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I give a half-lidded stare to the black haired disguised fallen angel who has taken a seat at our table.

I glance to Mittelt and gesture towards Raynare with a finger, continuing in a blank deadpan tone. "Milly, who's this pathetic, saggy, annoying bitch?"

The two girls offer one slow blink as they seem to comprehend what I just said.

Fury. Murderous rage. Killing intent.

Shock. Amusement. Pleasure.

"PAHAHAHAH!" The blonde cackles as the black-haired woman glares, her teeth grinding.

"Saggy? Pathetic?" She growls. "Clearly you don't know who you are dealing with, Boy."

"Clearly you're pretty old considering you are calling me 'boy'." I deadpan.

Mittelt continues snickering under her breath. "Yeah, Yuuma. Fucking oldie. Get a life. You're just jealous."

"I'm pretty good at reading people." I nod along with Mittelt. "It says a lot about your character that you would come forcibly insert yourself into the date of one of your acquaintances just to try and desperately ruin it. I'm genuinely surprised you didn't try and hit on me to cause unneeded anger for Milly here... but sorry, I don't date two out of tens."

Indignation, fury, contempt. "Oh? Do you only date one out of tens, then?"

"Pfft- you think Milly is a one out of ten?! God no! Now I know you are legitimately full of shit."

As I am speaking, I silently purchase the 'Level Zero Third Party Arcane Spells' special quality for one particular spell I saw, spending one hundred electrum of my savings.

One hundred electrum is nothing. I'll make it back in a mere seven days.

"You-" the woman begins.

I stand up abruptly and grab my girlfriend's hand.

"I genuinely don't want to talk to you anymore. Goodbye." I smile brightly.

I tug Mittelt away from the woman.

"WHO SAID THAT YOU COULD LEAVE!" The woman snarls as she rises to her feet.

As she does so I silently cast a spell, no magical aura is created.

Everyone's attention is drawn to the shouting woman as she begins to take a furious step after us.

My spell completes, causing her jeans to fall around her ankles, forcing her to show off her long pale legs and toned ass.

She isn't wearing underwear so everyone who had been looking at her gets a real show.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" She shrieks as she pulls up her pants, but by the time she looks up, we dip around the corner.

Mittelt darkly chuckles as I tug her around another corner, making an illusion of us walking around the edge of a building behind us that just pauses there.

I drag my girlfriend through the alleyway and out the other side as Raynare rushes past the entrance, following the illusions. "YOU STOP RIGHT THERE SO I CAN FUCKING KILL YOU!"

The girl I am tugging along continues giggling under her breath.

"Ahhh... I hate that bitch." She smiles.

"So, you do know her." I note.

"Ugh. She's like the equivalent of a school bully... and you were right on with your observation. She's a total cunt." The girl sighs.

"Woah. Language." I quietly chastise as we continue walking.

"What? I'm not lying! It's what she is! Her sheer bad personality causes every potential boyfriend in a mile radius to flee. It's genuinely sad." She frowns.

"Sound like it." I huff in amusement.

"You're pretty good at running away though... have you dealt with people like that before?" She questions quietly, I can hear a mild ominous warning around 'people like that'.

Awwww how touching! She's going to straight up yandere someone in a dark alley if I say yes.

"I mean... I used to. But... here's a secret. Plastic really hurts when it is smashed over your head... like... you don't think much of it, in most things like in bottles it's actually pretty flimsy but at the end of the day, would you rather be hit by a slab of meat or a solid brick of fairly durable material that doesn't give a shit unless it's really hot."

*Snrk-* she snorts. "It's not good to lie, Nagure... even if you are doing it to make light of the situation."


The sky grows dark, causing me to frown up at it as large storm clouds creep into view.

"Oh no." Mittelt sighs, shoulder slumping.

A brief flash of lightning crosses throughout the sky causing a gentle boom of rolling thunder to follow after.

"Fuck." She curses again.

Droplets of water begin to fall upon us as I quickly grab her hand and lead her forwards.

"My apartment is close by. We can stay there for a while."

"R-Right." She nods slowly.

By the time we get to my apartment, the rain is absolutely pouring, we are both completely soaked, the wind is blowing rain against the front of the apartment in front of us from the open balcony-esque walkway.

I take my keys and slide them into the lock, then open the door. "Inside! Quick!"

