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"Heeeeey Grayfia" a woman grins as she sits across from a serious looking white haired woman.

"Azazel." The white haired woman frowns. "What is it?"

"I wanted to give you a heads up that I'm planning on dropping by Serafall's territory sometime soon." The first woman announces with a pleased smile.

She has long dark black hair tied in a ponytail, what's strange about it, though, is the fact that her bangs and the tip of her pony tail is a golden blonde.

She wears a purple kimono that stops just past her hips, the top is slightly open, showing off a bit of her bountiful cleavage.

"No. You won't be." The Satan of foreign affairs shoots down instantly.

"What? Why not? Why are you so cruel to me~" the purple eyed woman pouts.

"Seras' little sister goes to school in that area... I do not want you near her."

"Psshhh. Who cares about the little Gremory heiress. She's not the reason I'm going. There's a much more important thing in Kuoh that I want to take a look at."

"If you refuse to elaborate, I will refuse your entry into Kuoh for the foreseeable future." The white haired woman announces.

"Grayfia you're so meeeaaaan!"

"We aren't friends." The business-like devil continues. "What do you want within Kuoh."

"Oh, nothing much. Just do something you have probably never experienced, after all, having such a large stick up your ass would probably make it difficult." Azazel casually hums as she looks at her nails. "I'm going to go have sex with someone who peaked my interests. What's it to you?"

Grayfia's eyebrow twitches menacingly. "I refuse your access to Kuoh town."

"WHAT?! Come on! I haven't even given you any offers yet!"

"In addition to refusing your access to Kuoh, I shall be getting Serafall herself to increase the security of this town." Grayfia doubles down.

"Now you're just being unreasonable. How can you expect peace to flourish between our races if you are so strict and militaristic?" The black-haired woman idly questions.

"It isn't exactly wise to insult the person you are negotiating with. Please leave." The white haired used to be Lucifuge smiles menacingly.

"Hmph. I wish Serafall won that clash of yours four hundred years ago. She'd be more fun as the Leviathan." The black-haired woman pouts as she slowly stands.

She leaves the room and teleports away with an annoyed huff, leaving the white haired satan to stew in her past memories.

The battle in between her and Serafall four hundred years ago...

A battle so intense and disastrous that it marred a fair section of the underworld with catastrophic snowstorms and permafrost for nearly two hundred years.

Grayfia was losing that fight... not merely just 'losing' she was frankly getting her ass kicked.

How a Sitri managed to overcome the gap between a normal clan devil and one of the six houses of Lucifer, the white haired woman doesn't know.

Lucifer himself made sure that by nature they were superior to the seventy two pillars, yet...

Serafall overcame that...

Seras overcame that.

Avana and Falbium overcame that.

Then there was the leader of their faction...

Even with, her the new satan faction would have likely won, yet with her interference, they won without many casualties. It's unknown how many clans would have died without her assistance, but with her help only around thirty of the seventy two pillars were lost.

Serafall was a prodigy, clearly and decisively... just not quite on the level of the new Lucifer and Beelzebub.

The fight was going positively poorly, Serafall is not only an expert at using her freezing clan trait and demonic power, but she is also a genius when it comes to human magic.

Those skills allowed her to dominate the fight for the Leviathan position...

Then... as if being struck by a flash of insight...

Serafall threw the fight right then and there, looking satisfied after she had lost.

Damn her.

She realized how much work the position of Satan of Foreign affairs would be ten entire days before she did.

That first week was hellish.

The white haired woman looks where one of the Grigori's strongest just left. "Tch. So immature."

She idly wonders how Serafall would have handled this... surely one of the three original 'Three Devil Goddesses of the Battlefield' would have handled this in a similar manner...

Who knows what Serafall is doing now... the last time they had spoken she was expertly handling a matter with the youkai faction. Her doings have made the strain between the devils and the Youkai less than what it was.

Even when she's not the Satan of foreign affairs she somehow manages to do the job anyways.

She's probably still handing that matter with incredible tact...

Tact which should have reasonably placed her within this position had she not outsmarted the white-haired woman.


"Naguuuure!" A black haired woman clings to my back as she continues being over excited. "Why won't you wear a naked apron!"

