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Kunou and her guardian have gone back to Kyoto, and that weird Miko chick left at about the same time, deciding that Kokoro is fine here and avoiding the responsibility of technically motherhood.

Shit. Does that make me a dad?


Killing that train of thought.

Anyways, Mamizou's little prank on Kunou was just that... a prank... she was apparently going to turn it off the second we got 'serious' about it... I assume she wanted to see if I would take advantage of Kunou... the psychic damage she caused Kunou was just a troll-ish bonus.

She... sort of reminds me of a certain other powerful youkai.

One who is more than likely laying on my couch right now.

I take a sip of my iced coffee as I look to Mittelt sat across from me.

"So..." I begin quietly.

"So?" She blinks.

"How are you today?" I question.

"Oh, I'm pretty good." She smiles. "My boyfriend is taking me out on a date, we may hit up the movies later, who knows."

"Oh?" I question with a small smile. "Are you planning on doing anything tonight?"

A smirk crosses her face. "Oh, I don't know, are we?"

"At the end of the day, it's up to you, Milly. I'm down for whatever." I shrug

"Oh? Is that so? Well... I'll let my future mood be a surprise for you, then." The girl replies.

I feel a gaze upon us, causing me to glance to the side.

Standing there with a not so obscured glare is a black-haired girl with a Kuoh academy uniform.

Ah. Piss. Akeno found us.

I stare into her eyes with a bored half-lidded glare, then turn back to Mittelt. "So anyways, Milly, have you put any more thought into school?"

"Hn, I've been homeschooled for a while... ever since I was born, actually... so I'm not all too sure about changing to public school. Sounds like a bit of a headache to me."

"Oh, believe me, I'm in the same boat, it really is a headache, it's always 'ooooh how did you lose your eye' and 'what happened to your hand?' And I have to actively think up more and more increasingly ridiculous bullshit to say in order to double down. But... eh, it'd be nice if you joined me... suffering's always more fun with friends and all."

Mittelt is silent for a moment. "So... How did you lose your arm?"

"I misread the fine print of my insurance that said it cost an arm and a leg." I state in an even deadpan tone, as if I were describing the weather.

"You sure?" She questions with an amused smile.

"Eh, you caught me. It was a high stakes rock paper scissors match with the fish yakuza." I hum with an idle shrug and a good-natured smile.

"Ugh, those are the worst." The girl sighs as she quietly shakes her head. "I loathe high stakes rock paper scissors tournaments... with fish?"

"Want to hurry up and get to the movies? We can play the arcade machines for a little bit while we wait." I ask as I gesture over my shoulder with a thumb.

"Sure, sure, that sounds good." She nods as we both slowly stand.


Pov: Elsewhere

A black-haired girl storms into the main room of the old school building, her eyes skim the room, there's a small white haired girl asleep on the couch, a blonde high school freshmen quietly cleaning a sword, a shaking box in the corner and a blonde girl sat beside it, at the desk on the far side of the room sits a girl with long vibrant red hair, she nibbles on the end of a Nintendo ds stylus as she glares at the red game system sat on her desk, arcane runes are emblazoned upon the back, the crest of the Gremory family of devils.

"Tch. Cynthia." The Gremory girl lowly growls under her breath. "A truly worthy opponent. That damned Garchomp..."

"Rias." Akeno begins.

"Hm?" The blue eyed devil heiress blinks. "Yes, Akeno? What is it?"

"You know Nagure, right?" The black haired girl states.

"Yes, from our class?" Rias responds with a slow nod, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face with a slightly annoyed frown. Nagure keeps turning her invitations down... it really hurts her feelings! Is she not attractive enough for him or something? Most of the boys in Kuoh drool over her even when she's not using magic to make herself extra enticing- which is why she stopped- what makes him so... special?

What makes him so strangely attractive?!

The roguish good looks, the eye patch.

Sort of like a pirate.

I mean, he doesn't become enthralled in her appearance like every other boy who probably would commit murder to have a night with her... that's another thing.

"He appears to be dating a fallen angel." Akeno deadpans, cutting through Rias daydream brutally and maliciously.


"He is dating a fallen angel." The black-haired girl repeats.

"Since when?!" Rias exclaims.

"I don't know." Akeno replies with a small head shake

Rias silently curses under her breath. "Wait, then is he a part of the Grigori?"

