the way as a spear of light crashes into the floor, creating a sizable crater as he flips up to his feet. "What the hell?! A fuckin' angel?! What's your deal, bitch!"

A ring of 'Spear of Purity'. A second level cleric spell which allows me to feign that I am controlling light... it was quite expensive, yet I used the stored gold I got from one of my previous quests to buy it.

"I am your boss..." I repeat as I slowly grab the handle of the katana.

In the distance I can hear the noise of beating wings rapidly approaching. I need to end this now if I want to kill Freed Sellzen.


I blur forwards at incredible speed, cutting off the failed experiment enraged tirade as the blade explodes from my sheathe.

I slash once as he raises his light sword to block.

The nonmagical sword cleaves through the light blade and slices through the man from ribs to shoulder.

A spurt of blood sprays over me, but I clean myself with prestidigitation and walk past the collapsing two halves of his body.

I wordlessly use a Youjutsu art to cast the 'fly' spell on myself and take a seat in the air.

A plastic lawn chair appears beneath me as I sit there, arms resting on the illusionary supports of the chair.

The end of my sheathed katana rests on the floor, holding the handle loosely in between my fingertips to give the illusion that it is being mostly supported by the plastic lawn chair.

The corpse of freed on the floor disappears as he reappears standing up.

The door is flung open.

As a black haired woman with black angel wings blurs into the room.

She is flanked by two other fallen angels, a man in a trench coat and fedora and a woman who wears a pinkish purple suit top with the first few buttons undone, and a miniskirt, seemingly wearing nothing underneath.

A large gash suddenly appears within Freed, bisecting him from shoulder to ribs, he falls forwards and lands in the exact same position he was laying in moments before with a large spray of blood.

I turn my head slightly, gazing over my shoulder pointedly. "Oh good... people who are actually worth my attention... not some loud, weak, human guard dog."

Raynare glares as a light spear appears in her hand. "Who are you?!"

"I was sent here to check your progress." I respond bluntly as I stand up.

The plastic chair is blown away from me as it is fragmented, six large black feathered wings appearing on my back.

Raynare and her cronies' eyes widen as they all stiffen.

"A-A six winged fallen?!" She hisses, eyes growing wide in slight caution now noticing my magical aura projecting something quite similar to her own and her compatriots'.

I allow my back to face the three of them for a short moment before I 'retract' my 'wings' and turn around.

"Y-You said you were here to check our progress, r-right? Can you elaborate on this... s-sir?" Raynare meekly begins.

"Vergil. You may call me Vergil." I state as I slowly approach. "I have heard that you had failed your mission in killing one of the sacred gear wielders within this town... an unawakened wielder at that."

Raynare freezes as Dohnaseek and Kalawarner's eyes dart towards her back.

"Do you have any reason for this?" I press. "Or should conclude that you aren't fit to run this operation?"

"W-Well... t-the devils interfered. The Gremory heiress' rook." Raynare weakly begins.

"I see." I frown as I stare into her eyes, now a mere ten feet away. "You lost to only a rook? I might have understood had it been multiple of the devil peerage, but against one?"

I sigh and shake my head. "How disappointing."

She takes a single fearful step back.

"Is that all you have done since you got here? One singular failed elimination?" I question with a frown.

"W-Well, we have also been observing l-like we were told to do." Kalawarner begins.

"We are also preparing to secure a sacred gear for lady Azazel." Raynare speaks up

"Oh? How do you plan on doing that?" I ask.

"We... have the sacred gear extractor." She replies in a low voice, seemingly regretting having spoken up at all.

"Oh? It's quite unusual for lady Azazel to hand that out. I thought she detested it."

They fall silent as they try desperately to not look as if they are lying.

"Wait... I am confused..." I mutter suddenly, 'saving' them from having to answer just where they got the device from. "You have the sacred gear extractor... yet you attempted to murder a sacred gear wielder in a town with three high class devils? Do you have any idea how inconceivably easy it would be for any one of the devils to find and reincarnate your target?"

"…" Raynare's mouth stiffens into a line as she suddenly stares at the floor, seemingly having some form of groundbreaking revelation.

"…" Kalawarner stares at the side of her head as if she is the dumbest motherfucker that has ever existed.

"…" Dohnaseek seemingly doesn't care about anything that is being said, his eyes straying over to Freed's corpse in caution.

"W-Well... we had orders that the sacred gear in question was extremely dangerous." Raynare tries to excuse.