Mittelt rushes past me as I step inside and close the door behind me. We are both left standing there on the welcome mat as water drips off our bodies.

Mittelt lets out a long breath, shoulders slumping. "Why today? Ugh. I'm all soggy."

"You'd think that the weather channel would be able to predict such a massive storm." I nod along.

She flicks water down onto the mat with a sigh. "Ugh, rain is annoying."

"Well, it was pretty easy to get you soaking wet, Milly." I joke with a slightly smug smirk.

"Hrk-" she flinches. "Ok. Yeah no. You're reminding me of my mom now. Stop that."

"Fiiiine." I sigh as I shake my head slightly. "But your mother? You never really mention her."

"Oh, yeah... we're pretty... distanced... I can tell you one thing, though... she's a massive slut. Stay away from her or the next thing I know I'll find you in her bed."

"…" I blink down at her. "Why don't you sound... like... horribly disgusted with that idea."

"Eh, I've come to terms with her sluttiness. She brags about her plan of 'having sex with a person from every race'. But I mean, she's bagged a Japanese person before so I don't think you have to worry."

"Oh? And what are you?" I question idly.

"Half Italian half... er... unknown." She answers with a quiet shake of her head.

"You speak very fluent Japanese, then."

"I was raised in Japan after all." She answers slightly dismissively, seemingly wanting to move on from the topic. "What about you?"

"Oh, I've never met my parents, so I wouldn't know... they were Japanese at least, but beyond that? No clue." I answer with a small shrug.

"So, we both have pretty dysfunctional families, eh?" The girl questions.

"Yeah. I'd say so." I nod quietly. "It is what it is."

The blonde fallen angel slowly looks down to her clothes. "Er... Nagure... do you have anything... like... at all that I could possibly wear for a little while so I can toss my clothes in the drier?"

"Sure. There's a bathrobe in the bathroom that I have never used, or I could just give you an extra hoodie of mine."


She blushes slightly and looks away. "That's pretty lewd, dude."

"Then what do you propose... walking around in nothing at all until your clothes finish drying?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "That's even more perverted than my suggestions."

Lust. Lust. Lust.

She seems to be caught in a daydream of what might happen if she did do that.

*Ahem* She awkwardly coughs. "Where... is the bathroom exactly?"

"Follow me." I state as I walk through the apartment, stopping in front of a wooden door. "Here."

I gesture to the closed door and turn, walking away slowly. "I'll change in my room, I'll be back in a second."

I can hear the door open and close behind me as I make it to my room.

I quickly change into a t shirt and sweat pants, running a hand through my wet hair with a slightly annoyed frown.

Of course some fucker decided to drop rain on Kuoh when I was out on a date.

I could sense the magic in the air when it happened.

I take a seat on the couch with weary sigh.

A few moments later my girlfriend leaves the bathroom and takes a seat beside me coverend in a white bathrobe that is slightly too big for her.

"I found the drier." She announces quietly before falling back to silence.

Nervousness, anxiety, determination, dread.

She runs a hand through her wet hair, gazing at the wall as rain pelts the windows. "S-So... Nagure... we've been dating for a while now and... well... there's something I should p-probably tell you."


"I-I... haven't been entirely truthful to you..." She whispers while looking away ashamedly.

Fear. Regret. Anxiety.

I look at her slowly.

"Okay? What is it?"

"I-I... well... uh... the world is a lot bigger than you think... I-I didn't want to hide this from you but, I-if we keep dating... e-eventually I won't be able to keep you separated from it so I might as well tell you now to protect you... the supernatural is real." She begins, allowing her final statement to hang in the air for a moment. "I-I know this might sound a little farfetched, but it's the truth... in addition... I'm not uh... h-human."

She slowly stands and with a dull flash, two black feathered wings appear on her back, she ashamedly looks at the floor. "I'm a f-fallen angel."

Nervousness, resolution, hope.

I slowly stand, lean over to her and kiss her on the cheek.

"I am glad you told me." I whisper into her ear.

Joy, happiness, contentedness.

"I also knew the entire time." I continue.

Shock, Confusion, Nervousness.

"H-Huh?" She whispers.

She shakily locks eyes with me. "W-What do you mean N-Nagure?"

"I'm also supernatural." I state as I take a step back and place a hand on my chest.


"B-But- you- wh-" the girl stutters.

Fear. Horror. Dread. "A-Are you a devil?!"