"No, I don't think he has any idea that she is a fallen." The half fallen reincarnated devil responds quietly.

"So a fallen angel is taking advantage of MY classmate?!" Rias growls as she rises to her feet. "I won't stand for this!"


Pov: Returned

I quietly twirl a mechanical pencil in my hand as I finish my homework for the day.

'Well, this is done... now I can go home. Maybe Yukari left and I can watch some television for once.'


I deeply inhale and slowly let out a long breath.

"Yes, Rias Gremory, how may I help you on this fine autumn day?" I reply with a much too sweet and slightly annoyed frown.

"We need to talk." She sighs. "It's about your girlfriend-"

"Ababa." I raise my hand to shush her. "Unless the next words out of your mouth are 'you are really cute together' I'm going to have to stop you right there. First and foremost, what I do after school and who I do it with is no real concern for you. It wouldn't even be a concern of Souna and she is on the student council. Not some crazed club that revolves around taking photos of ghosts or something."

"She's not who she appears to be!" Rias abruptly announces.

"Second off, I would assume that the I would know my girlfriend of three months better than you, who wasn't even aware I was dating her until Akeno here saw us at a coffee shop and tattled. Why you are so fucking invested in me of all people, I don't know, but please for the love of God, Rias..." I continue noting the two girls slightly twitch at his name. "I mean this in the nicest possible way. Stop bothering me."

A look of genuine hurt crosses the Gremory Heiress' face. "B-But- I-I just don't want you to get hurt!"

"Hurt?" I scoff. "What do you mean by that?"

"She's the type of person to break your heart!" Rias declares.

I give her the most disappointed deadpan stare I can muster. "Are you calling my girlfriend a slut?"

"She's the type to wrap you around her fingers take everything she wants from you, then dump you like you're nothing." Rias states. "She has probably done this dozens of times before. Her love for you isn't real. She's probably older than she looks as well."

I slowly stand, glaring at the two girls as I sling my backpack over my shoulder. "Firstly, Rias. How fucking dare you. Who are you to decide whose love is real, and whose love isn't. I'd barely even consider you an acquaintance of mine. Yet here you are, boldly standing in front of me proclaiming that 'your girlfriend doesn't love you' saying that the past three months of my life have been nothing but a sham. Don't make me laugh. You are so full of shit it's not even funny."

"You say that my girlfriend has been with dozens of men before me, right? That she's older than she looks, and cares nothing for me, right? Then why, pray tell, do I distinctly remember being the one to take her virginity? Why does she always look overjoyed just being in my presence when she doesn't know I'm glancing at her, and why did she look so angry, frustrated and helpless when I told her the real way, I lost my arm and eye? Can someone truly fake all this? All these emotions? Oh wait. You exist. Here you are pretending like you are looking out for me, while telling me things that would crush the heart of a lesser man."

I scoff over my shoulder as I grab my homework, it crumples slightly under my grip.

I leave it atop the teacher's desk as I land one final parting blow over my shoulder. "Go to hell, Rias. You don't deserve that 'Great Lady of Kuoh' title."

Rias appears pale as a sheet.

Confusion, horror, regret, shame.

It appears that she hadn't expected me to blow up like that... it's probably the first time anyone ever snapped at her.

Akeno glares at the back of my head, and I don't need Senjutsu to tell that she wants to set me on fire with her glare alone.

I step outside and close the classroom door behind me, sharply inhaling and exhaling.

I would smirk right now, but I'll continue to play the part of an outraged 'Supernatrually Innocent' teen.

That's right. That outrage was overblown and far more explosive than needed... just like how a normal teen would react when someone whom annoys you on a regular basis- with good intentions, I can feel that through senjutsu at the very least- suddenly starts talking bad about someone they care about.

I will admit I did feel rather irked, but not nearly to that level.

Rias honestly didn't deserve any of that. Akeno is the one I'm truly mad with.

I'll 'think over' my actions and give Rias an apology tomorrow.

Not a full one of course, because she was way out of line here, but more of a 'You said things to offend me, I apologize that I said things back that were probably hurtful.'

Alas the things I must do to maintain my cover.

Sorry Rias. That start of canon reward is looking more valuable than any sort of relationship we might form in this time.


Pov: elsewhere.

That... didn't go as planned...