"Yes. Which gives even more reason for you to extract it so we know where it is instead of tossing it back into his supernatural lottery." I point out as I pinch the bridge of my nose, taking a deep breath to 'calm' myself.

"W-Well... we are about to extract the sacred gear of another two girls. The first is here and we are nearly finished preparing, another one of us is bringing another sacred gear wielder as well."

"Show me." I quietly order. "And get someone to clean up that scrawny weakling before he stains the carpet any further."

The three turn, walking deeper into the theatre.

"M-May I ask why you killed that bastard, Vergil S-Sir?" Raynare weakly asks as she leads me deeper into the building.

"That rabid animal wouldn't listen to anything I had to say, thus, I put him down like one. You should keep your pets on better leashes."

"Y-Yes sir." Raynare nods as she falls silent.

"Do you still your orders?" I question, tilting my head back slightly to look down at the three.

"We do." Raynare nods slowly.

"It would perhaps be in your best interest to gather those. I will take care of those. The devils in this town will look over you all far more harshly soon."

"Kalawarner. Go to my room and gather our reports. He is right. The higherup will cut us loose as soon as the devils here question them about us. They will label us as strays, and we will be on our own."

The blue haired woman nods and rushes off as we come to a large room, a large, flat, slightly dirty screen sits at one side of the room, many humans mill about the room sitting up some sort of device that looks like a mix between a machine and a cross. in the corner I can see an out of place cage where I can see a blonde girl huddled, knees brought up to her chest as she quietly sobs.

'okay... who's that?'

I look around the room.

'four... eight... nine... seventeen... thirty and Freed makes thirty one.'

'hn... yes, this is all the humans.'

"I see." I blandly observe as I look over the sacred gear extractor.

Layers upon layers of enchantments lurk just beneath the surface of the metal, it's complex and headache inducing, I can't even begin to determine how exactly it functions.

A plan formulates within my head as I look around the room.

Let's see here. Thirty exorcists... then Kalawarner, Dohnaseek and Raynare...

I can handle that with a couple of spells.

Kalawarner rushes into the room with a suitcase. "Raynare. I have gathered the files."

"Good." The black haired woman nods. "After I remove this girl's sacred gear and then nun's I will make one further attempt at kill- kidnapping that other sacred gear wielder to do the same. After that we will return to the Grigori."

She turns to me. "Do... we have your help if the devils try to attack us?"

"Even with my strength there will not be much I could do if one of the four generals from the devil civil war were to get agitated. That is why I need more power."

I clench my fist as I glare at the cross.

I whirl around abruptly as a white outline surrounds my body, I slam the pommel of my katana into the side of Dohnaseek's head, knocking him aside as he gains a dazed look that fades as he falls limp, The other two can barely react as I twist and slam a heel into the side of Kalawarner's head.

Raynare collapses to the floor, sound asleep, completely untouched and unharmed.

I look across the room as a wide scale illusion fades, revealing most of the human exorcists slumped and unconscious.

Thank you, deep slumber spell, you are of great use yet again.

When it's not saving me from the teasing of an extremely powerful 'ara ara' youkai... it's knocking out entire swathes of random exorcists without a majority of people being any the wiser.

With a flash a pair of manacles appears in my hands as I quickly use them to lock Raynare's arms behind her back.

I quickly move around the room, doing the exact same to the numerous exorcists and the other two fallen angels.

Overall, I'm down about sixty-six electrum... sixty of it being for three pairs of enhanced manacles for the superhuman strength of the fallen.

I quietly walk over to the large cross and look over it briefly.

My hand falls to the handle of my katana as I smirk, a white aura surrounding my body and surrounding the sheathed blade.

With a single slash I cut the device in half, causing a spray of magical sparks to shoot upwards.

I sheath my blade and turn to the cage in the corner of the room, the girl who was sobbing quietly seems to have noticed the commotion, terror washes over her expression as I approach the bars. "H-Hey! S-Stay back... I'm warning you!"

With a single swing of my blade, the lock is cut open and the door weakly swings open.

She flinches back, hiding her face.

"What is your name?" I question lowly.

"S-Sari? S-Sari Genshirou." She whispers

Ah. It's Vritra girl.

"I see." I scoff as I turn and walk away from the door. "You have what is known as a sacred gear... a power which you have held since the day you were born... from what I can tell it is a fairly impressive one so you will be dragged deeper and deeper into this life as you grow older."

"W-What are you people?! Why did those three have wings?!"

"If you want to know more, I suggest you take a look at Kuoh Academy... that place is a supernatural hub in Kuoh town." I announce as I turn and begin slowly walking away.