"Because one, that's unsanitary, two, I'm a little self conscious when I'm the only one naked, three-"

"THEN I'LL GET NAKED TOO!" The woman shouts as she reaches down and pulls her shirt up over her head and tosses it aside.

"Serafall put your shirt back on." I sigh as I walk back to the stove where a frankly humongous ball of dough is rising in a metal bowl.

That's right, I'm making bread from scratch.

The supermarket didn't have a loaf suitable for the behemoth meatball subway I plan on creating, thus I had to improvise... and improvisation is... apparently making bread from scratch.

"MN! But! B-BUT! Milly-chan gets to see you naked all the time!"

"Hn. You're just not here often." I shrug.

"I'm in your harem! That means you have to tend to me emotionally!" The girl pouts.

"Are you being so forwards because nobody else is here today?" I mutter quietly.

"YES!" She nods resolutely.

"What are you going to do if Rias checks with her familiar?" I question over my shoulder as I watch her press her boobs together.

"Oh, Rias went home for the weekend... she's back in the underworld with her familiar... she's apparently preparing to go to some fancy schmancy young devil ball." The girl replies as she steps forwards and hugs me from behind again.

I feel her lips on my ear as she picks me up and physically carries me out of the kitchen.


"Bread takes one to three hours to rise." She whispers into my ear as she drops me on my bed.

*Lemon Start*

I come to a startling realization as her skirt falls around her ankles and she pulls her panties down.

She is going to absolutely shatter my pelvis if she tries to ride me.

A Quest has been Received:

I minimize the quest as she pouts cutely as she crawls up the bed. "Nagureeee you're so mean! You keep fucking Milly-chan... but I saw you first! I laid my claim first! How could you lose your virginity to someone who isn't me!"

"S-Sorry?" I mutter quietly as I slowly crawl backwards along the bed, eventually reaching the headboard as she prowls after me.

She straddles my legs, looking down at me with a lustful grin before continuing in a sing-songy tone. "Come on, Nagure~ you can touch me wheeerever you want~"

She apparently noticed that my eyes were tracking her breasts as she crawled forwards.

With a flick of her wrist, she teleports my clothes off me, showing incredibly potent skill and technique with spatial magic.

To target merely my clothing and leave it folded perfectly nearby? That requires something that in my current state I can't even begin to comprehend.

"Hey, maybe we shouldn't-" My words die in my throat as her gentle touch wraps around my manhood.

She stokes it gently as she leans forwards, her lips pressing against my neck as she seems entirely too smug about her effect on me.

A desire deep within me comes to the surface.

I want this. Ohohoho I want this so bad.

How have I been resisting the temptation for so long?

I audibly gulp as the stroking speeds up, one lingering regret clings to my mind however.

One that may technically cause issue in the future.

I grab her wrist with my hand stopping her from continuing to stimulate me. "We... probably shouldn't be doing this... you are the heiress of the Sitri clan, right?"

She inhales sharply and exhales, tilting her head slightly as she nods slowly. "I... suppose you are right, Nagure... I must keep my purity for whoever I am going to marry in the future..."

She sniffles quietly and shimmies forwards, bringing her body closer to my own as she hugs me, pressing my face in between her breasts. "Y-You care so deeply for your big sis sera-tan, h-huh?"

She pets the back of my head as she looks down with a sad expression.

She shifts slightly She makes a show of dramatically losing balance as she shifts atop my lap.

With a sudden bounce my erection stiffens and lines up with her as she sits down.

My length is plunged deep inside of her as she blinks and lets out a quiet 'eh?' as she flinches

"Whoops~" she 'guiltily' hums as she wraps her arms and legs around me, pulling me deeper and deeper like a snake. "Oh no! Nagure-tan~ what have you done! You tainted my purity... my first time! Now I'll be removed as my heiress status!"

She stares into my eyes and abruptly leans forwards, pressing her lips into my own, her tongue slipping into my mouth as she grinds atop my lap.

She pulls back, leaving a strand of saliva parting from our mouths. "And don't forget! You even took my first kiss a while back when I tripped over the dining room table! Take responsibility!"

"Take... responsibility?" I idly question as my breathing becomes heavy.

"Mhm." She nods resolutely. "You have to marry me now!"