But looking back on it, how did she expect that to go any other way?! How would she feel if he walked up and said that Koneko or Kiba was dangerous to HER and that she should kick them out of her peerage?

"We need a plan to convince Nagure that this fallen is bad news... reasonably without any supernatural... she clearly has her claws deep in him... any ideas?" The red haired girl questions her peerage with a small frown.

Valerie tilts her head, Gasper peeks out of a hole in his box, Akeno glowers at the wall, Kiba shrugs and Koneko quietly takes a bite of her pocky.


The quiet white haired girl looks up. "Do... they not like each other?"

"No. That fallen angel is fooling him." Rias declares.

"How do you know?" Koneko blankly deadpans.

"…" Rias blinks slowly.

"Because that's just the way fallen are!" Akeno snaps. "I propose that we just get rid of her and just not say anything to Nagure... he'll get over it eventually."

Rias glares at the black haired girl for a moment. "Akeno... be honest... did they appear... happy together?"

"A fallen angel can pretend to be many things, Rias." The vice president of the Occult Research Club replies.

It appears that Akeno's bias may have tainted her perception of Nagure's interaction.

That's not good.

For the first time in nearly five years... Rias is feeling unsure of Akeno's judgement.

That scares her.

Damn it.

She was too hasty in her own judgement.

She's not foolish enough to believe that all fallen angels are utter monsters.

Yes, some of them may be, but at the end of the day, so can devils... like that damned Riser. Ugh.

The probability that Nagure has found a young inexperienced fallen certainly isn't zero.

Her face is tinged red as she thinks back to a little tidbit Nagure said.

Oh, he's already doing that sort of thing, huh? The rest of his statement was heartwarming though... he truly seems to care for this fallen. If said fallen shares the same sort of feeling for him, that's to be determined.

She'll have to do some future research.

Preferably with Akeno as far away from this matter as physically possible. Nagure exploded at her- rightly so given the context- and that has made her even more ornery.

Rias never expected for her to be so... bad... around fallen angels.

Perhaps she should talk to her elder sister about that?

No. She's quite busy dealing with the underworld's domestic affairs, her mother on the other hand has mentioned always being there to lend an ear. Mayhaps she should get Akeno some therapy. At least to get over this bias which has caused Nagure to HATE them.

Oh... right...

He hates her now...

That hurts far more than it should. It's not like they were close or anything, much like he pointed out but... it still hurts. He's interesting, from what she could tell from sneaking glances at him in school, he seems like a fun guy... when he isn't sealing himself off in that shell of his, separating himself from his classmates. Rias has seen him annoyed with her... it's honestly the one emotion he seems to feel around her which is sort of funny, but today... he seemed legitimately furious.

All because she didn't do her research and jumped the gun.

Damn it! She feels so bad right now!

She has to apologize... and do some research on his fallen girlfriend to see if she has bad intentions.

But at the end of the day... she isn't the owner of this territory... Serafall Sitri is...

She just goes to school here.

Serafall is probably already aware of the fallen residing in Kuoh and has deemed them not a threat, so the Gremory girl probably doesn't have to worry about an incredibly strong opponent if it comes down to it.

First things first.

"Akeno... I want you to stay away from Nagure and his girlfriend from now on."


A red-haired girl stares into a crystal ball with a frown.

On the other side, of the crystal ball is an apartment wall and a window with a closed blind, she is currently looking through the eyes of her familiar, on the other side she can hear voices.

"So, like... what are you doing exactly?" A feminine voice questions.

"Playing a game." A male voice replies.


"Why?" The girl quietly mutters. "Why this game? It looks like complete shit."

"Oh, Milly." The boy sighs. "it's because I want to SUFFER! You see, Neopets the Darkest Faerie could hardly be considered a 'Game'. It's basically torturous to the one who plays it. A little background, Neopets dot com is a fairly popular browser game in the United States that was created to make you visit McDonalds and believe in scientology."

"W-Wait what?" The girl huffs in amusement.

"This game, on the other hand, was created six years after the genesis of this website, and it makes you... uh... I don't really fucking know. I just saw the reviews for it, some actually surprisingly high and decided to play it so I could say that I played it in like... ten years from now. Should either be sort of fun, or legitimately painful."

"You do know there's probably more fun ways to suffer." 'Milly' points out quietly. "Also, I didn't take you for a masochist."