The girl quickly rushes off as I quickly gaze around the room. "Hn."

A moment passes.


Oh, she found Freed's corpse.


Pov: Later

A small blonde gazes up towards a busty woman with golden tipped jet black hair, behind the blonde kneels three figures, each shackled with their arms locked behind their backs, the first a man in a trench coat and fedora, the next, a blue haired woman with a bruise on the side of her head, and the final one, a black haired woman wearing what is basically a black bikini. She looks the worst out of all three of the prisoners, her eyes blackened, and her body covered in bruises.

Beyond that is a large pile of unconscious humans in priestly robes, each also being imprisoned within manacles.

The small blonde girl, the only one on her side that isn't shackled, bows her head slightly "Lady Azazel, I have secured the ones you wanted."

"I can see that." The woman hums, eyes straying across the numerous shackled people.

"L-Lady Azazel! W-We were just following your orders!" Kalawarner whispers in quiet shock.

"No... you weren't. If you took even ten minutes to think about why I, a sacred gear lover, would request for you to eliminate unawakened sacred gear wielders for being 'too dangerous' you might come to the conclusion that I wouldn't want you to do that! We have several wielders of the Longinus sacred gears working for us what could possibly be more dangerous that that?!" The woman snarls as she rubs her temple. "You three messed up big time. Causing trouble in the domain of the Sitri?! Do you know how deadly she was in the devil civil war?! She almost singlehandedly killed Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan. Someone who had, at the end of the great war, eviscerated literal armies of fallen angels... by herself!"

"B-But... a-at least we were actually doing something instead of goofing off with a mere human!" The black-haired woman abruptly exclaims.

Azazel huffs in amusement. "Mittelt here finishes her reports on time and completes each and every single task I set for her. Something I cannot say the same for any of the rest of you... As long as it doesn't get in the way of her completing jobs, I don't care who or what she does."

"You are hilariously petty." The busty woman continues with a smug smirk. "Now I sort of see why she beat the shit out of you while you were defenseless."

Mittelt stiffens slightly, glancing around nervously.

"But, yes, you three will be going back to the Grigori where you will be thoroughly reprimanded." Azazel states before looking to Mittelt. "You, on the other hand shall be remaining here... and getting time off until we are able to send suitable replacements that match your standard."

With a flash a suitcase appears within the blonde's hands. "This is a selection of reports and orders that we have received from the Grigori. A few strange contradictory orders were also included."

"I will take a look at it when I get back to the Grigori." The black haired woman waves off.

She forcibly teleports the exorcists and the fallen away.

A beat of silence passes between the two women.

"Sooooo~" The taller woman begins. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"No." The small blonde deadpans.

"Whaaat? Mittelt! Come on! He's one of the only things left on my list! The rest are basically extinct!" The governor general of the fallen angels pouts.

"He's mine." The blonde announces.

"That doesn't mean we can't share, Mittelt!" The older woman continues.

"This isn't something someone of your status should be personally taking care of. Don't tell me you decided to shirk your duties to sleep around... again... for perhaps the hundredth time... you dirty hoe."

"I'll make you an 'official contact point with another race', meaning you won't have to work and will just be able to do basically whatever you want to ensure that the 'Youkai Faction' still likes us." The twelve-winged fallen bribes.


"Have I ever said how much I love you, mother? I SUPPOSE I could introduce you, but if he doesn't want to fuck, you won't be doing anything."

A pleased grin crosses the older womans face. "Oh, believe me, I can be quite persuasive."


I sit on the couch, my arm loosely around the shoulders of Neo as the exiled nun sits to my right.

"A-Adultery is a sin!" The nun gasps.

"Nah, Mittelt's fine with it. Most supernatural creatures have a harem due to their low fertility rates, primarily the strong or rare ones... I'd like to say that while I'm not exactly the first one, I'm certainly the second as I'm probably the only male of my entire race."

"B-But-" the girl begins only to pause and let out a quiet sigh probably sensing even with her meagre almost non-existent social skills that she is being annoying. "O-Okay... I'll... stop bothering you about it."

"It's fine." I shrug. "So why were you excommunicated again?"

"I-I healed a devil..." The girl whispers.


"So?" I question.

"What do you mean so?!" The girl gasps. "I-I healed a devil! My powers were given to me by God... s-so why was I able to do that?!"

"You do realize that you keep your sacred gear if you get reincarnated into a devil, right?" I question idly.

Neo nods twice.