"O...kay?" I whisper as I look up and down her body.

I shove her forwards and pin her to the bed; my ears and tails appear with a flash as a lustful glint appears in her eye.

"So forceful Nagure!" She moans as I begin roughly thrusting inside of her.

Her face is reddened by a scarlet blush as she gives me a deeply satisfied smile, her arms wrapped around my torso as I reach up and grope one of her breasts.

With each thrust she lets out an almost silent breath, her lips brushing against my own yet again as she holds me close.

I continue to pin her down and churn her insides as I begin to pick up the pace.

Serafall rolls over abruptly, leaving me pinned down to the bed and her back on top, my hand comes to rest on her hips as she smiles smugly down at you. "I bet little Milly wasn't able to do this."

"Actually... one of her favorite positions was on top." I weakly reply as I can feel myself reaching my breaking point.

She halts her movements abruptly, coming to merely sit on my lap, my lower head poking against her womb as she crosses her arms and pouts down at me. "Hmph! I can feel you twitching! I know you're close! But until you apologize to me, I won't let you cum!"

"I'm sorry for talking about other girls while you are having sex with me." I fold instantly.

"It's okay, Gure-tan, I forgive you."

The ultimate class woman resumes bouncing, eventually pushing me over the edge.

"I-I'm cumming." I whisper.

"Inside!" She grins as she slams down with an impish grin.

I comply to her command.

*End of Lemon*


I let out a quiet gurgle of pain as I lay in the bed, Serafall mushes my head against her bust as she closes her eyes, a small smile on her face.

What the fuck?

Is this the difference between classes?

The strength, the speed, the durability...

The... endurance?

Everything fucking hurts.

A quest has been Completed:

Survive the Night:
Ah, pleasant lovemaking, a pure, kind showing of affection between two extremely passionate lovers.
There's a small issue that one of them is a Satan class being, and the other is somewhere in the reaches of medium class, however... typically painful- although enjoyable- consequences ensue.


Bonus Objectives:
Last at least 2 Rounds: 8/2 [x]
Last at least thirty minutes against an ultimate class partner: 167/30 [x]  
Make Serafall cum at least once: 2/1: [x]
Leave Serafall completely and totally satisfied: [-]
Make Serafall cum more than you: [-]

Rewards: 1874 Electrum, Endurance Feat, Eromancy Spells Unlocked, Random Prestige class from another world unlocked, +2 to Constitution

Fucking hell.

I have no idea how I managed to survive that long.

And Serafall could have kept going.

Serafall wanted to keep going.

Damn it.

I need more constitution...

The 'endurance' feat may also help, but at the end of the day, there's just not too much a medium class can do to satisfy someone who's a step beyond Ultimate Class.

That seriously killed my pride.

I mean... I got her to cum twice, that's like... a good effort, right?


Fucking hell my pride.

My eyes skim a new list of spells that I have unlocked, looking for some form of solution

'let's see here, arousing hands... it just makes someone aroused when you touch them, useless in this context- but it is a level zero spell which can be cast infinitely by me so I shall keep it in mind for future endeavors. Next, erotic dream... a spell that causes the target when they next go to sleep to have a dream so erotic that they orgasm.


Disrupt conception... makes it harder to impregnate someone, this will also see quite a bit of use, 'Flavor', a spell to transmute the flavor of bodily fluids, also will probably find some use via kissing and oral sex, mage slap, magic hand- which is basically just a mage hand which can molest people- and that's basically the extent of level zero spells.


There's actually a lot I can do with eromancy...

Cramps, detecting disease, pregnancy, and sexuality, a spell that impedes masturbation, one that can cause women to lactate, evoke pleasure, hell, there's even a spell called 'Emperor's New Clothes' which turns a target's clothes invisible to everyone but them.

I spy two spells which would be of massive assistance to me in the future.

Firstly, resist orgasm, which is self-explanatory, then the second, 'Delightful Hardening' which is basically magic Viagra that deals one nonlethal damage to me each time I cum instead of growing flaccid.

Reasonably by those numbers I could cum sixty five times with my current health before being knocked unconscious.

Just you wait, Serafall! Next time's gonna be OH so different.