"Nope." I state with a head shake.

Relief floods her body. I don't even need my emotion sensing to see it as her shoulder slump. "Oh. That's good. My race and the devil race aren't exactly on... good... terms."

"So, what are you, then?" She mutters in slight confusion.

"Kitsune." I shrug.

Her eyes glaze over slightly as two white ears appear atop my head and three long white tails coil around behind me.

Lust. Lust. Lust. Lust. Lust.

[Lemon Alert. If you don't like lemons skip ahead]

She takes a single step forward and presses her lips against my own, her tongue slipping into my mouth as my arm wraps around her hips.

After a moment we both pull back, letting out panting breaths.

A scarlet blush creeps across her face as she lets out a husky breath. "You have no idea how turned on I am right now."

"Considering you just said that... I can take a pretty good guess." I smirk, eyes widening slightly as she opens the bathrobe and allows it to hang open and loosely around her shoulders, showing off her nude body underneath. Her cute breasts, her flat lightly toned stomach and toned legs.

She may not have big boobs, but she seems to have worked on other aspects of her body.

"Please, Nagure... I want it so bad." She huffs.

"Oh? What do you want?" I question with a slight smirk

"I want you... inside of me. Right now." She pants as one of her hands drifts to her crotch, she slowly rubs her slit, a look of desire on her face.

Her legs are swept out from under her by a tail as I catch her gently in my arms, propping her knees over my prosthetic and supporting her shoulders and lower back with my arm and tails.

"I think I might be able to honor that request." I smirk.

She reaches up and rubs one of my ears, causing me to flinch slightly, not fully used to that sort of action. "So soft and fluffy."

She shakes and shivers slightly as another one of my tails wrap around her midsection.

I walk through the apartment as thunder booms outside, using my third tail to open the one door in my way.

I gently sit her atop my bed and take my shirt off causing a spike of arousal to flood through her body as she sits there patiently a bright, happy smile on her face.

"This might sound weird, but..." She begins quietly. "I sort of want to lick your abs."

"You're right." I snort. "That does sound weird."

I slip off my pants, causing my fully erect member to spring up and for Mittelt's eyes to widen. "H-Holy shit, dude."

She reaches over and grabs my hand, gently tugging me forwards and sitting me on the bed where she sits on my lap, a dopey grin on her face as she seems to line herself up with my length, seemingly observing just how deep it'll go as she presses it up against her stomach.

She looks up with a smirk, but it quickly falls as she finds her gaze drawn to my right forearm where plastic meets skin.

She looks up to my eye. "Nagure... may I-"

I let out a quiet sigh as I reach up to my eye patch and remove it, earning a gasp from Mittelt as she leans forwards, I can feel her hand gently cup my cheek, her blue eyes trailing my scar.

It... isn't very pretty. being about three inches long, starting at above my eyebrow and continuing straight downwards on my cheek until it is about even with my nose.

I feel her thumb gently run along the bottom of the scar; all lewd activities forgotten for a moment.

"Who did this to you." She questions, and for the first time since we met...


I feel her killing intent spiral out of control, the sheer hatred she feels for this scar is unmatched.

Thunder booms in the distance loudly as rain pelts the apartment complex, windows rattling slightly, wind whistling.

"The five principal clans." I answer quietly causing her blue eyes to sharpen.

"I see." She quietly whispers. "it's always them, isn't it? If it isn't killing one of our cadre's wives and nearly his daughter, or killing their own children born with sacred gears... or banishing those without the Shinto 'protection'. It's attacking a species of youkai who is merely known to be tricksters and nonviolent unless provoked. Typical."

"Tch. You'd think that a human founded organization made to protect humans would consider the lives of humans. And learn to not provoke their betters." The girl scoffs.

I reach up slowly and gently grope one of her breasts, earning a quiet 'eep' from the fallen sat in my lap.

I trace my thumb around the girl's nipple as she bites her lip, the tips of one of my tails running down her back, causing her to quiver slightly, legs shaking as the blush returns to her face.

I fix my eyepatch with a melancholic smile as I continue to tease her with my tail. "Sorry my eye ruined the mood, eh?"

She leans forwards, pressing a hand against my chest to keep herself steady, her lips lock with my own as my hand lowers to her hip.

As she pulls back, I can feel her slightly steamy breath on my face. "I-It's my first time, so... please be gentle."