"And, considering your sacred gear is to heal... not specifying who you are able to heal, reasonably, yes, you could heal literally anyone at any time. Vampires, gods, devils, youkai, Lucifer himself." I continue.

"B-But... why was I excommunicated, then?!" The girl whispers

"I don't know." I quietly shrug. "If I had to guess, that devil wanted your healing power in his peerage and bribed someone high up to kick you out for no conceivable reason."

"B-But they wouldn't do that! The people of the church-"

"-Have their fair share of corrupt people. There's a reason why a pedophile priest is a common stereotype." I cut in.


"Since you have been put in under my protection for a while, I'm just going to say I won't coddle you. I'm going to tell you how it is. The church can simultaneously be the evilest and the better natured out of all the three heavenly factions."

"Oh..." The excommunicated nun whispers while looking down at the ground.

Neo rubs her head against my shoulder with a pleased smile.

I gaze at the quest complete screen as we fall silent, Asia seeming to think deeply on my words.

Fated Fallen:
The fallen angels and stray exorcists within Kuoh have been causing tremendous issue. Trying to assassinate schoolgirls, trying to tear the sacred gears out of others, they might even start killing people contacting devils! That TECHNICALLY includes you! Someone must stop them!

Defeat the fallen angels and exorcists: [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Defeat them by yourself without any assistance: [x]
Defeat them all without taking a single point of damage: [x]
Subdue them nonlethally: [-] (33/34) (97% of rewards dispensed)
Kill them all: [-] (1/34) (3% of rewards dispensed)
Talk it out and peacefully resolve everything: [-]
Save Genshirou Sari: [x]

Rewards: 10780 Electrum, +2 to all stats, 20% off 'level up' coupon, 'Tail with a mind of its own' special quality.

'annnnd that's enough to get to level nine.'

Oooh and I can even save the coupon...

I'll wait on using it until I really need it... probably when the price to level up skyrockets again.

Tail with a mind of its own:
Your tail is quite the mischievous little bastard. In combat, it will automatically strike out at nearby enemies without your input. This grants your tail a free standard action against foes. What it does is completely random, however. It could steal an item, it could trip someone, slap someone, or even bullrush them.
You may willingly disable this special quality at any time.

I'm unsure if this applies to ALL of my tails or merely one.

It should apply to all of them. I hope it does, at least.

You have leveled up.

You have gained an additional tail. +4 to all stats. +2 to Enchantment and Illusion spell Dc.

Four tails, hn?

I'm smart enough to notice patterns.

Every three levels I get another tail... and each tail seems to improve my strength by the number of tails I have.

The next tail I will gain will be at level twelve, then fifteen, eighteen, twenty-one, and finally twenty-four.

Nine tails is still quite a way off...


*Knock Knock Knock*

I get up off the couch and make my way to the door.

I open it, revealing Mittelt on the other side.

"Oh, hey Mittelt. You get everything wrapped up?" I question with a quiet yawn.

"Yeah." The girl nods.

"Oh..." I hear a more mature female voice quietly whisper.

I blink slowly and turn my head to look towards the voice of the person that was hidden perfectly within my blind spot.

She's tall and busty, a loose fitting Kimono wrapped around her shoulders, judging from the way it sits on her body I don't think she's wearing anything underneath... I can see her nipples poking through the cloth.

I look back to Mittelt, the joints in my right hand whirling and clicking as my fingers curl.

I point at the woman with blonde highlights. "Who the fuck is she?"

Mittelt ignores my question, eyes wide as she steps forwards, her hand gently grip the metal of my new robotic hand. "Wh- what the fuck? Where did you get this?"

"Oh, yeah, I got tired of being disabled so I simply made a mechanical prosthetic. No biggie. Now my question. Who is she and why is she here?"

"A mechanical prosthetic?" I hear the mature woman question as her eyes gleam, she seems to be looking over the black hand.

Instead of the overture's normal color scheme of gold, black, and blue, I simply just painted the entire thing black and silver.

The arm itself looks fairly normal, as normal as a robotic arm could look, anyways... the only thing out of place seems to be four flaps that look as if they can open up, folding outwards.

"This... is my mother... Azazel." Mittelt sighs.

I'm silent for a moment as my eyes stray from Azazel to Mittelt. "I... don't really see the resemblance... did she fuck an eternal shota or something?"

"Hn. Not in a few hundred years, no." The woman states with a small head shake. "None that I can remember, at least."