Eromancy is overpowered as fuck! With merely the level one and level zero spells I have found a solution to all of my problems! I can cast up to third level spell as I am currently.

Constant Orgasm?

Transplanar fertility?

Evoke Lust?

These spells sound a little spooky.

Anyways, on to my other rewards, what does this damn system mean by 'Prestige class from another world' anyways?!


Embodiment of Wrath: (Seven Deadly Sins)

Prerequisite: Strength 25, Dexterity 25, Constitution 25, Base Attack Bonus +10, Weapon focus Feat, Power Attack Feat, Cleave Feat, Great Cleave Feat, Combat Expertise Feat, Improved Parry Feat, Toughness Feat, Opportune Parry and Reposite/Parry Class Feature or ability to cast 'Deulist's Parry' Spell.

Hitdie: d12
BAB Progression: Full
Skill Points per Level: 4+INT modifier
Spell Progression: Level 1, 3, and 5.


A five level prestige class which basically gives the person who takes it Meliodas' full counter ability from Seven Deadly Sins.

From what I can see... this ability is actually really fucking good.

At level one, you gain the ability to deflect attack magic and increase the damage slightly, this amount of damage increasing with each level, then at level five you get both the ability to do a revenge counter and the damage of the original full counter increases to a full on double damage.

Oh, it even appears to let you 'counter' melee attacks at level three.


Too bad I can't fucking use this.

Firstly, my stats are too low, in addition, as a caster I only get one 'base attack bonus' every TWO levels, then there's all the feats to consider, then the class feature and spells... Deulist's Parry isn't on the sorcerer's spell list, merely Bard and Magus, I could probably get around it by buying a special quality, though.

But, as of this moment... and for the forseeable future...

This is worthless.

Oh well.

Wait... does this imply that DXD prestige classes are available for me?

A fairly substantial list appears before me.

High Class Devil, Super Devil, Chosen of Excalibur, Magician Association wizard, Senjutsu initiate, Touki Champion, Kyuubi, Youkai Sage.

There's a lot...

Only a few interests me, such as anything having to do with Youkai, I suppose while I am resting I might as well look at a few-

A rip opens inches from my face, causing me to flinch back.

Yukari's face comes through it. "I thought you said you were going to cook."

Her eyes stray along my body, seemingly just observing what I have become.

Her eyes stray from Serafall to myself.

"Oh, you poor thing." She coos. "You were unprepared for the difference between an ultimate class and someone of your strength, hm?"

I nod mutely.

With one swift motion she frees me from Serafall's grasp and tugs me through the portal, Serafall doesn't even seem to wake up from her slumber.

As I am passed through the portal, I find that I am cleaned of sweat and grime then clothed.

My entire body still aches, though.

She sits me down in a chair facing the stove and pats my head.

"If you cook for me, I will heal you with Senjutsu." She announces.

I really need to pick up more youkai feats... Senjutsu healing would be perfect.

I simply slump in the chair and wave my hand at the large risen ball of dough on the countertop, several mage hands moving around the room to carry and knead the dough.

Yukari smiles and pats my head, taking a seat at the dining room table, a gap opening before her that allows her to view the tv playing in the other room.


Pov: Later

A blonde woman looms over a white haired teen as he lays in bed, shirt off

"Do not turn around." The woman commands as she slowly climbs into the bed right behind the teen.

"Alright?" He mutters quietly. "So, like, why did I have to take of my shir-"

The woman's bare breasts smush into the teen's back causing him to cut off his sentence abruptly with a flinch, his entire body stiffening.

"This is how senjutsu works." The woman frowns. "Think nothing of this."

"O-Oh... Alright." Nagure whispers under his breath. "I-I see."

The woman smiles at his nervousness. 'cute.'

"You are quite lucky, you know." Yukari whispers into the younger Youkai's ear. "Nobody has ever felt this sort of care from me before."

"M-Mhm?" The boy hums.

"Don't let it go to your head." Yukari whispers.

He stares blankly ahead for a moment.

He abruptly holds out a hand, fingers pointed back towards his face and apparently casts a spell. "Deep Slumber."

He falls limp in the woman's grasp.

She blinks in surprise down at the now sleeping kitsune.

He... really just put himself to sleep so he didn't have to deal with this.


