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Mittelt is sat to my left, quietly shaking like a leaf as two black haired women sit across from us.

Serafall is simply frowning with her arms crossed over her chest while Neo stares with a no so subtle glare as she quietly eats the food I have prepared for her, fluffy pancakes, syrup, and sausage.

She refuses to look down at her meal as she eats it, continuing to menacingly stare into Mittelt's eyes.

"Stop intimidating her... please." I sigh as I protectively wrap an arm around Mittelt's shoulder.

Neo's glare intensifies for a moment but she quickly stares down at the breakfast I fixed her.

"I'm going to be real... Neo, I was originally going to ask you to go to the movies with me that day, make a fun little birthday out of it, but you were busy, so I went out not wanting to waste the two tickets I spent and found Mittelt."

The girl's fork pauses as she slowly looks up with wide eyes.

"We... missed your birthday?!" Serafall whispers.

"Don't worry about it too much. I have notoriously bad luck with birthdays. Last year I got my arm chopped off and my eye gouged out. Man. That sucked."

Tears prickle Neo's eyes.

"Why are you crying. It's no big deal. I don't really mind that you missed my birthday." I state with a small idle shrug. "I don't know either of yours, so it's not like I have gotten you anything either."

Mittelt looks from me to the sniffling girl and lets out a long sigh. "You know what. Fuck it. You."

She points to the disguised black-haired girl. "Just date him at this point, it's clear he has feelings for you, you have feelings for him, and crying girls are one of his main weaknesses."

Neo wipes her eyes and stands abruptly.

Walking around the table.

She crouches slightly and stares into Mittelt's eyes with a frown.

With a single finger she draws on the air. "Really?"

"Yeah. Go for it. I know he's pretty much one of a kind. He's going to get a harem eventually. With this at least I can more or less dictate who is in it... and both of you are fine. I guess..."

Neo's eyes stray to me, seemingly wondering if I'm fine with it.

"Am I okay with this? I mean... yeah? I'm fairly certain my lingering feelings for you are still there."

"What about me!" Serafall pouts.

"I also have feelings for you as well, yes."

A small hand grabs my chin and turns my head slowly.

Neo stands there, eyes glimmering slightly.

With one swift motion she leans forwards and presses her lips against my own.

"UNFAIR! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HASN'T KISSED GURE-TAN!" Serafall exclaims as she lunges over the table, knocking me out of the chair as she presses her lips against my own. "MNNNNWAH!"

"My spine." I weakly whisper.

"Oh no! He needs mouth to mouth! Don't worry! I'll save you Nagure!" She shouts.


"So, that was quite a storm yesterday." The blonde woman hanging through a rift in front of me hums. "Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

"Did you cause the storm?" I blandly accuse with a half lidded stare.

"Why would I do that?"  She asks with a knowing smirk.

"Because you thought it'd be funny? Because you wanted a meal and decided to call off my date in order to get it? Because you assumed something like what happened yesterday would have happened? It's hard to tell with you." I reply with a deadpan stare.

I look to Mittelt who is shaking, hiding behind my body, using me as basically a shield as she cautiously peeks over my shoulder. "Oh my god... that's Yukari Yakumo... why the fuck is she here? Why is she bothering some random three tailed kitsune? Doesn't she have better things to do? You know the supernatural boogeyman?"

"Boogeywoman." Yukari smiles.

"To answer your questions, Mittelt." I begin as I look over my shoulder. "Yes it is. I don't know, she probably doesn't even know. She hunted me down after the incident with the principal clans- which I come to realize I got basically nothing out of besides an absent day put on my permanent record but I digress- and has been bumming it at my house fairly often ever since. No, she really doesn't. And yes, see answer to question three."

"Oh my, how hostile." The woman states. "You never give me such a cold shoulder Nagure."

"You usually don't dump a biblical storm on me when I'm trying to have a nice date." I point out idly frowning at the fearful hug Mittelt is giving me from behind. "Plus, you are terrifying my girlfriend which isn't very nice."

"My my, how cold." The woman huffs.

"Yes, how cold." I hum with an eye roll.

"Perhaps I will forget how to cook entirely and I'll live off Tv dinners for the foreseeable future." I casually threaten the woman hundreds of times more powerful than myself.

I can tell my threat lands as her impish smile is erased.

"Let's not be too hasty now." The woman states, and for the first time... something appears to be out of her control. I can feel an underlying nervousness I have never seen before in her. "I understand you are quite angry."