"Seriously? You used the line?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as she scoots back slightly so she is sat just above my knees. "I mean, it's mine too, but really, the hentai line?"

She looks down, gently taking my length in one hand.

"W-What about it?" She questions with a slight nervous titter.

She lines it up with her entrance as she spreads the lips of her pussy with two fingers.

"No foreplay?" I question idly.

"Nope. You know I'm the type of girl that skips the entrée and goes right for the main course." She states as she slowly lowers her body sliding my tip just into the entrance of her cunt.

"Actually, you're more the type to skip both the appetizers and main course just to get to the desert." I point out.

With one quick motion she forces herself down, sheathing my entire length inside of her, tears prickle at her eyes as she lets out a quiet gasp, her legs shake slightly as she hunches forwards, body shuddering as she wraps her arms around me to stabilize herself.

I gently envelop the girl in a hug as I smile, resting my chin on her shoulder.

We remain like this for a little while, just basking in each other's presence.

"I-I love you, Nagure..." I hear the girl quietly whisper.

"And I love you too, Milly." I reply as I reach up and gently rub the back of her head.

She pulls back, looking into my eye.

"Mittelt. Milly is a nickname... my full name is Mittelt."

I nod slowly. "Alright, Mittelt."

A smile crosses her face as she wipes one of her eyes, she is absolutely overjoyed with the current situation. "I... can feel your heartbeat. I feel so close... so intimate."

"Well, I mean, I am balls deep inside of you right now, that's pretty intimate." I lightheartedly joke as the girl as she places a hand on my knee.

"I-I'm going to start moving." She announces.

"Take your time" I sigh as I brush a single strand of hair out of the girl's face. "Don't hurt yourself."

She slowly rises and falls, sliding my length in and out of her body as she gains a look of concentration on her face, quiet breathes leave her mouth as she continues slowly rising and falling.

As time goes on, she speeds up, bouncing with newfound vigor, eventually she slams her body down, shuddering and shaking as I feel her insides constrict around my member, she buries her face into my shoulder as she violently climaxes, eventually slumping in my grasp.

"H-Holy- Wow." She huffs as she breathlessly smiles up at me.

"Bold of you to assume we are done with just this." I announce.


My tails wrap around her as I roll us over, pinning her to the mattress.

"Eh?" She blinks.

Her back arches slightly as my tails slowly coil around her forearms, pinning both of her arms above her head, my third tail gently teases her neck, stomach and thighs.

"Oh fuck." She whispers as she bites her lip, suddenly even more turned on by my sudden dominance in our lovemaking.

I push deep inside of her, eating a slight gasp with each and every thrust, her eyes glaze over slightly as the tip of my member hammers her womb, she tightens around me with each additional gentle tease with my tail.

She cums again as I speed up, but I pay it no mind as I thrust harder and steadily approach my own climax with each additional plunge.

"S-S-S-So R-R-Rough!" She gasps as my arousal reaches its peak.

"I'm about to cum." I whisper into her ear.

"Inside!~" She moans, legs wrapping around my hips and locking my length deep inside of her body, tip brushing up against the entrance to her womb. "I want to feel it! Knock me up! Give me your pups! Breed me like the bitch in heat I am!"

With some light movements, my length shifting around inside of her, I reach my breaking point, my entire cock twitches and shudders as I release deep inside of her, she lets out a loud moan as she shivers in ecstasy.

My grip on her arms loosens as I bask in the afterglow, planting a gentle kiss on her neck that eventually becomes a light nibble.

I pull back as an impish grin crosses the girl's face.

She shoves forwards, knocking me onto my back as she straddles my waist, my seed quietly drips out of her around my member as she forces me back inside of her, I squirm uncomfortably, not entirely ready for another round as she smirks down at me. "Bold of you to assume we are done with just this."

"Oh fuck." I blandly announce with a smile. "The shoe's on the other foot now, ah? Can we talk about the words you shouted a moment ago, though."

"Animal eared boys are a peak fetish and I'm not apologizing." She replies as she places a hand on my chest, gently tracing a circle atop my left pec. "I hope you're ready for the next round because we're not stopping until either your pelvis is turned powder or my womb is so full of your cum that it bursts."

"That doesn't sound healthy." I weakly point out, trying to buy more time.