She was going to tease him some over this, but... he just went and put himself to sleep at the drop of a hat.

How can someone with such a lustful mind be so cute at times? What about him draws the youkai sage in? His strange aura? His growth rate? The food?

She will admit, being pampered like she has been for the past year or so has been quite enjoyable. She has learned so much about Nagure in this time, his likes, his dislikes, his wants and desires, nervous ticks, and mischievousness.

It's so unlike her to get attached to someone so easily... so quickly... but at this point... she can honestly say that she cares for the young kitsune.

He's already reached the point where she can safely say that he is in the top twenty people she cares about... certainly the only boy amongst them.

She has noticed so many little things...

How he zones out seemingly at random... how he grows stronger seemingly at his own behest... how he learns things in an instant...

Nagure is certainly strange... she idly wonders what sort of power he has.

It isn't unusual for people within this world to develop powers far beyond normal reasoning...

The Satori who can bend perception, a mouse youkai who can find lost items and treasures, a pair of girls who can increase the physical and mental strength of someone merely by dancing and cheering them on, a vampire who manipulate fate, and even a fallen angel which can create nuclear fission.

None of these people have any form of explanation for these sorts of powers... and yet... these powers still develop...

They still appear.

And she may be seeing one that is in the process of sprouting.

She quietly shakes her head, letting out a mental scoff.

What is even getting into her. The last time someone showed any form of affection towards her she shot it down brutally and maliciously.

That was a few centuries ago when one of the leaders of a group of Oni decided that she should marry him in order to produce an offspring capable of fighting back against the five principal clans.

She showed him just how much she disliked that he merely thought of her as breeding stock.

Thinking back, she has really mellowed out over the years.

And now she is topless in bed with someone who's strength is still within the reaches of medium class.

How did he do it?

How did he worm his way into her heart?

Why did she feel so jealous when that Sitri devil stole him away for a couple of hours while she was dealing with matters elsewhere?

The gap youkai frowns, quietly perturbed by the kitsune in her grasp.

Is this what love feels like? If it is, how should they progress? It is doubtful she would find enjoyment out of the little things that he and that fallen of his do together.

She isn't the type to be as bold as that black haired devil, but she's also the type to get jealous.

It's strange... she didn't feel jealous when Nagure had his way with the fallen angel, of course that was... more like two children experimenting with each other, nothing to be worked up about.

Yukari also has aspects that the young fallen doesn't have.

She gazes downwards to where her breasts are pressed against the bare back of the fox youkai.

Mittelt is tiny and petite, having a body type that the 'strongest youkai' doesn't have- without some boundary manipulation at least- but Yukari has other aspects that Nagure would like, a more mature form, large breasts, power. She's like the complete opposite of the fallen angel, thus no conflicts would ever arise.

Yet Serafall?

Large breasts, powerful, a mature form- in contrast with her frankly immature personality...

Yukari lets out a quiet sigh as she reaches up and pets the top of Nagure's head.

She will just have to see how this plays out. Bide her time and make her move eventually.

She should at the very least wait until he is able to withstand Serafall... because if she rendered him into such a mute and unresponsive state, attempting anything with someone who is far stronger probably won't be enjoyable for either of them.


Pov Returned.

I sit quietly on a train as my class mingles around me.

The second-year trip to Kyoto...

I sort of forgot that I would be forced to deal with this.

Regretfully this was mandatory...

If I didn't want to get a failing grade, at least.


I wonder if I should have faked being sick instead.

I boredly look through my phone as I sit by the window of the train.

Trees pass by rapidly as we cover great distances in mere moments.

Serafall sits at the front of the train car, it appears she will be going with us to watch over Sona and Rias, the relations between the Youkai and the Devils is still quite a bit strained from the whole Kuroka incident, so she more than likely doesn't want to have Sona and Rias on their own in a city that is a supernatural hub for Youkai.

Speaking of the Red Head in question.

I look up to see her sitting in the seat across from me.

She glances away from me the second my eye meets her own.

"What?" I quietly question.

"Nothing... it's just... have you ever been to Kyoto before?"

"I have not." I shake my head. "I used to live in Tokyo but came to Kuoh for family reasons."

"Oh. I see." The girl replies.