"Rightfully so." She nods slowly at my raised eyebrow. "But... it was merely a method to get you to stop walking in the direction where your tiny black haired friend here was beating your girlfriend's black haired fallen comrade with a police baton."


I blink slowly as Mittelt and I slowly look over to Neo who freezes at the sudden attention she is getting.

She coughs awkwardly and pulls out her phone, showing a selfie of her making a 'kissy' face, a black baton propped on her shoulder as she wears a classic police uniform and police hat.

Behind her is a fallen angel with black hair, laying face down on the floor battered and bruised, she appears to be unconscious.

Mittelt and I stare for a moment.

"Nice." The blonde smirks.

"Are you... allowed... to savagely beat fallen angels that show up in Kuoh? Is she even alive?"

"I hope not." Mittelt mutters under her breath, she coughs awkwardly as my gaze strays to her. *A-Ahem* "I-I meant that for the first thing, of course! Definitely not the second!"

"She tried to kill a human. No, she isn't dead, but she won't be remembering the savage beating I gave her, just the aches and pains." Neo writes out in the air.

"hn. Okay."

I look back to Yukari. "Alright. So I'm still mad, yet not as mad as I would have been if you did it for shits and giggles."

"So. Mittelt and I are going out. I need to pick up some stuff for dinner. If you drop another storm on me, I'm going to be really pissed."


I awaken in the middle of the night, Neo gently shaking my shoulder as she looms over my bed.

"Neo?" I mutter as I wince slightly, shifting in bed as I let out a quiet yawn. "What is it?"

"There's something I need to tell you." She writes in the air.

"What is it?" I mutter in confusion as I sit up.

"I haven't exactly been truthful since we first met." She writes.

"Oh?" I mutter with a small frown.

"This isn't my real appearance."



"This is." She does a small twirl and suddenly...

She is replaced by the form I am most familiar with.

She has pink and brown hair split in the center of her head, her pink hair seems to have a few streaks of white within it, her pale skin remains the same, she stares dejectedly down at the floor with heterochromatic eyes, one pink, one brown.


"I fail to see how this is supposed to make me dislike you?" I blink slowly. "Does you being a ten out of ten instead of a seven out of ten change our relationship that much? Was our prior interactions merely a lie?"

She shakes her head rapidly, a small blush on her cheeks from my blatant complements.

"Then why would it matter that you hid your appearance? You probably had your reasons. I won't press you for those-"

"I wanted you to like me for me... not my appearance."

"Oh..." I sigh. "I see. Yeah, that's understandable, you have probably had dozens of guys try to be with you just because you look so exotic, hn?"

She quietly nods once.

I pat a spot in the bed beside me.

"Care to join me?"

Her nervousness slowly fades as she gently crawls under the blankets and rests her head beside my own as I quietly lay back down. A pleased smile tugs at her lips as she buries her face into my shoulder.


"Ah, yes, Nagure... may I speak with you for a moment." A woman's voice echoes throughout my kitchen as a rip in reality forms behind me.

"Yes, Yukari?" I question as I look over my shoulder.

"It has come to my attention that you truly haven't reaped any benefits for helping the youkai faction, and I think that it just isn't right." The woman states as she fully steps out of the rip.

"…" I silently stare for a moment. "Okay?"

"Here." She blankly says as she hands me a sheathed sword.

I look down at the sword and look back up. "Yukari... what is this?"

"One of the five great blades of Japan." She smiles as she reaches over and pats the top of my head.

"And you just... like... had this lying around?!" I question, head snapping back up to look at her.

"Mnnn yes." She smiles far too innocently.

"Did you steal this? Am I holding contraband that will get the principal clans mad at me?"

"It may make them angry, but they won't do anything. The previous wielder of this sword foolishly sold it after being tricked by a youkai. By all means it is the youkai faction's blade now."

I look back down to the sword.

Mikazuki Munechika
Hardness: 80
Health: 240
Weight: 2 Lbs
Damage: 8d8+30+Str*3
Crit Range: (x2)
When Drawn from the sheath, the next attack made within .5 seconds deals an additional 5d6 Holy damage.
Weapon damage is multiplied by 1.5 when used as part of an Iaijitsu Strike.