"Well, you shouldn't have flipped the switch inside of me that turns me into a nymphomaniac... I'm my mother's daughter, after all~ but unlike her... I'm not going to find others to curb my desire... so that means you need to bear the entire brunt of the monster you just unleashed, Nah-gureee~" she whispers, into my second set of ears, her hot, steamy breath causing them to twitch slightly.

A boom of thunder shakes the apartment complex as I smirk. Now that we have slowed for a moment, the gentle pitter patter of rain has become much more noticeable. "Well, I mean, with the storm, it's not like we can go anywhere. Round two?"

"Try five." She smiles viciously.

[End of Lemon]


I let out a quiet yawn as I crack open my eye.

The first thing I see is a head of blonde hair resting on my chest.

My arm is wrapped around her back, keeping her close to my body.

We both cuddle under the blankets as sunlight begins to peek through the closed windows.

I watch Mittelt's face twitch as she cracks open her eyes, a smile crosses her face as she nuzzles her naked body up to my own. "Hey~"

"Hey." I answer back.

I feel her reach down and grasp my length as a small smirk crosses her lips. "Oh? Morning wood? Why don't we put that to use-"

She pauses abruptly.

With a flash a ringing phone appears in her grasp.

She shifts in the bed, letting out a groan as she reads who is calling her.

She opens the flip phone and brings it to her ear, readjusting herself to be snug with my side as she sits up.

"Yes?" She questions.

My ear twitches slightly as I pick up the voice on the other side of the line.

It’s female, slightly deep and mature sounding. "Well well well... it seems like you finally went out and did it, huh?"

"Did what?" Mittelt mutters.

"You got laid! I knew you had it in you, baby!"

"WH-" Mittelt flinches her entire body shaking in embarrassment for a moment only to stop as I give her shoulder a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"And not only that, but HOW many creampies?! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?"

"Let me guess... 'how do I know this' is what you are thinking right about now, right?" The voice continues. "It's simple. I cast a status spell on you when you were just a baby. It's been keeping me up to date on your injuries... such as a eight-inch monster cock rampaging through your hymen. So tell me. Who's the lucky guy? I just HAVE to know!"

"W-W-Well- uh-" Mittelt stutters.

"Is it your boyfriend? Tell me, what's he like in bed?"

The blonde next to me lets out a long sigh as she rubs her temple with a hand. "Yes... it was him... and it was good."

"Oh... by the way, according to the status spell, he's a kitsune." The voice on the other line blatantly points out. "I just wanted to give you a heads up just in case you didn't know already."

"I was aware." My girlfriend frowns, seemingly already sick of this conversation.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" The woman on the other side of the phone gasps, horrified. "Mittelt! Why are you so greedy! You knew Kitsune was on my list! Why can't we just share him for one night! Maybe more if he's good?"

"Because he is my boyfriend." Mittelt lowly growls.

"So selfish! Didn't I teach you to share!" The woman continues.

"You didn't teach me anything." The blue eyed blonde to my left deadpans. "Utsuho, Saki, and Penemue taught me practically everything I know."

"Ouch." I wince.

"Oh? He's there? Right beside you? HEY! YOU! We should fuck! Have some nice mother, daughter, and son in law bonding!" The voice calls out, causing Mittelt to hiss and pull the phone away from her ear.

"Pass. I don't know you."

"That could change in a heartbeat~"

"I'm good." I deny again.

"Tch. We'll see if you say that when you see my figure." The fallen woman mutters under her breath. "Mittelt. I'm going to bang your boyfriend."

"Whatever." The girl in question sighs. "I'm hanging up now."

Mittelt clicks the phone shut, running a hand through her hair.

Her gaze meets my own surprised one.

"What?" She questions.

"You seemed... fairly uh... okay... with what your mother said." I point out slowly.

"Eh. You're going to sleep with her at some point. Azazel gets what Azazel wants and considering you are one: a dude. And two: a kitsune. An extremely rare combination in the supernatural world at large. She's going to find some way to convince you... or us... into her bed. Kitsune is like THE number one spot on her list right now."

"In addition." She continues. "You're probably already going to get a harem anyways due to your rarity."



"You are being suspiciously quiet right now." She notes.

"Alright so maaaaybe the devil overseeing this town has made a few lustful comments at me, casually enters my house whenever she feels like it and brings her rook who also seems attracted to me."

"Y-You know Serafall Sitri?!" The girl gasps.