Mittelt pouts slightly as she crosses her arms over her chest as she lets out a quiet 'hmph'. "You're lucky, cripple boy. That totally would have earned you a thump from me. But I'm above picking on the disabled."

I let out a quiet snort and step out of the doorway, gesturing inside. "Come in."

The two slowly step inside as I shut the door and follow behind them.

As I enter the living room I see Neo stiffen, her hands shake slightly as she narrows her eyes at Azazel.

"Oh? Who are you?" I hear Azazel question with a confused expression.

I walk past her and take a seat on the couch beside the multicolored girl. "Oh, don't mind her. She was just helping me watch over the nun to make sure the devil who got her kicked out of the church doesn't show up and pull a 'I'm so sorry that you got excommunicated for healing me. Why was I on holy ground in the first place? Don't worry about it. Join my peerage so I can protect you'."

"Neo, this is Azazel... Mittelt's mother."


Neo slowly turns to look at me her eyes wide an expression that just seems to scream 'really?!'.

"Yes, really." I state with an amused smirk.

I turn back to Azazel. "So, why are you here?"

"A leader should look after their underlings... also it was an excuse to visit my daughter." Comes her reply.

"The daughter you can't show affection to otherwise she'll be hunted for sport?" I question with a blank half-lidded stare. "You're here for me, right?"

"That's right." The woman smiles with a slightly lustful smile. "So, where do you want me? In the bed, or bent over a table?"


Asia tilts her head. "Huh?"

"You suck at seduction." I blandly point out as Neo seems to froth with rage.

"T-That was seduction?!" Asia whispers a crimson blush on her face.

Mittelt lets out a quiet sigh and just sits in my lap as I wrap an arm around Neo's shoulders to calm her.

She tilts her head back slightly, shooting her mother a smug look.

"That... normally works." The woman frowns. "Huh..."

So, is she going to be bumming it at my house too now?

Do I have a second Yukari on my hands?

What's next, will Gabriel herself start living here or something?

At least then I'd have the triad of a powerful devil, a powerful fallen, and a powerful angel.

I wonder if Chronoa would be interested in my new eye...


Pov: Later

The fallen angels within Kuoh have been causing numerous problems... she should ask Serafall to deal with it.

A red haired girl cups her chin as she frowns down at her desk.

The school day is over, now only club activities remain.

It's not like she hasn't benefitted from their actions... Issane has joined her peerage after being told that she would live basically forever and could make a peerage of hot boys and cute girls that had to do 'whatever she said'.

That girl is extremely simple in her wants and needs... it's almost refreshing.

She is also apparently extremely powerful... taking up seven of the Gremory girl's pawns

Then there was another sacred gear wielder that had appeared... Sari...

Rias hasn't exactly managed to convince her to join her peerage yet, but before long she probably will!

Those two might be just what she needs to defeat Riser in a year's time!

She will need to quickly ramp up her training of Issane and the rest of her peerage... but she should be subtle about it... Riser's the type to spy on her... if it looks like he might lose to her peerage... he'd try to get her father to speed up the marriage.

The little rat bastard.

The red head blinks as she hears the sound of a bag of chips opening somewhere to her right.


She slowly turns to stare at Nagure as he sits down a bag of chips.

Is... she crazy or did he just use his hands to open that bag?

He pulls out a pair of chop sticks from the sleeve around his prosthetic and begins plucking the plain potato chips from the bag.

"Nagure..." The girl slowly mutters.

"Hn?" He hums.

"How... did you just open that bag?" She mutters.

He shoots her a sarcastic stare. "I used magic to mystically conjure a spectral hand from the doom dimension to open my bag of chips instead of using my teeth like an animal."



"I used my teeth. Jesus Christ. You totally believed what I said for a millisecond and that's a serious problem." The teen scoffs, not knowing of the minor headache he just gave the red-haired girl.

"I... See... and... why did you have chopsticks in your sleeve?"

"You might find it hard to believe, but I don't actually feel any discomfort on my plastic fake arm, so I sort of use the entire sleeve as like... a big pocket."  he responds with an eye roll.


She wants him.

She wants him in her peerage so freaking bad.

How is he always so cool and funny?!


If he was in her peerage... that would ruin his relationship with his girlfriend...

That... doesn't sound very worth it. She's not about to place her own happiness over his... that's something Riser would do. It would make her no better than that scumbag.

She shakes her head and looks out the window again, returning her thoughts to her most pressing issue.

She needs to think of a better training regimen than once a week. Otherwise, they'd have no chance against Riser.

She'll start training harder in the weekends and after school.


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