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"And then I said 'that was super cool-ze' and then Reimu kicked me out, but I stole her tea kettle so we're totally evens-ze!"

I sit in the train station, face resting against the table as I am just completely done with my situation.

"So, like, now she's hunting me down, but she's super fun! You'd like her-ze!"

I don't respond as students begin to gather in the station.

"Nagure... who is this?" I hear a voice ask behind me.

"Oh, believe me, Rias. I would also like to know why this random girl started following and annoying me today." I sigh as I slowly stand.

A moment of tension seems to pass between the two parties as I walk away.

"She seems to believe she's a witch, so hey, there's some chunni for you 'Occult Research' at." I scoff over my shoulder.

I let out a quiet yawn as I sit on the other side of the station.

YES! She's fucking gone!

And this trip is over so I can get back to my normal life!


"And then this fucking crazy girl who thought she was a witch started following me around." I continue my story to the blonde girl sat beside me.

"Seriously?" Mittelt asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I know, right?! But she genuinely followed me for the rest of the day, bragging about all the cool stuff she stole, like her shrine maiden friend's tea kettle after she accidentally blew up her wall with like a 'spell'."

I air quite the word 'spell'.

We are both fully aware of the bat-like familiar watching us.

I let out a groan as I clutch my forehead. "That was so headache inducing... she kept ending each of her sentences with 'Ze' as well."

"Huh?" The girl blinks. "That is... strange..."

"I knew I should have faked some sort of debilitating illness today. Be all 'Sorry, the moon's wobbling. I can't go out today'. 'My little sister's hamster died and I have to go to the funeral' Or maybe 'Sorry, I fell down the stairs and broke both my legs' but for that one I'd need to deal with casts... fuck... actually that little lie might get me out of school for the rest of the school year... I can't exactly use crutches." I cup my chin and begin to look as if I am seriously considering it.

"You're going to school." The blonde deadpans.

"Fiiiine." I sigh. "Anyways, do I just attract weirdos or something?! I mean, first Rias and her little occult troupe, then random witch girl. Like, do these people hear what they are saying? Don't they think back on it later and cringe? 'oh woe is me, this darkest soul contained within me is about to break free!'."

The girl pouts at me. "But... I'm attracted to you... am I a weirdo? Am I cringe?"

"Well, I mean, you are pretty weird for liking me of all people." I hum as I wink at the girl. "But I guess I can overlook that weird."

I pause as I feel how utterly meaningless my last action is for me. "That was a wink by the way, I can't really portray that considering... y'know... the crippling injuries.

"Come here, you." The girl scoffs as she reaches over and grabs my shoulders.

She forces me to lay down, my head in her lap.

"You think I'm cringe!" The girl pouts.

"Never kill the part that's cringe. Kill the part that cringes." I command.


"That's hypocritical advice from me, your boyfriend, free of charge." I nod sagely with a bright smile. "But even if you’re a bit weird and cringe... I can put up with it! After all, you put up with my nonsense all the time!"

She lets out a quiet snort as she rolls her eyes.

"Also, you're surprisingly strong for someone your size... I was actually sort of trying to resist that time." I point out.

"It's not nice to talk about a girl that way..." The blonde fallen pouts.

"Who cares if you're tiny? I thought the thing was just not calling a girl fat or flat?"

Her eyes stray from my eyes downwards towards her bust.

"And no, you're not flat. You're petit. There's a fair difference. If you were flat there wouldn't be anything to touch. You have nice handfuls." I continue.


"You're still not very good at talking, hn?" The girl observes with a disappointed stare.

"W-Well... to be fair, you are like one of the only people I ever talk to." I point out as she begins quietly rubbing my forehead with a hand.

"You're gonna need to pay me back for those remarks though." The blonde states.

"How so?" I mutter with a small head tilt.

A lustful smirk crosses her face as her hand slips into my sweatpants. "Oh, I can think of a couple of ways."


"Ahn- fuck s-so- what's going on with you t-today, dude?" Mittelt huffs as I thrust into her.

Her legs quiver as I cast a spell on her. "Holyshit-"

She violently orgasms as I cum inside of her.

"N-No more! Fucking- dude! What the hell?! How are you suddenly so good at this?!"

"I learned some Eromancy spells pretty recently and I have been more or less testing them out this entire time." I casually admit.

"You fucking what?! Where'd you even learn that?!"