"Well, yeah... she's the one who saved my life from the principal clans. If she wasn't there, I wouldn't be alive today." I shrug idly.

"How'd you manage to get a devil war hero to like you?!"

"I don’t know." I shrug as I slowly sit up. "She seems to be into animal eared boys, just like you."

"So, what you're saying is that I'll have competition... greaaaat." The girl sighs.

"You will indeed have competition for my- and I quote- 'pups' end quote." I state with an amused huff.

"OI! Don't hold whatever Horny Mittelt says against every day Mittelt!" The girl growls as she also sits up. "Horny Mittelt is a straight up ravenous whore for your dick! She'll say absolutely CRAZY shit!"

"Mhm." I hum idly with an amused smirk.

"So, wanna go take a shower with me and get some breakfast?" I question as I slowly rise from the bed.

"That sounds good." The fallen angel nods. "I sure hope nothing lewd happens while we are taking a shower, resulting in us taking possibly hours to get out of there."

"Whaaat? Nothing like that could possibly happen to us." I sarcastically hum.


Pov: elsewhere.

Things are going to plan.

The principal clans have removed their silly 'youkai slaying' weaponry and have been on shaky terms with their own gods.


If there is one thing in this world Japan could do without, it is the five principal clans. They claim to be the ones defending humanity from the supernatural... but at the end of the day?

Youkai protect more humans than they do...

With this... they are on the very first step to utterly wiping out those clans...

Not killing them, as that would make the youkai no better than the monsters the principal clans are, but just by simply rendering them obsolete.

Them attacking a peaceful kitsune was infuriating, yet at the end of the day that allowed the youkai faction to free Tamamo-no-Mae. The most peaceful of the 'three great 'evil' youkai'.

Tamamo herself, has been on a sight seeing journey across Japan, observing all that has changed in the past eight hundred years.

However, being sealed for so long has left her emotionally muted... and weakened.

Once what was a horrifyingly powerful ten-tailed youkai that could potentially even cause Yukari Yakumo herself to sweat has been rendered nothing more than a six tailed kitsune.

She was left to her own devices after being released, freely wandering the lands with merely the watchful eye of Yukari's kitsune servant.

Hopefully after her power returns and she regains emotion and personality she will join one of the youkai factions.

Hopefully the northern, Eastern, or Western. The less said about the southern Youkai faction, the better.

Actually, the southern youkai faction is ironically one of the main reasons why the five clans can claim that they are still needed.

Perhaps they need to destroy the southern youkai faction. Or rather... reform it.

The only issue is that the four leaders are nothing to scoff at.

Their strongest may not be upon Yukari's level, but she is far stronger than either of the other two leaders of the northern youkai faction... stronger than anyone in any of the three 'peaceful' youkai factions, actually.

The problem is... having Yukari do anything you want her to is... difficult.


A second blonde woman who is wearing a mob cap steps through a large rift, dragging along a feral blonde girl with a sealing talisman tied in her hair.

The first woman blinks slowly in surprise. "Yukari? Who is that?"

"Oh, this is just a simple human eating Youkai someone I hold some interest in has captured. He stopped her from feasting on a playground in devil territory and has made a wonderous claim." Yukari smiles behind her paper fan.

The wheelchair bound woman slowly turns, looking at the shaking youkai on the floor. "Oh?"

"He said that the ring placed upon her finger sustains the hunger of whoever is wearing it if it is worn for one entire week... permanently. I wish for you to have someone watch over this girl for a week to see if it works... if it does..."

"We might be able to curb the feeding tendencies of younger youkai!" The first woman exclaims.

That is a perfect way to stem the tide of people joining the southern youkai faction.

It perhaps won't be many, but there are bound to be a few youkai who don't like eating human flesh to survive. They would appreciate those rings... should they work at least.

"Very well, I shall have Satono and Mai watch over her."

"Thanks Okina." The other Youkai smiles. "Now, I am going to go observe Nagure once more. He is just so... interesting."

Yukari steps through the gap and seals it behind her.

Okina pauses staring straight ahead.

Hold on a moment... Yukari showing interest in anything usually leads to chaos...

Yukari was showing interest in a man?! That is even more strange. Yukari isn't the type to... appreciate... the male form.

The blonde turns back, staring into the space the rift in reality was moments before.

This... does not bode well.


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