"Oh, there's a difference in between watching a bad movie, reading bad fanfiction, and playing bad games then legitimate dominatrix bullshit. One is mildly fun, the other is something I'm not into."

"That's what they all say." The fallen angel hums.

The familiar gets close enough to the window allowing it to peer in through the blinds.

"If you try to fucking dominate me, Mildred-telt, I will bonk you with my plastic arm." Nagure deadpans to the girl sitting beside him.

"*Hrk-* Don't EVER call me that again! I think I'm gonna vomit a little from how horrible that was." The girl gags as she hunches slightly.

"Oh, I'll only say that to make you mad, then." Nagure smugly hums.

"Ugh. You." The small blonde girl scoffs as she scoots over on the couch and wraps her arms around the red-haired girl's classmate, a content smile on her face as she rubs her cheek against his shoulder.

Rias clenches her teeth. Jealousy spiking through her body.

'Damn it!' She mentally screams. 'They look so happy together! Why can I have anything like that?! What sort of crime have I committed that I have to be stuck with RISER of all people?!'

She takes a deep breath and quietly exhales.

"So like, back on the topic of more fun suffering." The girl begins. "Why don't I just like... suck you off and not stop until you are begging me to. And even then I keep going for like five to ten minutes."

"When you bust a nut and she keeps sucking." Nagure huffs humorlessly as he rolls his eye.


"What?" The Fallen questions as she turns to look at the side of his head.

"Oh, I was just quoting a meme I saw once." The white-haired teen shrugs as he locks eye...s? With the female fallen.

"Just what sort of sights have you been lingering on?!" Milly grins seemingly happy to have ammunition to banter at the eyepatch wearing teen.

"Eh, I haven't done it in a while." Said cripple proudly announces. "I'm right-handed."



"And let me just say, it's fairly hard, if not impossible, to jerk it with an unfeeling, lifeless, plastic hand."

The devil listening into their conversation steadily turns more and more red with each passing word, with her hair color, at this point, you could probably confuse her with a tomato.

But during her blushing fit, she sees it...

The saddened look the blonde fallen angel casts to the side of Nague's head as he looks back to the Tv, her eyes falling to his prosthetic and slowly trailing down its length as she grits her teeth, for a moment tears seem to prickle in her eyes, but she quickly tears her gaze away.

She quietly wraps her arms around Nagure and leans against him, a mildly depressed expression on her face.

The corners of her mouth turn upwards as she focuses on the Tv, seemingly trying to distract herself and put whatever's affecting her out of her mind.

She... truly cares about him, huh? Damn it. She shouldn't have said anything to Nagure about her.

A phone rings through the apartment, causing the fallen to cringe and pull a flip phone out of her jeans pocket.

"Ugh." She lowly growls as she reads who the caller is.

"Your mom again?" Nagure idly questions.

"The girl shakes her head as she quietly stands. "Nah, it isn't that slut, it's my bitch of a coworker."

"Oh? the one that saw us on a date, promptly crashed it, kept calling me a worthless cripple until we left, and tried to follow us to keep insulting me, and you by extension of dating me?"

Milly's eyebrow twitches as she glares down at her phone. "That's the bitch. But I do work with her, so I should probably take this. I'll be right back."

She walks to the front door and opens it, bringing the phone to her ear as she steps outside and seals the door behind her, she wordlessly casts a noise dampening spell, something that the red head's familiar punches right through as it continues to eavesdrop.

"What?" She growls into the phone, falling silent for a moment as she listens to the muted droning voice on the other side.

"Where I am right now is really none of your concern, Raynare." She scoffs. "I'm not causing any issues with the devils or church exorcists living here, and I file my reports on time."

Exorcists live in Kuoh?!

The red haired girl freezes.

The twin tailed and the blue haired girl from the year under her...

Those two are probably exorcists now that she thinks about it.

"What respect? You aren't my boss. You're equal to me." The fallen wearing an oversized hoodie and jeans replies.

She falls silent for a moment, only for killing intent to spiral out of control.

"Oh? So you're calling him my weakness, huh? Threatening my boyfriend to get me to do what you want? Oh, wow what a big woman bullying her allies into doing her paperwork wooooow~. How am I more mature than your crusty century old ass?"

"Abababa" she hisses into the phone. "Shut up."