"I dunno." I mischievously shrug.

She lets out a long sigh as she flops back, breathing heavily. "Well, I'm fucking tired. Normally we decide to stop at about the same time... but your erotic bullshit really tipped the scales."

There's a small glint in her eyes as a smirk works its way across her face. "Oh, it was sooo good though... I don't think I ever came that hard since our first time."

Her eyes lock onto me as she tilts her head. "So, like, just a casual question, with your eromancy is there any way you can make my boobs a little bigger? Like, I'm not asking for much, just a little bit."

She seems to be thinking about the conversation we had before about her boob size.

Rias' familiar left about half way through our passionate moments. The fact that it stayed at all proves one thing... Rias is a pervert! I'm going to have SO much fun with that once I reveal that I'm supernatural and that I've known about her the entire time.

"Hn?" I hum with an amused expression. "Seriously? This is what you wish for?"

"Why are you saying 'wish' like you are some sort of spooky genie?" The girl defensively growls as she cups her hands over her bust. "Can you do it or not?"

I make a mental note that her chest is a bit of a touchy subject for her. It wasn't just 'Trick Rias' banter.

"Well well well, milly-telt, the first finger on the monkey's paw curls." I hum with a slight- meaningless- wink.

I place my hand in between her breasts and cast a spell.

Her bust grows as she cringes slightly.

"Ugh, is this what bigger tits feel like?" The girl groans as she reaches up and gropes herself aggressively. "This sort of soreness suc-"

She blinks down at the liquid now staining her hands.

"Nagure..." She slowly begins.

She holds her hands out at me. "What the fuck?!"

"You're pregnant now. Congrats."

"…" she gives me a half lidded stare. "So, it's a lactation spell, huh?"

"No reaction to the claim of pregnancy?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Nagure... second generation fallen angels have fertility rates almost exactly on par with humans... over the course of us dating I've gotten pregnant... several times. I just take care of it with magic." The girl deadpans. "So basically... of course you impregnated me after what we just did."

"O-Oh... oh shit." I hollowly whisper

"You didn't know?! PAHAHAHAH oh my god, that's fucking gold! Damn it! Now I wish I had the foresight to take a pregnancy test just to fuck with you!" The blonde cackles as she sits up in bed. "Don't worry, babe, no need to pull out from now on, I'll just keep using magic bullshit... at least until I decide that I want to baby lock you and make it so you can't eeeever leave me~"


She winks at me. "And yes, that's a threat."

She gestures to her chest. "So, like, as cool as it is to have slightly bigger and perkier boobs, it's not worth the nipple pain. Can you like... cancel the spell or something?"

"Nope." I deny instantly with a small headshake. "It has an instantaneous duration... like a fireball... or a stabbing... you can't un-stab someone."

"Greeeaaat so is this my life?! Do I just produce milk now? Do I ruin all of my shirts and bras forever now?"

"Not after we get it out, no."

"Then you. Boy. Come here and suck my titties." The blonde demands.

"Look, that's someone's definitely fetish... but it's not mine." I deadpan.

"Well, you did this, so you're going to undo it." The girl replies in an equally serious tone. "Besides... don't tell me you aren't curious."


I let out a long sigh of self-loathing. mistakes have been made.


"So, like... what other erotic stuff can you do now?" Mittelt questions as she cuddles up beside me.

"Hn..." I lowly hum as I gently squeeze her ass once. "Well, I can flavor my cum now."

The girl blinks slowly in surprise. "We are absolutely going to fucking try that soon, I hope you know."

"Not everything is exactly 'good' as well." I continue. "I can make people cramp up really badly. Then I have what is basically magic viagra."

"Is that why you didn't need a break that entire time?!"

"Yep." I nod. "Then I can detect pregnancies, diseases, and someone's sexual orientation, evoke pleasure, remove nausea, OH and a really good one is what I like to call 'emperor's new clothes' where it causes someone's clothes to become invisible, yet the person in question still sees them."

"If you ever use that on me I will legitimately stab you." The girl threatens.

"Oh, believe me, I might consider it if it's just us alone, but I am extremely possessive and greedy. You. Are. Mine. And I won't allow anyone look at you like that... ever."

"Oooh possessive?" The blonde hums. "That sort of turns me on."

I plant a kiss on her neck and smirk at her. "Do you want to get pounded again, then?"


"Give me another fifteen minutes, then sure." The girl replies. "Anyways, is that all?"