Akeno continues glaring at me, so I shot her a bored, tired stare. "Look, I get you don't like my girlfriend, but this is a little fucking pathetic, Himejima."

Her hands shake quietly as her eyes shut; her smile grows as she seems to be poorly containing her rage.

"Oh, I know fully well what type of person she is." The girl announces. "And that is-"

"Akeno~ remember what we talked about~" Rias smiles sweetly.

"I don't know your circumstances... so you could truly have a reason to dislike her." I begin quietly. "But I asked Milly if she knew you, and she said she didn't... and I'm choosing to believe her on that."

Akeno sharply inhales, then exhales. "Please don't talk to me."

"Alright." I shrug as I go back to playing on my phone.

I pluck a snack out of my backpack and stuff it in my mouth. 'My god, what a bitch.'

'Waaaaah my dad left me, because he had a job to do in the Grigori and as a result my mom died, let's be a total whiny bitch and write off an entire race as being backstabbing murderous psychopaths and legitimately try to torture any I see to death. Woooow I'm so fucking quirky and lovable. Ugh. You didn't even get your fucking hatred right. Sure, hate your dad for 'killing' your mother, but keep your mothers last name despite it being her clan who fucking murdered her in the first place, but oooooh they wouldn't have done it if she hadn't fallen in love with that filthy fallen oh woe is me. Entitled cunt.'

Rias can apparently feel my sheer visceral annoyance behind my face as she cautiously looks in between Akeno and myself.

None of us say anything for the remaining duration of the ride.


I sit in at the counter of a simple ramen shop with an absolutely just dead inside expression on my face.

I wasn't aware we could go our separate ways after getting off the train...

Just as long as we get back to the train station by a certain time, we are freely allowed to roam the city and do basically whatever we want.

So, that has basically led me to my current situation.

"So, what happened to your arm-ze?" A girl asks as she sits beside me.

A blonde girl has taken the stool next to me, she wears a frilly black and white dress which I note looks vaguely similar to a maid's dress, then atop her head is a black floppy witch's hat.

"Hey! Stop ignorin' me!" The girl pouts.

"What?" I ask as I turn to look at her.

"What happened to your arm-ze?" She repeats.

"Cannibal cult." I answer humorlessly as I go back to eating my food.


"Yeeeees, really." I scoff.

"That's rough-ze."

"Mhm." I hum as I finish the last bit of my ramen and slap a payment on the table. "It sure is."

I turn and abruptly walk towards the door.

"Hey! Where are you goin'?!" The witch girl calls after me.

"Out." I deadpan.


"I'm comin' with!" She grins as she stands up and follows after me.

"Why?" I question idly.

"Because I like the look in your eyes-Ze!" The girl replies with a bored shrug.

"Eye." I correct with a deadpan stare. "But don't you have a manor or something to clean, maid girl?"

"Pahahah! You think I'm a maid-ze?!" The girl cackles.

"Is it unreasonable to think so considering you wear clothes which are very maid-like." I ask with a raised eyebrow.

The girl suddenly looks very self-conscious about her choice in clothing as she looks down at the ground.

I choose this moment to leave, walking out the door and down the street.

"HEY-ZE!" She calls after me, rapidly speed walking to catch up to me.

'Why does she keep saying 'ze'? Is that Marisa's defining character trait?'

"My name's Marisa Kirisame and I'm a magician-ze!"


"No last name-ze? How unfair-ze. I gave you mine-ze." The witch pouts as she slowly follows after me.

I continue walking down the street. "Yes, considering I'm trying to ditch you, I don't think I will be telling you that."

"Heh! I like you-ze! Sayin' what's on your mind without a care if it hurts my feelin's or not!"

"If I wanted to hurt your feelings I would." I casually state with a small shrug. "Listen, I already have to deal with a lot of chuunibyou nonsense in my life with Rias and her supernatural research club. I don't need to be followed around by some sort of self-proclaimed witch girl."

A sly smile crosses her lips. "Why don't I show you some magic, then-ze?"

"Sorry, not interested. That sounds like a pitch for you to steal my organs or something." I shoot down instantly.

"Hn." The girl pouts as she continues trailing after me.

This is going to be the entire day, hm?


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