"You can wax and wain on and on about how good you are while you try to get on that vampiric elf looking motherfucker's dick, but, at the end of the day, I'm the only one in this phone call which gets eight inches on the regular."

"Ababa. I'm still talking. Shut the fuck up."

"Allow me to be blatantly clear with you, Ray-chan~ You are only still alive for my own convenience. I am stronger than you, faster than you, and can summon spears of light far more powerful than you can. If you dare touch even a single hair on Nagure's head, I will personally inflict a hell upon you so dark and so vile that even those damn devils will blanch in fucking horror. When they find your mangled and bloodied body they would wonder how the hell you fell into a human sized blender and struggle to find out who or what you are... if they even find you at all! And the only remorse I would feel is that I'll be forced to do your paperwork until the Grigori can send a replacement for you. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about being punished by them, I could write a ten-page thesis on why it would be a good idea to remove you from the gene pool, at the top of the list I'd have 'she is straining the peace between the three factions by casually disobeying orders and murdering as many humans as she sees fit.' I wonder how Azazel would react to finding that report on her desk? Hnnn? Hnnn?"

"I've put up a lot of your shit, Raynare, keep pushing me and I'll snap. Violently." The blonde finishes. "Bye bye~ I hope you enjoy that paperwork. Too bad about not being able to go out with Kalawarner for a drink due to your laziness. Ah well, sucks to suck, bitch."

She hangs up, glaring down at her phone as her hands shake in poorly restrained rage.

She takes several deep breaths to calm herself and rubs her temples, letting out a pitiful groan.


She glances up, offering a muted curse as she sees the skies above beginning to darken as thunderclouds slowly roll in.

She slips her flip phone back into her pocket, turns around and walks back inside, leaving the Red-haired girl to stew in the information she had just received.

Firstly, yes. Their love is real.

Next, comes the realization that this girl is a bit of a psychopath, judging by how she snapped at her supposed ally, but since assumption has made Nagure hate her in the past, perhaps she truly just kept being pushed to her breaking point by the fallen on the other side of the phone call.

Thirdly she has gotten the names of several fallen who work in Kuoh, the first, Nagure's girlfriend, but the other two, Kalawarner and Raynare. She will store that information away for later.

Eight inches?

"You alright?" She hears Nagure ask from the other side of the crystal ball causing her to flinch, her heartrate spiking out of control briefly as she thought that one of her peerage members was lingering in the room.

"I'm fine..." The blonde fallen sighs.

Rias quickly casts a glance across the club room, seeing that there's nobody here... except Koneko sat on the couch. Looking over at her with a slow blink as she licks an ice cream cone.

"Rias is a pervert." She observes bluntly and in an emotionless tone, causing the red head to cringe back.

"You don’t sound fine." The white haired boy she is spying on presses as Rias eyes are drawn back to the crystal ball.

"It's... nothing, really. My co-worker apparently didn't do her portion of the cleaning at the café and wanted me to come and help her." The fallen girl deceives with a small head shake.

"Hn? Are you going?" The boy questions as he tilts his head slightly. "Why would you help her if she's a massive bitch to you all the time?"

A satisfied and smug smirk crosses the face of the fallen as she returns to her spot beside her boyfriend. "Exactly. Sure, she might run to our boss and complain, but at the end of the day, I have proof that I do my job."

She snuggles up beside him, causing another spike of jealousy to cross through the Gremory Heiress' mind.

She isn't even that into Nagure! He is attractive, yes, but she's more jealous of the relationship they have.

She sadly looks down and shakes her head, sending a silent command to her familiar to get it to return home.

She'll stop bothering those two for the night. Most of her worries have abated, but she should still probably watch over Nagure for this 'Raynare' fallen.


Pov: returned.

"Oh, goodie the familiar's gone." I sigh as I fold my arms behind my head.

Mittelt glances over. "You are one devious little bastard, you know that, right?"

"Oh, believe me, I try." I smirk.

"You are gaslighting this poor girl SO bad right now. I mean, REALLY dude? First you trick her into thinking that you have no idea what the supernatural is, then you have me blow up at a fake phone call to your phone? Thanks for that by the way, I was REALLY keeping a lot of pent-up aggression in my body and that probably wasn't healthy. The fake phone call thing helped me let off some steam."

"No problem, babe." I snort.

"Ugh. Don't do that." The girl glares with a pout. "Things like 'Honey' or 'Babe' just feel so... icky?"