"I can also skew someone's sexuality temporarily."

"Isn't that sort of like... getting a little into mind-rapey territory?" The girl points out.

"Oh, absolutely. Most Eromancy spells DO go into that territory."

"hn." The girl hums before shrugging. "Whatever."

"Oh. I can also do this." I state as I reach down and pat Mittelt's stomach.

Her head snaps back as she clenches her teeth and lets out a loud moan, her legs quivering as she orgasms with no buildup or warning.

She lets out a panting breath as she clutches me tighter, glaring up at me with a pout. "Alright prick, instead of fifteen minutes, give me twenty.

"Twenty whaaaat?" I hum mischievously. "Twenty orgasms in quick succession?"

"Nagure I will literally NEVER forgive you if you do that to me." The girl deadpans.


"But I am sort of curious..." She mutters eventually. "But no. Not now. I want to cum from your dick, not merely from your touch."

"Then after that spell I've got two I've actually used quite frequently, simultaneous orgasm, and intensify sensation."

"Ooooooh so that's why it felt so good." The girl realizes. "Best not do that too many times or I'll get addicted and normal sex will mean nothing to me."

"You're lucky I didn't increase my sexual prowess with a spell as well."

"Wh- huh?" She questions.

"Oh yeah, I can increase someone's sexual ability with a mere touch. Plus it makes them more enduring in bed."

She falls silent for a moment.

"Anything else?"

"Well, I've got a spell that makes you cum every minute, but that's basically the last interesting one."

"Hn. Alright."


I let out a low hum as I take a sip of my soda, quietly watching Tv.


"Agh- what the f-" I curse as I flinch, hand coming up to my eyepatch as a dull throbbing pain spikes through my head.

'son of a fucking-'

I purchase a scroll for two electrum, it appearing in my hand with a flash.

"Delay Pain." I announce as I let out a long-tired sigh, the throbbing of my eye stopping immediately.

I pause as a screen opens before me.

Congratulations on reaching canon!


A Quest has been completed!

A Quest has been completed!


Not many Dice users get an arm lopped off or an eye gouged out in their first day of their new life... lucky you! At least your still alive! Now, with this system, we are aware of just how easy it would be to fix an injury such as this, but what if you DIDN'T! For each and every day you allow this injury to prevail, we will grant you some electrum! Hell, if you last long enough, we'll even give you methods to overcome your new impairments that is less boring than the whole 'regenerate arm' thing. Maybe a sharingan? Maybe some form of dragon hand that boosts your strength? Who knows!

Last 1 Day with the loss of your arm and eye [x]

Bonus Objectives:  
Total Number of days without regenerating your crippled limb or eye: 746 (Ongoing Objective)
Refuse regeneration for 7 days: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 1 month: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 6 months: [x]
Refuse regeneration for 1 year: [x]
Refuse regeneration until 'Canon' starts: [x]

Rewards: 10000 Electrum, 3 Free Feat (2 Unused), 4 free stat points (2 Unused) to place wherever you wish, 'One Armed Berserker' Special Quality, New Arm (Devil breaker Expansion Package), New Eye (Chrono-Eye)

'Canon... is starting?!'

Devil Breaker Expansion Package:
Devil Breakers. Technological, magical, and technically demonic marvels created by a genius to replace her friend's severed arm. This special quality adds every devil breaker to your list of craftable 'Magic Items'. In addition, you are granted one of each free of charge. This perk also gives you an extradimensional storage which can contain ONLY devil breakers, you can hold up to 30 in all and may freely swap your arms with merely saying its name. You may also store your original arm (Should you somehow regain it) within this space and may reclaim it at any point in time.

Knowledge makes its way into my head as I blink slowly.


Some of these are pretty powerful.

Devil breakers are from the fifth game of the Devil May Cry series, one of the main characters gets his arm ripped off and his southern speaking friend makes him a new one... devil breakers each have an 'active' ability, and a 'breakage move'. The first is what you can casually do with the arm, and the latter is something you can only achieve by breaking the arm.

They are all pretty powerful. The weakest of them, 'Overture', allows you to use the spell 'Shocking Grasp' at will as a fifth level caster, and the breakage move straps an explosive battery to your target that detonates as if it were a tenth level electric attribute fireball.

Actually... the weakest might be 'Tomboy' as I don't have the required sword and gun to make use of its ability... shit.