This sword... is really fucking powerful all things considered. To do this sort of damage, a weapon would need to be really optimized for damage. It'd need to first have the three basic elemental buffs, increasing the damage by one six sided die each, then it would holy and unholy, each granting two d-six, resulting in a blade which can only be wielded by a 'neutral' character, vicious, which adds two more d-six at the cost of the wielder taking one d-six damage, bane increasing the damage by two d-six against a specific type, and boom. A 'plus eight' weapon that doesn't even come close to comparing to this, having a total of like thirteen d-six plus two and twice my strength- should the weapon in question be a great sword.

The highest level of weapon you can get in pathfinder is plus ten.

Despite all of the numerous enchantments that would be placed on that blade... it only barely reaches the minimum damage dice for this one... and it doesn't even come close to the static plus thirty bonus, which is perhaps even more important than the damage dice in the first place.

'huh... looks like I'll finally be getting something that I have been putting off.'

'Purchase special quality 'Lesser Spatial Storage'.'


Lesser Spatial Storage Magic: 250 Electrum (Discounted because of universe)
This allows you to store a number of items equal to your level in a special rift bound to you. Each item is held separately in its own form of 'container'. There are flaws with this magic, however. The items you store must be 1: Nonliving 2: capable of being held with one hand. And 3: Weigh under 5 pounds per level.

As this new power settles into my body, I cause the sword to disappear.

"Are you pleased?" The woman questions with a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess so." I nod slowly.

"That is good."


"So when will dinner be ready?"


*Knock Knock Knock*

I glance over my shoulder quietly.

I wipe my hand on a nearby towel, removing flour from it and slowly walk out of the kitchen, smiling at Mittelt, the mask youkai Kokoro and an undisguised Neo sat at the table.

I walk past Yukari lounging on the couch and open the door.

I blink at the three women standing on the other side.

The first, has very light, almost platinum blonde hair, styled like horns or ears, as well as grey eyes. She wears purple headgear which looks like headphones and her clothes are a purple dress under a white vest with elaborate trimming, she places her hand on her hip and looks over me with a slightly bored expression that rapidly morphs to one of surprise.


The next is a woman with brown eyes and light-brown, shoulder length hair. she has two small animal-like ears atop her head and a large bushy racoon-like tail behind her back. She wears a brown dress with some reddish patterns across the bottom, atop her head is a leaf, and over her eyes is a simple pair of glasses.

In one hand she wields a smoking pipe which is unlit at the moment.

The final member is a small girl with golden blonde hair wearing a miko dress, atop her head is two foxlike ears and behind her, nine fox tails swish in what appears to be a slightly annoyed manner.

"May I help you?" I blandly question.

The youngest of the three tilts her head back and lets out a low 'hmph'.  "You may. Are you the kitsune I am supposed to be teaching Youjutsu?"

"I mean, I guess? I don't think I've asked anyone to teach me anything." I idly shrug, ignoring the second ping of an alert from my system. "Besides, you don't really need to teach me that. I've sort of figured it out on my own."

The racoon-like woman leans forwards, cupping her chin as she observes me with an intrigued look on her face.

My eye stray from the closer woman to the other.

"I am here because I heard that one of my creations has become a youkai. I'm not here with these two." She states.

Her eyes bore into my own, she seems quite perturbed.

The only person who doesn't look completely bewildered by me in the kitsune.

"Hmph? Is that so? Well, I suppose there's no reason for me to be here anymore." The girl huffs as she turns and walks away. "Let's go Mamizou."

"Now hold on for a moment Kunou~" The Tanuki woman begins as she follows after the younger nine tailed kitsune.

I look to the earmuff wearing woman and step out of the doorway. "If you're here to see Kokoro, please come in."

The blonde steps inside as the glasses wearing woman comes back into view, grabbing the young kitsune's wrist and dragging her along. "Thank you for your hospitalit- YUKARI YAKUMO?!"

The other blonde woman is frozen in shock staring blankly at the gap youkai.

Yukari glances up from her spot on the couch and smiles, causing our three visitors to shiver slightly, the blonde begins to sweat, the Tanuki woman's hands begin to twitch slightly, and the young kitsune girl's tails poof up in an attempt to make herself look bigger.

"Y-Yukari Yakumo?!" She whispers, eyes growing wide as she shakes slightly.

I walk past the group nonchalantly after closing the door and return to the kitchen.

After around five minutes the group eventually builds up enough courage to pass the lazy lounging youkai.

"Tch. Why do you have a bunch of devils and fallen angels in your house?!" The young kitsune scoffs as the unrelated human among them walks over to the pink haired mask youkai sitting at the table and begins observing her.