"What should I call you then? Schnookums? Kitten? Significant Annoyance?- as in 'significant other' not that you annoy me, I just wanted to clear this up because it could probably be seen as really mean-"

"Significant Annoyance is what I'm going to call you from now on, I hope you know." The girl hums.


"Just call me 'Darling' or something like a normal person." The girl lets out an amused scoff as she rubs her face on my shoulder. "Or Princess... that could also work."

"Well excuuuuuse me, Princess."

"D-Did you just reference the Legend of Zelda animated series?" The blonde beside me blinks owlishly.

"Yes. I've never watched it, but I've seen that scene." I nod once.

"Huh." She hums with a surprised blink.

"Sooo, back to pet names... what about bitch? Or fleshlight?"

"Alright, jokes gone too far. You're ruining it." The fallen angel announces.

"Ah. True. True." I nod sagely.

"Anyways, back to the familiar thing, on the plus side, now Rias won't bother us on a date or really care that I'm dating you." I shrug as I lean over and wrap an arm around her shoulders. "It's just convenience for both me and you. I don't have to deal with her roping me into the occult research club, and you don't have to worry about them attacking you, trying to save me from that 'Evil Fallen Angel'.

"And you turned her sights onto Raynare and Kalawarner~ I'm impressed, dude. That's like a scheme inside of a scheme inside of a scheme... how'd you even know the familiar was there anyways? I could barely even find it AFTER I was looking for it." The girl questions.

"Oh, I simply cast a spell to detect magical auras and saw something slip into range." I shrug with a proud smirk.

"You can use magic?" The fallen blinks owlishly. "Wait I didn't feel any magical aura..."

"Oh, my magic doesn't produce that." I answer truthfully.

"…" she stares at the side of my head for a long moment. "I knew about the appearing human thing, but do you have any idea just how horrifying that is?"

"Oh, I'm vaguely aware. It makes me the perfect spy. I could terrorize entire cities and as long as I didn't draw too much attention to myself I would more than likely get off scot-free. There's so much I could do with my ability... assassinations, information gathering, casting an invisibility spell on myself and chilling out in the girl's locker room."

That last one causes her to stare at me with a half lidded disappointed expression.

"Nagure..." She warns quietly.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it~ I've never done that." I smile as I reach over and ruffle her hair.

She gives me a half lidded blank stare as she fixes her hair and grabs my wrist abruptly.

"If you can have those thoughts casually..." The girl begins slowly, a drop of excited unease worming its way into my stomach as she places her other hand on my shoulder forcing me to lay down on the couch. She straddles my waist as her fingers interlock with my own.

"Clearly, I'm not fucking you hard enough."


I boredly chew on the end of my mechanical pencil as I finish my homework.

'annnnd that's that.' I nod slowly.

I glance around the room, my eyes briefly locking with Rias' own as she appears to be looking at me.

She rapidly looks away, seemingly too ashamed to meet my gaze. She seems to have been building up the courage to apologize to me.

I'll meet her half way.

I sign my name atop the homework and put my pencil away, quietly standing up.

I approach Rias who does her best to stare out of the window.

"Rias." I begin, earning a glare from Akeno who is standing at the edge of the room, seemingly grabbing a stray piece of paper for Rias.

"Y-Yes?" The girl stutters.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"H-HUh?!" The girl gasps, eyes growing wide.

"What you said to me was inexcusable, but that gave me no right to talk like that to you. I said some things that I really didn't mean and I'm sorry for that."

"No! Wait! You shouldn't be apologizing... it's my fault..." The girl weakly mutters, staring down at the ground guiltily. "Your girlfriend just... matched the description of someone who hurt one of my friends deeply... I'm sorry for assuming like that... I should have checked before coming to you. I'm so sorry."

That's an interesting way of saying 'she's a fallen'. I might have to use that someday if I'm ever attacked by people of the same supernatural race and I'm still pretending to be a non-supernatural.

"I don't entirely forgive you... yet... as you said some hurtful things, but... I am sorry for saying hurtful things back." I nod slowly before turning and walking away. "Goodbye Rias."

She stares at the back of my head as I leave, a small smile gracing her lips, seeing that our fight didn't irreversibly tear us apart. The opportunity for me forgiving her is still there and that makes her happy.


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