'hn... but how will I explain this? Do I start working on a 'prototype' for the arms, making drawings of the mechanics at play?'

I pause suddenly.

'Hold on... what does this quest mean by 'Chrono Eye?''

I stand up abruptly and rush to the bathroom.

I stand in front of the mirror, hand cautiously reaching up to my eyepatch.

I stare into the mirror, as I take off the eyepatch, my scar is still there, trailing from my eyebrow down to roughly my cheek bone.

I slowly open my eye.

*Tic* *Tic* *Tic* *Tic*


I take in my full appearance, two eyes, my depth perception returns to what it once was.

Surprisingly my eyes share a similar color, one is a deep reddish orange, but the other is a lighter golden color.

But within that yellowish gold eye...

There's a small black pupil with three long lines that stretch across the iris.

At the edges of the iris, nearing the sclera, is a ring of roman numerals.

*Tic* *Tic* *Tic* *Tic*

With each moment, the thinnest of the lines within my eye slowly moves forwards.

Holy shit...

That's Mary Sue as hell.

Chrono Eye: {System Variant}
A certain psychopathic yandere spirit may want this back.
With this magical eye you are in control of your own life force.
You can now substitute your life force to cast spells which deal with time such as 'Haste' and 'Slow'. The amount of life force you take is equal to 1 year for every spell level of the spell in question, multiplied by 10 if it is of a level which you would be unable to cast if you were a full spellcaster of equal to your character level. Thus an 18th level character casting 'time stop' using their life force would take a mere 9 years, a 10th level character would need to spend 90 years of their lifespan.
All 'Time' effects you use are treated as being twice as powerful. X2 duration, x2 power, etc~
The final ability this eye grants you is the ability to summon 'Copies' of you. For 25 years of life force, you summon an exact copy of you, they can do anything you can do, barring any Chrono-eye shenanigans. These clones last for 1 round per level.

I audibly swallow nervously.

'w-well... that exists.'

Wait... this is that one psycho chick from date a live's eye?

Also, that fucking ticking noise is getting a little annoying.

I cover my eye back up with my eyepatch and go back to the living room, looking over my other quest. Thankfully the ticking seemingly disappears as I cover the eye.

Hidden among the supernatural:
What a fun game of cat and mouse! Serafall seems to think so! She wants to test her little sister and her friends to see just how observant they are! A tricky kitsune who can completely hide their magical aura should be a nice test! Even if you get found out quickly, it might lead to a REALLY hot threesome with two of her greatest loves. Sona. And Cat boys... er, well, animal eared boys in general.

Appear to be 'Non Supernatural' for 1 day [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Total Number of days without Rias or Sona discovering you: 730 (Ongoing Objective)
Remain undetected for 7 days: [x]
Remain undetected for 1 month: [x]
Remain undetected for 6 months: [x]
Remain undetected for 1 year: [x]
Remain undetected until 'Canon' starts: [x]

Rewards: 15000 Electrum, one (or more) magic item(s) worth up to 130,000 GP, 'Tailed Warrior' Special Quality, 'Faux Normality' Achievement, One random special quality worth more than 50,000 Electrum.

Randomizing Special Quality

Legendary Ronin:
This special quality gives you numerous benefits, firstly the 'Iaijitsu Focus' skill is unlocked, secondly you are treated as an 'Iaijitsu Master' equal to your level, finally, you know all of the Mithril Current Martial Manuvers and may perform each of them provided you are of an acceptable level.


Iaijitsu focus is a skill from third edition dungeons and dragons that played really nicely with the Iaijitsu master, the special thing with Iaijitsu focus is that it’s a skill that basically gives you sneak attack.

You roll the dice and depending on how high you roll, the more damage you deal.

Theoretically, if you can reach a fifty difficulty class with this skill at level one, you would be able to deal damage equal to a seventeenth level rogue.

Iaijutsu focus is a charisma based skill, and with these ranks I'm now putting in it, overall I'll be getting a plus eighteen to my roll.

That means when I use this skill, I'll be dealing at minimum an extra two d6 to a current maximum of six d6.


Holy shit...

Iaijutsu master is broken! What the fuck?!

Intelligence to my armor class as long as I am unarmored, bonus feats, full progression for my base attack bonus, and the fifth level ability is worded in such a way that allows me to add my charisma to each and every. Single. Dice. of damage I add with Iaijutsu focus.