"Well, one, this is devil territory so of course there'd be devils around, as for reason two, why shouldn't my girlfriends be able to come to my house?"

"Y-Your girlfriends?!" The girl questions.

"Yeah." I shrug. "What about it?"


"So! We are here at Yasaka's request to train you." The brown haired woman states, but first, let me just say, I am quite impressed that you can hide your supernatural aura so thoroughly. Not even I have reached that level. How do you do it?"

I shrug quietly as I go back to the stove. "Serafall told me to hide the fact that I am supernatural from her little sister and her sister's friend... it sort of just fell into place about a month ago and ever since I have been able to basically pretend to be whatever I want."

My aura shifts. "Now I'm a devil."

It shifts again. "Now I'm a kitsune."

"I'm not exactly powerful enough to pull off a god, so I cant do that." I note quietly as I tilt my head. "Annnd back to human with the added benefit of appearing to have a sacred gear."

My aura restores itself back to 'nothing special'.

A smile slowly worms its way across the face of the guardian woman. "My name is Mamizou Futatsuiwa, and this is Kounou."

"My name is Nagure." I begin as I point to my chest before gesturing over to the table where the third guest is pestering my minion. "And that is Neo, Mittelt, and Kokoro."

Kunou shakes her head quickly, seemingly shaking off her daze. "I won't train just anyone! So, fight me! I want to see your true worth!"


"I would, but I'm cooking dinner right now and Yukari gets a little annoyed when things come in between her and food." I dismiss as I turn back to the stove.

A nervous sweat breaks out upon the smaller girl as she shakily looks over her shoulder. "O-Oh! I see... very well, please continue doing that."

I return to cooking, gazing suspiciously at the two new alerts I have gotten.

Achievement Gained:

Thoroughly Impress Mamizou Futatsuiwa:
A kitsune... with zero supernatural aura... you don't even smell like someone who's supernatural... how strange... a little scary in fact that an ultimate class being like herself couldn't tell anything was wrong.
Reward: 350 Electrum

Achievement Gained:

Unsettle Toyosatomimi no Miko:
Your ten desires... are silent that is unsettling. All beings have wants and desires, but for someone to not have those desires? Something is clearly wrong. It appears your ability to hide your true nature even extends to your desires. Unnatural.
Rewards: 500 Electrum

'ohoho. That's pretty good.'


I let out a quiet yawn as I stand across from the nine tailed youkai, wiping my eye lazily with my hand. "So why are we doing this exactly?"

"I won't train some mere two tailed kitsune for no reason! You have to impress me!" The girl demands.

I ignore a quest appearing in my vision and instantly minimize it.

"Impress you, huh?" I lowly hum as I roll my shoulders. "How exactly do I impress you, then?"

"I'll teach you if you can land one blow on me." She huffs.


"You do realize that I am medium class, correct?" I question.

"I am aware." The girl nods. "But someone who is supposed to be my student should at the very least be able to accomplish this much!"

"Fine. Whatever." I scoff as I will my ears and tails to appear.

The guardian of the young nine tailed fox blinks owlishly for a moment as my three tails swish around. "Well... I must say, this is surprising... what sort of conditioner do you use? I try desperately to give my tail a glossy and shiny coat like that, but it never works."

"I'm pretty sure genetics play a small part." I shrug. "Because I merely use human shampoo and conditioner."

"Hn Hn." The woman hums. "Alright, I suppose that I must be the referee of this fight."

She reaches down and plucks a stick from the ground and looks over the two of us. "Alright you can do whatever when this stick hits the ground."

She flicks it forwards with a slightly bored frown, seemingly not seeing the reason for this at all.

Well, I mean, she's right to do so as there is no reason for this.

Kunou here is ultimate class. Me landing even a single blow is a little farfetched.

There's realistically only one way I manage it... and its if she is underestimating me... and isn't using senjutsu to visualize my aura.

If she's not doing that, I can try and trick her with an illusion.

The stick drifts downwards slowly, arcing through the air with a light whipping sound.

My body tenses.

I've only got one shot. One shot before she comprehends my strength, my speed, and acknowledges my trickery... one shot before she takes this seriously.

A white aura explodes off my body as the stick makes contact with the floor.

The ground cracks underneath my foot as I blast forwards.

In the time it takes to blink, Kunou appears in front of me with an impish grin on her face, fist cocked back.