And the thing with 'Iaijutsu focus' and the Mithril Current martial arts school moves... it doesn't force me to use a katana...

I could do all of this with a broadsword, a greatsword, a club, a spear, my bare hands.

All it requires is for my weapon to be 'sheathed' which can mean many things, a sword stabbed in the ground, a spear upon my back, my hands in my pockets.

Plus, next level I get the 'one strike two cuts' ability... and I genuinely have zero idea how THAT'S going to play out.

I look to my hand and slowly clench my fist, within one mere moment my body seems to have changed... power floods through my entire being, experience unlike anything I have previously known suddenly being a part of my muscle memory.

Even without the stances and techniques of the Mithril Current, I feel stronger, faster, sharper.

I need to test this... but I'd rather not do it inside.


I look in between my hand and a fallen tree, letting out shrill breaths as my eye snaps from appendage to the perfect cut at the base of the trunk.

"FFF- FFF-" "WH-"

*Tic* *Tic* *Tic* *Tic*

"Holy SHIT!"

I am indescribably dangerous...

What the hell?

My hand shakes slightly.

What the fresh hell is this?!

Oh my god...


Pov: Elsewhere.

"Rias." A quiet white haired girl announces, leading a scared looking brown haired girl into the club room.

"Yes?" The red head blinks slowly, eyes going from the tiny rook to the brown haired girl.

"You were right. A fallen angel attacked her." Koneko announces in her usual deadpan expression.

The Gremory girl's eyes widen fractionally.

She... hadn't fully expected for it to happen, yet she kept Koneko watching just in case so she could protect the girl.

"What fallen was it?" Rias questions.

"A black haired one... not her." The tiny girl answers.

"I see..." The pure-blooded devil nods simply as her eyes stray to the brown-haired girl.

"Isane Hyoudou... I'm deeply sorry that you had to deal with this today..." The devil heiress states as she bows her head slightly.

"W-What's going on?!" The girl questions. "Why did she have wings?! Why was she able to summon spears?! Why did she want to k-kill me!?!"

"Tell me... Isane... what have you heard of Mythology?" Rias questions.

"W- l-like magic?!" The panicking brown haired girl questions

"Exactly." The red head nods.

"I-I guess I've heard a little bit about it... are you telling me that magic is real?!"

"I am." The red haired girl nods again.

"T-That's ridiculous! Wh- what?!"

"The woman who attacked you is known as a fallen angel." Rias informs as she slowly stands, silently making her way around the desk.

"L-Like from the Bible?!" Isane stutters.

"Precisely" The president of the occult research club nods. "All supernatural stories that you hear typically have some form of iota of truth."

"T-Then what about gods?!" The girl whispers, eyes growing wide.

"Every pantheon you have ever heard of... exists or existed at some point in time." The red haired girl replies as she takes a seat on the desk.

"T-Then what about me?!" the brown-haired human question. "What's so special about me?!"

"You, Isane, do indeed have something quite special... something called a sacred gear."


"A sacred gear," The red head continues, cutting off the second year. "Is a treasure that you have had since you were born. Typically, they don't manifest an aura until around you are ten to fifteen years old, these sacred treasures were created by the deity of the bible, they have many levels... and the strongest of these weapons can even kill gods."

"K-Kill gods?!" Isane shrieks.

"This is why that fallen angel was trying to kill you... they believe that you have a strong sacred gear."

"Wh- wait... surely there's a better method than killing me?! why didn't they just try to recruit me, then?!" The sacred gear wielder questions.

Rias shrugs with a slightly confused expression. "Who knows. They don't seem all that smart."

"How... do you know all of this?" The brown-haired girl asks. "Is this the nature of the Occult Research Club? Is this where all of the people who know about the supernatural stay?"

"That is close." The red haired girl nods. "There are quite a few people in Kuoh that know of the supernatural, the Occult Research Club is merely a small hub of them... in addition it is a cover."

"A-A Cover."

"My name is Rias Gremory, I am heiress to the Gremory clan... and I am a devil." Rias proudly proclaims.


"In addition, everyone in this club... is also a devil." Rias finishes as she holds out a hand. "I would like to extend a greeting to you, Isane Hyoudou... would you care to join me? I can protect you from the supernatural of this world at large at least until you are strong enough to take care of yourself... or you could join my peerage. That's always an option."

The red-haired girl smiles sweetly, only to tilt her head in confusion as she watches her brown-haired underclasswoman feint.

The white haired girl behind her catches the human girl before she collapses, so it's fine.


*Thunk Thunk Thunk*

Oh? I wonder who that can be.

I rise from my bedroom desk, schematics scrawled across numerous sheets of paper.

I turn and make my way to the door and open it revealing Mittelt standing there with a determined expression, she is holding the hand of a blonde nun who is shaking like a leaf.


"Who's that?" I blandly question.

She nudges the nun inside and turns around, looking like she is about to bolt off into the sky with a flap of her wings. "No time to talk. Take care of h-"

I reach out and snag her forearm. "I'm going to stop you right there. What's happening."

She glances back and lets out a sharp gasp. "My coworkers are royally fucking up."

"What are they doing?" I question as I slowly drag her inside.

She wraps her arms around me and lets out a quick shaky breath as she calms herself. "They are trying to restart the great war... t-they... are attacking sacred gear wielders and plan on extracting this girl's sacred gear... killing her..."

I glance over my shoulder to the nun a small frown on my face as I watch her shiver slightly, tears prickle her eyes as she looks to the floor. "I see..."

"Who is she?" I question as I nod towards the nun in question.

"This is Asia Argento... she was recently cast out by the church for healing a devil with her sacred gear." Mittelt answers with a saddened sigh.

"S-Seriously?!" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I'd imagine someone with a healing sacred gear would be heavily guarded... how did a devil even get close to her... it sounds to me that he went there with the intentions of getting her kicked out and forcing her to join his peerage."

"Probably." Mittelt agrees with a slow nod. "There is no reason for a devil to be near where she was originally residing at."

"He... he was so nice though." The girl whispers.

"People can pretend, Asia." I state as my gaze strays to her. "People can lie just as easily as breathing. If I had to take a guess, he was probably going to 'save' you after the fallen angels kill you. Reviving you and making you become a devil against your will."

She looks down at the floor with a small frown as I look back to my girlfriend. "But Mittelt, your friends causing trouble is a bit more of a pressing issue."

"That's why I have to go! I have to arrest them for the good of the Grigori!" The blonde exclaims.

"No... you don't..." I state with a small headshake as I look to the door. "I'll go."

"W- wait what?! Nagure! You're going to get hurt!"

"And you won't?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "You won't hurt yourself going against several fallen angels and god knows how many stray exorcists?"

She cringes slightly. "I-I I don't want to lose you! I don't know what I'll do if I lose you!"

"What do you think I'd do if I lost you, Mittelt?" I question with a narrowed eye.

*Tic* *Tic* *Tic* *Tic*

My eye seems to sense my mild dread, it ticks under my eyepatch as I remain in eye contact with the girl. "Mittelt, I know this is 'Grigori matters' or whatever, but I am stronger than you. I am faster than you, and I can fully take care of myself despite my arm."

"Wh- No! This is something I should take care of by mysel-"

I slowly raise a hand almost lazily then glance to the side and swing my hand down.

I quietly slip my hand into my pocket as I gesture to the left.

The small table beside the door has been utterly cleaved in half, the wall behind that has a gash that nearly goes all the way through it.

"W-What?" The girl whispers as her eyes snap to the table. "A-A clean cut?! H-how-"

I pull out my phone and make a call.

The call goes through, but nobody responds. "Hey, Neo, you know that fallen angel you beat up in a dark alley like... a year ago?"


"Basically, it appears they are causing trouble in Kuoh. I want you to watch Mittelt and this excommunicated nun that’s in my house, make sure they are safe, I'm going to go beat the shit out of them because I'm more or less an unaffiliated party and I can do it if they provoke me... which they now have."


"Kay, thanks, love you, bye." I hum into the phone as I hang up.

There's a flash of light behind me as Neo appears from a teleportation circle.

I offer her a wave as I make my way to the door. "Thanks for being here Neo... I'm going to go beat up the person that kept harassing Mittelt for most of her life."

She covers the distance of the room in an instant and grabs my wrist.

I look back to her. "Yes?"

"This is a devil contract. Spend time with me after this." She writes in the air.

"Alright, I can agree with that." I nod as I walk over to the door and grab the handle.

I pause before opening it. "Say... Mittelt... Where exactly is your little base of operations?"

"That abandoned theater on the other side of town."

"Thanks." I nod as I open the door and leave.


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