She blinks quickly as I rush forwards unperturbed and swing my hand towards her nose.

She gains a cocky smirk as she reaches out, abandoning her punch, and deciding to hurl me over her shoulder.

Her hand makes contact with my forearm and passes through it.

She flips away suddenly as my hand swings through the spot she was standing a moment before.

My three tails hammer into her before she can get too far away.

She skids back, a surprised look on her face as she rubs her stomach, right where one of my tails had struck.

"What?! How did you hit me so hard with your tails! That makes no sense!"

She growls and reappears in front of me, a fist cocked back.

I narrowly avoid the swipe by vanishing and ducking to the side, judging by how her eyes track my body perfectly, she isn't looking down on me anymore.

I cast a spell.

Her eyes widen massively as she whirls around "Mom?!"

I slam my elbow into the back of her head as hard as I can, and using the brief moment of stunned silence, I hop up and smash three extremely swift kicks into her open back, she is blasted forwards from the hammer-like blows and rolls across the ground.

She remains on her hands and knees for a moment, looking around blearily.

Seeing no sign of her mother she slowly stands, gritting her teeth as she clenches her fists.

"That was a dirty trick."

"What do you expect me to do?!" I ask with a raised eyebrow, though it is probably far less impactful as I have an eyepatch covering my other. "Kitsune are tricksters by nature. There is literally only a single way I could ever hold a candle to you. Not all kitsune are born with nine tails and incredible power, some merely get crippled for the crime of being alive!"

The girl breaks eye contact and guiltily stares at the ground.

A quest has been completed.

"F-Fine... you won... I'll teach you how to make use of foxfire." The girl relents. "This isn't something that a kitsune below six tails can do, but... my mom kept telling me to pass it on regardless."

A quest has been received!

"Come here and I'll show you."


Kunou's hands shake in mild irritation as she stares owlishly at my accomplishment.

Blue fire dances along the palm of my hand as my tails swish behind me.

I hold out a hand, causing the fire to shoot out in a small bolt and strike the tree trunk across from me. Bark crumbles and splinters as blue embers scatter from the contact point.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" She asks.

"I don't know." I shrug. "I just followed your teachings."

"Hn. That's fox fire." Mamizou observes from the sideline.

"But... you shouldn't be able to do that yet!" Kunou protests. "This doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, I have been more or less on a fast track towards growing nine tails." I mutter as I cup my chin. "It probably has something to do with that."

"Oh?" I hear her guardian question as her eyes widen, seemingly remembering something. "One moment, I'll be right back."

She stands abruptly and with a single leap she hops up into the branches of the tree she is leaning on, with a couple more leaps she disappears from sight.

"Huh?" Kunou mutters. "Where is she going?"

I quietly shrug as I walk over to a nearby tree and sit in the grass, I wipe pooling sweat from my forehead as I glance to the new screens before me.

A Nine Tailed Test:
Kunou has been sent here by her mother to train you, after all, Yasaka doesn't want a kitsune who has such incredible potential, to remain weak forever. There's one problem though. Kunou is a TOTAL tsundere who sees you as weak, pathetic, and not worth her time- despite the fact that you seemingly control THE gap youkai. A test through combat might allow her to let off some steam!

Get Kunou to acknowledge you, be it through combat, diplomacy, bribery, or through some other means: [x]

Bonus Objective: {Combat}
Last for at least 60 seconds against Kunou: [-]
Land At least a single blow upon the low-ultimate class Kitsune: 7/1 [x]
Defeat Kunou: [-]
Don't get hit once: [x]

1350 Electrum, 'Youjutsu Bullet' feat, +2 to lowest stat, 7 free skill points.

This quest put me a little more than one tenth of the way to my next level which is really nice. That's when I unlock my fourth level spells!

The screen winks out of existence as I spy Kunou standing in front of me, her face is red, her breathing his heavy and steamy.

"H-Hey..." She whispers as she collapses in front of me. "You said your name was Nagure, right?"

I blink slowly at her. "My name... is... Nagure, yes."

'Alright what the hell has gotten into her?'

She slowly crawls forwards, inching closer and closer as her golden eyes stray over me.

"I am the only daughter of the ruler of Kyoto... The only child of the ruler of Kyoto" She states quietly. "And my mother has told me how important heirs are..."

I gaze at her with my emotional sensing senjutsu.

Lust Lust Lust

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

What the fuck is this?

"You're special." She decides. "I want your babies..."

As she straddles my waist, I stare at her for a long moment.

I reach up and chop the top of her head with the side of my hand.

She clutches her forehead and flinches back as her ears flatten, letting out a small groan of pain.

She wasn't expecting the blow so I assume she wasn't as protected against it.

She falls into a seated position in front of me, clarity returning to her eyes. "W-Why did you hit me?!"

"You're clearly not thinking straight. You loathed me not even four hours ago, and here you are now asking for me to impregnate you?!" I growl lowly.

"h-huh?" She blinks seemingly running the past minute or so of events back through her mind. "HUH?!"

Her face turns a scarlet red as she turns away, letting out an agonized cry of pain as she covers her face. "WHY DID I SAY THAT?! WHY DID I DO THAT?!"

"Heat?" I shrug.

"No... Kitsune mating season isn't for another three months." The girl sighs.

I remember a certain tidbit I read from the DXD wiki one time.

"Can't stronger youkai control the mating seasons of weaker Youkai? Like... someone else could turn it off... or someone could turn it on?"


She robotically turns to face the spot her guardian was moments before.


A voice calls out in the forest. "Yasaka told me toooo~"

"DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO SHIRK RESPONSIBILITIES ONTO MY MOTHER! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU ARE IN FOR SUCH A BEATING!" The nine tailed kitsune before me snarls as she leaps to her feet.

I idly note her running off as I look back to the screens before me.

Kunou's Wonderous Super Duper Training:
Well, you've passed her test. You are a cunning, tricky fox. But I guess you have some skill. If you'll be able to learn the next part of what she's supposed to teach you, only the gods know, but eh, her mother seems to believe in you.

Listen to Kunou's Explanation: [x]
Manipulate your Ki to create Foxfire: [x]

Bonus Objectives:
Do it on your first attempt without buying it: [-]
Create Foxfire without buying the Prerequisite Feat: [x]

Rewards: 750 Electrum, 'Foxfire' Feat, +2 to Wisdom

Basic Youjutsu:
Prerequisites: 'Senjutsu' Feat, Character level 5th.
You have learned how to harness the elements of nature to create powerful attacks with merely your Ki.
With this feat you may now substitute Ki points to cast spells from the Wizard's spell list, these spells must be listed within the Air, Earth, Water, or Wood elemental arcane schools.
When making use of this feat, you must spend a number of Ki points equal to the spells level and draw an increasingly complex sigil in the air, which requires a 'Craft: Calligraphy' check with a dc equal to 10+5 per spell level.
Note: With this feat you may only ever cast a spell of up to Spell Level 3, and your caster level for all variable effects of the spell is treated as your character level.

This feat gave me some needed spellcasting versatility as I may now command the elements as I see fit.

Youjutsu Bullet:
Prerequisites: 'Senjutsu' Feat, 'Basic Youjutsu' Feat.
With this feat you now know how to harness the magical potential behind Youjustu and project it into a condensed attack that holds no real elemental energy.
When you make use of this feat, as a standard action you spend one ki point in order to create a sphere, you may then shoot said sphere at a target within 25 feet +5 Feet per 2 character levels as part of the same standard action or save it up for a future full round attack. These 'Bullets' are treated as ranged weapons for the purposes of attack, damage, and all feats which may apply to them, and they deal 1d6 (+1d6 every 4 character levels)+Wisdom Damage on a successful hit.

Youjutsu bullet is sort of lame, yet at the end of the day it allowed me to unlock Foxfire.

Prerequisites: 'Senjutsu' Feat, 'Basic Youjutsu' Feat, 'Youjutsu Bullet' Feat, Race: Kitsune, Character Level 7th.
You have learned the innate kitsune ability to ignite your ki and use it as a powerful attack.
For 1 Ki point you can create a blast of Foxfire which deals 1d6 points of damage per tail you have, at character level 5th and every five levels beyond, you may spend an additional ki point to increase the damage of this attack by that same amount. This attack can be used to strike a single target within 100 feet+10 feet per level, or, with an additional 2 Ki points, it may instead affect everyone within a 15 foot cone, +5 feet every 2 levels, or target everyone in a line up until the base attack's maximum distance.

This is a pretty good attack all things considered. Weak now, considering I have merely three tails, but eventually It'll do some insane damage.

The sound of Kunou's shouts of outrage are heard in the forest as I slowly stand up.

'Well, I'm going home and going to bed... it's getting quite late.'


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